DM Patcher's Serpent's Skull Recruitment Thread.

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Inspired by GM Todd's recruitment topic (kudos to you) I will be following a slightly different recruitment structure than my previous topics.

What you should know before applying
First, download the Serpent's Skull Player's Guide if you haven't - the information is necessary to understand the adventure and create an appropriate backstory for your character.

I am primarily looking for roleplaying, not rollplaying. I wish to explore a story, not mechanics. That said, this is an adventure path. Unoptimised characters will face difficulties. Min-maxing is, however, not a necessity.

As with my previous topics, I also request that you have the time and dedication to post daily - even during weekends - preferably more. If real-life requires your attention, I ask that you inform me and the other players - the ability to communicate is key.

If possible, also tell me which timezone you are in, so I can adjust to posting habits as swiftly as possible.

Lastly, diversity is heavily encouraged. My last two recruitment topics had well over 90% humans, and a multitude of fighters/clerics/bards. Different races and different classes will therefore be prioritised.

Character creation
• Races: Standard races from the Core Rulebook only will be allowed. Racial options from the APG will be allowed.
• Classes: All classes (Base and Prestige) from the Core Rulebook, APG and Ultimate Magic will be allowed. All archetypes will be allowed. Archetype stacking will be allowed - as long as the class features do not replace one another (as per the actual archetype rules).
• Favoured Class: The favoured class options from the Core Rulebook and APG will be acceptable. If the Magus receives some form of favoured class bonus in the near future, after the campaign has started, I will allow Magus players to retcon their favoured class bonus to this new class bonus if they so wish.
• Alignment: I will only allow Good and Neutral alignments.
• Ability Scores: Characters must be created with 20-point buy. No stat can be raised above 18 (prior to racial modifiers), and no stat can be lowered below 8 (prior to racial modifiers).
• Feats: Any feat from the Core Rulebook, APG, UM and ISWG will be allowed. Any other feat from Paizo-compatible systems must be approved by me.
• Traits: Characters will start with three traits. One of these traits MUST be a Serpent's Skull Campaign Trait.
• Hit Points: Characters will start out with Maximum hit points for their class at 1st level.
• Starting Gold: Characters will start with maximum gold for their class.
• The Words of Power system will be permitted for casters. For balance reasons, Borrow Future will not be an allowed Word Spell, unless it receives heavy errata.
• A note about Ultimate Combat: Since it will be released in the end of July (according to the Paizo site), I will most likely allow the book and its archetypes/feats when it is released. As such, if you desire to change your character come the book, I am likely to allow this.

How to apply
I will require more from applicants this time around. While I do not require a full character sheet, I do request that you give me your race, class, ability scores, saves, skills and traits. As such, a full sheet is recommended. If selected, a full sheet is required.

As such, a full sheet is recommended. If selected, a full sheet is required.

In addition, I would like you to answer the following questions. Afterwards, interact with one another as passengers or sailors on the Jenivere.
1. Why are you on the Jenivere?
2. What is your motivation to travel to Sargava?
3. What will your character contribute to the group?
4. What are your plans for your character mechanically?
5. What are your plans for your character from a story-perspective?

Keep in mind that as per the AP, the trip to Sargava is indeed cut short - this is not a nautical adventure.

Role-playing introduction
The ship's been off shore for over a week now. A deadly storm almost spelt the end for you, yet the captain's successful navigation has left the passengers of the Jenivere overjoyed. Tonight, the ship's cook decided to pull all the stops and has prepared a grand feast, with roasted fish, mushroom stew, crab cakes, oysters... the kegs have been opened as well. Shanties are sung as the sunset leaves for a breathtaking horison up on the deck - truly, the night is wont to celebration.

Recruitment will close on Thursday the 14th.

Well since the Serpents Skull game I was in died, and my witch doesn't seem to be a popular option, I'll present Lilly who was my character in a Savage Tides game, and a lot of fun to play. I'll update her, and answer your questions, later tonight or tomorrow morning.

Definately interested here too, I'll look over the players guide and see what kind of concept i can come up with.

I'm definitely interested. I'll work on developing a character and post it as soon as I have enough info for you to consider. Thanks!

Pretty sure the campaign this character was in is dead, so I'll be recycling the alias to use here (if accepted, or elsewhere if not). The spoiler below has her game stats, the ones in the profile are for the previous incarnation, and will be deleted and replaced pending acceptance and free time.

Ridley spends much of her time aboard the Jenivere "casually" strolling about topside, though anyone who pays even the sleightest attention can tell she is strugling to appear calm when inside she is quite agitated. Any questions regarding her nervousness are answered with an embarased smile and laugh, and claims of not being comfortable around water. She explains that she has spent much of her life sheltered away from the world, and now wishes to explore and conqor the fears that attempt to dominate her.

She is polite and exceptionally well mannered, two traits not often seen aboard a ship at sea. Bringing further doubts to her desire to be an adventurer is her apparent health, as she is often seen coughing and suffering from cold sweats, as though fighting off a violent illness. During previous meals, she eats like a bird and drinks only water. Though she is a pleasant conversationalist she prefers to listen to others more than talk herself.

1. Why are you on the Jenivere? To see new parts of the world and begin her new life as an adventurer.
2. What is your motivation to travel to Sargava? She is currently working on a novel set in Sargava, and wishes to see the area with her own eyes, and learn its secrets herself.
3. What will your character contribute to the group? An abundance of knowledge skills, as well as melee and ranged support, and some buffing spells.
4. What are your plans for your character mechanically? Likely staying with summoner as her only class, though I'm looking into a summoner/monk build (very few levels of monk). Going for a switch hitter approach of melee and ranged combat, with some battlefield control and buffing spells. In short, something of a generalist who will try and find an unfilled niche in the party to fill.
5. What are your plans for your character from a story-perspective? She is a semi comfortable writer who has spent years writing about the adventures of others, and is now looking to have adventures of her own. She would be a good candidate for the Pathfinder Society faction.

I'm curious how you wish to address a few aspects of the summoner class, as it relates to the synthesist archetype. Mostly, I'm curious about feats. Would you be alright with the character taking feats that she only qualifies for with her eidolon's physical stats? Also, last I saw someone play a character like this there was some question as to class skills. I was under the assumption the eidolon had no class skills at all, but the GM ruled that when "inside" the eidolon, the character would use the eidolon skill list to decide what was a class skill, and when "outside" they would use the summoner list. I'm not partial to either choice, just curious where you stand. Any other questions I'll throw down here as I come up with them...

Elvin summoner (synthesist archetype)
Ability Cost
Str 8 -2
Dex 10 -2
Con 7 -1
Int 18 10
Wis 14 5
Cha 16 10

Knowledge (Arcana) 1+4+3=+8
Knowledge (Dungeoneering) 1+4+3=+8
Knowledge (Geography) 1+4+3=+8
Knowledge (Local) 1+4+3=+8
Knowledge (Religion) 1+4+3=+8
Spellcraft 1+4+3=+8

Point Blank Shot

Improved Natural Armor
Ability Increase (strength)

Never done a PbP on these forums, but have been most interested in Serpent's Skull AP.
Was thinking about a bow Elf Ranger, N, with the Heirloom Weapon (Curve Blade), Hated Enemy: Humanoids (Humans), Weapon Finesse and Boarded in Cheliax for starters. (Doesn't hate ALL humans, just hated and got used to killing the clear-cutters near his home.)
Failing that a Human Kellishite Sorcerer, CG, Djinn-bloodline, Free-spirited desert outcast prince kind of concept. Probably go into some Fighter and Eldritch Knight. Starting with Toughness, Improved Initiative, Heirloom Weapon (Scimitar) and Jeneviere Crew.
Will stat them both for consideration and submit w/ background info.


