Comrade Anklebiter's Fun-Timey Revolutionary Socialism Thread

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NYC high school teacher claims she was fired for Central Park Five lessons that administrators feared would create 'riots'

Parents Of Mexican Immigrant Killed By Police File Wrongful Death Suit

Obama's Crocodile Tears

Maine Governor Blames Heroin Epidemic on Men "Named D-Money" Who Deal Drugs and "Impregnate a Young White Girl"

Comrade Anklebiter wrote:

The Sudden But Well-Deserved Fall of Rahm Emanuel

Democrats: The other party of racist scumbag plutocrats

Chicago Teachers Union Joins Demand for Rahm Emanuel, Anita Alvarez To Resign

Katha Pollitt in The Nation on Doug Henwood's Hillary bio

Henwood replies in piece reprinted at Jacobin

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And one from Pakistan before I get off the computer:

Workers jailed for protesting illegal mass terminations at Philip Morris Pakistan

An injury to one is an injury to all!

Was dragged to a fancy restaurant in Brooklyn last night that was owned by Ted Nugent's illegitimate son. Opted for the linguine carbonara with bacon made from boar, the owner told me, from Nugent's ranch. There's a good chance I ate something the Nuge killed!

Amboy Dukes link

Scarab Sages

Comrade Anklebiter wrote:

Was dragged to a fancy restaurant in Brooklyn last night that was owned by Ted Nugent's illegitimate son. Opted for the linguine carbonara with bacon made from boar, the owner told me, from Nugent's ranch. There's a good chance I ate something the Nuge killed!

Amboy Dukes link

Not that I think there's too much wrong with any of that, but I'm a little surprised that you are okay with that. I'd have thought there'd be some part of that mixture (The fancy restaurant? The meat? The meat specifically being pork? The f~%#ing Nugents?!?) that you'd consider a deal-breaker.

Liberty's Edge

I suppose it depends if he paid the bill or dined and dashed.

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[Shrugs] It was a birthday party for one of La Principessa's friends. When the bill came I almost fainted, but she picked up the tab. Union teachers in NYC make a shiznitload.

Anyway, in the immortal words of "Big Bill" Haywood when mocked for his taste in cigars and suits, "Nothing's too good for the working class."

Speaking of union teachers...

Short history of the organization of public workers in the U.S.

The Road to Friedrichs--
A case before the Supreme Court threatens to devastate public-sector unions. How did it come to this

Yeah, that's looking scary. Any clues on how Kennedy's thinking on this?
Since he'll basically be deciding it, as usual.

Don't know, but none of my left/labor friends are optimistic.

Speaking of union teachers, cont'd:

The Latest: Detroit Schools Closed Again in Teacher Sick-Out

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UK -wide junior doctors' strike

Probably including Scottish Cousin Longears.

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Kshama Sawant's SOTU response

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Activist Friends of Mine in the News

Gordon Davis is the husband of the grandmotherly black woman who turned out to be a lifelong member of the Progressive Labor Party that I met a couple of years ago. We're going down to Worcester tomorrow, but, alas, nothing as sexy as this, just another f*@@ing meeting about Bernie f+!*ing Sanders.


"Mr. Horton was allegedly arrested when the MLK Breakfast organizers called the police to force him to stop passing out the flyer. The police charged Mr. Horton with assault and battery on a police officer.

It really did not matter whether Mr. Horton touched a police officer – once a police officer slams you to the ground, there is an automatic charge of assault and battery."

Hmmm, in NYC getting slammed on the ground is their definition of Courtesy Professionalism and Respect. If they go through the paperwork, it is usually Resisting Arrest, and/or Obstruction of Government Administration, although if they knock you off a bicycle, I think that is assaulting an officer...

I don't recall at the moment if Comrade Davis's op-ed mentions it, but Comrade Horton is 71 years old.

UPDATED: Worcester activist hospitalized after incident at Quinsigamond Community College

Harper's article on Chairman Bob and friends

A French Communist Utopia in Texas--

How one group's search for the promised land in 1848 became a complete disaster.

Woody Guthrie Despised His Landlord—Donald Trump's Racist Father

Scarab Sages

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Some here may accuse me of being a "Chardonnay socialist," but I'm really more of a "sizzling rice soup socialist!"

The only time I've ever heard the term "Chardonnay socialist" was from Comrade Dwarf.

Whom I miss.

Get well soon, Comrade Dwarf!

Yikes - I didn't realise he was poorly...

Scarab Sages

Aren't Dwarves always "poorly," kinda? They're a perpetually dying race...except in Azeroth (and maybe the Forgotten Realms)....

In this case, they're Australian and I hope they're not dying out.

Scarab Sages

Well, I hear this past decade or so has actually been a pretty good time to be Australian, all things considered.

