DM Mathpro's Legacy of Fire Game(OOC)

Play-by-Post Discussion

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This is the OOC thread for my Legacy of Fire game. Players please post your alises here with full character descriptions in them.

Epic if you need help building your Rogue let me know and I will help you but the srd(the link I gave you) is pretty self explanatory and things aren't that much different from 3.5.

I'm pretty open as to start date and as soon as everyone has characters built I'll start the game. Please note that your DM has a VERY busy weekend ahead of him so posting will be mostly in the morning and afternoons as I have two games this weekend as well as two finals to study for and take.

Male Human Traveler / 8

Thanks for inviting me into the game, Mathpro! I'll be getting to work on the alias and profile right away.

No problem, happy to have you.

Echoing WW's!

Male to kill the six fingered man Duelist/20 years

Super excited for the game! Hey Epic Kobold, I am still down to do twins or brothers or something. I had an idea that we both were slaves to this one alchemist and I served him in the lab (where I learned his craft) and he sent you out searching for his components (where you learned your sneakiness, which I shall not be underestimating!) If you had something else in mind thats cool too.

Here is my inspiration for the character. please ignore the fire piggy.

Male Goblin Alchemist 1

Here's Ripnok! Let me know if you have any questions.

Here's Cahal'Din.

Not sure about the name and the image yet...

Any suggestions for languages?


Set 1


2d6 + 6 ⇒ (1, 5) + 6 = 12
2d6 + 6 ⇒ (4, 4) + 6 = 14
2d6 + 6 ⇒ (3, 4) + 6 = 13
2d6 + 6 ⇒ (4, 4) + 6 = 14
2d6 + 6 ⇒ (2, 1) + 6 = 9
2d6 + 6 ⇒ (6, 1) + 6 = 13

Set 2


2d6 + 6 ⇒ (3, 2) + 6 = 11
2d6 + 6 ⇒ (1, 2) + 6 = 9
2d6 + 6 ⇒ (2, 2) + 6 = 10
2d6 + 6 ⇒ (5, 4) + 6 = 15
2d6 + 6 ⇒ (5, 1) + 6 = 12
2d6 + 6 ⇒ (3, 6) + 6 = 15

Holy crap those rolls suck lol

For Wander Weir:
I'm probably being a little to nice here but the mercenary captain you and the rest of the party gave you 3 scrolls of endure elements for when you guys are out in the desert alone. So when your making your character be sure to note those unless you want to distribute them amongst the other mages in the group.

Oh and I would also highly suggest you take create water and endure elements as well but thats up to you, I won't select spells for you.

Just a few notes for players:

You begin play with 1 hero point each, and others will be distributed through out the game. For those of you that may not be familiar with the use of hero points the Advanced Players Guide has rules for them on page 322-325 or they can be found here

We will be doing all dice rolls here on the site. To roll dice you use [ dice][/ dice] with out the spaces.

You all have been traveling with each other for about a week so feel free to work out relationships in this thread if you wish.

Male Human Traveler / 8

Noted and appreciated! I'll keep all that in mind as I finish building the profile.

I should have the character built tonight and the profile itself constructed by tomorrow morning.

Cahal'Din wrote:

Here's Cahal'Din.

Not sure about the name and the image yet...

Any suggestions for languages?

Gnoll wouldn't be a bad idea ;). Your character looks good other than equipment.

Male Goblin Alchemist 1

Did you like Ripnok's image? Not the avatar the one that i posted with the link. I thought it was pretty fitting :)

Male Human Fighter 1

I had my entire profile done, but apparently I took too long and it erased it. I'll have it up and finished tonight with my traits and such as well. Then I can help work on character relationships.

Thanks for accepting me into the game.

Male Demigod Rogue 4, Ranger 4, Druid 2

Okay, I have a better written back-story in the works, but here's what I've got for stats.

