PFS at Dragon Con 2011 (Atlanta, GA)

Local Play

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Grand Lodge 4/5

Hi all. I have been working with Brooks Banks to make PFS the highlight of gaming at Dragon Con this year. In the next week or two, we will have a schedule put together and I will list it here. Until then, we are recruiting DMs to help us make this the biggest showing of PFS ever at Dragon Con. Here is a message from Brooks Banks:

Dragon*Con 2011 will be held Sep 2-5 in sunny Atlanta, GA. We will be offering 20+ different events during this year's show, including Living Forgotten Realms, Pathfinder Society, Witch Hunter, Campaign of Shattered Empires, and Heroes of Rokugan.

Along with all this campaign gaming goodness comes the very great need of judges to provide hours of entertainment to the folks attending the show. If you would like to be one of the few, the proud, the Dragon*Con 2011 Campaign Judges, this is your lucky day. It just so happens that I have some space still available (okay, who am I kidding, I got lots of space available) for such enterprising and dedicated individuals to join the elite Dragon*Con Judging Staff. All you have to do to sign up is send an email to (dragonconcampaign<at>gmail<dot>com). You should receive a reply to your email within 48 hours, indicating that your request has been received and you have been added to the list (and the yahoo group).

Now, since I'm a generous sort of guy, I figure it's at least fair for me to offer some incentives to all my hard working judges. So, for those that are interested in that sort of thing, the perks for judging at Dragon*Con 2009 will be:

Judge 3 slots and get free gaming (max 6 free gaming slots) and preferential gaming registration.

Judge 6 slots and get free admission to the show AND free gaming (no limit) and preferential gaming registration.

All judges get the opportunity to participate in slot 0s of the campaign events (as they become available) and will be subscribed to the Dragon*Con Campaign Judges list to help facilitate scheduling of slot 0s and also to make it easier for the judges and the coordinators to communicate.

Hope to see you all at Dragon….

Brooks G. Banks
Director of Campaign Gaming
Dragon*Con 2011

The Exchange 5/5

I'm in for three slots. I am already on Brooks' mailing list.

Grand Lodge 4/5

The PFS schedule for Dragon Con is as follows:

Friday 9 am - 1 pm:
PFS Intro 1: First Steps, Part 1- "In Service of Lore"
PFS 2-EX: "The Midnight Mauler"

Friday 1 pm - 5 pm:
PFS Intro 2: First Steps, Part 2- "To Delve the Dungeon Deep"
PFS 2-20: "Wrath of the Accursed"
PFS 3-01: "The Frostfur Captives"

Friday 6 pm - 10 pm:
PFS Intro 3: First Steps, Part 3- "A Vision of Betrayal"
PFS 2-23: Shadow's Last Stand, Part 1- "At Shadow's Door"
PFS 2-25: "You Only Die Twice"
PFS 2-26: "The Mantis's Prey"
PFS 3-02: "Dragons of Absalom"

Friday 10 pm - 2 am:
PFS 2-24: Shadow's Last Stand, Part 2- "Web of Corruption"
PFS 3-03: "The Ghenett Manor Gauntlet"
PFS 3-04: "The Kortos Envoy"

Saturday 9 am - 1 pm:
PFS Intro 1: First Steps, Part 1- "In Service of Lore"
PFS 2-20: "Wrath of the Accursed"
PFS 2-25: "You Only Die Twice"
PFS 2-EX: "The Midnight Mauler"
PFS 3-02: "Dragons of Absalom"

Saturday 1 pm - 5 pm:
PFS Intro 2: First Steps, Part 2- "To Delve the Dungeon Deep"
PFS 3-01: "The Frostfur Captives"
PFS 3-03: "The Ghenett Manor Gauntlet"
PFS 3-04: "The Kortos Envoy"

Saturday 6 pm - 10 pm:
PFS Intro 3: First Steps, Part 3- "A Vision of Betrayal"
PFS Special : "Blood Under Absalom"

Sunday 9 am - 1 pm:
PFS Intro 1: First Steps, Part 1- "In Service of Lore"
PFS 3-01: "The Frostfur Captives"
PFS 3-03: "The Ghenett Manor Gauntlet"
PFS 3-04: "The Kortos Envoy"