And yes, I know The 8th Dwarf.

It's DM Under The Bridge I'm worried about. It'd gotten to the point where I was willing to call him a friend (NOT an easy title to achieve with me), and now he's vanished off the face of the site.

He gets banned, occasionally, and comes back with a new name.

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Longtime White House Protester Dies, After Vigil That Started In 1981

Thirty-five years. Damn.

[Takes off hat]

Scarab Sages

*tips hat as well*

Comrade Anklebiter wrote:
He gets banned, occasionally, and comes back with a new name.

Heh. What kind of things get him banned? I can only think of one person I've seen on here who might have been banned, and I'm strictly guessing.

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I don't know. He doesn't frequent the same threads as I.

Rest in Power, Rick Sortun: NFL Player, International Socialist

Former St. Louis Cardinals offensive lineman and left Shachtmanite.

Closer to home, we've got a public forum tonight, I was on college radio yesterday (visions of Christian Slater in Pump Up the Volume--"...wearing only a cock ring!") and, oh yeah, CAJE got an office, which came with bookshelves, which I can fill with my books! Huzzah!

NAACP Leader Uses F-Word To Apologize For Using T-Word After N-Word Meeting

Fun read.

Scarab Sages

Comrade Anklebiter wrote:

NAACP Leader Uses F-Word To Apologize For Using T-Word After N-Word Meeting

Fun read.

He should have signed off with, "T-T-F-N!"

More unhappiness.

Longtime activist Linda Horan of Alstead, who won medical marijuana suit, dies at 64

Only met Linda little over a year ago. Went to her goodbye party at the IBEW hall in Concord a couple of weeks back. All of the speakers made mention of the stories they couldn't tell which was, to say the least, very frustrating. Wasn't a dry eye in the house. Anyway, she seemed pretty happy. She was probably stoned.

Anyway, video footage of the first time I met her at the 4 minute mark:

Rally For Striking Weir Workers UE(United Electrical) Local 279

Apparently, today will see New Hampshire's first fast-food workers strike to be followed by a Fight for $15 rally outside the Republican debates at St. Anselm's. Will probably be a mostly Democratic Party affair, but we'll see.

Days Ahead of Primary, Fight for $15 Spreads to New Hampshire

Also, saw an article going around about growing up in the Communist Party of Great Britain, so, thought I'd share it:


Hillary Rodham, Bill Clinton, and the 1971 Yale Strike

Apparently, they scabbed on their first date. How romantic!

Comrade Anklebiter wrote:

Apparently, today will see New Hampshire's first fast-food workers strike to be followed by a Fight for $15 rally outside the Republican debates at St. Anselm's. Will probably be a mostly Democratic Party affair, but we'll see.

Days Ahead of Primary, Fight for $15 Spreads to New Hampshire

Also, saw an article going around about growing up in the Communist Party of Great Britain, so, thought I'd share it:


I've come across all those criticisms before. The author seems to be connected to the SWP in some way, so it's not surprising to see them rolled out again.

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Minimum Wage Protests Outside the GOP Debate

Limeylongears wrote:
The author seems to be connected to the SWP in some way, so it's not surprising to see them rolled out again.

If wikipedia is to be believed, he was a member of the Revolutionary Communist Party (UK) (not to be confused with the Chairman Bobites here) which split from the Cliffites in the late '70s.

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Speaking of the RCP (USA), Libertarian (American-style) website reviews recent book about "the FBI's secret war" on the Chairman Bobites.

Reds and Feds:
What the FBI's war on the Maoist fringe tells us about the surveillance state

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More synergistic Facebook weirdiosity:

Video of James Heartfield (author of the Party Animals review) lecturing on Afro-Caribbean Marxists and slavery just came across my feed.

The Slavery Debate: Why C.L.R James & Eric Williams were right

Not that it matters, but Williams's From Columbus to Castro: A History of the Caribbean may have been the most boring book I've ever read.

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So...all last week was one pro-Hillary feminist after another making a fool of herself. Democracy Now! ran a couple of segments that would present a journalist from an obviously pro-Bernie publication against a pro-Hillary hack (Ellen Chelser of the Roosevelt Institute one day, Bertha Lewis of the Black Institute and NY Working Families Party the next) and the latter just pulling out every hackneyed Hillary talking point (and doing a bad job at it) and making me ill. And that was before Ms. Steinem's anti-feminist faux pas on Bill Maher's show and then the pronouncement of Madeleine "Special place in hell for scumbag imperialist war pig f!!*s who think a half million dead Iraqi babies are 'worth it'" Albright. Anyway, looks like Bernie took my fair state, so, it's time for another episode of...

