Kyrademon's Transnational PBP -- Discussion, Description, and Preparation

Play-by-Post Discussion

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Dice-rolling update:

I have been informed that you can indeed do multiple rolls at once by separating them with a semicolon --

1d20 + 8 ⇒ (19) + 8 = 271d10 + 3 ⇒ (3) + 3 = 61d20 + 3 ⇒ (11) + 3 = 141d10 + 3 ⇒ (3) + 3 = 6

There we have a full attack plus damage rolls, posted as follows between two dice tags:

1d20+8; 1d10+3; 1d20+3; 1d10+3

Yay for ease of use!

Male Human (Ulfen) Oracle of Battle 10
Kyrademon wrote:
(The "Eighth Quah", incidentally, refers to the Horselords of the Velashu uplands. They do have some Ulfen blood, but also Varisian and Shoanti, and your character sounds more pure Ulfen than that, so I'd go with the Nolands.)

Nolands then.

I'm happy to read whatever you wish to send me on Terran, and feel free to post Terran text when you shout it out, but I'd prefer that you do still post the translation under a spoiler. We must trust our comrades. :)

OK then:

Only if your character speaks Terran or you're the DM:

My mock Terran is a simple substitution cypher of English. Translate from English to Terran in these three easy steps:

1. Preparation:
If a word starts with a vowel, stick an h before it. If it starts with an h, remove it. If a single vowel stands for the "long" pronunciation (as the i in "hide"), put a circumflex accent on it and remove the now obsolete mute e: "hide" --> îd. Leave digraphs alone even if they sound like "long" vowels: "roast" --> roast.

2. Substitution:
Every letter (or sound made by a group of letters) is replaced by a similar-sounding letter. This ensures that the word stays pronounceable.

Stops, nasals, and fricatives just rotate their place of articulation by one step: labial > dental > velar > labial, so:

p > t > k > p
b > d > g > b
f > th > kh > f
v > dh > gh > v
m > n > ng > m

Sibilants stay among each others, as to rhotics/liquids:
s > sh > s
z > zh > z (zh being the s in "measure")
ch > j > ch
r > l > r

And finally, vowels and semivowels just flip along the front/back dimension:

i > u > i
e > o > e
y > w > y (treat a y as an i when it acts like a vowel)
a is the only constant letter.

3. The ubiquitous English ending -s, which translates into -sh, can cause some rather ugly consonant clusters. In those cases, one can fill in a vowel before the ending to smooth things out a bit. Use a copy of the last vowel in the word, e.g. "births" > dulkhsh > dulkhush.

Here's a sample "translation":

I'm selling these fine leather jackets.
Hû'n shorrum ghôzh thûng roakhol chappokosh.

female human

See the link for my rather long character concept/background...
Actual character sheet in progress and will be submitted soon.

Human Ranger

Hi. This is to mark this thread so it is easier to find later. I have posted my stat block for Ry, and will post a background tomorrow... If I don't end up having to do a car by myself.

Looks good, only one quick question --

Any particular reason you went with Weapon Finesse as the first level feat, which gives you +0 to hit with the bladed scarf at 1st level, rather than Exotic Weapon Proficiency, which would give you a +1 to hit at 1st level and also let you use its slashing-damage-vs.-grapple ability?

You may have reasons and it's fine if you want it this way, it just seemed like an odd choice to do it in that order, so I was curious.

(Also, you've put Myriana's gender down as male? Again, fine if true, just checking whether that was a typo or you're just creating a very bishi character.)

Couple of notes here --

1) Have been reading more about the AP, and there are some things that might affect people's background.

NPC's are going to be a more important part of this game than in previous Adventure Paths (something which I'm very happy about as a GM.) There have been indications that there are going to be about four NPC's that it may be relatively important that the characters know well before the Adventure Path begins. Two of them (Ameiko and Shalellu) have appeared in previous Adventure Paths; the other two are new to this one.

I suspect that the Jade Regent is, if nothing else, going to have starting "hooks" for the players similar to the ones in Curse of the Crimson Throne. (Those of you who have played or read CotCT may recall that at the beginning, all of the characters were seeking revenge on a crimelord they had some kind of connection to.) CotCT was still pretty open to having characters be from out-of-town, and that is very likely also true of Jade Regent, but establishing the connection was very important, and it sounds like that will be even more the case this time around.