Admittedly I'm not a fan of the Synthesist. There's some mechanical fluff there that makes it come off as awkward (for instance, how do you restore its HP?) - and I much prefer the idea (personally) of a tangible, living, breathing intelligent companion.

Looking over the Synthesist, it appears as though it is designed to use your own feats and your own skills - the eidolon has no class skill list, so I'm curious why the DM ruled the way he did.

The way feats work, if you find yourself without the prerequisites for the feat in question, for instance, if you take ability damage to lower your strength to 12, and you had Power Attack, you would be unable to utilise the feat until you recovered to 13 strength.

I do consider this a clumsy mechanic - but the way it is built, it also means that unless you are allowed to count the Eidolon's physical stats as your own, you won't be able to take any melee feats without "wasting" your stats in the first place.

So for feats, I would have to allow you to take feats with the Eidolon's physical attributes as qualifiers - but that also means they only function when the Eidolon is summoned.

Hope this answers your questions (with a little sprinkle of personal bias).

DM Patcher...if you would rather I have a ranger/magus (begins as ranger) character I've been dying to play that was actually more created for Serpent's Skull. I'm about fifty fifty on which I'd rather play more, I put the new Ridley up as that was the character I was thinking about at the time.

Qualin is the bastard son of a pirate and a very down on her luck noble woman. Having grown up with stories of his father, once Qualin became an adult he left the illusionary life of luxory his mother desperately fought to keep, and set out to find this mythical man. He didn't have much beyond a name and small list of ships his father had worked aboard, but eventually heard a rumor his father might have been to Sargava recently.

1. Why are you on the Jenivere? Qualin hired on aboard the Jenifere after he heard she was headed to Sargava. He has no intentions of staying longer than necissary, though he's become somehwat attached to his shipmates.
2. What is your motivation to travel to Sargava? Rumor has it that Qualin's father was aboard a ship sailing to Sargava. He is excited to be so close to his goal, though his search has lasted so many years he's beginning to worry about just what to say when he finally tracks his father down.
3. What will your character contribute to the group? Melee ability as well as some support casting. Qualin is a team player who is more interested in defeating opponents through the use of tactics and teamwork, rather than hogging the glory and stealing the spotlight.
4. What are your plans for your character mechanically? Begin as ranger, level as magus afterward with an occassional additional level of ranger. Two weapon fighting and some ranged abilities. Would love to buddy up with a rogue, or similar, to flank with.
5. What are your plans for your character from a story-perspective? The search for his father is important to him, though not expected to be important to the campaign as a whole. After that particular goal is met, he will likely look for a group to aly with while he figures out what to do with the rest of his life, which will likely involve (very long term here) organizing funds to repay civilian casulties inflicted by his fathers piracy.


half elf ranger (still looking through archetypes, thinking skirmisher or trapper)
Abillity cost
str 16 5
dex 14 5
con 14 5
int 14 5
wis 10 0
cha 10 0

Acrobatics 1+2+
Knowledge (geography) 1+2+0
Profession (sailer) 1+0+3
Spellcraft 1+2+3
Swim 1+3+

Combat Casting

The mysterious father aspect is largely there to justify some of his class abilities after attaining levels of magus. I'm going to go with the hexcrafter, bladebound, and spellblade archetypes, the first of which is mostly there to give him some voodoo themes. The Black Blade he recieves at third will be the sentient falcata his father wielded, which has been seeking the son out, just as the son sought out the father. It's goals and modivations I'll pretty much leave up to you, though if you'd rather not have one more thing to deal with, I can write something up for it. The Athame is going to be the ghostly main gouche (a sorta wide bladed fencing dagger you see in Musketeer type movies, stats as a dagger, as per the class ability) that comes to him from his father, which will likely distress Qualin a bit, as it's a pretty strong indicator his father is dead. Again, I'll give you discression in how exactly it shows up, and again offer to come up with something if you'd rather not.

As for the father himself...he's an elvin pirate, known to weild a nasty falcata, and is a fairly all around bad guy. He's a bit of a con-man/player, taking advantage of desperate women while in port, and raiding mechant vessles while on the ocean. As a player, I'm working with the assumption that the father will be dead long before Qualin catches up to him, though if you'd like to modify this feel free. Qualin likely has an idea that his father isn't the dashing rogue his mother made him out to be, but he hasn't quite figured out just how vile the man is/was either. He'll be unhappy to find out the particulars, but though he doesn't approve of the things his father did, the man was still his dad.

OK, First with the Ranger.


Name: Kythas
Basics: Wild Elf male. Neutral. 5'9" 140lbs. Green Hair. Hazel Eyes.
Deity: Gozreh

Str: 13 (+3)
Dex: 18 (+10) 16 w/ +2 Elf bonus
Con: 10 (+2) 12 w/ -2 Elf penalty
Int: 12 (0) 10 w/ +2 Elf bonus
Wis: 14 (+5)
Chr: 10 (0)

10 Hit points. AC:16 (Leather + 18 Dex)
Fortitude: +2 Reflexes: +6 Willpower: +2.

Traits (3)
1)Heirloom Weapon: (from Adventurer's Armory) Elven Curve Blade.
2)Reactionary: (from Character traits .pdf) +2 initiative.
3)Jenivere Crew: (from Serpent's Skull PG) Acrobatics as Class Skill and +1 bonus to Acrobatics check.

Skills (6 class, +1 int, +1 favored class = 8 total.)
Acrobatics (+9), Climb (+5), knowledge: Geography (+5), Knowledge: Nature (+5), Perception (+8), Stealth (+8), Survival (+6), Swim (+5)

Feats (1)
Weapon Finesse

Gear (300g to spend, has 120g left over)
Masterwork Elven Curve Blade (80g/7lbs.), Longbow (75g/3lbs.), 2 Daggers (4g/2lbs.), 40 Arrows (2g/6lbs.), Leather Armor (10g/15lbs.), Explorer's Outfit (free to start/10lbs.), 2 Belt pouches (2g/1lb.), Waterskin (1g/4lbs.), 3 Sunrods (6g/3lbs.), 2 bottles of Rum (2g/2lbs.)
Total weight of 48lbs. At light load up to 50lbs. (phew!)

Favored Enemy: Humanoids (Humans)
Languages: Common, Elven, Draconic.


1. Why are you on the Jenivere? The island of my tribe was completely absorbed by pirates of the Shackles after a lengthy series of skirmishes. Most of my people are dead. Those that remained either were captured and sold into slavery or escaped by other means. I joined the crew of the Jenivere after a series of mishaps with slavers, pirates, rum-runners and maritime authorities. I'm the primary lookout. (the drunken, scrawny elf in the crow's nest)
2.What is your motivation to travel to Sargava? I go where the ship goes!
3.What will your character contribute to the group? Solid Ranged damage, Decent Melee damage, High Perception and Stealth, Good Survival and other Ranger-like skills, Fast-acting in combat (plan on taking Improved Initiative at 3rd level. +10 Initiative!).
4.What are your plans for your character mechanically? Full Ranger to the end! Picking up the Animal Companion at 4th, don't know what yet. Feat tree will look like this: 1st) Weapon Finesse. 2nd) Point Blank Shot. 3rd) Improved Initiative. 5th) Precise Shot. 6th) Rapid Shot. 7th) Many Shot. 9th) Improved Critical, Bow. 10th)Shot on the Run.
Haven't given it more thought after 10 for feats.
5.What are your plans for your character from a story-perspective? He hasn't thought much beyond his current situation. He would eventually like to track down possible survivors from his tribe and eventually get off this cursed ship. He would also like to visit as much hurt on the Shackles Pirates as he can. (Not all of them , but the expansionist evil ones) For now he somewhat content in his rum and where the tides take him.