Activist Friends (Acquaintances) of Comrade Anklebiter's In the News

Who runs the world? Women of New Hampshire on candidates they support – video

Met Ms. Ropp at the Second Occupy New Hampshire General Assembly in Concord. Her husband, who claims he used to be a "yogic monk," works for the Quakers over at the American Friends Service Committee. Always was kind of sweet on her and was surprised when she denounced Mr. Comrade as a troll and told him to "f$*+ off" after he asked some rather innocuous (I thought) questions about Bernie's history of working with the Democrats in Vermont to block third-party runs on a Facebook page. She later apologized for the "f%&! off" but doubled down on the "troll." She was friendly, though, at the protest outside the GOP debates.

Ms. Castillo runs every immigrant rights rally I've ever been to in New Hampshire. Last I heard about her, she and Mr. Comrade got into an argument on Facebook about the recent elections in Venezuela. Apparently, she had heard some bad things about Maduro from her maid. I trust you can imagine, dear reader, what Mr. Comrade made of that.

I tell Mr. Comrade he shouldn't spend so much time on Facebook, but his job at the steel plant has a lot of down time and he's got a smartphone, so...

I don't know the rest of them broads, not even the Hillary supporter quoting Chairman Mao.

Scarab Sages

Okay, time I finally asked: Who, if not you, is "Mr. Comrade?"

I'm picturing like Pee-Wee Herman's pal Mr. Breakfast, except, I don't know, requesting to have borscht poured all over his face instead of Mr. T cereal.

Mr. Comrade prefers Diet Pepsi.

Mr. Comrade is my bestest comrade and closest associate in international proletarian socialist revolution. He used to be part of a team, Mr. and Mrs. Comrade, and they used to populate my stories, but, alas, they went through a messy divorce last year and she became Ex-Mrs. Comrade. Haven't seen her since last spring. He quickly re-coupled with the Nigerian Princess, so, maybe not so alas after all.

Anyway, Mr. Comrade has also played quite a variety of memorable, much-missed characters at my table including: Bovolio (pronounced like "Mar-i-o!" in sing-song Italian immigrant accent), the Varisian bard; Urzzak Greentooth, the voodoo doll-making half-orc cleric of Rovagug; these days he's Boram Traproot, halfing druid with a green-furred ape companion named Joe.

Like I've had occasion to mention before, sometimes I think the far left is just a bunch of nerds.

Looks like my good bud The Nuge made the news today, too.

Ted Nugent: Holocaust Victims Were 'Soulless Sheep To The Slaughter'

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More "Women in NH":

My mother voted for Sanders.

When I asked her if she knew Sanders was a socialist*, my mother, a lifelong and militant non-watcher of the news and non-follower of politics, replied, "I think I'm more of a socialist than a Democrat."

It won't be long now, comrades.


No, he isn't!!!!!!

Don Juan de Doodlebug wrote:

Activist Friends (Acquaintances) of Comrade Anklebiter's In the News

Her husband, who claims he used to be a "yogic monk," works for the Quakers over at the American Friends Service Committee.

Who also were in the news, thanks to a piece in The Intercept by the dude who originally asked Hillary about her Goldman Sachs speeches.

These Quakers Are Asking Tougher Questions Than Many in the Press

This month's minutes included a Noted Anti-Trident Demon.

Which may have been a typo for Noted Anti-Demon Trident.

And not Anti-Trident Demo.

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Comrade Anklebiter wrote:
Looks like my good bud The Nuge made the news today, too. Ted Nugent: Holocaust Victims Were 'Soulless Sheep To The Slaughter'

This is a guy who straight-up called Obama a "subhuman mongrel." I'm no great fan of the current POTUS, but man, I hate a Nazi.

Scarab Sages

Kirth Gersen wrote:
Comrade Anklebiter wrote:
Looks like my good bud The Nuge made the news today, too. Ted Nugent: Holocaust Victims Were 'Soulless Sheep To The Slaughter'
This is a guy who straight-up called Obama a "subhuman mongrel." I'm no great fan of the current POTUS, but man, I hate a Nazi.

I think the first time I recall hearing about Ted Nugent was in the context of this.

Was he always a Nazi, or did he go around the bend at some point for some reason?

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Kirth Gersen wrote:
Comrade Anklebiter wrote:
Looks like my good bud The Nuge made the news today, too. Ted Nugent: Holocaust Victims Were 'Soulless Sheep To The Slaughter'
This is a guy who straight-up called Obama a "subhuman mongrel." I'm no great fan of the current POTUS, but man, I hate a Nazi.

Don't be silly. He's not a Nazi. He hates them too. If he'd been in Nuremberg in 1938 he's confident that we would have led the charge to disarm Nazis and kill them with their own Lugers. It's just that the Jews back then were weak and cowardly unlike real American manly men who the Jews today are trying to disarm.

Or something. It's hard to follow the logic. Or find it.

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