Summing up in a nutshell -- Once the AP/Player's Guide comes out, there will very likely be a need for you to have a little flexibility in your character background, especially, I suspect, for those of you with characters not from Sandpoint. I don't know exactly how it's going to work, but please be open to the possibility that, say, your character may have spent a good deal more time in Sandpoint than you had originally planned, or that you might have relatives or close friends there, or that there need to be particular events or incidents added to your background, or something similar. There will probably be several options.

I won't know the details until I get the AP and/or everyone sees the Player's Guide, but this seems very likely from what Paizo people are saying.

(Since backgrounds may need to be adjusted, I'll be calling what you have now preliminary backgrounds until the AP comes out. Please be assured that I will work with you to make the closest possible version of the background you've come up with work for the story. We're a creative bunch, it'll be fine.)

2) On a related note ... Mana, care to share with me what happened/is happening to Shalellu in your Second Darkness game? There's no absolute need for continuity between the two games, of course, but it might be fun.

3) It's time to set the deadline for stat blocks, and I'm going to set it for ... oh, let's say midnight Hawaii on Wednesday (noon Thursday in Germany). Sooner than that is fine, of course.

I currently need:

Nothing more yet from Hrunndalf
Nothing more yet from Melinda

Preliminary background from Myriana
Stats from Liothonae
Stats from Kunoichi

Preliminary background and stats from Morgan
Preliminary background and stats from (Justin)
Preliminary background and stats from (Daryn)
Preliminary background and stats from (Geo3gh)

Male Human (Ulfen) Oracle of Battle 10

This is coming together nicely, and I'm glad to see some original character concepts. :) Looking forward to get this started!

@Myriana: 14 Cha and 15 Int in a Ranger, that's very cool. :) Is she going to be the Urban Ranger archetype, with those stats? Also, with a Wis of 10, you won't be able to cast any Ranger spells... might be worthwhile to shift around a point or two. Unless you're intending to go Wizard and Arcane Archer later, that is. ;o)

Male Human (Ulfen) Oracle of Battle 10

To make up for the crappy avatar, here's a stick figure portrait of Hrunndalf:


Female Elven Urban Druid 9, Brightness Seeker 1

I'm flexible for the background, so if anything needs to change just let me know. Other than that, I'll have my stats up tonight or tomorrow at the latest.


For Ry:
Shalelu did get pregnant by Javid and had a half-elf boy. However the events in that game happened at around the same time, which means he'd be about the same age as Myriana and Melinda. I know Gavin has already started calling Shalelu Auntie, so it is probably that the two know each other, even if he does spend much of his time with his father (who created a settlement near a VERY dangerous forest near the mountains of his Quah). Major thorns in the growing up of the child would be Shadow, the human thief, mostly because regardless of what was on her sheet the b#*@& was CE.

The male in Myriana's stat block was my fault and has been fixed. (Forgot to change the dafault on the personal tab in Hero Labs when Gav came home at 9:30 at night and wanted to build his character).

I can explain the Weapon Finesse, if Gavin doesn't get around to it :)

If you need anything else, I'll try to check the boards at work, but you can definitely get me through Gmail.

Male Human

I am going to go with the Halfling Cavalier idea you suggested in your email to me. Probably with a wolf mount, if I can manage that.

I'll start creation tonight, after I read the huge amounts of data given so far. Jeeze, I neglect to log in all weekend and see how backlogged I get.

Sorry for the infodump, Geo3gh. Bear in mind there's no real rush, which is why I've given several days to get stats in; while I expect to get the module mid-week, it's not out yet, and it's also not entirely clear whether the Players' Guide, which would be really nice to have for this, will be coming out at the same time or a few days later.

I'm trying to time it so that *if* things come out when I hope they do, we can start immediately, but that's a fingers-crossed hope, not a surety anyway.