I'm on the East Coast, US. (EST) I'm lucky enough to have a job where I can easily stay updated on my phone while at work and I am almost always free otherwise. Even when I'm vacationing, partying, travelling or visiting, I can always grab a few minutes to update.

I see a Ranger posted already, so I'll throw up the Sorcerer next.

1. Why are you on the Jenivere? If I'm going to have my own ship someday i should know how to use one. Plus might be clues to my past where we're headed.
2. What is your motivation to travel to Sargava? Maybe somebody here knows something about my missing mother.
3. What will your character contribute to the group?Lilly is very perceptive, and good at survival in the wilderness. Her animal companion and herself are also good at fighting, and will keep the crew, and party entertained with Eyeball's antics. Also has healing abilities.
4. What are your plans for your character mechanically? Mainly support character with descent fighting, magical support. Healing, summoning useful creatures, survival skills. Combat will be balanced between missile, magic, and melee.
5. What are your plans for your character from a story-perspective? Uncouth, and uncivilized, Lilly and eyeball are curious about the world, and the world is curios about them. Her search for her past is important to her, but no reason not to live life to its fullest along the way. Kind of a misfit in civilization, but friendly and willing to learn.

Don't forget me!!!

If at first you don't succeed, try, try, again! I know a ranger is already in the mix, but I want to be able to try the class once in my life. So here he is.

Character Sheet:

Male Half-Elf Ranger (Guide) 1
NG Medium Humanoid (Elf, Human)
Init +1; Senses Low-Light Vision; Perception +8
AC 14, touch 11, flat-footed 13 (+3 armor, +1 Dex)
hp 10 (1d10)
Fort +3, Ref +3, Will +2
Immune sleep; Resist Elven Immunities
Spd 30 ft.
Melee Masterwork Curve blade, elven +5 (1d10+3/18-20/x2) and
Unarmed Strike +3 (1d3+2/20/x2)
Special Attacks Ranger's Focus +2 (1/day)
Ranger (Guide) Spells Known (CL 0, 3 melee touch, 2 ranged touch):
Str 14, Dex 13, Con 10, Int 14, Wis 14, Cha 14
Base Atk +1; CMB +3; CMD 14
Feats Endurance
Traits Boarded in the Shackles: Fortitude Save, Ease of Faith, Heirloom Weapon: Curve blade, elven, Masterwork Curve blade, elven
Skills Climb +6, Diplomacy +7, Heal +6, Knowledge: Geography +6, Linguistics +3, Perception +8, Stealth +5, Survival +6, Swim +6
Languages Common, Elven
SQ Elf Blood, Track +1, Wild Empathy +3 (Ex)
Combat Gear Masterwork Curve blade, elven, Masterwork Studded Leather; Other Gear Adventurer's Sash (empty), Backpack (empty), Flint and steel, Grappling hook, Rations, trail (per day) (3), Rope, silk (50 ft.), Waterskin
Elf Blood You are counted as both elves and humans for any effect relating to race.
Elven Immunities +2 save bonus vs Enchantments.
Elven Immunities - Sleep You are immune to Sleep effects.
Endurance +4 to a variety of skill checks. Sleep in L/M armor with no fatigue.
Low-Light Vision See twice as far as a human in low light, distinguishing color and detail.
Ranger's Focus +2 (1/day) (Ex) +2 to hit and damage focused target.
Track +1 +1 to survival checks to track.
Wild Empathy +3 (Ex) Improve the attitude of an animal, as if using Diplomacy.

And now his story. Should answer the questions on why I'm on the Jenivere and why I wanna go.

Gan's Story:

Gan was born in the shackles to a human mother. He was the illegitimate son of an elven crime lord. Gan had grown up in the slums, struggling. His mother forced to take whatever job was given. This made things very hard for Gan and his mom. All this time Gan wanted better for him and his mother. He had to confront his father. He trained for a few years but was too green to face his father. A mere boy. He did anyways. His father defeated him heartily.
His father liked him and his bravery and audacity. So he took Gan and his mother in and decided to raise Gan as his son. Life was finally picking up for Gan. His father trained him in the art of using a Eleven curved blade. When Gan wasn’t training he spent much of his time exploring the wilderness. After he finally left his father’s care. He became a explorer and guide of the lands outside of Shackles. Sometimes Gan would leave for months at a time.
Gan had developed a knack for adapting to the wilds and soon took up ranger as a profession. He also spent much time acting as a guide for many caravan’s or explorations. He was good with maps and soon became pretty good with a sword. His father was glad he had taken on such a talented boy. Things were okay for a good while. His father even gave him the family sword.
One day, things changed. His father was finally arrested for the numerous crimes he had committed and was beheaded. Because Gan only did honest work, he and his mother were excused from any of the charges though all of his fathers fortunes were either confiscated by the guards, or taken by other greedy leaders within his father’s underworld. This left him and his mother with nothing. One day his mother grew very ill and she ended up dying from the disease. With nothing left to lose, Gan set out to try and make a new life. Not sure what to expect. Gan decided he wanted to explore the lands beyond. He boarded a ship, the Jenivere, to the land of Eleder. To try and find something new or interesting. Gan wanted to see if the world beyond the shackles had anything to offer.

The other questions Answer.

The Mechanics and contributions.:

My character is a group worker. A Guide archetype. He will adopt to various types of terrain. He also has benefits to offer at level four. He will be a good guide and survivalist.

Mechanics: I plan on making him a two-handed fighter with the elven curved blade. I am working towards the unpopular class of Horizon walker because I think it will be fun and for no other reason that that.

Character development: Is kind of lost and wanting to explore. He has a lot of geographic talent and he wants nothing more than to find something that interests him. He will seek out anything of interest but his main concern is finding his future and a reason to live.

That should cover those details. As for me as a player, I have applied for over ten games and have been accepted to three. Two of which seem to have died. I will admit that I have twelve years experience as a DM but almost none as a player. Every game I get into never makes it past the first chapter in any campaign. As for my availability, I just recently purchased a smartphone, it has given me the ability to post almost anytime, and definitely anywhere. I live in the Central time zone{US/Canada} I am usually awake from ten in the morning till almost three in the morning. If I do not make the cut, please give me some constructive criticism as I have very little experience as a player and would benefit greatly from any advice. Thank you. If you have any questions or concerns, please let me know.

Seeing all the casters so far, I decided against the Kelishite Sorcerer for now and went with the old-fashioned Gypsy-style Rogue.


Name: Jaelle
Class: Rogue
Basics: Half-Elf Female. Chaotic Good. 5'7" 117lbs. Auburn Hair. Green-Gold Eyes.
Deity: Cayden Cailean
Str: 13 (+3)
Dex: 18 (+10) 16 w/ +2 Half-Elf bonus
Con: 10 (0)
Int: 12 (+2)
Wis: 10 (0)
Chr: 14 (+5)

8 Hit points. AC:18 (Masterwork Chain Shirt + 18 Dex)
Fortitude: 0 Reflexes: +6 Willpower: 0

Traits (3)
1)Wealthy Parents: (from Character traits .pdf) 900 starting gold.
2)Armor Expert: (from Character traits .pdf) -1 Armor skill check.
3)Boarded in Varisia: (from Serpent's Skull PG) +2 Bluff checks against Sargavan Natives.