Isz the Mad:
Male Goblin Rogue (1)
CN, M, Goblinoid
Age: 25
Height: 3'
Weight: 40 lbs
Init +5
Languages Goblin, Common, Orc, Draconic, Dwarven
Favored Class: Rogue (skill bonus)
Traits: Fast-talker, Dirty fighter (+1 dmg when flanking)
AC 18, touch 16, flat-footed 13 (armor +2, size +1, dex+5)
HP 9 (1d8 +1)
Fort +1, Ref +7, Will +-1
Leather Armor
Speed 30
Dagger +0 (1d3-1; 19-20x2, PS, 10ft)
Short Sword +0 (1d4-1; 19-20x2, P)
Light Crossbow +6 (1d6; 19-20x2, P, 80ft)
Str 8 (-1), Dex 21 (5), Con 13 (1), Int 16 (3), Wis 9 (-1), Cha 9 (-1)
BAB 0 ; CMB -2; CMD 13
Feats: Taunt
Acrobatics +6
Appraise +3
Bluff +1
Climb +0
Craft +3
Diplomacy -1
Disable Device +6
Disguise +0
Escape Artist +6
Intimidate -1
Knowledge (dungeoneering) +4
Knowledge (local) +3
Linguistics +4
Perception +0
Perform -1
Profession -1
--Ride +9
Sense Motive +0
Sleight of Hand +6
Stealth +14
Swim -1
Use Magic Device -1.
Wealth: Wealth: 41G, 8S, 4C
SQ Darkvision 60, sneak attack +1d6, trapfinding
Winter Blanket
Hot weather outfit
Trail Ration/
Wandrmeal(6 day)
Game cards
Pickle Extractor
Hemp Rope (50ft)
Thieves Tools

Bear in mind, this is my first pathfinder character (though I've been wanting to play this system for quite some time) so if you see something I messed up, just let me know.

I really wanted to make the quintessential Goblin, but had trouble finding Goblin specific feats/traits. Guidance would be appreciated.

Ripnok wrote:
Did you like Ripnok's image? Not the avatar the one that i posted with the link. I thought it was pretty fitting :)

Yeah I liked it.

Epic Kobold wrote:

I really wanted to make the quintessential Goblin, but had trouble finding Goblin specific feats/traits. Guidance would be appreciated.

There's a bunch of halfling feat that would make sense for a goblin in the APG. If you beg and grovel, it might work.

Male -Unkown- Sorcerer level 1

I am Kesh the sorcerer *Hissing*

Male Dwarf Cleric of Angradd / 2

This is Wander Weir introducing Oren Tor. I built the character in HeroLab and copied the stat block from there. Tomorrow I'll reorganize the profile itself to make it more user friendly for me in play but this should suffice for DM review.

Profile pic will quite likely change when I have more time to look through the options.

Heya all. This is Marossa all ready to go, stat block is in the profile.

Ready, with equipment.

Still thinking on my feat progression. Anyone thinking of taking item creation feats?

I'm wondering about the possibilities of taking Heart of the Fields instead of Skilled, then Master Craftsman...

Male Goblin Alchemist 1
Cahal ud'Din wrote:

Ready, with equipment.

Still thinking on my feat progression. Anyone thinking of taking item creation feats?

I'm wondering about the possibilities of taking Heart of the Fields instead of Skilled, then Master Craftsman...

I may be taking some item creation feats. Not totally sure yet though.

Male Human Fighter 1

I've mostly finished my character, need equipment though.

Took the finding Haleen trait, did anyone else?

Refined my backstory just a bit to make it fit a bit more into the campaign setting.

Also started with Combat Expertise/Improved Dirty Trick.

I'll be providing damage output but mostly strategic advantages. Just remember, I rolled gimpy stats lol.

Oren Tor wrote:

This is Wander Weir introducing Oren Tor. I built the character in HeroLab and copied the stat block from there. Tomorrow I'll reorganize the profile itself to make it more user friendly for me in play but this should suffice for DM review.

Profile pic will quite likely change when I have more time to look through the options.

Got to love HeroLab...thats how I build all my profiles for aliases. I'm a bit to tired to review characters tonight but wanted to just pop in and see what was going on.

Caius Ild wrote:

I've mostly finished my character, need equipment though.

Took the finding Haleen trait, did anyone else?

Refined my backstory just a bit to make it fit a bit more into the campaign setting.

Also started with Combat Expertise/Improved Dirty Trick.

I'll be providing damage output but mostly strategic advantages. Just remember, I rolled gimpy stats lol.

Kesh also has the finding Heleen trait.

Male -Unkown- Sorcerer level 1
Caius Ild wrote:

I've mostly finished my character, need equipment though.

Took the finding Haleen trait, did anyone else?

Refined my backstory just a bit to make it fit a bit more into the campaign setting.

Also started with Combat Expertise/Improved Dirty Trick.

I'll be providing damage output but mostly strategic advantages. Just remember, I rolled gimpy stats lol.

I took that trait too. Guess you'd know me then wouldn't you.

Male Human Fighter 1

It's possible that during the time that she vanished, your character did as well, and thus my character believes you might have gone with her or something like that. I'm not sure how much time has passed since her vanishing.

Course, if you're intent on keeping your secret it's possible Haleen cared for you in secret or something like that.

Both Martian Level 20 invader
Caius Ild wrote:

It's possible that during the time that she vanished, your character did as well, and thus my character believes you might have gone with her or something like that. I'm not sure how much time has passed since her vanishing.