More Infodump for You! Notes about Cavaliers:
Very much looking forward to this character! I've actually been playing a mounted-combat character (a paladin) for the first time ever recently, in a Pathfinder game, so I'm pretty familiar with the rules. Here are some possibly-unnecessary tips:

1) A wolf is explicitly allowed for a small-sized Cavalier under the rules, so go for it. Make sure you build your wolf using the animal companion rules, not the wolf from the bestiary. This will, incidentally, give your mount a lot of cool bonuses, abilities, and boosts over time.

2) One piece of information -- a wolf animal companion normally grows to large size as a bonus at 7th level, which would make them useless at that point as a mount for a small character. However, one not-very-visible rule is that you can replace the 7th level animal companion bonus with a +2 boost to their Dexterity and Constitution instead; obviously I recommend this for your build.

3) Take a look at the Ride Skill rules, which will come up all the time for your character, and the Handle Animal Skill rules, which will come up whenever you need your wolf to do something unusual (track something by scent, guard a campsite, etc.) It's a good idea to max out Ride and have at least a decent Handle Animal.

4) You may already know this, but having a lance is powerful for a mounted combat character, and taking the mounted combat feats up through Spirited Charge makes it more powerful still. You don't have to go that route, of course, but it's worth taking a look at if you haven't done so yet.

5) As you go up in levels, setting aside some money to get magic items for your mount makes them *much* more useful and practical at higher levels.

Male Halfling Cavalier 10

Greetings, friends! I, Kalimac Proudfoot, cavalier and gentleman adventurer, await in eager anticipation this diverting "adventure path" of which I have heard so much.

My background, incomplete as it is, can be found here:

GM Only:
There is a rule for alternate racial traits. If the GM grants his permission, I'd like to swap out Sure Footed for Outrider.

Hi, everyone. Justin here, returned from Comic-Con alive and whole. Wanted to post that yes, I will be playing a human cleric.

Going to look at everything and figure out the rest.

Female Quarter-Orc Sorcerer

Can I just say I'm super amused that we have two JSRs.

Sorry, returning to regularly scheduled gaming.

Human Ranger

just saying "hi". background posted.

Human Ranger
Hrunndalf Jarlsson wrote:

@Myriana: 14 Cha and 15 Int in a Ranger, that's very cool. :) Is she going to be the Urban Ranger archetype, with those stats? Also, with a Wis of 10, you won't be able to cast any Ranger spells... might be worthwhile to shift around a point or two. Unless you're intending to go Wizard and Arcane Archer later, that is. ;o)

Nope. No Urban Ranger, no spells, Archer yes, no Arcane Archer. Just FYI.

The alternative racial builds are explicitly allowed for this game, so taking outrider is absolutely fine.

Kunoichi et al: Ultimate Combat has become available to subscribers. I'll check over the ninja rules and see if there are any differences from the playtest version at first level. If anyone else has any questions regarding those rules, let me know.

Bear in mind that I will allow people to switch things around a little when the Ultimate Combat rules hit the online SRD, so there is no risk that you will lose out on The Perfect Feat for first level if you build your character before seeing them.

Kalimac again:
Just FYI, we're not playing with background feats; that was a special thing the GM of that other game introduced. So there's no need for that section on your sheet.

And incidentally -- is the plural Proudfoots or Proudfeet? WHERE DO YOU STAND ON THIS ISSUE?

Human Ranger
Hrunndalf Jarlsson wrote:

To make up for the crappy avatar, here's a stick figure portrait of Hrunndalf:


nice OOTS stile pick, btw

Kunoichi: At first level, there appears to be no difference between the playtest ninja and the official ninja except for a note indicating that a ninja could also take any Rogue archetype they qualify for (there are no ninja-specific archetypes at this time) ... which I would assume means ones for which a ninja has the appropriate skills to replace, which would limit legal archetypes to Burglar, Scout, or Trapsmith.

I think you were going for a straight-up ninja anyway, though.

There may be further differences at higher levels (for example, the Ninja Trick "Rogue Talent" may be taken multiple times), but I didn't check thoroughly. By the time you go up a level and it's relevant, it'll all be up on the SRD.

(Interesting official comment on Jade Regent, btw:

"... And on Jade Regent, the romance mechanics, will they be influenced by a character's stat (like Chraisma), I would like to know a little more of how the romance system in Jade Regent would work?"

