Pathfinder "Final Fantasy Tactics"


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Dark Archive

Glad about the update from your group. Well we did a bit of a critique on that white mage bloodline since it was kind of powerful and haste is well into the Time Mage territory.

Dark Archive

If anyone has any more comments to add to the book I would be glad to hear about it =)

Now I'm working on an original thing (nothing to do with FFT) will see how it goes :)

Liberty's Edge

I am actually interested in this, if you are still sending it out to people. I'm curious to see how it compares to a couple of the other fanversions. So far, the bits you posted look very intriguing.

Aleron wrote:

I only have two players so I also added an npc White Mage (Sorc with Bloodline I posted awhile back) to fill out the ranks (their sister in game). Completely support based and she is...well very, very effective. I have a feeling I'm going to need to nerf the Bloodline somehow. Also, I regret ever giving her haste. The first time she cast it on the party they literally whooped with delight an proceeded to wipe the floor with whatever I had thrown at them. Regardless, she is far from optimized and using NPC stats and still does her job way too well.

Support builds are as effective as the party it supports. So its no surprise to me that an NPC supporter is still effective.

Dark Archive

Still doing it Midknight.

Brambleman has a point there I didn't consider...

Hello.Awesome idea ya'll got here.Good luck in your endeavors! I would like to add these for consideration: Quina Quen,Ragtime Mouse,Carbunle,Pot Imp,Gimmie Cat,and Black Waltz/artificial Black Mages.My favorites from FF series overall.Moombas and the FF Tactics Mime class.

Dark Archive

I remember some of those creatures xD

About the Mime job, it could be a bit complicated to work out just like the calculator so I will leave those for the end.

The Black Waltz is a very specific monster so I don't know about that, just like atma weapon and other monsters that are very specific to a FF series.

Qu race are extinct I'm afraid just like the elves, dwarves, moogles and viera. Quina Quen is of the Qu race =(

Ragtime Mouse is an interesting creature I might think about adding. Imps is a race on itself so I might have to consider their nature before adding them. Gimme Cat well this is in d20 terms not much of an enemy to speak off unless I start giving diamonds like candy

Carbunle? I suppose you meant Carbuncle which will be a summon.

No.carbuncle as a monster.. I read in a d&d bestiary that the carbuncle was an evil ball of cuteness that was obsessed with violence and bloodshed that would manipulate anyone and anything to witness it.similar to a child of light in pathfinder or a duckbunny.
There is also the hedgepig or hodgepodge and the Mu.ff9 had the best goblin ever.And then there's the Marlborough landbound beholder and Tonberry.or a goblin that's an expy of one.

Lantern Lodge

There is currently a Carbuncle in the Bestiary 3. Though it is a little different than the one seen in FF games.

@sgmendez…it looks like a mildly retarded Kecklon.>:0

Lantern Lodge

At least it doesn't look like what a real Carbuncle is. But yeah, it does look kind of like Kecleon.

Dark Archive

Carbuncle is FFT is a summon regrettably so it will now show up as a regular monster.

Goblin from FFT are what I got, now the hedgepig is another thing entirely and more feasible.

Sgmendez wrote:
At least it doesn't look like what a real Carbuncle is. But yeah, it does look kind of like Kecleon.

UGH!!You just ruined that very word for me forever! °^°

Dark Archive

Now I have to create some disease lol called carbuncle cyst or something.

Lantern Lodge

Glad I could be of service.

Dark Archive

Anyone has some feedback? ^^ Would be glad to read about them or more ideas to implement.

If you are going all out oon setting, revamping the summon and companion lists to reflect the setting might be worth a look. Flans aren't on the Core list to be sure.

Dark Archive

I was doing the PrC classes first to check then I was going through the companion/Summon things.

Flans are just elemental ooze which is not difficult to create for an encounter just left them aside to create them later ^^

Twas just the first example to come to mind.

Haha I just found this thread. I remember playing FFT. Awesome game. I also distinctly remember thinking that bringing Cloud from FF7 into FFT was sweet...until I found out that he started at level 1. LAME.
Are you done with your work on FFT? Could you send it to me if you are?

One question, and you may have answered it already since I only skimmed through the mountain of info on this thread, but did you design a dancer class? I know that the bard is an easy transfer between FFT and PF, but the Dancer in FFT was essentially the opposite of the Bard, for which there is no easy counterpart in PF. I suppose the Witch kind of does it...but...not quite the same.

Dark Archive

All ideas are very welcome brambleman I will work on flans ^^ once easter is over.

