DM Patcher's Kingmaker OOC Discussion Thread

Play-by-Post Discussion

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EDIT: Nevermind, I realise Rorgrym said he was going to Gen Con.

I'll NPC him as appropriate if he doesn't post in time, and hope he returns with us soon.

Male Halfling (HP: 20/20)
(AC: 16/13/16 ; Percep: +6; Init: +2; Fort: +6; Ref: +3; Will: +2 [+4 vs. fear]; CMD: 15; CMB +3; Rage: 8/8)
(Acro +6, Appr +1, Bluff +3, Climb +6, Diplo +3, Disg +3, EscArt +1, Intim +3, Perc +6, Ride +5, SenMot +0, Stealth +11, Surv +0, Swim +5)
Bloodrager (Fire) 2
Kragath Lightbringer wrote:
Hold me closer tiny...beeaaaaaar.

Elton Lightbringer? Is that you? ;)

Gathien Toran wrote:
Kragath Lightbringer wrote:
Hold me closer tiny...beeaaaaaar.
Elton Lightbringer? Is that you? ;)

Nice :)

"And you can tell everybody, this is yooooouur...pelt!"

I was trying to think of another Elton John song to pervert, but then I realized we should probably knock that off before the cool kids beat us up. ;)

Ingle Farwen wrote:
Peregrine Fetch wrote:
Can you edit a post without affecting dice rolls, because that would be really handy.
You can also hit the "preview" button to see what your roll is going to be, fyi.

Oh! Good to know, thanks. :)

Male Human Cavalier 1A

I'm fine with the step advancement too, btw. All the cool kids like Sir Elton John.

Male Halfling (HP: 20/20)
(AC: 16/13/16 ; Percep: +6; Init: +2; Fort: +6; Ref: +3; Will: +2 [+4 vs. fear]; CMD: 15; CMB +3; Rage: 8/8)
(Acro +6, Appr +1, Bluff +3, Climb +6, Diplo +3, Disg +3, EscArt +1, Intim +3, Perc +6, Ride +5, SenMot +0, Stealth +11, Surv +0, Swim +5)
Bloodrager (Fire) 2
Jonas Medvyed wrote:
I'm fine with the step advancement too, btw. All the cool kids like Sir Elton John.

Now that he's been knighted. :)

Ingle wrote:
I was trying to think of another Elton John song to pervert, but then I realized we should probably knock that off before the cool kids beat us up. ;)

Starday Night's Alright For Fighting? ;)

Peregrine never made a comment on the step progression, but with 5 out of 6 agreeing, we will henceforth adopt the steps progression levelling system.

DM Patcher || Kingmaker wrote:

Peregrine never made a comment on the step progression, but with 5 out of 6 agreeing, we will henceforth adopt the steps progression levelling system.

Sorry I hadn't gotten around to reading it yet. For the record, i quite like it, now that I've had chance to look it over.


I forgot that bombs target touch AC, so maybe I didn't miss?

In case that's true...

1d6 + 4 ⇒ (1) + 4 = 5

Sorry, Patcher.

Ah, I already calculated it as 5 damage - spot on roll, that.

Here is some fitting music for this Accidental Boss in Mook Clothing.

@Peregrine: Am I missing something? My map has you in A7, as you specified.

Eek, it's looking a little grim. X_X

DM Patcher || Kingmaker wrote:
@Peregrine: Am I missing something? My map has you in A7, as you specified.

So it is, I was accidently looking at the last rounds map. I still had it up. Pardon my confusion.

Peregrine Fetch wrote:
Eek, it's looking a little grim. X_X

Well, at least Kragath isn't grappled anymore.......

And again, Sorry 'bout that Jonas and Mealstrom.

@ work. Posting Con check.

1d20 - 2 ⇒ (19) - 2 = 17

+1 con mod - 3

I feel as though I should explain a little more about myself: why I'm running so many campaigns, how I find time, why my posting schedule can be a little sporadic, ect.

I'm unemployed. I'm diagnosed with BPD, a diagnosis I first got this spring. I've struggled psychologically with angst, existentialism, mood swings, confidence, emotional instability, compulsions, obsessions, social phobia, agoraphobia, trust, self-harm and suicidal thoughts for most of my childhood and adolescence, which caused me to drop out of high school, to be institutionalised in a mental hospital, ect.