Skills (8 class, +1 int, +1 favored class = 10 total.)
Acrobatics (+8), Appraise (+5 or +7 when appraising small items with the magnifying glass), Bluff (+6 or +8 vs. Sargavan natives), Climb (+5), Disable Device (+9 without tools, +13 with masterwork thieves tools), Escape Artist (+8), Perception (+6), Sleight of Hand (+8 or +12 to hide small objects on her person using pocketed scarf), Stealth (+8), Swim (+5)

Feats (1, plus free Half-Elf racial Skill Focus)
Weapon Finesse, Skill Focus: Disable Device.

Gear (900g to spend, has 120g left over)
Masterwork Rapier (320g/2lbs.), Dagger (2g/1lbs.), Masterwork Chain Shirt (250g/25lbs.), Explorer's Outfit (free to start/10lbs.), Masterwork Backpack (55g/4lbs.), Waterskin (1g/4lbs.), 3 Sunrods (6g/3lbs.), 2 bottles of Fine Wine (20g/3lbs.), Masterwork Thieves Tools (100g/2lbs.), Magnifying Glass (100g/half lb.), Pocketed Scarf (8g/half lb.), Shaving Kit (1g,5s/half lb.), 2 vials Perfume (10g/half lb.).
31 golds, 5 silvers leftover.
Total weight of 56lbs. At light load up to 58lbs. (thanks to Masterwork Backpack!)

Languages: Common, Elven, Draconic.


1. Why are you on the Jenivere? To satisfy my Elven and Varisian wanderlust!
2. What is your motivation to travel to Sargava? To travel to exotic places, meet new people, and rob them of every last valuable!
3. What will your character contribute to the group? Trap-finding and removal, Face skills (high bluff vs. natives), Good melee damage, Lots of useful skills.
4. What are your plans for your character mechanically? Probably stay a Rogue. Build around skills and strong, fast melee damage feats.
5. What are your plans for your character from a story-perspective? Roll with the flow. Basically be in wide-eyed wonder at almost everything she sees. She just wants to have an adventure!

DM Patcher:

I'm pretty familiar with all the Core classes and willing to give any of them a shot if you have any slot that needs to be filled in the end. I'm an old fart (40 years old) Been playing since 1983 and DMing almost exclusively, so would love to finally be able to actually play, even in a PbP environment. I can make a character I enjoy whether its a LG Dwarf Paladin or a CN Halfling Barbarian. Feel free to drop me an e-mail at if you have any questions you don't want to ask here.

I am quite interested in this campaign. I am a fairly seasoned pbp'r, and post several times a day. I have created a character sheet (see profile). I'm up late and some of my creativity is lacking at the current moment, but here is the basic concept of the character:

Female Half-elf Oracle (Lore Mystery / Haunted Curse)

Kystra is a half-elf whose life seems to be plagued with misery. Due to complications in Kystra’s birth, her human mother did not even live long enough to lock eyes on her new daughter. Ever since, Kystra can feel other-worldly forces constantly tugging at her soul, almost as if trying to pull the life out of her.

Kystra was raised by her elven father in a small elven community. There Kystra learned of honor, justice and commitment. Her father soon took a new wife, an elf. This new “mother” made sure that Kystra was raised as proper elf and discouraged any attempts Kystra made of learning about her mother.

Kystra’s father could sense her unhappiness. Many times had he heard her talk of how something seemed to be missing in her life. Finally, as Kystra entered early adulthood, her father told her about her mother. Although Kystra was quite happy to finally hear of how wonderful a person she was, and how different she was from elves, it was her heritage which surprised her the most. Kystra’s father told her, that her mother descended from Azlanti. Kystra did not know how or why, but Kystra could feel the long since departed spirits of the Azlanti calling out for her. Kystra knew what she must do.

In a search to seek out information on her ancestors, Kystra departed her elven community and set off on a journey to Sargava. Prior to her journey she sought out much information on Sargava and the Mwangi Expanse. Having never travelled far from home before, her extensive research on Sargava, comforted her and gave her the confidence she needed to embark on such a journey.

Personality-wise, Kystra is a polite, quiet and reserved woman. She is analytical, loyal and thoughtful.

Hi DM Patcher - throwing my hat into the ring. Here is Avarthiel Silverhand, Elven Wizard (Abjurer). I'm based in New Zealand (GMT +12), and can post pretty much every day. No major holidays planned till Christmas :)

1. Why are you on the Jenivere? "This was supposed to be a simple, if long, voyage to Sargava. I had no idea that the weather would be so bad at this time of year - but then the journey is the lesson and the lesson is our path. Or so my masters say."

2. What is your motivation to travel to Sargava? "The head of my order bade me come. More detail? Well then, her divinations revealed or suggested that events were or might be going to ... eventuate ... that could be interpreted as... um. Well, shall we leave it at 'the head of my order bade me come'? And anyway I've been reading about the Mwangi Expanse and the ruins and the jungles since I was tiny. Who could resist the chance to come here and see it, with my order paying for the voyage?

3. What will your character contribute to the group? A calm head, a sense of perspective, and general good cheer. All hidden behind a facade of aloof intelligence and monk-like zen sayings.

4. What are your plans for your character mechanically? Full progression arcane caster, specialised in protective wards and battlefield control. Will look to build a wide range of utility spells and create enough scrolls to adapt to any situation.

5. What are your plans for your character from a story-perspective? This is the first time that Avarthiel has been away from his order and the temple-fortress for any significant period of time. He is excited to explore the world is looking to make his mark and return a hero. He will start out very confident in his magic, and perhaps learn a little caution along the way.

Looking good so far - I understand that the weekends are slow, so I am eagerly awaiting your roleplaying come this week.

EDIT: Crud! I realise I forgot to mention this: I also wish to see your alignments listed in your statistics. I knew I forgot something. *facedesk*

Sovereign Court

I submit to you Trilton Stoutheart, Half-Orc Paladin {Hospitaler & Warrior of the Holy Light}!

Abridged background:


An orphan of the Orc wars of Lastwall, he seeks to prove his valor to himself and others - as well as his differences from the destructive nature of his ancestry. In fact, he even changed his name to estrange himself from his genes - his original name is Groth, and it is a well-kept secret of his. This self-imposed mettle test has driven him to become a warrior of the holy light in the eyes of Iomedae, and Trilton sees an opportunity to serve good in Sargava.

Ability Scores:


STR: 14
DEX: 12
CON: 12
INT: 11
WIS: 10
CHA: 16 + 2 = 18



FOR: 2 + 1 = 3
REF: 0 + 1 = 1
WIL: 2 + 0 = 2

Skills (3 per level due to favored class):


Sense Motive



Mwangi Scholar
... and I seem to have forgotten where I find the others! Which book is it again?

Here're the responses to the questions you asked:

1. Why are you on the Jenivere?


Jenivere provides the mode of transportation to Sargava Trilton needs, and it coming as far North as Magnimar means it's a very favorable alternative to stops in hellish Cheliax.

2. What is your motivation to travel to Sargava?


Trilton seeks passage to Sargava for many reasons. First, he wants to show others he isn't the person his ancestry might imply; his Orc heritage has received many a scornful look and prejudiced mindset over the years, and proving good intent through deed seems to be the only way to get through to people. Next, he believes his peacekeeping service to the colony will please Iomedae, his goddess. Lastly, and most importantly, there is a good chance tyranny may replicate itself in the colony's young age. After hearing about the the revolt from Cheliax itself, Trilton is worried Sargava may become the new Cheliax to the natives in the land. He considers it his duty - unassigned as it is - to find a balance between the colony's sovereignty and that of the natives in the expanse.