"All the romance rules will be appearing in the Jade Regent Player's Guide ... Charisma will absolutely help if you want to romance an NPC, or if you dump stat it, will absolutely hurt your chances... mostly because of the implications that Charisma has to Diplomacy checks.")

The degree to which this AP appears to have been designed with me in mind is starting to get eerie.

Male Human (Ulfen) Oracle of Battle 10
Kyrademon wrote:

"All the romance rules will be appearing in the Jade Regent Player's Guide ... Charisma will absolutely help if you want to romance an NPC, or if you dump stat it, will absolutely hurt your chances... mostly because of the implications that Charisma has to Diplomacy checks.")

I'm glad I went for a high-Cha character, then! :D Makes sense, a tall blond bearded stranger must draw a lot of attention in Tian Xia... At least one character that won't have to rely on temples of Calistria. ;)

The degree to which this AP appears to have been designed with me in mind is starting to get eerie.

I don't think you can complain, what with that lesbian wedding with someone twice your size you're getting in the Kingmaker campaign. ;o)

Male Halfling Cavalier 10
Kyrademon wrote wrote:
And incidentally -- is the plural Proudfoots or Proudfeet? WHERE DO YOU STAND ON THIS ISSUE?

Clearly the proper plural is Proudfoots. Oh, sure, some of my cousins from the valley will insist upon "Proudfeet"--in between chewing smokeleaf, swigging ale, scratching their bellies and raising their illegitimate children. If they wish to be known as "Proudfeet," let them. It simply adds one more marker to distinguish the true Proudfoot clan from those who have become déclassé. One can tell a true gentleman by his use of the plural "Proudfoots."

Hrunndalf Jarlsson wrote:
I don't think you can complain, what with that lesbian wedding with someone twice your size you're getting in the Kingmaker campaign. ;o)

... I am not sure you are aware how TAME AND RESTRAINED my romantic entanglements in the Kingmaker game have been compared to what is more typical of my characters.

Female Quarter-Orc Sorcerer

Hmm... Ry characters romantic entanglements.

I mean, for goodness sakes, in Kingmaker, they're both humanoids who each have a single personality in individual bodies and are from the same universe so have the same general concept of what's supposed to happen. Neither of them even has genitalia with a poisonous bite attack.


Regarding Ultimate Combat. Examination of various parts + word on the street seem to indicate:

- MUCH love for the monk and the bard. Many new feats for them.

- A whole boatload of interesting feats, but mostly not relevant to your character's builds at first level. A bunch of stuff that makes thrown weapon characters practical, for example. Lots of new unarmed combat stuff, higher level archery stuff, maneuver stuff, rage feats ... Some of it some of you will want to look at when you hit higher levels, but I don't expect a rush to any of it now.

- Vehicular combat rules and siege weapon combat rules.

- A lot of new archetypes for fighting classes. Gunslingers, ninjas, and samurai introduced as well.

- A bunch of noncore alternative combat rules that sound neat but I'm not going to use because it's just too much at once, you know?

- A few spells, not a lot actually.

Male Human (Ulfen) Oracle of Battle 10

Is there a full-BAB archetype with a smidgen of arcane casting, Paladin- or Ranger-style? I've been waiting for something like that.

Lemme check (re smidgen of arcane with full BAB). I highly doubt it, as the power level of the arcane spells vs the divine ones is what keeps there gish class to non full BAB.

After a quick check ~ nope. But the wizard archetype SPELLSLINGER is fun. No for me in this game, but very fun.

Just FYI, Ultimate Combat contained some new Cavalier orders and builds. I don't actually think you'll be interested in them, but if you want to check them out let me know.

Male Halfling Cavalier 10

Thanks, Ry. But I think if I get any more options I'll end up like the ass who starved between two buckets of oats. Unless you think--based on what I've posted so far--that I'm missing something by not checking out those resources, I think I'll pass.

Male Human

By the way, I ran into Doug a few minutes ago. He's still interested, and didn't realize the speed in which things are proceeding. I poked him to log in and get started or get left out, if it's not too late already.

