WotC Layoffs? Paizo OK?

Paizo General Discussion

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Another rumor is that Bill Slavicsek was forced to resign so that Sebastian could take his place at WotC and herald one of the first signs of the apocalypse:
The 5th Edition of D&D.
With ponies.

Sebastian wrote:
Mairkurion {tm} wrote:
Sebastian wrote:
Mairkurion {tm} wrote:
Sebastian wrote:

Dude! Winky face absolves comment of all malice. Sheesh.
Hey, there's perfectly good malicious smiles...

I told you this in the other thread, but I think you have some berries in your ears:

Don't be a dick! ;-)

(See, winky face absolves all malice!)

(Wait...can you even absolve malice?)

That's what absolution is for, lapsed RC.

Yeah, but isn't it sin that's absolved, not malice? Or is the existence of malice in the past a sin, and therefore capable of absolution. Don't you have some type of advanced degree on point? You have like 30, right?

Wait...isn't sin a giant ball of water that destroys cities?

Vocabulary is hard.

Come over some time. Some scotch over a couple of volumes of the works of St. Tommy and then we'll watch that Clint Eastwood movie where he plays a character based on John Huston. That'll make sense of it all.

Pathfinder Adventure, Adventure Path, Lost Omens Subscriber
BYC wrote:

Ultimately, the problem is that this is a dying market, and WotC tried something big and different to try and revive the market. However, I think they did not do it correctly.

I don't think this is true. There's more variety of RPG books in mainstream bookstores than there has been in years. I think the problem is that the market has been diversifying. The peak that was D&D compared to other RPGs has been spread out among a ton of cool games.

There are more amazing RPGs in print right now than I can support on my gaming budget. Games I wish I could give more money to include: Shadowrun, Eclipse Phase, Earthdawn, GURPS, Mutants and Masterminds, Dragon Age, Dresden Files, the 40k RPG triumvirate, and many more. Not to mention a dozen independent RPGs I enjoy. Right now is a great time to be a gamer.

ralantar wrote:

Hmm so wait a sec. This guy was the director of R&D. Therefor he is directly to blame for the 4th edition ruleset. AND I would say directly responsible for lying to the community. 1 months before 4th edition was announced (and well into development) they were still swearing on the forums that they were not working on a new edition.

Linkage? I keep hearing this claim, and I keep not seeing evidence. I went to D&D experience 2007 and was in the room when that question was asked. As I recall the answer was somewhat vague, but no lie was told.

ralantar wrote:

Sounds to me like this guy is directly responsible for wrecking the DnD brand for Wotc.
On one hand we should all thank him that his poor choices set the stage for paizo's rise.
On the other hand he's directly responsible for all the anguish and schisms caused within the rpg community.
Or am I missing something?

Yeah, you're missing that this guy is now quite possibly out of work. :(

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I'd like to be spiteful towards WotC and say what I think the real reason is for, yet, another set of layoffs. It's the continuing failure of something that starts with a number and ends in a letter and has the nerve to call itself by a name that it no longer resembles, but we've all beat that horse dead long ago :D

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Scott Betts wrote:

The behavior being exhibited by a lot of Paizo fans (or, perhaps more accurately, anti-WotC folk) in this thread is disgusting. I mean really, really disgusting.

Be better.

For clarification: A guy and his wife (Slavicsek and Carter are married) are now jobless in this economy - whether by choice or not - and all some of you can seem to do is take a dump on the guy for a handful of products you personally did not enjoy but that enriched many others' lives, and treat him as an industry leper not to be allowed near your precious, precious game.

Gotta agree with Scott on this one. Cut it out.

Dark Archive

Scott Betts wrote:
Hama wrote:

Nope, you're quite right. And he is responsible for the travesty that is star wars d20 revised edition and vitality and wound points among other things. His prior work with TSR and early wotc nonwithstanding, he made a great many f******s. Too many.

@ Scott Betts...resist the urge to fight for 4th edition. There are people who dislike it, and people who hate it. There always will be.

The behavior being exhibited by a lot of Paizo fans (or, perhaps more accurately, anti-WotC folk) in this thread is disgusting. I mean really, really disgusting.

Be better.

For clarification: A guy and his wife (Slavicsek and Carter are married) are now jobless in this economy - whether by choice or not - and all some of you can seem to do is take a dump on the guy for a handful of products you personally did not enjoy but that enriched many others' lives, and treat him as an industry leper not to be allowed near your precious, precious game.

And as usual, gamers are just...gamers.

I'll do the reverse and cheer for Paizo's demise instead because they can't balance classes right.

Here's hoping James loses his job! YEAH!

Dark Archive

well on our way to having the thread locked...

Dark Archive

chopswil wrote:
well on our way to having the thread locked...

It always happens with WotC threads.

Razz wrote:
I'd like to be spiteful towards WotC and say what I think the real reason is for, yet, another set of layoffs. It's the continuing failure of something that starts with a number and ends in a letter and has the nerve to call itself by a name that it no longer resembles, but we've all beat that horse dead long ago :D

Yeah, good thing you totally didn't actually say anything like that whatsoever.

But yeah, cyclical layoffs that have occurred at WotC since the 3e days must have something to do with 4e being a total failure. There's no other reasonable explanation!


I'd like to be spiteful towards WotC

This is why I have problems being here, and with calling myself a Paizo fan. It lumps me in with people who act like this.

Wow. Now this is some thread drift.


RPG Superstar 2008 Top 32

1 person marked this as a favorite.
ajb47 wrote:

Wow. Now this is some thread drift.


Yeah. I think we're done here.

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