I'm currently 22 and coping with life a lot better than I thought I ever would - though there are mornings when I wake up and I can't draw motivation to do much, and sometimes there are periods of time where I'm essentially catatonic and unable to do much with any enthuse. I recently had such a period.

Having said that, I ask that we don't put too much focus on my mental health, or that you don't worry too much. I'm getting somewhere in life and am for the most part content and happy. Still, I am in charge of this game, and the more you know and understand about my sometimes sporadic nature, the better we can communicate.

As mentioned, I also struggle with agoraphobia - something I combat as often as I can. I often get invited for board games or roleplaying games at a friend's place, usually spontaneously - and because it is usually in my best self-interest to get out of my apartment and socialise, I often do so. This is part of why I sometimes may vanish for several hours during hours I usually post.

In two-and-a-half weeks, my studies begin. I will be attending university. Depending on how rough the courses are, and how often I have class, this may affect the campaigns - but I will still try my best to post daily.

Having come to the Paizo forums and taken on the task of being a DM has done me wonders. It makes me content, it gives me purpose, and most of all, it keeps me busy. I am stressed - the positive kind of stress. I feel grateful too, for having found such great people and players to write and tell a story with. So I wish to thank you all.

I apologise if me divulging this makes you feel uncomfortable.

DM Patcher || Kingmaker wrote:
I feel grateful too, for having found such great people and players to write and tell a story with. So I wish to thank you all.

The feeling's mutual, Patcher.

And don't worry about making me uncomfortable. If you knew some of the clowns I hang around with, you'd know I've grown fairly immune to the feeling. :P

Male Halfling (HP: 20/20)
(AC: 16/13/16 ; Percep: +6; Init: +2; Fort: +6; Ref: +3; Will: +2 [+4 vs. fear]; CMD: 15; CMB +3; Rage: 8/8)
(Acro +6, Appr +1, Bluff +3, Climb +6, Diplo +3, Disg +3, EscArt +1, Intim +3, Perc +6, Ride +5, SenMot +0, Stealth +11, Surv +0, Swim +5)
Bloodrager (Fire) 2
DM Patcher || Kingmaker wrote:
I feel grateful too, for having found such great people and players to write and tell a story with. So I wish to thank you all.

As Ingle said, the feeling is mutual. It was the spiffiness of this campaign that led me to apply in the others, after all. :)

On an unrelated note, how do you feel about taking the Rapid Reload feat and applying it to slings? I'm not sure if I'd want to go this route, but knowing that will help me decide. The blowgun will work for what I need, but I like the range that a sling provides.

Male Halfling (HP: 20/20)
(AC: 16/13/16 ; Percep: +6; Init: +2; Fort: +6; Ref: +3; Will: +2 [+4 vs. fear]; CMD: 15; CMB +3; Rage: 8/8)
(Acro +6, Appr +1, Bluff +3, Climb +6, Diplo +3, Disg +3, EscArt +1, Intim +3, Perc +6, Ride +5, SenMot +0, Stealth +11, Surv +0, Swim +5)
Bloodrager (Fire) 2

Theoretically, Gathien should be able to teach you how to do that, since he already can. Would explain where the feat came from, fluffwise.

It's cool Patch. No weirdness felt on my end.

When you want Day 2, I need some sort of indicator. "We start putting up the pavilion for rest" or whatnot. Will also require a... hm. I'm not sure what check is for skinning a bear - but for eating it, I'd say survival with a relatively low DC (since it's, well, dead.)

Ingle can "aid another" on the check, if it helps.

Male Halfling (HP: 20/20)
(AC: 16/13/16 ; Percep: +6; Init: +2; Fort: +6; Ref: +3; Will: +2 [+4 vs. fear]; CMD: 15; CMB +3; Rage: 8/8)
(Acro +6, Appr +1, Bluff +3, Climb +6, Diplo +3, Disg +3, EscArt +1, Intim +3, Perc +6, Ride +5, SenMot +0, Stealth +11, Surv +0, Swim +5)
Bloodrager (Fire) 2
DM Patcher || Kingmaker wrote:
When you want Day 2, I need some sort of indicator. "We start putting up the pavilion for rest" or whatnot. Will also require a... hm. I'm not sure what check is for skinning a bear - but for eating it, I'd say survival with a relatively low DC (since it's, well, dead.)

I would imagine skinning is Survival (as it relates to hunting)... tanning it, on the ohter hand, that's into craft/profession-land.

Depending on the DC, I might just take 10.

