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Pathfinder First Edition General Discussion

Ok, so I'm a little confused.

Half-Orcs are fearsome and gain +2 to Intimidate... but full blood Orcs, despite being (presumably) meaner and nastier don't get a racial bonus? I know, I know "Houserule it", and I will, but still?

Grand Lodge

Actually, I believe that the reason behind it was that the Half-Orcs were generally considered weaker than their full-blooded fellows, they had to learn to appear meaner and tougher to gain respect... at least that is how I have understood it...

Dark Archive

Tilnar wrote:

Ok, so I'm a little confused.

Half-Orcs are fearsome and gain +2 to Intimidate... but full blood Orcs, despite being (presumably) meaner and nastier don't get a racial bonus? I know, I know "Houserule it", and I will, but still?

i think its because half orcs are considered "outsiders" in any society, so it represents peoples innate "fear" of them

I'm sick of this half-orc crap. Why not just publish Orc as a race in the core book?

Silver Crusade

Pathfinder Rulebook Subscriber

Because orcs are kill on sight, while half-orcs are the bastard children of raped women which are feared and pitied at the same time.

Dark Archive

Tilnar wrote:

Ok, so I'm a little confused.

Half-Orcs are fearsome and gain +2 to Intimidate... but full blood Orcs, despite being (presumably) meaner and nastier don't get a racial bonus? I know, I know "Houserule it", and I will, but still?

Because half-orcs can still somehow socially interact with society - even if their nature/upbringing usually leads them to browbeat other people rather than talk reasonably.

Moreover there's the "Oh dear Sarenrae, that's a freakin' monster!" factor: half orcs just don't look different, they look monstrous, and remind people of cruelty and violence at the hands of raiding orc hordes.

Full blooded orcs socially interact within and without their society through brute force alone.
They won't waste time intimidating, as they'd rather get straight to business and crush/gut/maim their interlocutor, both for fun and to show other how to properly deal with someone.

I don't think Orcs bother with intimidating their opponents, they have no need to. Brute force speaks for them. A half Orc interacting in civilized society can't just use brute force all the time or at in some cases so they channel that into intimidating which is social skill based off Charisma. Since Orcs get a -2 Chr they are even worse at socially intimidating their opponents so they don't bother.

ThornDJL7 wrote:
Because orcs are kill on sight, while half-orcs are the bastard children of raped women which are feared and pitied at the same time.

You know what else is kill on sight?

You know what else is a player race?

Also gnomes. *shakes fist*

meatrace wrote:
ThornDJL7 wrote:
Because orcs are kill on sight, while half-orcs are the bastard children of raped women which are feared and pitied at the same time.

You know what else is kill on sight?

You know what else is a player race?

Also gnomes. *shakes fist*

Gnomes in any game are KOS for me.

Tiny Coffee Golem wrote:
meatrace wrote:
ThornDJL7 wrote:
Because orcs are kill on sight, while half-orcs are the bastard children of raped women which are feared and pitied at the same time.

You know what else is kill on sight?

You know what else is a player race?

Also gnomes. *shakes fist*

Gnomes in any game are KOS for me.


Silver Crusade

meatrace wrote:
ThornDJL7 wrote:
Because orcs are kill on sight, while half-orcs are the bastard children of raped women which are feared and pitied at the same time.

You know what else is kill on sight?

You know what else is a player race?

Also gnomes. *shakes fist*

Drow are not a player race in Pathfinder. They're in the bestiary, not the core rulebook. It's a houserule if a GM allows it.

Shadewest wrote:

Drow are not a player race in Pathfinder. They're in the bestiary, not the core rulebook. It's a houserule if a GM allows it.

Actually, Core points them as an options.

So, I'd say is an OPTIONAL rule. Is not the same thing.

Pretty sure Orcs are an option for player characters as well.

Well, this is kind of covered in the Golarion Setting anyway.

Orcs there have a kind of brutal eugenics thing going on, where they will intentionally capture humans and breed half orcs because they've caught on that the progeny make for smarter soldiers.

It could be that the intimidating demeanor of these offspring is another feature that makes such unions desirable.

Anyway, if you don't want to house rule it, you could come up with any number of plausible explanations. Half-breed races don't need to be mathematical blends of their parent races — there are real-world species that produce some unique offspring too.

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