3. What will your character contribute to the group?


He will contribute helping hands, a talented tongue, and a beacon of radiant valor to remind party members of the morality of their decisions. With his coarse skin, Trilton is not the most attractive man, though he is an excellent conversationalist. His ability to cure wounds and toxins should be useful in the jungle. The goodness in his nature, however, may serve as either galvanization for like-minded characters or polarization for those less graced with altruism. In the same manner, his stubbornness in terms of adhering to his code may be a driving force for the group or a point of contention at times. In any case, Trilton will bring about a thought of what it means to be "good," and how this idea can be actualized in a world of imperfection and (at least some) evil.

4. What are your plans for your character mechanically?


Trilton is more of a healer and diplomat than a combatant. Though well-armored and able to land a blow, he will not have fighter-style feats, nor is his personality as impulsive as the barbarians towards which his ancestors are so partial.

5. What are your plans for your character from a story-perspective?


The resolution of questions #2 and #3 are the mainstays of his story, and branches may appear from those answers depending on what they may be. It is also possible Trilton will be shaken from his strict path of valor if some belief-changing event occurs to him, though it would have to be quite extraordinary.

If you have any questions, please feel free to ask!

Kystra Silverstar wrote:

I am quite interested in this campaign. I am a fairly seasoned pbp'r, and post several times a day. I have created a character sheet (see profile). I'm up late and some of my creativity is lacking at the current moment, but here is the basic concept of the character:

Female Half-elf Oracle (Lore Mystery / Haunted Curse)

Further to my prior post, here are the answers to you specific questions:


1. Why are you on the Jenivere? To travel to Sargava to seek any information or ruins on the Azlanti.

2. What is your motivation to travel to Sargava? To fufill some inner longing to connect with her Azlanti ancestors.

3. What will your character contribute to the group? Sort of a secondary fighter and front-line healer. Also a collector of knowledge.

4. What are your plans for your character mechanically? I plan to just develop her with Oracle levels.

5. What are your plans for your character from a story-perspective? This character has spent most of her time living amoungst elves. Part of this journey will be the discovery of how other races and people interact when they are not constained by the tightly confined social conventions of elves. Her thirst for knowledge on the Azlanti will drive her desire to explore, despite that she has spent most of her life in a small elven community. Learning how to look after herself for a long period of time will be a challenge she will need to overcome. I am expanding on her haunted oracle curse, to make her constantly aware that there is always another other-wordly force ever present in her everyday life. She believes it is this harrowing feeling as to why she is gifted with the powers that she possess. Because her powers seemed unnatural, she was told to refrain from using them when she lived with the elves. Understanding her powers and learning when to use them will also be part of her journey.

In addition, I would like you to answer the following questions. Afterwards, interact with one another as passengers or sailors on the Jenivere.

As Kystra boards the ship, its passengers and crew see a half-elven woman dressed in fine elven clothes with signicant travel wear. Glints of a finely polished chain shirt stick out from under neath her tunic. A dagger is sheathed on her belt, and the head of a heavy mace pokes out from her backpack.

The woman nods politely towards any meeting her gaze. Her poise is that typical of elves -- an aura of confidence and superiority radiates from her. She does appear to be quite curious and the way she examines many parts of the ship easily gives away that this is her first journey on a large sailing ship.

Grand Lodge

Hello DM Patcher: Here is my proposal:
Name: Razinthar (RAZ) Rockwalker
Race/Class: 1st Level Male Dwarf Druid
Alignment/Deity: Neutral Good - Torag

Physical Description

5’2, 190 pounds, Brown Eyes, Long curly braided hair and beard



Sold into slavery in the region of Shackles, Raz fought for his life to survive. Eventually he was bought, and rescued by Draeven, an earthen druid who saw potential in this young dwarf. They traveled far and wide in the region where Draeven imparted his wisdom and lore to Raz. Raz has been grateful for the opportunity to accomplish something greater in his life. He often is sent on journey’s to gather rare components for his master.


Common, Dwarf, Druidic

Ability Scores


14 - Str 5pts
14 - Dex 5pts
16 - Con 5pts, +2 Dwarf Racial
10 - Int 0 pts
16 - Wis 5 pts, +2 Dwarf Racial
8 - Chr 0 pts, - 2 Dwarf Racial

Hit Points



8 1st Druid
3 Con
1 Favoured class




4 Hide Armor
2 Wooden Shield
2 Dex

Saving Throws


Fortification = 5 (2+3 ability)
Reflex = 3 (0+2 ability+1trait)
Willpower = 5 (2+3 ability)



4 skill points

3 Handle Animal 1 (1+3-1ability)
4 Knowledge Nature 1 (1+3+0 ability)
7 Survival 1 (1+3+3 ability)
7 Perception 1 (1+3+3 ability)

Feats and Traits


Favoured Class: Druid +1 hp at first level
Trait: Reactionary +2 Initiative
Trait:Focused Mind +2 Concentration Checks
Campaign Trait: Boarded in Shackles, +1 reflex saves
1st Level Feat: Improved Initiative: +4

Animal Companion


1st Level: BEAR
Name: Beogath (BEO)

Size: Small
Speed: 40
AC: +2 NA
Attack: bite 1d4, 2 claws 1d3 each
Ability Scores: Str=15, Dex=15, Con=13, Wis=12, Int=2, Chr=6
Special: Low Light Vision, Scent

Equipment and Gear


190 gp START
Hide Armor 15gp
Large Wooden Shield 7gp
back pack 2gp
pouch belt 1gp


DM Questions


1. Why are you on the Jenivere? Was sent to gather special herbs the area of Sargava and decided to book passage on the ship rather than travel overland.
2. What is your motivation to travel to Sargava? Draven, Raz’s master druid, has sent him to gather special herbs, plants, and rare ingredients in the area and to bring them back when he has enough. In addition there has been rumours that evil is brewing in the jungle. With a twofold purpose, Raz needs to investigate both.
3. What will your character contribute to the group? A well rounded caster, buffer, which can use abilities and spells on others, self or animal companion. Many survival skills that could be used in the jungle.
4. What are your plans for your character mechanically? Straight druid with a emphasis on wildshape.
5. What are your plans for your character from a story-perspective? To investigate the brewing evil in the land and bond with others who have similar interests.

Awesome - love to see the more in-depth recruitment threads.

I will give you a word of warning: these make it much harder to choose players, as you begin to get attached to each of them. I recommend flipping a coin, reading tea leaves or throwing darts at a board to emotionally detach yourself from the selection.

I was considering submitting a character, but my knowledge of the AP and complete lack of time convinced me otherwise.

I recommend someone submitting a gnomeish cavalier, though. They're woefully under-represented in recruitment threads.

I'm throwing my name for consideration also. I have never run nor played this AP and it sounds like a fun crew.

Character + answers:

Appearance: 20 years old, shoulder length brown hair braided down his back, green eyes, pale skin, red kilt, shin-high boots.

Male Human Fighter (Weapon Master) 1
LN Medium Humanoid (Human)
Init +3; Senses Perception +1
AC 18, touch 13, flat-footed 15. . (+3 armor, +2 shield, +3 Dex)
hp 12 (1d10+2)
Fort +4, Ref +3, Will +1
Spd 30 ft.
Melee Sword, Bastard +5 (1d10+3/19-20/x2)
Str 16, Dex 16, Con 14, Int 10, Wis 12, Cha 8
Base Atk +1; CMB +4; CMD 17
Feats Exotic Weapon Proficiency: Sword, Bastard, Shield Focus, Weapon Focus: Sword, Bastard
Traits Highlander (hills or mountains), Killer
Skills Acrobatics +1, Climb +5, Escape Artist +1, Fly +1, Ride +1, Stealth +6, Swim +5 Modifiers Highlander (hills or mountains)
Languages Common
Combat Gear Buckler, Studded Leather, Sword, Bastard;
Highlander (hills or mountains) +1 to Stealth checks, Stealth is always a class skill for you. Double this in hilly or rocky areas.
Killer Add weapon's critical modifier to its critical bonus damage.
Get the Cargo Through Your job is to ensure a precious cargo aboard the Jenivere arrives safely in Eleder—what form this cargo takes and the nature of your relationship to it are up to you and your GM. Your character’s history as a merchant or mercenary has earned hIN a respectable living, and you begin the campaign with an additional 300 gp in starting wealth.