Sunday 1 pm - 5 pm:
PFS Intro 2: First Steps, Part 2- "To Delve the Dungeon Deep"
PFS 2-23: Shadow's Last Stand, Part 1- "At Shadow's Door"
PFS 2-26: "The Mantis's Prey"

Sunday 6 pm - 10 pm:
PFS Intro 3: First Steps, Part 3- "A Vision of Betrayal"
PFS 2-24: Shadow's Last Stand, Part 2- "Web of Corruption"
PFS 2-EX: "The Midnight Mauler"
PFS 3-02: "Dragons of Absalom"
PFS 3-04: "The Kortos Envoy"

Sunday 10 pm - 2 am:
PFS 2-20: "Wrath of the Accursed"
PFS 2-23: Shadow's Last Stand, Part 1- "At Shadow's Door"
PFS 2-25: "You Only Die Twice"
PFS 3-01: "The Frostfur Captives"

Monday 9 am - 1 pm:
PFS 2-24: Shadow's Last Stand, Part 2- "Web of Corruption"
PFS 2-26: "The Mantis's Prey"
PFS 3-02: "Dragons of Absalom"
PFS 3-03: "The Ghenett Manor Gauntlet"

Grand Lodge 4/5

Games are selling out more quickly than anticipated. Go to this LINK to purchase tickets.  Note you will also need to purchase a badge for the show, in addition to your tickets.


Heading down to Dragoncon for the first time this year, and signed up for a couple of tables of PFS. However, I have heard from a couple of friends locally that they attempted to play ticketed games at this convention before, paid for tickets, and had issues actually getting to the table because they were given the wrong sort of ticket/token/etc. Most of the convetions I have previously been to were smaller and did not have a pay to play system. Now, will I be picking my ticket at a Paizo booth, or a general Dragoncon booth, will they be mailed to me? I just want to have a good idea of how to pick up my tickets so I do not experience issues my friends have stated with game tables at this specific convention.

I do understand the need for the pay to play, and signups for something this large, just don't want to botch the ticket pick-up and be out money and a good time. Any known information on the ticket pickup would be appreciated. Thanks in advance.

Grand Lodge 4/5

The staff sets up a HQ for RPGs. You will pick up tickets from there. I plan to be there as much as possible (when not DMing, sleeping or eating) to hopefully help with this but no guarantees as I am not on their staff.


Okay cool. The main reason I ask is that I am traveling down with said people and am trying to convince them to give it another shot. I have already signed up for the special and Midnight Mauler, still pondering a few others as this will be one of my very few chances to actually play and not be in the DM's seat.

Grand Lodge 4/5

My email is I have it synced to my phone so can respond to you if you have any problems when you arrive. Also, we should have enough DMs standing by to run pick up tables if need be. Again, no guarantees as I am not on the Dragon Con staff.


Thanks for the info, Michael, much appreciated.

Any chance additional slots of PFS 2-EX: "The Midnight Mauler" are going to be added?

Grand Lodge 4/5

That is up to Brooks Banks so I would contact him. Where it stands now is that only Venture Captains and 4/5 star GM are the only ones qualified to judge it. Right now, I am the only one attending Dragon Con that qualifies. I've already let Brooks know I would be willing to run two additional tables if he likes. So, best chance to get it added in additional slots is contact him.

Grand Lodge 4/5

Due to the popularity of PFS (we already have 27 events sold out), I've requested Brooks add additional tables for the Special: Blood Under Absalom and Exclusive: Midnight Mauler. Keep checking back at their website. I will update this thread if I get more info.

Grand Lodge 4/5

I spoke to Brooks today. The nine tables we had scheduled for the Special: Blood Under Absalom have sold out. I can add more tables of the special as I get more judges. Brooks is still working that part out so if you are interested in judging, please contact him at So far we have 10 judges (including me) for the special. When he finish his initial pass of scheduling judges, he hopes to have a few more.

Also per Brooks:

The problem with Midnight Mauler is that you're (referring to me) the only person who can currently judge it. I can probably move you out of the other events you're running to add more tables of Midnight Mauler, but that will not happen until I have all the rest of the events covered and all my judges scheduled.

So, I have requested he try to find additional judges so that I can judge 3-4 more tables of the Midnight Mauler.