So no one have a heart attack if Doug crawls out of the woodwork and into this discussion.

Male Halfling Cavalier 10

In various character profiles I see that people have selected deities for worship (or at least to be aligned with). Is there a list somewhere with descriptions of available deities? I am not at all familiar with the campaign world to make any choices.

It's less pressing seeing as I'm a cavalier and not a cleric, but it's a blank spot on my CRS I'd like to fill.

Male Human (Ulfen) Oracle of Battle 10
Kalimac Proudfoot wrote:

In various character profiles I see that people have selected deities for worship (or at least to be aligned with). Is there a list somewhere with descriptions of available deities? I am not at all familiar with the campaign world to make any choices.

It's less pressing seeing as I'm a cavalier and not a cleric, but it's a blank spot on my CRS I'd like to fill.

BTW, the Precise Strike feat looks like lots of fun, but are you making sure 1-2 others in the party also have it? It doesn't do anything otherwise...

I'm tempted to take it too in that case, but I'm already feat-starved as it is...

Female Quarter-Orc Sorcerer

Fortunately, for my guess is many of us are feat starved, Mr. Proudfoot does not need us to take Precise Strike.

Re: Cavalier
Tactician (Ex): At 1st level, a cavalier receives a teamwork feat as a bonus feat. He must meet the prerequisites for this feat. As a standard action, the cavalier can grant this feat to all allies within 30 feet who can see and hear him. Allies retain the use of this bonus feat for 3 rounds plus 1 round for every two levels the cavalier possesses. Allies do not need to meet the prerequisites of these bonus feats. The cavalier can use this ability once per day at 1st level, plus one additional time per day at 5th level and for every 5 levels thereafter.

Male Halfling Cavalier 10
Hrunndalf Jarlsson wrote:

BTW, the Precise Strike feat looks like lots of fun, but are you making sure 1-2 others in the party also have it? It doesn't do anything otherwise...

I'm tempted to take it too in that case, but I'm already feat-starved as it is...

The Cavalier's "Tactician" ability gets around this. As a standard action, I can grant this feat to all allies within 30 feet who can see and hear me. Allies retain the use of this bonus feat for 3 rounds plus 1 round for every two levels I have. (So 3 rounds for now.) Allies do not need to meet the prerequisites of the bonus feat.

Male Halfling Cavalier 10

Drat, Melinda beat me to it.

Male Human (Ulfen) Oracle of Battle 10
Melinda Sorn wrote:

Tactician (Ex): At 1st level, a cavalier receives a teamwork feat as a bonus feat. He must meet the prerequisites for this feat. As a standard action, the cavalier can grant this feat to all allies within 30 feet who can see and hear him. Allies retain the use of this bonus feat for 3 rounds plus 1 round for every two levels the cavalier possesses. Allies do not need to meet the prerequisites of these bonus feats. The cavalier can use this ability once per day at 1st level, plus one additional time per day at 5th level and for every 5 levels thereafter.

Neat! :)

Male Human (Ulfen) Oracle of Battle 10
Kalimac Proudfoot wrote:
Drat, Melinda beat me to it.

Funny that a Druid should ninja you when there are actual ninjas on the board. ;o)

Female Quarter-Orc Sorcerer

I am not a druid.... Uncle Jal's grandmother is way too scary for that. I am an incompetent ascetic or an incompetent wizard, get it right. :)

Male Human (Ulfen) Oracle of Battle 10
Melinda Sorn wrote:
I am not a druid.... Uncle Jal's grandmother is way too scary for that. I am an incompetent ascetic or an incompetent wizard, get it right. :)

Argh, too many characters! *hed asplode* Also, that is totally Lini in your avatar. ;)

Male Halfling Cavalier 10

I've added a sketchy, preliminary background to my profile. Proper nouns etc. are flexible. Ry, let me know if any of this doesn't work.

Female Quarter-Orc Sorcerer

True. But in this case that picture is of a 15 yr old human with a orc bloodline. (Who is 5'9".) Limited avatar choices. Does that mean you would have called me a god if I'd gone with my other top contender of Urgathoa?