1. Why are you on the Jenivere?
Landon signed up to guard for some precious cargo, the contents of which he is unaware, and ensure its arrival in Eleder.
2. What is your motivation to travel to Sargava?
He wants to accumulate sufficient funds to book an expedition into the jungle where his mother is said to have disappeared five years ago. This act is the motivation that led him to leave the beautiful highlands of his country and come so far.
3. What will your character contribute to the group?
He will be a front-line fighter, added stealth, and swimmer. The jungle and such will be all new to him so he will rp that flavor.
4. What are your plans for your character mechanically?
Weapon Master (fighter) with bastard sword mixed with stealth, light armor, and high movement.
5. What are your plans for your character from a story-perspective?
He wants to guard his cargo, deliver it to Eleder, and find the fate of his mother's expedition. RP-wise, he is very militaristic and brutal in combat.

The last rays of the sun dip behind clouds on the horizon, leaving a deep red stain on the night sky. As the light fades and the sound of sea shanties rises behind him, Avarthiel rises from his cross-legged pose of meditation at the the bow of the ship. He stretches, gathers his simple robes around him, and picks up a carved wooden staff from the deck by his feet.

"Ah, done and done. Now, is anyone hiding a flask of wine, or are we sharing grog with the sailors?"

Gan stands looking out over the sea. Truly a marvel. It was hard to believe that the storm just moments ago threatened every man and woman on this ship. Now quiet. Gan himself was no sailor, but it didn't take one to know that without the captain's skill at the helm, the ship and all aboard would have been lost.

Now relief, the crew was preparing a feast and Gan was going to take part for sure. He heard someone looking for wine, he remembered two bottles he had stashed for later use. What better time to break one open than to celebrate the Jenivere's marvelous survival.

"Excuse me my friend." He called out to Avarthiel "I have a bottle that I am willing to share with good company. Come and sit with me. Let us celebrate a successful voyage." With that he opened a bottle and poured a glass.

"That is very good news, Gan. I knew there was a reason I liked you. As the masters say, 'Preparation is the soul of success'. To the voyage of a lifetime, and surviving it!"

Avarthiel touches glasses with Gan, makes a curious circular gesture with his left hand, then drinks to the toast.

Lilly steps to the rail of the boat, and pulls out a sack from her possessions. She opens the sack her nose crinkling slightly at the odor from that act, and withdraws a blood and slime encrusted sling. With a scratchy cry from overhead Eyeball swoops clumsily down and lands on the rail of the ship beside her desperately scratching for a firm grip on the mist covered rail. He nuzzles her a bit with hi head, looking for the source of the smell he loves so well.

With a grin and chuckle, Lilly reaches up and scratches him in his favorite spot behind his left ear hole. Then she reached down into the battered bucket, she found in the ships bilge, and withdraws a slimy putrescent fish head. She had to offer free burn treatment, and help with food purification, but the deal she had made with the ships cook, was suitable. Placing the offending object in her spare sling, she whirled it quickly around her head, as Eyeball lurched into flight. When he reached a suitable altitude she released the object in a nasty spray. The fish head arced away from the ship, and like a bullet Eyeball intersected it just before it hit the waves, and downed it in one gulp, as he arrested his descent just before hitting the waters surface, and exploded back upwards to await his next morsel.

Seeing that her feeding ritual was starting to draw some observers, Lilly turned to the gathering group, and offered the sling. "Anyone else want to try"? "It's fun". She then spots the other travelling member of the ship, that shared her racial mix. She had crossed path with the man a few times on board, and he was always the picture of politeness, but he spent so much time praying...time to see if he had an adventuresome side. "How bout you soldier"? "Care to give it a try"?

Gan nodded in agreement with Avarthiel's statement. "True indeed, I have been on too many adventure to not be prepared. Though this is my first time at sea. It was quite a shock when that storm rolled in. I thought we were done for. It seems our good captain was also well prepared and thank the high heavens for that or we'd all be sunk." Gan took a drink and watch the "feeding ritual of Lilly, he chuckled. "My goodness there are definitely some interesting folks in this world." Gan turned his attention to Avarthiel. "Is this your first time at sea?"

Paizo Employee Developer

Dotting. Complete info when I'm not waiting for a train

Shadow Lodge

Dotting, as this is the only AP I've never seen nor played.

I like making lists, so here's one with all the submissions.

Trilton Stoutheart, half orc paladin
Landon Highmoon, human fighter
Kythas, elf ranger
Gan Laccaran, half elf ranger
Lord feint: half elf ranger or djinn blood sorcerer
Qualin Lyir, half elf ranger/magus or Ridley Blix, elf synthesist

Jaelle, half elf rogue

Lily, half orc druid and companion "Eye Ball"
Razinthar Rockwalker, dwarf druid
Kystra, half elf oracle of lore

Avarthiel, elf abjurer

Looks like an elven village is re-locating, 7 of the 11 submissions are elf-blooded!

Shadow Lodge

I feel the sudden urge to submit a goblin cavalier just to see the reactions. :P

Submitting Dantes Goldforge for your consideration. He is a lawful good dwarven monk (ki mystic/four winds).


Patcher, I am in the US Pacific time zone, which is GMT -7.
1 and 2. Dantes is on the Jenivere as a sailor. He is working both to build up a little money and for passage. With each port, Dantes evaluates if he should part ways with the Jenivere; as long as it seems to be going further out, he’s content to stay on.

3. Dantes would contribute as a voice of practicality and a moral compass. He’s seen much in his decades of travel, and he tries to leave each place a bit better than he left it. He realizes he can’t do it all and change everything, but he looks to do what he can. While he is plain spoken, he is not judgmental or preachy. He leads by example, and is silently approving of goodly actions and disapproving of indifference, though he would likely only intervene if it turned evil.

4. Dantes will likely remain a monk going forward. Though depending on the circumstances of the AP, he might take a level or ranger or wizard. The combined archtypes of Four Elements and Ki Mystic don’t conflict, and should add some neat variety to his abilities.

5. Dantes is working on overcoming his personal demons. He feels guilt for the life of plenty and luxury that he lead for decades when so much suffering and oppression was going on around him. He is conflicted: he has always told himself he is just out to see the world and learn more about it, but every time he finds himself helping others, getting involved, doing more than just observing. As he develops, he needs to come to terms with what is really driving him and look for his own way to find redemption, to apply all he’s learned into a purpose.

Dantes approaches the toasting elves (elfkin?) and says Please with that glass he says, referring to the glasses and bottle they have out. Lots of us crew go barefoot to make climbing easier when it matters. It doesn’t take a storm like that one to toss a glass to the deck if it is not attended. I don’t mean to put a damper on your celebration, just asking for caution on your part. With his wooden cup, he offers then a gesture of toast. You can see it steaming, brimming with fresh stew broth rather than the liquors the rest of the crew is enjoying so liberally. After his comment, the dwarf stares off at the sunset, admiring the view with a rather placid expression.