Grand Lodge 4/5

By the way, I just checked the Dragon Con schedule. There are two of each table scheduled in each time slot. So, we have currently sold out 54 tables of PFS! It looks like we could have quite a few more sell out before the show. We currently have 96 tables scheduled, including the 10 for the Special, and could be adding more if we get more judges, so PFS should be the highlight of RPGs at Dragon*Con.

Michael Brock wrote:
By the way, I just checked the Dragon Con schedule. There are two of each table scheduled in each time slot. So, we have currently sold out 54 tables of PFS! It looks like we could have quite a few more sell out before the show. We currently have 96 tables scheduled, including the 10 for the Special, and could be adding more if we get more judges, so PFS should be the highlight of RPGs at Dragon*Con.

This is Awesome! Glad to hear it is getting such great attendance!

Grand Lodge 4/5

Due to the popularity and how quickly Midnight Mauler sold out, four more tables of Midnight Mauler have been added. If interested, better purchase quick as only 16 tickets for those four tables remain!

Grand Lodge 4/5

Ok, received the updated numbers. We currently have 136 tables scheduled to run. Should be a great show.

Grand Lodge 4/5

I will go ahead and confirm we will have a similar boon prize system as what was at Gencon. And yes, this includes boons for the 8 alternate races. It won't be to unlock a treasure box, but to discover an adventurer hiding among 90 orcs.

I won't disclose more. You'll just have to show up at Dragon Con! :)

Grand Lodge 4/5

This morning, tickets people had reserved but not paid for were released back into the system. So, we had quite a few games that were sold out that have opened back up with 1-2 tickets available. If the events you wanted to play were sold out, you should hurry over there and grab the tickets up today. They will sell out very quickly.

Scarab Sages 2/5

Wooo! Got into the Special! \o/

Grand Lodge 4/5

Two more tables added for the Special making it 14 total now! Get your tickets before they are gone.

Hey Michael, any explanation to the explosion of open slots for most sessions updated today (Aug 16th)? The sessions now show opens slots in the teens.

Grand Lodge 4/5

Seats held for judges (I believe we have 31 PFS judges this year) to select their tickets were released. From my understanding, Dragon Con usually holds 2 seats per table so judges can get tickets for the events they want to play and make sure everything doesn't sell out. Most of the tickets that were released today were tickets that were not claimed by judges. So, if you see 10 tickets available to a previously sold out event, then the five tables scheduled had two tickets each released.

Rest assured there are plenty of seats sold. For example, we have 5 tables of First Steps, part 1 scheduled for Slot 1 on Fri at 9 am. That is 30 seats available. So, 14 seats have sold for that event.

Also, as far as I know, the Dragon Con staff likes to hold some tickets back for walk-ins.

I think I can say for sure, once all these tickets sell, the seats will be gone.

Liberty's Edge

Dolgo wrote:
Hey Michael, any explanation to the explosion of open slots for most sessions updated today (Aug 16th)? The sessions now show opens slots in the teens.

Maybe I can help explain, although Mike got the gist of it. When I first schedule events, I go with a preset number of tables, and only open up 2/3rds of the tables for pre-reg. Dragon*Con does a very brisk walkup business, so I always reserve tickets for walk ups. Once I have judges scheduled an in place (a much longer, more involved process this year, unfortunately), I then add more tables, as I have more judges scheduled. So, from a starting point of 2 tables per slot per event, all events went to 3-4 tables per slot per event. The two exceptions to this were the Midnight Mauler event (only have 1 judge who can run that) and the Special (since it only runs once, we have many more tables of that).

Also, this year, I decided to go ahead and release all the tickets for events (ie, the ones I hold back each year for judges and for walk ups), since Pre-Reg will close on Friday, August 19th, and it saves me a step over the weekend, when I would have had to make those changes anyway, in order for all ticket printing to be done.

I feel very confident that I have enough judges, and consequently enough tickets left, to handle both judge requests (most of which have already been put in my system) and walk up traffic (ie, new PFS players), so releasing all those tickets just made sense.

If it turns out I'm wrong, then I'll keep that in mind for next year (live and learn, so to speak).

Brooks G. Banks
Director of Campaign Gaming
Dragon*Con 2011 or

Thanks for the info Michael and Brooks, see you guys there! I've signed up for all day Friday PFS Intro 1-3 and Frostfur Captives on Sunday night!

