Sara Marie
Customer Service Dire Care Bear Manager
19 people marked this as a favorite.
Sara Marie: I had a question about a character i'm building adn jessica said you were working on these rules right now and might could help me.
Sara Marie: She's a mermaid and I want to put armor on her fins and then armor spikes on that....
Sara Marie: I had a question about a character i'm building adn jessica said you were working on these rules right now and might could help me. She's a mermaid and I want to put armor on her fins and then armor spikes on that....
Gary: can i have spiked tentacles?
Sara Marie: lol, no response which i assume means he's on his way to customer service with armor spikes
Christopher: So, if you can enchant armor spikes like weapons, what happens if I make them dancing?
Crystal: Can I buy armor spikes on my armor multiple times and get more damage?
Sara Marie: if he runs into james office and grabs a dogslicer, pelase let me know
Jessica: will do, but I think James has an armor spikes question for him too so he might use it on him first
Christopher: Best. Day. Evar.
Jessica: Rob's still in Jason's office.
Ashley: send the intern in for a rescue mission. no scratch that. I like her
Jessica: I can't. She had a question for him about armor spikes on a mount.
Sara Marie: no response from jason. ooh wait. "I will kill you"
Christopher: Success!
Crystal: Sara Marie says you're making all kinds of crazy promises to her for my mermaid game!
While checking off completed projects on our white board
Adam: What is that? Does that say "fajitas?"
John: Whaaa?
Adam: Oh, nevermind. I saw Faiths & Philosophies and thought it said "fajitas."
John: "Faith & Fajitas" sounds like quite the religion.
Adam: Sounds like Texas.
Overhead at the last dungeon delve on Sunday of PaizoCon 2k13, otherwise known as Shaqnarok:
Wes Schneider:: Is your character made of more than twenty percent water?
Player: Um...yes?
Wes Schneider: Then Shaq drinks you! Roll a Fortitude save.
I'm betting Jason's favorite comic book character was Archangel. Considering that if he was stated in Pathfinder not only would he have armored wings, and not only could those wings be spiked, but he could also fling those spikes at people.
Note to Paizo: Have Jason make an armor spike flinging enchantment that can be added to spiked armor.
Sara Marie
Customer Service Dire Care Bear Manager
5 people marked this as a favorite.
robot chris: wondering what goblin desert is
liz: A goblin desert is a place with no pickles and no fire.
robot chris: er ... dessert
liz: Goblin dessert? Fried pickles with frosting
christopher: And dog meat
Sara Marie
Customer Service Dire Care Bear Manager
17 people marked this as a favorite.
sara marie: this is would be an awesome kickstarter
sara marie: need: $1000 to draw several things with armor spikes
sara marie: pledge $20 and get PDF with art
sara marie: pledge $50 and get PDFs and a print of your choice
sara marie: pledge $100 and get all teh prints
christopher: $1200 Stretch Goal: Picture of Jason Bulmahn's rage-contorted face when it's delivered.
Methinks someone from Paizo should seek out some real armor with spikes on it, ask to borrow it, and wear it to work one day.
Spiked armor doesn't offer a bonus to CMD against defenestration, and probably grants Bulmahn a circumstance bonus to his CMB for the maneuver as well. I'm going to have to pass on this one.
Sara Marie
Customer Service Dire Care Bear Manager
15 people marked this as a favorite.
Crystal: I'm too lazy to open the PDF. So I stood up [to get the book off the shelf]
Robot Chris:I'm too lazy to post that in the overheard thread
Christopher: too lazy to comment on the laziness of others.
Sara Marie: sigh, i guess its up to me
Liz: Jump on that grenade Sara!
Crystal: Jumping sounds like a lot of work for a Monday
Christopher: Flop disinterestedly on that grenade.
Jason: I'm not sure this monster is powerful enough yet.
John: I know just the thing to fix that. If [REDACTED].
Jason: I like it. Run with that. It's sufficiently cruel.