Richard Leonhart |

In another thread someone had the idea of making a dwarf heavy-metal band.
I loved the idea and now I want to create one.
Arcane duelist, bard alternative (to get that guitarre flaming)
Ability scores, something like low int/dex, high Str/Con/Cha, with high being 14-16.
He has an (arcane bonded) adamantium greataxe which he uses as a guitarre (thus heavy metal music). Adamantium because it has to go through those stone stereos.
The axe will have the shocking and flaming ability because electric guitarres are cool, and he has to study the basics: playing a flaming guitarre with your teeth.
He wears a Forsaken Banded Mail, nothing says true gothic/metal/hardcore than insulting a few gods. I tought about having an unholy weapon, but as he isn't "truly" evil, that would probably be a bad idea then. Vorpal would also be pretty dark, however not very good and expensive as hell.
His helm is a real demon skull, no cheap chinese imitation.
Now has anyone got a good idea to make him more metal-y? Every clichee, every prejudice is welcome.
Please feel welcome to give fitting feats, equipment etc. I don't want a min/maxed one, however he should be playable and very true to metal.
About feats, I tought about improved sunder, however I'm not sure it fits that good.
p.s. I don't know much about metal, and altough I always tought they wear long wild beards, I can't think of a single metaller with a beard ...

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First, you have to go with Leadership for the roadie-cohort and the groupies. You need to focus on Intimidate for that metal attitude, and Improved Sunder is a must for smashing amps with your guitar and trashing your hotel rooms. You need to abuse potions for buffing, so definitely look at the Accelerated Drinker trait. Also do not forget Endurance for those four day party binges.

Daniel Moyer |

Possible figure to use... (LINK)
With a few pieces of thread you could make one of the axes (back one) into a really swank lute/guitar. I'd probably remove the forward pointing one and possibly add it's pieces to the one propped behind his head.
I don't remember where I saw them, but somewhere there's weapon-instruments (possible 3.5E, Complete Scoundrel?)... an axe-lute would rock! :D
As for juicy class ideas...
If you have access to 3.5E Liber Mortis, the 'Dirge Singer'. Think something along the lines of "The Crow".

SunsetPsychosis |

Stone Singer is definitely a good feat investment, making you rock even harder underground and against earth creatures. Look at some of the masterpieces, too. The Depths of the Mountain would be excellent for a drummer as you can literally shatter stone and cause earthquakes, The Dumbshow of Gorroc lets you conjure hellfire, The Quickening Pulse would really let you get the mosh going. There's also the Celebrity and Dirge Bard archetypes. Demagogue might fit for making everyone angry. A Sound Striker is so metal he can literally make your ears bleed. Antagonize, Fire Music, and Concussion Spell are also good investments.
An all-bard party is totally viable, amusingly.

Thanael |

Take a level of witch or hexcrafter magus to get the Prehensile Hair hex, and then you can accompany yourself with your beard!
Thus was born Bardbeard Beardbard a distant cousin of the famous Fistbeard Beardfist.

Richard Leonhart |

thanks all so far, taking a level of witch seems too crunch over playability, I'm sorry.
Spells, sweet selection, intimidate, Improved Sunder.
I was thinking about Pyrotechnics too, nothing better than to have huge flames or mist of the floor.
Accelerated drinker, yep, you got to get that beer flowing. That's why I need a serious Con. I try to stay to the usual Paizo products, no dirge singer, sorry.
Stone Singer is just awesome. I can blast their eardrums out and still keep them dancing.
Depths of the Mountain, a bit high level, but still awesome to really rock.
For the leadership feat, my GMs so far don't really like it, and also I'm not sure if the fans travel that close with the music bands. I'm not sure here, if that's the case, please let me know.
Awesome ideas so far, if you got a few more, keep em coming, with this I can surely make my first 8-10 levels.

Richard Leonhart |

problem is that sound striker is quite high-charisma bound, and I didn't want to play a mage-bard.
And his ability (both do quite the same) can easily be replicated by spells.
A spiky metal armor, highly magical weapon and using intimidate for a minor effect seem better. But hey, to everyone his opinion.
If anyone could point to me a list of bard archetypes that stack, that would be highly appreciated.

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problem is that sound striker is quite high-charisma bound, and I didn't want to play a mage-bard.
And his ability (both do quite the same) can easily be replicated by spells.A spiky metal armor, highly magical weapon and using intimidate for a minor effect seem better. But hey, to everyone his opinion.
If anyone could point to me a list of bard archetypes that stack, that would be highly appreciated.
Oh yeah, don't get me wrong, your idea is like a guy in the same metal band as my idea, just a different performer.
Still, don't short-sell the Sound Striker abilities. The first ability sucks, but Weird Words does 1d6+Charisma Modifier/per level. With a good Charisma Modifier, you can easily get 6 of those off by level 6 each doing 1d6+5 or so. I know Monks who would KILL for that kind of accuracy and damage... or, rather, they'd try to kill >_> /zing

drunken_nomad |

Richard Leonhart wrote:Rob Zombie.
p.s. I don't know much about metal, and altough I always tought they wear long wild beards, I can't think of a single metaller with a beard ...
Dam thats the guy I was thinking of...though Wayne from Static X has epic beard...and Scotty Ian from Anthrax has INSANE EPIC BEARD. Zakk Wylde got a lot of beard too.
Piercings you gotta go with 'snakebites' like Dave Draiman from Disturbed.
As far as properties of the instrument...I would think shock / shocking blast would be awesome for the axe! Thundering is another property to think about. Dam this axe will end up costing 12 billion gold!
Also rethink low Dex...Dave Mustaine and Yngwie, Eddie VH and ANGUS, Alexi Laiho and the dude from Nitro with the Guinness Record for fastest playing...they all have nimble fingers.
and big HELL YEAH to tattoos...or spellstitching...mmm yes!
You will need shout, shatter, and irresistible dance in spell selection...MOSH IT UP!

Thanael |

Accelerated drinker, yep, you got to get that beer flowing. That's why I need a serious Con. I try to stay to the usual Paizo products, no dirge singer, sorry.
With Ultimate Magic the dirge singer is back in PF as the Dirge Bard archetype.
Though i would suggest the Savage Skald bard archetype and multiclassing/dipping Drunken Brute Barbarian. Raging Drunk, and the rage powers boasting taunt, good for what ails you, internal fortitude*, liquid courage, moment of clarity*, roaring drunk, and staggering drunk all fit like a glove...

Thanael |

Also he absolutely needs to wear a kilt and have awesome beard braids:
Dwarf Warrior in Kilt
Nice beard braids

Richard Leonhart |

Awesome ideas you guys:
so to sum it up:
gutiarre axe with shocking blast, thundering or what he has the money for.
Beard braids (thanks for the pics and everything)
Nipple ring (I love that idea)
Tattoos + piercing + body modification in general
stone singer
accelerated drinker
armor with armor spikes (if arcane duelist)
Depths of the mountain
Eldritch Heritage (good catch)
Chord of Shards
Ear-Piercing Scream
Unnatural Lust
irresistible dance (don't quite get that one)
class? There are a few good archtypes, arcane duelist, sound striker and Dirge Bard (tough I think he's more Evanescence than Slayer) and multiclassing with barbarian. For the multiclassing, I fear that he would be a bit too much flavour of essence, but the rage powers are nice.
ability scores: dex, I can see your argument for a high dex, and a bard also deserves that, however I don't want to create the best metaller of all times, want to create the first one, and so he doesn't really need to play "good" music.
cha, some builds (sound striker) profit a whole lot from very high charisma, however as other ability scores are also needed, and dwarf get -2, I doubt I can start over 14.