I'm also good with moving on to day 2 whenever the others are.

I'm okay with moving on to day 2, however given that Rorgrym is quite busy at the moment Patcher, do you think it reasonable to assume that he would attempt to use his channel energy to the best of his ability to get the injured back in good shape. I don't want to step on his toes, but I know his posting is sporadic at the moment.

As to your earlier post. No worries, good luck with school. :) Sorry that maybe my own posting has been a bit slow. As I mentioned before I live in Korea, so maybe I'm a little out of sync with the rest of you, plus I'm on vacation right now, so my hours are a little less consistent than normal.

Male Halfling (HP: 20/20)
(AC: 16/13/16 ; Percep: +6; Init: +2; Fort: +6; Ref: +3; Will: +2 [+4 vs. fear]; CMD: 15; CMB +3; Rage: 8/8)
(Acro +6, Appr +1, Bluff +3, Climb +6, Diplo +3, Disg +3, EscArt +1, Intim +3, Perc +6, Ride +5, SenMot +0, Stealth +11, Surv +0, Swim +5)
Bloodrager (Fire) 2

As Peregrine said, I was hoping for a few more hp before turning in for the night -- but other than that Day 2 away! ;)

It's official, the dicebot hates you guys.

Might want to consider running away from this one. Seriously.

lol, just now noticed the battle map and how far we are from this thing. Ignore my shot cause I woulda never bothered shooting from this far away.

Been swamped past few days. I'll continue posting from my phone when I can.

Male Halfling (HP: 20/20)
(AC: 16/13/16 ; Percep: +6; Init: +2; Fort: +6; Ref: +3; Will: +2 [+4 vs. fear]; CMD: 15; CMB +3; Rage: 8/8)
(Acro +6, Appr +1, Bluff +3, Climb +6, Diplo +3, Disg +3, EscArt +1, Intim +3, Perc +6, Ride +5, SenMot +0, Stealth +11, Surv +0, Swim +5)
Bloodrager (Fire) 2
Kragath Lightbringer wrote:
lol, just now noticed the battle map and how far we are from this thing. Ignore my shot cause I woulda never bothered shooting from this far away.

But just think how impressed we'd all be if you succeeded! :)

Male Human Cavalier 1A

Ok, so I am now officially back from my vacation time. The good news (to most ;-) ) is that I will be posting more regularly during weekdays. The bad news is that I am back at work, which is just bad news.

Male Halfling (HP: 20/20)
(AC: 16/13/16 ; Percep: +6; Init: +2; Fort: +6; Ref: +3; Will: +2 [+4 vs. fear]; CMD: 15; CMB +3; Rage: 8/8)
(Acro +6, Appr +1, Bluff +3, Climb +6, Diplo +3, Disg +3, EscArt +1, Intim +3, Perc +6, Ride +5, SenMot +0, Stealth +11, Surv +0, Swim +5)
Bloodrager (Fire) 2

Ok, barring any retcon healing (channeling or spells), I believe that Gahtien's at 4hp this morning (2 after the fight, and then +1 for natural healing overnight twice).

I'm not really sure why there was no use of Channeled Energy on day 1 when the injuries first happened -- and Rorgrym hasn't responded yet to whether or not there'd be spells prior to sleeping on Day 2, but at a certain point, two of the primary fighters being so low on HP that either of them would drop the other with a minimum damage attack is probably not the best?

I mean, realistically speaking, with the absence of healing, Gathien and Kragath would probably be suggesting we head back to the Trading Post to heal up, I would think?

I'm back from the Con. I apolgise for the terse and infrequent posting. As Peregrine and Gathien both noted, I completely brainfarted on the Channelel energy for healing; that will shortly be rectified.

Male Halfling (HP: 20/20)
(AC: 16/13/16 ; Percep: +6; Init: +2; Fort: +6; Ref: +3; Will: +2 [+4 vs. fear]; CMD: 15; CMB +3; Rage: 8/8)
(Acro +6, Appr +1, Bluff +3, Climb +6, Diplo +3, Disg +3, EscArt +1, Intim +3, Perc +6, Ride +5, SenMot +0, Stealth +11, Surv +0, Swim +5)
Bloodrager (Fire) 2

Welcome back! Hope you enjoyed it. I really need to get to one of those... just need to figure out how to distract my wife for a whole weekend. :)

A friend of mine is moving to Indy in a couple of weeks. So now that I'll have a place to stay down there - maybe next year. :)

You put me in the uncomfortable predicament of not being able to advance the campaign. I could force you to move on, but I don't wish to do that.

