Best DPR by Level

Pathfinder First Edition General Discussion

I want to see what some good DPR builds are by level.Here are the rules:

*Must be able to attack consistently for 8 rounds.
*20-point buy.
*You get no prep round.However,you can have a spell cast on you before combat that lasts at least 8 rounds(48 seconds).
*Two traits.
*Wands are viable-other consumables are not.Use thiswealth by level.
*Use these monster defenses by level-using the CR equal to your level.I will try to provide rules for caster at a later time.

Finally,here is how you calculate DPR,shamelessly borrowed from the DPR Olympics thread:
* Damage/round formula: h(d+s)+ft(cd+cb+r)

h = Chance to hit, expressed as a percentage. This doesn't exceed .95 (unless you autohit for whatever reason) and never goes below .05.
d = Normal damage. This is any damage that happens any time you hit.
s = Damage which isn't multiplied on a crit. "s" stands for sneak attack, but this includes elemental/alignment properties on weapons, manyshot damage, and so on.
t = Chance to roll a threat. This is the threat range of your weapon or your chance to hit, whichever is lower.
f = This is your chance to confirm a threat. Most of the time, this is equal to h. If you have Critical Focus, it's (h+.2) or .95, whichever is higher. If you auto-confirm crits, as with a level 20 fighter or Bless Weapon, this is 1.
c = This is the number of bonus multiples you get from a crit. A 2x crit weapon is 1, a 3x crit weapon is 2, etc.

-- Remember to subtract one from your crit multiplier, or your damage will be over-done in the formula!

b = This is elemental burst damage, such as from fiery burst weapons and thundering. Such enhancements self-multiply based on your crit multiplier; if they don't, then they're added to r and not b.
r = This is fixed bonus damage dealt on a crit. No such abilities exist in PF core, to my knowledge.

Level 1
15.1 DPR:Barbarian 1/Scythe/Power Attack and Extra Rage/20 Str,14 Con.

Level 2

Level 3

Level 4

Level 5

Level 6

Level 7

Level 8

Level 9

Level 10

Level 11

Level 12

duplicate thread

My comp was lagging :3

sphar wrote:
My comp was lagging :3

Mine does that too sometimes. I only did it so the devs would know one from the other when they get rid of them.

Thanks ^_^


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