Grand Lodge 4/5

Dolgo wrote:
Thanks for the info Michael and Brooks, see you guys there! I've signed up for all day Friday PFS Intro 1-3 and Frostfur Captives on Sunday night!

That's only four games. We have 14 different scenarios. Time to go check that schedule and get some more PFS games :) See you there.

I'd like to play more but this is the beginning of my first my PFS character so I can only play level 1 adventures, right?

Grand Lodge 4/5

There are 4th and 7th level pre-gens if you wanted to play other scenarios.

The Exchange 5/5

Pathfinder Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber
Dolgo wrote:
I'd like to play more but this is the beginning of my first my PFS character so I can only play level 1 adventures, right?

You have 9 scenarios that you can play through as a 1st level character, including leveling during the Con. On Friday you can play the First Steps series (Part 1, 2, and 3), which will bring you to level 2. If you can get into it, you can play Midnight Mauler Saturday morning, then Frostfur Captives Saturday afternoon, and then finish off the day with the Pathfinder Special, Blood Under Absalom. This will bring you to level 3. Sunday you can play the Shadow's Last stand part I and II in the afternoon and Evening. Finally, since you're 3rd level by this point you can finish off the weekend with Sewer Dragons of Absalom on Monday morning.

Through all this you can bring a newly created 1st level PFS character from nothing to 4th level. Now go sign up! :P


Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Pathfinder Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game, Starfinder Society Subscriber

Will see you there!! Signed up for the First steps (Friday Sessions) as well. Bringing some buddies, Hope to be seated at the same table!! Let's have ourselves some fun games!

DiscoDragin wrote:
Will see you there!! Signed up for the First steps (Friday Sessions) as well. Bringing some buddies, Hope to be seated at the same table!! Let's have ourselves some fun games!

Hey I'm looking forward to it! First time playing Pathfinder as a PC and first time playing at a PFS/Convention. I've made a cleric, I'm sure he will be needed.

Michael Brock wrote:
There are 4th and 7th level pre-gens if you wanted to play other scenarios.

Thanks for the info. I didn't know you could start with 4th and 7th level pre-gens.

Sovereign Court

Dolgo wrote:
Thanks for the info. I didn't know you could start with 4th and 7th level pre-gens.

Important to note: when you pick up a 4th or 7th level pregen and play it, you won't be able to carry that over as a playable character.

Me and my group are excited. I signed up 4 of us for 8 sessions, including the 8 hour session.

36 hours of gaming goodness, and we COULD pile on more if we get the urge.

Grand Lodge 4/5

Pathfinder Society of Georgia is pleased to announce we will be hosting a special charity event at Dragon Con this year ran by none other than Jason Bulmahn

Dungeon of the Dead
By Jason Bulmahn, Lead Designer of Paizo Publishing

The dead are rising! Stalking from their tomb in the hills outside Absalom, brave heroes are needed to put an end to the threat before the tide of undead threatens the great city. Only one can claim the skull of the Bonelord!

This special charity event lasts four hours, during which players try to survive for as long as possible. The party will consist of 6 PCs. When a PC dies, that player exits the event and a new player (with a new PC) takes the empty space. The exiting player can participate again, but must go to the back of the line. Each "turn" costs a generic ticket. Bring your own 1st level Pathfinder character, built using the Pathfinder Society Organized Play rules ( Or, you can use a Pre-Gen PC that can be acquired at Gaming Registration. It will start on Sunday at 1pm and be run at a specially designated table just outside Gaming Registration.

All proceeds from this event will be donated to the official convention charity: The National Inclusion Project.

Note this is not an official PFS event. There will be prizes for those that score the highest! Generic Tickets only.

The Exchange 4/5 5/5

Michael Brock wrote:

Pathfinder Society of Georgia is pleased to announce we will be hosting a special charity event at Dragon Con this year ran by none other than Jason Bulmahn

Dungeon of the Dead
By Jason Bulmahn, Lead Designer of Paizo Publishing

The dead are rising! Stalking from their tomb in the hills outside Absalom, brave heroes are needed to put an end to the threat before the tide of undead threatens the great city. Only one can claim the skull of the Bonelord!