Jonas and Gathien say South-West. Peregrine says South-East. Kragath implies South-East. I love the interactions and am glad for the roleplay and thoroughness of it all, but I'm not the one who should be making the choice. At least, I think I'm not. It's early in the day, but I still need a clear majority or a firm decision saying "We go <direction>."

I apologise if I come off as annoyed - I'm not - but I cannot advance without a clear sign of where you wish to go. Unless you want to split up. (my recommendation: don't - that troll is hungry)

Sorry I can't be more vocal. Busy last 6 days. Work. Went overtime last night, got another 12 hour shift today, may have to do overtime again. Got Wednesday and Thursday off, so will try to make up for it then.

Sorry, didn't mean to throw a wrench in the works. Peregrine is just dispensing advice, because that's what he does, but he'll go along with whatever the leadership decides.

We should probably pick one person to have final say, or some kind of tie breaker between Kragath and Jonas should they not agree.

In character I've kind of set a precedent for staying out of these decisions. Seemed like it would make things easier, actually. And now we have a tie. :P

Anyway, I'm fine with letting Kragath have the final say, if someone needs to be chosen for that. IC'ly he's kind of stepped into that role, IMO. I think if anyone disagrees with his choice strongly, they can work that out ic'ly. But I'd rather not get stuck in a mode where it takes 2 or 3 real days just to move one hex.

Male Halfling (HP: 20/20)
(AC: 16/13/16 ; Percep: +6; Init: +2; Fort: +6; Ref: +3; Will: +2 [+4 vs. fear]; CMD: 15; CMB +3; Rage: 8/8)
(Acro +6, Appr +1, Bluff +3, Climb +6, Diplo +3, Disg +3, EscArt +1, Intim +3, Perc +6, Ride +5, SenMot +0, Stealth +11, Surv +0, Swim +5)
Bloodrager (Fire) 2

Seems that both our leaders are in agreement in terms of the next hex, and possibly the one beyond that -- so I imagine we'll probably do better over the next few hexes.

But yes, maybe we should try to plan our next step ahead here in the OOC thread so that we're ready to take action over there in the IC thread. (Obviously, we'd reserve the right to revise the plan based on what happens while we're exploring this one.)

So, based on the current plan, it's SW -> E -> E -> NE -> Olag's, I believe.

Male Human Cavalier 1A

Jonas' first goal was to get us to move SW, because it was closer to the bandits, which seemed to be a bone of contention at one point. He is happy that someone else has mentioned it instead.

Enjoy the weather.

Gathien Toran wrote:
So, based on the current plan, it's SW -> E -> E -> NE -> Olag's, I believe.

I'll back this plan.

I agree with Gathien about discussing travel plans here rather than cluttering up the IC thread.

If Oleg's is meant to be a base camp of sorts, at least initially, I think it would be a good idea to fully explore every hex within two hexes of Oleg's. Even if we can't immediately deal with what's there (like the Troll) at least we won't be surprised so close to our "home" territory.

Also, form a purely metagame perspective, first level characters are pretty wimpy. One or two flukey rolls can spell doom for a character or even a party. Once we have even one more level under our belts we can move around with a lot more confidence. As we move farther and farther south, the distance may make going back to Oleg's very impractical.

That's just my player advice; Rorgrym will follow the party wherever it goes and will defer travel making decisions to others.

@ work. Fort roll here. Assume Kragath is helping wherever he can.

1d20 + 3 ⇒ (3) + 3 = 6

Male Halfling (HP: 20/20)
(AC: 16/13/16 ; Percep: +6; Init: +2; Fort: +6; Ref: +3; Will: +2 [+4 vs. fear]; CMD: 15; CMB +3; Rage: 8/8)
(Acro +6, Appr +1, Bluff +3, Climb +6, Diplo +3, Disg +3, EscArt +1, Intim +3, Perc +6, Ride +5, SenMot +0, Stealth +11, Surv +0, Swim +5)
Bloodrager (Fire) 2

I thought we fully explored woods hexes in a single day?

Anyhow, not much to add IC -- Gathien would offer to build a shelter against the rain (taking 10).

Fort Save: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (20) + 6 = 26

Will post again tonight.

Heavy rain, heavy winds and mist slows down your overland movement speed significantly.

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