[iPhone APP] Init Roller


Hello again. i'm the developper of Summoner and Animal Companion and today i want to tell you that another app is now available on APPStore, and its name is "Init Roller".
This application will give you a tool to manage the initiative of your party, will help you to manage actions like delay and so on.

The application is FREE, so what are you waiting for?
Donwload it now

GringoireDM wrote:

Hello again. i'm the developper of Summoner and Animal Companion and today i want to tell you that another app is now available on APPStore, and its name is "Init Roller".

This application will give you a tool to manage the initiative of your party, will help you to manage actions like delay and so on.

The application is FREE, so what are you waiting for?
Donwload it now

How to Use it??

Link Youtube

Please leave a review, and i will do more for this app, and more free apps.

From a marking perspective in your free apps you should (if you haven't already), have a button to about section to preview your other apps.

"If you like this then you might like these other apps..." (captive audience)

"Contact the Author" that'll send an email gives the user the feeling that they are contributing good/bad to the app.

And a "Review this app" button to hopefully get good reviews (only put this button if you think the app is good based on the "Contact the Author" emails.

But you probably already know all this.

harmor wrote:

From a marking perspective in your free apps you should (if you haven't already), have a button to about section to preview your other apps.

"If you like this then you might like these other apps..." (captive audience)

"Contact the Author" that'll send an email gives the user the feeling that they are contributing good/bad to the app.

And a "Review this app" button to hopefully get good reviews (only put this button if you think the app is good based on the "Contact the Author" emails.

But you probably already know all this.

This app was made in three hours. :) i don't want users to be bored by ads. Actually i show two buttons to summoner and animal companion, if the iAD banner is not available. I don't want to abuse of a free app. ^^ I want user to be happy using it.

Have you tryed this application? What do you think about it?

It is a nice app, but my group likes to roll there own init. So I ended up adding the monsters as players so I could arrange it correctly. I just wish I could manualy enter init scores.

Falcarrion 2 wrote:
It is a nice app, but my group likes to roll there own init. So I ended up adding the monsters as players so I could arrange it correctly. I just wish I could manualy enter init scores.

This would be a deal breaker for me as well. I don't want an init roller. I want an init tracker. I'm going to be buying an iPad very soon (hopefully this weekend) and would really like a good init tracker to use in game. Ideally it would allow for the rearrangement of order in combat (due to reserves, triggering, etc) and even allow for tracking of spell durations and conditions. Just my little wish list.


Falcarrion 2 wrote:
It is a nice app, but my group likes to roll there own init. So I ended up adding the monsters as players so I could arrange it correctly. I just wish I could manualy enter init scores.

AND this will be done. ^^ More feedback!!! :)

GregH wrote:
Ideally it would allow for the rearrangement of order in combat (due to reserves, triggering, etc)

init roller actually do it. ^^


and even allow for tracking of spell durations and conditions. Just my little wish list.


hmm... it's a free app. i don't know if i can do this for free. i will think about it, maybe with inapp purchase. Don't know.

GringoireDM wrote:
hmm... it's a free app. i don't know if i can do this for free. i will think about it, maybe with inapp purchase. Don't know.

If done properly I'd be willing to pay for a good init tracker.


GregH wrote:
GringoireDM wrote:
hmm... it's a free app. i don't know if i can do this for free. i will think about it, maybe with inapp purchase. Don't know.

If done properly I'd be willing to pay for a good init tracker.


I think that this is an app too simple to be paid.i did it for myself, and i wanted to share it with you all for free. but if i will add something like spell duration tracking... hmmm i don't know. again, i think that i will put it in inAPP purchase, so you can choose if you need it or not. ^^

oh, and please make a review on appstore, because there is an idiot's one star that is killing me... he says "not sure how it works"... hell guys, i think that this is a very simple app... i could say "for dummies" in fact the youtube video is a little ironic as you can see. :D

GringoireDM wrote:
oh, and please make a review on appstore, because there is an idiot's one star that is killing me...

Unfortunately my 1st gen iPod Touch won't run this in its current state (maxed out at iOS 3.2). But when I get my iPad I'll take a look. But I'm in the same boat as Falcarrion2, we roll our own initiative.


I left you a review. Keep the great apps coming.

Grand Lodge

GringoireDM wrote:
oh, and please make a review on appstore, because there is an idiot's one star that is killing me... he says "not sure how it works"... hell guys, i think that this is a very simple app... i could say "for dummies" in fact the youtube video is a little ironic as you can see. :D


I've been holding my tongue on this for two weeks. In fact I've written this post twice now only to delete it both times. This time I'm not going to continue to hold back.

I realize there is a language barrier here, but honestly, you need to tone down your attitude to your customers. You've referred to customers as cheap in the past, tell them they're wrong regularly, and you're now using terms like "idiot". While tone is very difficult to convey over the written word, what you write often comes off as whiny and unappreciative of those who if not are already customers, are potential customers. When I see your posts I have come to the point that I assume that they will be somehow less-than-friendly. Since in your position of sales, perception is reality, what you're doing is painting your product in a very negative light.