Right now Bard works like the dancer, except for the inspire abilities and such will pose penalties on enemies instead of bonuses and has a save DC. (just haven't gotten to the details of this yet). Dancer will be basically a Bard archetype.

Liberty's Edge

I think that's a fair choice, I don't see it fitting any other class.

Dark Archive

Yeah, but I can't make it a "female" only archetype I think will leave it as for males and females as well as the bard.

Dotting, to come back and read the rest later. FFT is hands down the best game I have ever played, and I've been gaming for 20 years (and have every game system from NES to PS3/Wii/360).

Dark Archive

Nice to know about another fan and any help/input to improve this manual is well appreciated and credits will be given ^^

Liberty's Edge

My group has been chomping at the bit to play test this since I mentioned it. If you find the time we'd love to check it out and tell you what we think.


Dark Archive

Much appreciated ^^ thank you very much, as this is still in the making any help is good.

Dark Archive

Did everyone get their emails?

I'm about to make an update, or at least a bunch of corrections. I am using Openoffice right now, so just in case the word files are have a weird structure to them it's because they should look fine in Opeoffice.

Will also create the GoogleDocs for it so it's easier for people that just want to read certain sections or with you iSomethings

Could i get a copy of that?

Dark Archive

Yes you can, and already have it in your mail =) any reviews so far from those testing it?

Deiros! I just got done reading this thread, and I'm obsessed. I am a huge tactics fan and have been looking for something like this for a while. I'm interested in starting a group soon and may very well use this. I would love a copy!

Dark Archive

No problem just give some feedback ^^ if you don't mind.

Dark Archive

After some playtesting:

Squad creature template has received by my players a very evil reputation. This is t=do to the fact they can no longer ignore the minions as they are credible threats if ignored, so they do have to deal with them. This doesn't mean they take 4 rounds of dealing with minions but it makes them burn at least 1 or maybe 2 rounds (depending on the location or positioning) before fighting the evil boss( or miniboss). I also added an extra rule to the Squads and it's that they cannot do critical hits when they attack, but they still get the benefits of abilities that trigger from them.

Demon are by themselves excellent bosses and later on great squads for Ultima demons. I did used my own tweaked Balor/Pit Fiend to represent the greatest of demons as unique creatures.

So far my players have decided not to mess with the summons since they still find them very threatening (they are level 15 currently).

For most part was refreshing to see their jaws drop as they were forgetting that most monster share names but by no means behave the same way (or abilities for that matter in most cases).

The most terrible foes were the Goblins, Werewolves and the Gigas, as they had very little contact with the Minotaurs and decided to travel the long way around them thinking goblins were easier... ahh... the face of regret was priceless, well anyway back to my current notes.

I have found that the most horrible monster that they have yet to fight because every time they find one they run away is the Malboro, other than that all monster in my bestiary have seen some play to a certain point with the addition of other regulars like griffons, manticores and other nasty critters we all know.

Prestige classes the Ark Knight can be somewhat dangerous in a powergamer as they will basically obliterate anything that depends on gear and do a great job at weakening opponents.

The Dark knight class I will try to take out the non-lethal damage from one of the abilities as it seemed a bit unfair compared to the Holy Knight counterpart.

On another happy note the fluff was well received and enjoyed (even if some parts are mixed from other FF series).

I'm currently running the All Saints War Campaing in RL with one group, and with the other I'm going with the Return of the King (as my players so "fondly" call it).

Zodiac system is not really a bog down at all it is barely even noticeable and easy to keep up with in a single chart that has my players zodiac and what are they weak/strong against.

Well I would be greatly happy to read any experience other people have had so far so I can continue to add, change and correct any mistakes/typos (which are probably plenty still).

Edit: Yes I will post Flans, and the Carbuncle Cyst as some of the new creations I have yet to test on my player (insert evil laughter here). Thank u Sgmendez for the cyst idea lol.

I realize I'm a little late to this there but would love to see what you currently have.

Jacob Rouden 348 wrote:

I realize I'm a little late to this there but would love to see what you currently have.

It haven't read through all this yet.. But i know on the first page it links FFd6 (played it not bad). I've never seen it played online though.. but I played it in Japan before.

and I'm unsure if this is related.. but there is also which i've also played that is pretty good. Probably like it more than pathfinder most of the time. But sadly is really hard to find online groups for so far

Though hopefully the main person for this is around for you to get emailed perhaps.

Dark Archive

Might I recommend Final Fantasy d20 for Pathfinder, especially since it already has a fully converted magic system, spells, races, and classes.

Ha... just my luck the poster before me links to the same resource. ^^:

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