Course, if you're intent on keeping your secret it's possible Haleen cared for you in secret or something like that.

My character has some issues with trusting people so if he recognized you, he wouldn't reveal himself so readily. However he would let you know who he was if you ever spoke. When talking to me, just act as though you know what I am. If I need to at anytime, I will reveal myself to the rest of the party. You won't recognize Kesh when you see him at first though.

Male Human Fighter 1

Alright, that'll be a pretty cool party dynamic. "brothers" where one doesn't recognize the other. I'm curious to see what you're playing now lol.

Hey Mathpro, I was wondering how you wanted to deal with my characters addiction to Pesh? If you don't want to deal with the darker aspects of drug addiction I am perfectly willing to gloss over it but it is a pretty integrated part of my character's back story. The Chronicles guide to Katapesh has some stuff to say on addiction to Pesh and it's effects on characters and if you don't have that book I can give a short write up of the basic effects.

Anyway, just wanted to get your opinion.

Male Dwarf Cleric of Angradd / 2

Oren will be pretty friendly with everyone during the week or so of traveling and is rather open about himself and his interest in re-establishing the temple to Sarenrae in Kelmarane. Anyone who might have visited the temple while in Katapesh might have met him before as well.

Male Goblin Rogue 1

Isz seemed unusually friendly for a Goblin last week when he joined the party by simply sitting down with them in at the stereotypical tavern. No one heard him approach, so his skills as a sneak were apparent, and he spent much of the night buying everyone food and drink (with slightly singed bills) to win their favor. He even offered to teach everyone to play a new card game called "poker". When accepted by the group, he seemed particularly enthusiastic about traveling far and fast.

Male Goblin Alchemist 1

Ripnok is probably one of the oddest goblins you have ever seen. He wears glasses and speaks in a very cultured and verbose tongue. He is constantly fiddling with an array of vials, potions and tonics that he carries in numerous pouches and pockets. He seems to mutter to himself quite a bit and occasionally will brighten suddenly and make an exclamation such as "That's it!" or "Of Course!", and then invariably you will hear some sort of fizzing or small explosion as he combines several items. He is very happy to talk to anyone who will talk with him chatting at length about any topic. He seems genuinely and pleasantly surprised that anyone would give him a second thought. What with him being a slave and all.

Male Goblin Rogue 1
Ripnok wrote:
Ripnok is probably one of the oddest goblins you have ever seen. He wears glasses and speaks in a very cultured and verbose tongue. He is constantly fiddling with an array of vials, potions and tonics that he carries in numerous pouches and pockets. He seems to mutter to himself quite a bit and occasionally will brighten suddenly and make an exclamation such as "That's it!" or "Of Course!", and then invariably you will hear some sort of fizzing or small explosion as he combines several items. He is very happy to talk to anyone who will talk with him chatting at length about any topic. He seems genuinely and pleasantly surprised that anyone would give him a second thought. What with him being a slave and all.

Which Isz does often enough. It's nice to cut loose and speak in one's native tongue. Their conversations can be surprisingly sophisticated, as they have both Goblins have the same int modifier. Though Isz lacks special training, he effectively has all of youtube running in his head so he can get technical on scientific subjects and come up with a few really good points before moving on to the subject of ghost riding one's camel.

Marossa wrote:

Hey Mathpro, I was wondering how you wanted to deal with my characters addiction to Pesh? If you don't want to deal with the darker aspects of drug addiction I am perfectly willing to gloss over it but it is a pretty integrated part of my character's back story. The Chronicles guide to Katapesh has some stuff to say on addiction to Pesh and it's effects on characters and if you don't have that book I can give a short write up of the basic effects.

Anyway, just wanted to get your opinion.

Could you right me up the short description because I don't have that book.

Cahal has worked with goblin slaves in the past, but has always found them unreliable, dangerous to themselves and others, and too often trying to kill and eat him. In that sense, he'll be weary of having to work again with goblins, always keeping an eye on them.

The concept of the buying their freedom is at first utterly foreign. To him, freeing a goblin means killing it. With time, he'll come to realize a few things about free will.

As he'll learn a little more about their experience in the lab, he'll be genuinely interested and will show an ability to follow some of the conversation, showing his own skills at the 'Great Art'.

With humans, he'll be quite amiable and interested. Cahal has great curiosity about mostly everything and is always willing to go first (and perhaps pocket a thing or two...).

Going to spoiler the description since it is a little long.