Male Human (Ulfen) Oracle of Battle 10
Melinda Sorn wrote:
True. But in this case that picture is of a 15 yr old human with a orc bloodline. (Who is 5'9".) Limited avatar choices. Does that mean you would have called me a god if I'd gone with my other top contender of Urgathoa?

Ah, now that one is a real beaut', at least down to the shoulders.

But yeah, limited avatar choices. I can recommend PowerPoint if you want to make OotS avatars. :)

Female Quarter-Orc Sorcerer

PowerPoint? I don't think of that as a drawing application. How does this work?

Kalimac: Lookin' good. Background can be fleshed out from the module and player's guide when they become available.

Minor comments, public rather than spoilered because I thought other people might not know some of this as well:

1) In Pathfinder, every character gets a free +1 hit point or +1 skill point for every level they take in their favored class (I assume yours is Cavalier.) Not sure you knew that, and I don't think it's included.

2) Under skill modifiers, put your armor check penalty for armor and shield as modified by your trait. It won't affect your ride score, but it'll matter for things like unmodified climb, swim, and stealth checks. Also note the +4 to your Stealth checks and +2 to Perception there, as well as racial abilties.

3) Don't know if it's a typo, but your armor bonus to AC is +5, not +15; everyone starts at a "natural" AC of 10 before any modifications.

4) If you wear a Courtier's outfit without at least 50 gp worth of additional jewelry, the rules state that "you look like an out-of-place commoner" and will not receive any social benefit from wearing such clothes. That may be exactly what you had in mind, or you may simply be keeping it around until you can afford the appropriate jewelry, but I thought it should be mentioned just in case.

5) You probably knew this, and again there is no rush, but by the time we start your mount should also be statted out in your profile.

Female Elven Urban Druid 9, Brightness Seeker 1
Melinda Sorn wrote:
Hmm... Ry characters romantic entanglements.

i don't know anything about Kingmaker, but i can vouch for Ry's romantic entanglements.

i think this is the lowest charisma character i've ever created, and i must say... it's frightening.

Male Halfling Cavalier 10
Kyrademon wrote:

Kalimac: Lookin' good. Background can be fleshed out from the module and player's guide when they become available.

Minor comments, public rather than spoilered because I thought other people might not know some of this as well:

1) In Pathfinder, every character gets a free +1 hit point or +1 skill point for every level they take in their favored class (I assume yours is Cavalier.) Not sure you knew that, and I don't think it's included.

I had read that, but didn't realize it applied to first level as well. I'll amend that.

2) Under skill modifiers, put your armor check penalty for armor and shield as modified by your trait. It won't affect your ride score, but it'll matter for things like unmodified climb, swim, and stealth checks. Also note the +4 to your Stealth checks and +2 to Perception there, as well as racial abilities.

OK. Will do.

3) Don't know if it's a typo, but your armor bonus to AC is +5, not +15; everyone starts at a "natural" AC of 10 before any modifications.

Oops. I was thinking "10 + 5" and wrote "+15". I'll fix that.

4) If you wear a Courtier's outfit without at least 50 gp worth of additional jewelry, the rules state that "you look like an out-of-place commoner" and will not receive any social benefit from wearing such clothes. That may be exactly what you had in mind, or you may simply be keeping it around until you can afford the appropriate jewelry, but I thought it should be mentioned just in case.

Yeah, I ran out of gold pieces. I figure I'll pick up jewelry in game, and when I do I'll have the clothes to go with.

5) You probably knew this, and again there is no rush, but by the time we start your mount should also be statted out in your profile.

Yep. That's next on my to-do list.

Male Halfling Cavalier 10
Kyrademon wrote:
I mean, for goodness sakes, in Kingmaker, they're both humanoids who each have a single personality in individual bodies and are from the same universe so have the same general concept of what's supposed to happen. Neither of them even has genitalia with a poisonous bite attack.

I read this post to Karen Arnold and Tony Ewing; Karen says I should have said something like "looking at you, Noir" somewhere in this exchange.

Noir, Elena, Mist, Lilith, and Jacquotte all say hi.

Well, Noir and Elena say hi. The rest probably light something on fire. FOR YOU.

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