Dantes is a fastidious dwarf. His hair and beard are neatly tied or braided at all times, and his clothing , while clean and neat, is drab and utilitarian. He carries a small axe tucked into his belt.

"Marvelous creature you have there." The tall robed figure says to Lilly. "Cannot say as I've ever seen its like." He stands by the rail, feet wide and stable, hands resting attop a brass capped ivory tusk fashioned into a walking stick. Daggers adorn his belt, but those and the heavy cane are the only possible weapons he shows. His face is concealed behind a silver mask that though well made, bears only vague facial features.

Grand Lodge

Raz shifts uneasy as the ship heaves. Noticing another of his kin, he walks over deftly and overhears the cautionary retort to the elven lass. “Ho there kinsman, ye seem ta have outdid yerself at breaking up their fine party. To offer a toast and not partake in spirits is unlike any bearded one iva ever seen.” Smiling he continues, “Strange ye be, all clean and shavd and that. Guess ye been living among the humans fer too long methinks!!! No-matter, it pleases me to see ye and I shall shake ye for good measure if ye will! Raz extends his arm in greeting to Dante. “The names Razinthar, well met chummly. If ye wish ye can call me Raz, and that small beast over der is Beo” Raz points in the stern at a small curled up mass of bear fur trying to stay cool in the shade.

“By the way there lassie...” Winking at Avarthiel “If ye may, I would love to try yer honey suckle wine, it sure beats sitting on my duff doing nutting.”

Razinthar is dressed in fine beasthide armour with green and brown underlay’s. He wears a symbol to Torag around his neck made out of a dark wood of some sort. He seems confident, although a bit brash in tone and words. He seems to speak in broken common, and some of his words are quick out of his mouth and almost seem slurred.

Gan smiled politely. "worry not my friend. I have a tight grip on my bottle and shan't lose it easily."Levi Gan then turns to Shorin. "My good dwarf you are welcome to join in our festivities. I have plenty of wine. Have you a mug available? I shall pour you some. "

Gan is just under six feet with long brown hair and has hardened facial features. He wears a gold band around his head and explorers clothes.

Avarthiel nods gracefuly to both Raz and Dantes, and indicates with a curl of his hand round the glass that he will safeguard the well-being of the crew's feet.

"welcome to join us on this fine evening. It's good to be in the fresh air again after so much time hiding from the storm."

Kystra rests against the railing in a remote area of the deck. Leaning over the rail, she greatly enjoys the feeling of the wind rushing through her long auburn hair. She notices several people interacting on the deck of the ship, and she is surprised to see so many of elven descent. Although enjoying her solitude, the opportunity to speak to others who share her elven heritage and have likely travelled from many different areas, greatly overwhelms her.

Looking down at her once fine elven garments which have been worn and torn on her recent travels, she sighs however with great poise Kystra approaches the group.

"Greetings fellow passengers. I am Kystra Silverstar from Tyr'ith Splendor in the Whisperwood. If you would not find it too intrusive, I would very much like to hear of where you each have journied from and where you journey to. Sorry for my boldness, but I have not travelled much and have not had many opportunities to speak with those from lands beyond mine."

Kystra Silverstar wrote:

Kystra rests against the railing in a remote area of the deck. Leaning over the rail, she greatly enjoys the feeling of the wind rushing through her long auburn hair. She notices several people interacting on the deck of the ship, and she is surprised to see so many of elven descent. Although enjoying her solitude, the opportunity to speak to others who share her elven heritage and have likely travelled from many different areas, greatly overwhelms her.

Looking down at her once fine elven garments which have been worn and torn on her recent travels, she sighs however with great poise Kystra approaches the group.

"Greetings fellow passengers. I am Kystra Silverstar from Tyr'ith Splendor in the Whisperwood. If you would not find it too intrusive, I would very much like to hear of where you each have journied from and where you journey to. Sorry for my boldness, but I have not travelled much and have not had many opportunities to speak with those from lands beyond mine."

Gan looks at Kystra with a pleased smile.

In Elvish:

"Well nice to meet such a lovely lady. I am Gan Laccaran. I have traveled all over the Shackles and explored many of the territories around it. For the right price I guide others around the same territories."

Gan pours some wine into a clay mug and offers it to Kystra

In Elfish:

"Here, have some. So what adventures have you had?"

Dantes welcomes Raz's greeting. It is a pleasure, Raz. Perhaps you've had a few spirits too many already. While my hair is thinning, there is still some. And my beard of course is just braided and tucked in. Let me tell you, the first time you find yourself hanging from the ropes by your beard, you learn to keep it close! He raises a finger. Allow me a moment, and I'll fetch some food. I know what the cook does best, and it will do you good to go with your celebration.

Dantes disappears below deck and returns with a small platter, layered with a small assortment of seafood treats. After allowing the small group a chance to sample a few items, he takes the remaining over to others, starting with the lady feeding her bird of prey. Lilly, is it? Something for you, and your friend if its still hungry.

Reply to Gan (and anyone else in earshot) In Elvish::
Looking quite impressed, "A pleasure to meet you Gan. The Shackles? My Goodness! If what I have heard of the Shackles is true, then you must be a very formidable guide. Compared to the stories that you must have, mine but surely pale in comparison."

Kystra frowns, "Sadly, I have never left the Whisperwood." She then accepts some wine and seems quite pleased with its aroma and taste.

"Being a town councilman's daughter, I was not encouraged to be spontaneous or adventurous." Kystra softly sighs.

"Now you must certainly have plenty of stories to tell? And what of the Shackles? Is it as chaotic and deadly as what I have read about?"

Kystra Silverstar wrote:

** spoiler omitted **

To Kystra in Elfish:

"The Councilman's daughter huh? Well, I suppose that could be an adventure in of itself." Gan took a breathe. "Phew stories. Well if your interested. My father was the elf in my family but he was a criminal lord. I didn't want that for me or my human mother. So I took to exploring. My first job was as a boy of the age of 15. A young girl needed to search a nearby forest for her lost kitten. I had explored this forest many times and I knew it like the back of my hand. We found the kitten but there was a wolf ready to eat the kitten. I acted fast and foolishly and rushed wolf to rescue the kitten. I focused all my energies on the wolf and attacked it. Let's just say that it was the most foolish thing I had ever done." Gan will show his right shoulder which bear the scares of massive fang marks front and back."Very foolish indeed. If my father hadn't followed me I would not have survived." With that Gan took a swing."My first adventure. So, how about yourself? Councilman's daughter with no adventures? Your here now and I'd say that storm we just had was quite an adventure wouldn't you say? What brings you on such a voyage?"

"That's a long journey already, Kystra. But perhaps we should speak common when with these fellow travelers?"

Avarthiel switches smoothly to common, "What I saw of the Shackles, from the safety of the ship, was not promising. I was not keen to visit closer. Gan's tales tell me I was right!"

In drunken Elvish:
"Not promising indeed, a wretched lot of pirates, slavers and cut-throats."

The disheveled green haired elf seemed to appear out of nowhere. Landing gracelessly, but on his feet, near the assembled crowd of passengers in a wobbly state of heavy intoxication. Everyone is unsure whether he leaped from the rigging beneathe the crows nest or simply fell in a stupor while climbing down.
Either way he reeks of grog and and the empty bottle he holds clumsily in his hand is clear proof of his drunkenness.

In continued drunken Elvish, aimed at Avarthiel, but loud enough to be heard by the entire ship:
"Tell me brother, is the state of our people so fallen on the mainland that we take to bed with anything that fancies itself civilized?"

