Stacking Armor Bonuses

Rules Questions

Ok, so here's what's up:

I know all dodge bonuses stack with each other.
I know deflection bonuses do not stack with each other.
I know shield bonuses do not stack with each other.
I know armor bonuses do not stack with each other.

Natural Armor is my issue. It a character has natural armor, does an Amulet of Natural Armor stack with it? What about a druid that wild shapes? Does the Amulet stack?

Banizal wrote:

Ok, so here's what's up:

I know all dodge bonuses stack with each other.
I know deflection bonuses do not stack with each other.
I know shield bonuses do not stack with each other.
I know armor bonuses do not stack with each other.

Natural Armor is my issue. It a character has natural armor, does an Amulet of Natural Armor stack with it? What about a druid that wild shapes? Does the Amulet stack?

Yes, the amulet stacks with all of them.

Silver Crusade

An amulet of natural armor gives an "Enhancement bonus to natural armor", this stacks with any "Natural armor bonus", but not with another "enhancement bonus to natural armor".

Thus, Barkskin woud give +2 "Enhancement bonus" to natural armor at level 6, stacking with a +2 "Natural armor bonus" from Beast shape. Amulet of natural armor works the same way than Barkskin.

Another example : a monk of the sacred mountain gains a +1 Natural armor bonus. With a +1 Amulet of natural armor, the monk would have an effective +2 natural armor bonus (1 from Monk, +1 enhancement from amulet).
The same monk with level 6 barkskin from quiggong archetype would get 1 from Monk, +1 enhancement from Amulet, +2 enhancement from Barskskin ; but only the higher enhancement bonus would apply, thus giving the monk a +3 Natural armor bonus.

short answer: yes it stacks as long as the form is not typed the same for instance, untyped natural armor of +10 & an enhancement natural armor bonus of +4 & a "Sacred" Natural Armor Bonus of +2 all would stack as they are different types, but still all natural armor (though I am unsure if a sacred bonus exists anywhere)

When it comes to AC, basically what you have is:

Armor Bonus (from armor, it can be enhanced i.e. magic armor)
Shield Bonus (from shield, it can be enhanced i.e. a magic shield)
Natural Armor Bonus (from being a certain race/Beast Shape/Mutagen/etc, can be enhanced i.e. Barkskin/Amulet of Natural armor)
Dodge Bonus (which you can have multiple sources of that stack)
Deflection Bonus
Dexterity Bonus
Size Bonus
Sacred/Profane Bonus

So for the example, an Amulet of Natural Armor (which gives an enhancement to your natural armor bonus-default 0) would stack with a source of Natural Armor (for instance Wild Shape) but it would not stack with another enhancement to natural armor, like Barkskin.
Likewise, if you have multiple sources of Natural Armor (for instance Wild Shape and also an Alchemist's Mutagen, they do not stack, you would take the higher one, which could be enhanced with an amulet/barkskin.

Quick question:

If I get my hands on two sacred bonuses to AC, they won't stack. Same goes for two profane bonuses.

However, a sacred and a profane bonus seem to stack (though they appear to be two sides of the same medal to me...)

Is this effect intended to work that way?

Midnight_Angel wrote:

Quick question:

If I get my hands on two sacred bonuses to AC, they won't stack. Same goes for two profane bonuses.

However, a sacred and a profane bonus seem to stack (though they appear to be two sides of the same medal to me...)

Is this effect intended to work that way?

Yes, but the chances of that happening in a game are very small. I could see a monster that is part demon part angel getting both bonuses though.

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