I bought Summoner, I find it a solid application that does its job well, but your posts have made me completely uninterested in providing your group with any further business even though I think your products have potential. Takilian Rueshin does a great job presenting what's changing and often sounds appreciative and friendly to your customers. This may come off as harsh, but you should consider vetting what you post before you do so, and strongly consider letting Takilian do most of the talking, because frankly, I find comments about customers such as this one to make me completely unwilling to send you guys any more money, and frankly it's kept me from even considering putting money down on anything else.

The reason Paizo does so well is that they put out good product AND have a great public face. You have half the equation, I'd hate to see you guys fail because of the other half.

TheBoldr wrote:


I've been holding my tongue on this for two weeks. In fact I've written this post twice now only to delete it both times. This time I'm not going to continue to hold back.

BAD. You HAVE to tell me ALL about my errors, because this way i have the chace to improve myself. If you hold your tongue i will always do the same errors. thank you for posting that, because you have absolutely right. By the way i think that there is some misunderstanding in some situations; and that surely depends of my bad bad bad english...


I realize there is a language barrier here, but honestly, you need to tone down your attitude to your customers. You've referred to customers as cheap in the past,

i never wanted to say that. i wanted to say that on android there is less propension to buy applications. android is more oriented on free applications, and that is a fact.

tell them they're wrong regularly,

when? A lot of things that i have implemented comes from you guys. if i think that something is wrong i don't implement that.

and you're now using terms like "idiot".

i'm sorry for that. i've over reacted. but when a potential competitor puts a really bad review just because the app is free... well it's frustrating. Here we have an app that i think is good, and i'm giving you for free because i've done it in a little time and easy. A review that says "not sure how it works", and then in message "N/T" really doesn't helps me to improve it. and the app is incredible easy to use. it's frustrating when you do this for free and someone is trying to pull you down. I do this job because i want to do it, and i want to share it with you all. By the way, i've over reacted. i'm sorry.

While tone is very difficult to convey over the written word, what you write often comes off as whiny and unappreciative of those who if not are already customers, are potential customers.

Well, i'm sorry. somewhere there was someone that says "summoner is crap because doesn't have 0 level summons".... this person is DESTROYING one month of my life because i haven't implemented a ZERO level summon, that basicly you will NEVER use... I know that if you pay you want all, and it is right, but saying "i will never buy summoner because hasn't zero level summon" i think that it is absurd.

When I see your posts I have come to the point that I assume that they will be somehow less-than-friendly. Since in your position of sales, perception is reality, what you're doing is painting your product in a very negative light.

i'm sorry for that... but i think that my products still are good...

When i post here i think to talk with people that, like me loves this game. when i make an iphone application with you as target i'm not doing that for a reward, because i can assure you that my reward is very very little. i do it for passion. you have to know that when a customer buy summoner, i pay apple 30% on that copy... summoner costs me one month and half of work (intense work). after that month there are another month for all updates that i did because i want you customers to be happy, and i want you to enjoy the better experience with my products.

Someone puts new features with inapp purchase, but i didn't want to do that because as customer i could not appreciate that.
I know that sometimes i can appear as an ass, but i want you guys to know that you can always talk with me and ask me all the features that you have in mind! I am always ready to read you and implement that in all of my products.

by the way thank you for this post. i really appreciate that, and i'm sorry for appearing that way. i'll try to be better.

Grand Lodge

GregH wrote:

If done properly I'd be willing to pay for a good init tracker.


No need to pay. Great free app called Tabletop Intiative Tracker. Used it all weekend at a mini-con last March, works great.

Thorkull wrote:
GregH wrote:

If done properly I'd be willing to pay for a good init tracker.


No need to pay. Great free app called Tabletop Intiative Tracker. Used it all weekend at a mini-con last March, works great.

and for who doesn't own an ipad??

Edit: I saw the app. why should you use mine? Well, here is my two cents:

1) this application doesn't allow you to save your party members, so you have to put them inside each time they run initiative.
2) you have to reorder initiative manually every time you roll it.
3) this program doesn't work on iphone, ipod touch.

Init roller does all those things. Init roller is minimal with graphics, but allows you to save a lot of party. once you saved them you can insert inside all your players group, store theyr dex modifier and init bonus.
When you have done this operation you will NEVER need to do this again, and by tapping "roll it" you will roll in one sec all the initiative. the app will take care of ordering them. then you will be able to add monsters. and even now the order will be automatic.

With tabletop initiative tracker you still need someone that write all the initiative, otherwise if there is a monster adding in initiative in the middle of battle you don't kno where to put him.

By the way i think that this post where a little anti fair play. I never went on other product post saying "hey, use mine..."

Thorkull wrote:
GregH wrote:

If done properly I'd be willing to pay for a good init tracker.


No need to pay. Great free app called Tabletop Intiative Tracker. Used it all weekend at a mini-con last March, works great.

Here is a pen and paper incredibly faster than TableTop initiative Tracker to have initiative. ^^


Every player rolls initiative. says a number then one player write the name of that player at the right of the corrispondent number.

For example you have thork that rolls 25, Arohn that rolls 29 and Eliah that rolls 1. you will have

29 Arohn
25 Thork
1 Eliah

to write on a paper with a pen is ALWAYS faster than write on ipad, and with this method you will not need to reorder them. That's why i made an app in witch you have to write in just one time. When you have finished to reorder your initiative i've finished the battle.

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