This special charity event lasts four hours, during which players try to survive for as long as possible. The party will consist of 6 PCs. When a PC dies, that player exits the event and a new player (with a new PC) takes the empty space. The exiting player can participate again, but must go to the back of the line. Each "turn" costs a generic ticket. Bring your own 1st level Pathfinder character, built using the Pathfinder Society Organized Play rules ( Or, you can use a Pre-Gen PC that can be acquired at Gaming Registration. It will start on Sunday at 1pm and be run at a specially designated table just outside Gaming Registration.

All proceeds from this event will be donated to the official convention charity: The National Inclusion Project.

Note this is not an official PFS event. There will be prizes for those that score the highest! Generic Tickets only.

Arghhh... Now there's a level one Cheese Grinder! More time to spend building insane characters.

edit: Doh! And it's during the Grinder finals!

RPG Superstar 2009 Top 32

I am not sure if I should be flattered or not.

That is kewl that they will be running a 4 hour long 'mini grinder'

It is not during The Cheese Grinder finals, the finals are from 6pm-10pm, and Dungeon of the Dead is from 1 to 5.

Just may have to get TCG staff to create our own PCs and jump in line!

If the person who created this event would be so kind I would like to speak with you. Email me at thecheesegrinder at gmail dot com.


Pathfinder Lost Omens, Rulebook, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

I will hopefully have time to jump in to a couple games at the D*con this weekend. I'm new to society play, though, have my id card but that's about it. Should I register a character before I head down there, or can I build and register at the con?

Grand Lodge 4/5

I would suggest building one before the convention so you can jump right into a game. You can run a pre-gen, you just won't receive a Chronicle Sheet once the game has ended.

With that said, download the Organized Play Guide. It has all the info you need for character creation, as well as info on the campaign itself.

Since you are new to Society play, I highly recommend playing in all 3 parts of the First Steps series. This will introduce you not only to Pathfinder Society in a very nice way, but will allow you to learn of all 10 factions before having to decide which you wish to join.

See you at D*C!

Michael Brock wrote:

Pathfinder Society of Georgia is pleased to announce we will be hosting a special charity event at Dragon Con this year ran by none other than Jason Bulmahn

Dungeon of the Dead
By Jason Bulmahn, Lead Designer of Paizo Publishing

The dead are rising! Stalking from their tomb in the hills outside Absalom, brave heroes are needed to put an end to the threat before the tide of undead threatens the great city. Only one can claim the skull of the Bonelord!

This special charity event lasts four hours, during which players try to survive for as long as possible. The party will consist of 6 PCs. When a PC dies, that player exits the event and a new player (with a new PC) takes the empty space. The exiting player can participate again, but must go to the back of the line. Each "turn" costs a generic ticket. Bring your own 1st level Pathfinder character, built using the Pathfinder Society Organized Play rules ( Or, you can use a Pre-Gen PC that can be acquired at Gaming Registration. It will start on Sunday at 1pm and be run at a specially designated table just outside Gaming Registration.

All proceeds from this event will be donated to the official convention charity: The National Inclusion Project.

Note this is not an official PFS event. There will be prizes for those that score the highest! Generic Tickets only.


Paizo Employee Director of Games

Michael Brock wrote:

Pathfinder Society of Georgia is pleased to announce we will be hosting a special charity event at Dragon Con this year ran by none other than Jason Bulmahn

Dungeon of the Dead
By Jason Bulmahn, Lead Designer of Paizo Publishing

The dead are rising! Stalking from their tomb in the hills outside Absalom, brave heroes are needed to put an end to the threat before the tide of undead threatens the great city. Only one can claim the skull of the Bonelord!

This special charity event lasts four hours, during which players try to survive for as long as possible. The party will consist of 6 PCs. When a PC dies, that player exits the event and a new player (with a new PC) takes the empty space. The exiting player can participate again, but must go to the back of the line. Each "turn" costs a generic ticket. Bring your own 1st level Pathfinder character, built using the Pathfinder Society Organized Play rules ( Or, you can use a Pre-Gen PC that can be acquired at Gaming Registration. It will start on Sunday at 1pm and be run at a specially designated table just outside Gaming Registration.

All proceeds from this event will be donated to the official convention charity: The National Inclusion Project.

Note this is not an official PFS event. There will be prizes for those that score the highest! Generic Tickets only.