The drunken elf waves his arm in a sweeping motion towards the collected lot in a rather obvious and demeaning fashion while speaking in loud, broken Elvish.

Anyone who took note of him on the journey:
This sudden behaviour is a shock to you. Probably a most revolting one if you happen to speak Elvish and be a half-elf within earshot. Until this moment, Kythas, as he is called, seemed to be a very quiet, reserved member of the fair folk, even if he spent nearly all his time in the crow's nest...

Other Crew ONLY:
Anyone who has traveled long with Kythas knows of his sometimes irascible hatred of humans and how it comes to a head when he has had a bit too much to drink. He has been on the receiving end of a few good thrashings in such a state, but seems to have yet learned little from them... Even when knocked cold and thrown overboard by a particularly irked Ulfen passenger awhile back. But still, nobody had ever seen him around a half-elf... let alone near half a dozen of them!

Qualin Lyir wrote:
"Marvelous creature you have there." The tall robed figure says to Lilly. "Cannot say as I've ever seen its like." He stands by the rail, feet wide and stable, hands resting attop a brass capped ivory tusk fashioned into a walking stick. Daggers adorn his belt, but those and the heavy cane are the only possible weapons he shows. His face is concealed behind a silver mask that though well made, bears only vague facial features.

"Why thank you". "His name is Eyeball, and he's one of a kind". "For the most part they are very reclusive, but he fell from his next as a youngling, and I found him and kept him alive". "I believe he thinks he is one of us, and get's frustrated because we can't fly".

Then extending her hand, "I'm Lilly by the way". "Would you like to try", she continues, as Eyeball makes his triumphant return, and settles back on the rail, with a putrid smelling fish burp.

Lilly is a large woman with obvious orc blood somewhere in her past. She is well groomed, but a bit rough around the edges. Numerous small scars mar her mostly exposed flesh... (It is hot after all), and her most distinguishing features are her innocent, disarming smile, and the fact that she has an ornate eye-patch covering her left eye.

She then glances over at the group drinking and entertaining themselves a few yards down the deck, and a feeling of sadness appears in her expression for just a moment, before her beaming smile returns. "Looks like they're having a good time",She says in a lower voice, though I never can understand why they need poison in small quantities to laugh and talk together". "Anyway, here give it a try", she says as she pushes the crusty sling into the new arrivals hands, and reaches for another fish head.

Lilly dances excitedly on the rail, turning his attention to the new arrival, with a tilt of his head and a quite squawk.

"I like your mask by the way". "Some of our Shaman's wear masks, but they're not as shiny as yours".


Gan look nods to Avarthiel. "Indeed my good man you are right. There is no reason for us too be exclusive." Gan turns to Kystra. "I will speak in common but if you should feel comfortable talking in elven then by all means.


Gan looks at Kythas seeming quite offended. He speaks out in common. "My good man, if you weren't falling head over heels draw I might take you seriously and protest. But since it seems that your are not in your right stat of mind, I have no reason to get upset......yet. I may not have loved my father but I respected the man and I would prefer you not speak ill of those you have never met."

Gan turns back to the others Avarthiel and Kystra. "The Shackles is indeed a dangerous place. I found myself in the wilderness often and lately it had become a more desirable place that the cities themselves. Once my human mother passed away I no longer had a reason to stay. So here I am. On a new adventure."

Dantes takes a finger of the offered mix. It's not terrible. I've certainly had worse. One time, that gentleman he says, indicating an older human on the crew and I were stuck on an small island for a few days. We were scouting for some supplies, and a storm kicked up. He taught me half of what I know about surviving. I'd say he taught me more than a year with dwarven tutors.

Dantes leans back against the rail once the plate he brought is empty. He seems quite relaxed, but his gaze continues to go to the aft of the Jenivere, over the railings.

Hmm. Kythas seems to be having a hard time tonight. Pardon his antics, but we've been sailing together for some months now, and I haven't seen him like this before.

Barely able to stand, Kythas turns to Gan and switches from Elven to Common in a voice laced with equal parts hatred and challenge.
"It comes as little surprise to me that the whelp of a human >insert not very nice elven term for a human female< would have respect for the father who graced him with some measure of dignified blood."

As he issues his vapid words to Gan, Kythas seems to take some notice of his dwarven crewmember chatting with the passengers and looking (somewhat disappointedly) in his direction. Ignoring whatever response the half-elf replies with other than a swift beating, which if forthcoming would go unresisted since Kythas is so utterly drunk, he is considered helpless. the inebriated elf fumbles towards the dwarf and continues babbling.
"Apologies indeed Sir Rockbiter" Kythas reaches out to steady himself on the dwarf's shoulder as the ship rolls a bit on the calm moonlit sea, his breath offensive enough to gag a goblin.

Kythas affectionately calls you Rockbiter, Stonechewer, and a few other nicknames that might sound a tad racist to those who don't know that he means no offense by them. At least not to Dwarves, anyway. You may use similar terms to address him, and he takes zero offense to them. Of course, Kythas IS a tad oblivious, and he hasn't chanced to travel with many dwarves, so if you are offended by his terms of endearment, he hasn't yet noticed.

Continuing his speech to Dantes as he attempts to pour the contents of his empty bottle of grog into the dwarf's mug of steaming stew, not a single drop coming out. "Allow me to extend you the courtesy of a refill..." The elf noticeably blanches as the wafting aroma of the stew hits his nose like the collision of a dung wagon and corpse cart. Kythas' face turns suddenly as green as his hair and he takes a step back from his shipmate, his spent bottle of grog slipping from his fingers and rolling across the deck...
Kythas knows you don't drink, (if indeed you don't) but "forgets" when he is drunk.

Of course if Gan knocked him out, which is perfectly understandable, Kythas mumbles something about a "Stonechewer" and

"Damn Half-breeds"
in a dazed state of unconsciousness as he lays prostrate on the deck.

Gan rises to his feet and grabs Kythas by his collar. The smell of booze filled Gan's nostrils. He sighed and simply pushed Kythas away. "You do your kind no credit. Drunk and bitter. Probably because you got duped by a lovely half elven lass or something. Your own fault no doubt."Gan will return to his position. "Now leave us so that I can enjoy the company of your more pleasant kinsman. Gan will turn his attention back to the other two elves in his company. "Sorry about that. There is one of the many things my father taught me was never get into a fight with a drunk. There is never a winner.Gan will put the cork back into his bottle. "I believe i've had enough of this stuff. Wouldn't want to end up like our friend there" Gan will put the bottle securely back in his bag.

Dantes will set down his wooden cup and go to Kythas after Gan turns him away. Perhaps you should go below and sleep this off before you draw the captain's eye. He's unlikely to be pleased with you addressing paying passengers in such a fashion. Dawn and duty will come soon enough.

Turning to Gan, but not taking his eyes off Kythas, he'll add I apologize on his behalf, sir. Truly it is the drink speaking.

Kythas sobers visibly at the combination of the smell of the dwarf's stew and his words regarding the Captain and his duty.
"Damn drink,"he mutters under his breath.
"You are right my friend," he says softly to the dwarf before turning back to Gan and the others,
"Sorry about my current state," speaking mostly to Gan and the elf he so rudely interuppted, "My resentment, misplaced as it was, should not have been directed towards you."
With bubbles still forming about his head and feet still more than a bit unsteady, Kythas bows slightly and departs towards the Jenivere's lower deck.
Hopefully to find a bucket of cold water to stick his head into...

"Good advice is often an unwelcome friend. And it's a wise man who knows his limits." Avarthiel sounds like he is quoting someone.

He then turns to the group with rather more cheer, "So, who here can make music. I feel the need for dancing!"

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