Effects of Pesh
Pesh is an addictive narcotic that has a mild analgesic effect. Anyone ingesting a dose of raw pesh takes a –2 penalty to Dexterity and Wisdom for one day. Pesh smokers enter a pleasant, dreamy state of bliss in which pain seems less severe but pleasant feelings are amplified. Multiple doses within a 24-hour period do not inflict additional ability penalties but may intensify the narcotic effects, depending on the individual. In addition, anyone ingesting a dose of raw pesh receives 10 temporary hit points, which last for 1 hour, and gains a +1 morale bonus to saves versus fear effects for one day. Multiple doses within a 24-hour period do not bestow additional hit points or renew the saving throw bonus. Refined pesh has the same effects as raw pesh, but the ability penalties increase to –4, and one dose grants 15 temporary hit points and a +2 morale bonus to saves versus fear. The narcotic effects are also more pronounced. Pesh whey has the same effects as raw pesh, except no Dexterity penalty, no bonus againstfear, and only 1 temporary hit point for 1 hour.

Pesh is an addictive substance (Fort DC 10 to avoid addiction, 5 days satiation, 1d4 Dex and 1d4 Wisdom withdrawals), but as the GM you can ignore this if you don’t want to deal with addiction in your game. The benefits granted by pesh aren’t significant enough to offset the penalties it imposes, and as such allowing the characters to indulge in pesh without ill effects should not disrupt the power balance of a game. Many individuals in Katapesh, especially those native to the region, are able to enjoy pesh recreationally without risking dangerous addiction.
In a darker campaign, however, or one that explores more adult themes, pesh can be significantly more dangerous. While the drug’s effects are at first pleasant and innocuous, repeated pesh use can create a dependence that is both physical and psychological, leaving the user with a desperate craving for more. An individual who uses pesh may need to make a Will save at increasing difficulties until he is unable to resist the call of pesh; he may also find himself growing immune to pesh whey and raw pesh’s effects and may have to seek out the more expensive refined pesh. Pesh addiction causes otherwise stable individuals to lose fortunes, destroy their families, and in many cases, lose their lives. Slavers, pimps, and gang leaders may use pesh as a tool for controlling others, and the Pactmasters or the Aspis Consortium might have sinister plans in motion to bring all Katapesh under the control of the drug.

For Marossa only:
I think the way I'm going to handle this is have you start every day with a will save, pass the save and you have no effects of withdraw that day, fail the save and you are in withdraw and suffer the stated withdraw effects(1d4 Dex and 1d4 Wisdom temporary damage) for the day. No healing will remove this damage but when you awake the next day the damage will be gone(don't want to cripple your character to much). The next save after a day with withdraw the DC of the save goes up but the results will be the same(save and your fine, fail and your in withdraw). After 3 failed saves in a row you will have to stop and find some Pesh. Based on the answers to the questions below it may be possible with enough consecutive saves for you to kick the addiction.

Now so we don't hold up the game while you get your fix(until you burn through the supply I'm providing here) I think I'm going to allow each player to start out with a certain number of doses of Pesh in your perfered form and you'll have to go to them to get it after 3 failed checks in a row(and hope they don't use If you have to get pesh multiple times you can not get it from the same person twice. If they require things in return for the pesh(which I would prefer but there will be rules around what they can require...these are family boards after all) you will have to comply with their orders.

This also raises a few questions about your addiction.
1. What form of Pesh are you addicted to(raw, refined, or Pesh whey)?
2. How long has it been since you last used(that will set the DC)?
3. *Would your character want to kick the habbit at some point in time?

*don't really have how figured out sometime but that could be a development thing for you or could happen if you keep making your saves. Remember making a save doesn't increase the DC only failing it does.

Feel free to give me any feedback and lets see if we can get to an agreement before I let the rest of the part know what we are planning.

I'm getting excited to get this underway guys but there is some character development stuff that I need to get squared away before we can get started.

Liberty's Edge

For DM:
I am fine with handling the addiction that way. As far as the "favors" required to receive the pesh, I think a quick cut to fade out works well enough if it gets to that point though I don't think the other characters are the type of personality to ask for something that would go past PG-13. So, on to the questions.

1. What form of Pesh are you addicted to(raw, refined, or Pesh whey)?

Marossa is probably addicted to raw pesh, refined pesh is expensive and isn't wasted on slaves and whey isn't strong enough to get the desired effect.

2. How long has it been since you last used(that will set the DC)?

I am not sure if I am capable of answering this one. It depends on your interpretation of the Packmasters. Because the story is that Marossa was bought by Katapesh and sent on this expedition because someone believed she would be useful. If you think the Packmasters would keep their slaves on pesh as well then Marossa probably has been getting a steady supply of pesh. If you think they don't use pesh to keep slaves in line, then Marossa is probably already deep in withdrawal symptoms.