So, due to some serious scheduling conflicts (and me not wanting to interfere with the cheese grinder event), this event has been cancelled.

This is my fault for overcommitting. I want to make sure that all of my scheduled events happen without a hitch and taking time to make sure this happens right would make me less prepared for all of my other seminars and events.

That said, I am hoping to do some special thing for Pathfinder players throughout the show. I will post my schedule here later on today.

My apologies to all and I look forward to seeing you at the show.

Jason Bulmahn
Lead Designer
Paizo Publishing


Hey, I have a question I'd like to float out there. Has anything been done to fix registration and/or badge pick-up for DragonCon this year? I ask because, although I had a great time last year at the Con, the brutal 4+ hour wait to get my badge has turned me off to going again this year. I wondered if anyone involved with PFS and DragonCon knows any info related to this. Thanks.

Grand Lodge 4/5

I know they have badge pick up and registration Thursday evening. All the game tickets are picked up at Games HQ. So, if you want to pick up a badge tomorrow night, I would imagine the lines would be much quicker than on Friday morning.

Sovereign Court

Whiskey Jack wrote:
Hey, I have a question I'd like to float out there. Has anything been done to fix registration and/or badge pick-up for DragonCon this year? I ask because, although I had a great time last year at the Con, the brutal 4+ hour wait to get my badge has turned me off to going again this year. I wondered if anyone involved with PFS and DragonCon knows any info related to this. Thanks.

They've been bragging in the newsletter about how much more streamlined they expect things to be due to using barcodes for those preregistered, and allowing those registering on site to print barcodes with all of the demographic information before they show up: DragonCon Barcode Generator.

I hope they are right... My pals were 7+ hours in line, I was a "lucky" one only spending 4 hours in line.

My wife and I made it through the line in 20 minutes last year. This morning she went when they opened the doors at 10 and the line was around the block. Still waiting to hear how long it took to make it.

Grand Lodge 4/5

The registration computers apparently went down shortly after 10 am. I haven't heard an update yet.

For PFS GMs, you can pick up your GM badge at GM HQ in the Hilton starting at 7 pm. Should take about 5 minutes.


Zape wrote:

They've been bragging in the newsletter about how much more streamlined they expect things to be due to using barcodes for those preregistered, and allowing those registering on site to print barcodes with all of the demographic information before they show up: DragonCon Barcode Generator.

I hope they are right... My pals were 7+ hours in line, I was a "lucky" one only spending 4 hours in line.

I would love to see some metrics on how long it takes this year over last year. Hopefully, someone is measuring this kind of thing so that they will know for certain if it improves the experience... if not, how do the organizers know if anything changed? (Other than listening for a decrease in the number of horror stories being told.)


Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Pathfinder Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game, Starfinder Society Subscriber

Last year.. 8 hours in line for pre reg. This year.. 12 minutes. Very much improvement!!! The preregister is awesome for the games, been a great con so far!

Thursday night at 7PM took longer to walk into registration than the registration itself. Less than 5 minutes. Greatly improved once the computers were fixed that morning. One of the volunteers: "For once, DragonCon is waiting on you!"


DiscoDragin wrote:
Last year.. 8 hours in line for pre reg. This year.. 12 minutes. Very much improvement!!! The preregister is awesome for the games, been a great con so far!

DiscoDragin and stealthdrake, *thank you* very much for taking the time to report back on the time it took you to get through the line! I hope others also report how long (but also when they arrived pre-reg line) so we can get a real feel for how it went.

8 hours into 12 minutes doesn't sound like improvement- it sounds like a miracle (or an aberration, not sure which). I hope you both have a great time at DragonCon and that Atlanta treats you right. :-)


I dropped in Thursday night around 9PM and just walked up to the counter with my postcard and got a badge. No wait whatsoever. My first trip to dragoncon (and I have been to at least a dozen others) and it was the quickest reg process I have been through.

I also want to give a thanks to Brock and the others running the PFS events. I was in 6 events of the weekend, including Midnight Maulr and experienced none of the problems I was told occurred with the ticket to play system. Thanks to you all for organizing the PFS events and mustering so well.

That all being said, I just got home from a 12 hour marathon drive back to Pittsburgh so time to pass out a bit.

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