3. *Would your character want to kick the habbit at some point in time?

Marossa is very conflicted on that issue. She is already addicted to the stuff so wants to keep on using it and she believes she only does her best work when under the effects of the drug. On the other hand, it reminds her of her master and she knows the effect it is having on her body and mind. We will just have to see I guess.

Hope that answered your questions.

Question for Cahal ud'Din, Oren Tor, and Ripnok:
Hey guys as you saw Marossa's character is addicted to Pesh and we've worked out the situation and the solution involves you, but only if your comfortable helping me and Marossa out. Would you mind supplying her with Pesh if/when she approaches you for it?

The way it would work is she would have to fail 3 consecutive will saves before she would be allowed to come pester you, she would only be allowed one vist per relapse so to speak, and you are able to ask anything of her in return(keep it PG-13 rated please or fade to black). You will have to turn her down if she hasn't failed three checks...I'll figure out a way to communicate this with you.

I would allow your characters to start out with 3 doses of raw pesh each for free(just note it in your inventory). You must agree not to use it your self but to keep it for her if she needs it. Go ahead and read my spoiler for before if you want more details.

Let me know if you'd be willing to do this, and I understand if your not comfortable with it.

I've asked in the spoiler above three of your party members to help you/me out with this. If they agree you will only be allowed to pester them for Pesh when you fail 3 will saves. Any time before then and you will be turned down and then severly beaten by me(just kidding). You get an extra hero point for being so creative about your character and bringing an extra element to the game.

Pending the answer to my question from those three we'll be able to start. Hopefully I'll be able to throw up the IC thread some time tomorrow(after 10 AM CST).

Male Goblin Alchemist 1
DM Mathpro wrote:

** spoiler omitted **

** spoiler omitted **

Pending the answer to my question from those three we'll be able to start. Hopefully I'll be able to throw up the IC thread some time tomorrow(after 10 AM CST).

Ripnok would not have a problem with it. If I could have afforded it he probably would have had some of his own for use in various extracts, potions, mutagens and the like. I have no problem keeping a few doses on hand and roleplaying out the addiction with her. Ripnok, having seen the effects of the addiction before would probably be trying to see if there was an alchemical alternative that may eventually be able to wean her off of it. Sort of like Methadone for Heroin addiction or something like that.

Ripnok wrote:
DM Mathpro wrote:

** spoiler omitted **

** spoiler omitted **

Pending the answer to my question from those three we'll be able to start. Hopefully I'll be able to throw up the IC thread some time tomorrow(after 10 AM CST).

** spoiler omitted **

I thought you would. You gain an extra hero point for helping out. Though I'm sure I don't have to say this, remember these are family boards so keep that in mind when you request things from our bard...I know how goblins have problems wanting their needs

Male Goblin Rogue 1

...The trick is to order the pizza before indulging in pesh. Otherwise you end up blowing way too much cash on cini-sticks and buffalo wings.

Male -Unkown- Sorcerer level 1

Kesh is interested in all the secret talk thats going on. very interesting hehe

Both Martian Level 20 invader

Hey, If any of you guys have any interest in doubling up on another campaign, I'm running one called The Lost Land of Aridia. Its a desert based campaign so if your interested, be sure and look it up. Its completely homebrew. Mathpro applied so if your feeling adventures and want to try something completely new. Join the expedition.

Male Human Fighter 1

Lots of spoilers, none for me :(


Cahal would have a big problem dealing drug, as he would see it as a form of slavery of the mind, if not the body.

It would have to be turned into an exercise in freeing her mind, not enabling her, for him to give her pesh. Given his little knowledge in alchemy, he might just add a few things to the pesh mix that would make it a bad trip indeed...

If you're ok with that, Cahal is on board.

Male Dwarf Cleric of Angradd / 2


Oren would probably be more interested in helping Marossa's character kick the habit than keep it going. He'd offer healing to deal with the effects of withdrawal and if there is no other solution than to provide a small amount of Pesh then maybe he'd do that. Most of all, though, he'd be trying to help Marossa's character to pass out of the darkness and addiction and into the light of recovery.

He'd certainly have no interest in requiring any sort of service in return for the drug.

Male Goblin Rogue 1

In a pinch Isz would probably help her steal some...for a price.

Male -Unkown- Sorcerer level 1

Kesh doesn't like drugs either, he hates degradation of others by others and he believes drugs do just that, Kesh would aim to help Marossa kick her addiction also. He also hates slavery.

Glad to see you all caring about a party member, we'll leave it up to the dice for a while but eventually I see the party forming together to ween her off the Pesh slowly. I will have the IC thread up soon, I'm writing it up as we speak.

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