What is my best option?


So I have been playing since 7th garde, and I still really suck at mechanics. I know I need to play a pc that is all hit you or or all magic...ok so that is my ish. My party has cleric, a cavalier, a ranged inquisitor, a dragon disciple sorcerer and a rogue...what should I play,what do we need that could be fun and/or simple yet effective.

Grand Lodge

Hmm, your party seems to have most of the bases covered. At this point I would say play whatever you want. Fighters are fairly easy to play and excell at combat. Yes there's a lot of feats but many are fairly straight forward choices. I would say come up with a character background and then see what class/feats/skills fits your character best.

Madclaw wrote:
Hmm, your party seems to have most of the bases covered. At this point I would say play whatever you want. Fighters are fairly easy to play and excell at combat. Yes there's a lot of feats but many are fairly straight forward choices. I would say come up with a character background and then see what class/feats/skills fits your character best.

That is kind of what think to, but everyone is leaning toward another fighter. I kind of wants witch or wizard. I don't wanna let the party down and junk...thoughts?

gnomewizard wrote:
Madclaw wrote:
Hmm, your party seems to have most of the bases covered. At this point I would say play whatever you want. Fighters are fairly easy to play and excell at combat. Yes there's a lot of feats but many are fairly straight forward choices. I would say come up with a character background and then see what class/feats/skills fits your character best.
That is kind of what think to, but everyone is leaning toward another fighter. I kind of wants witch or wizard. I don't wanna let the party down and junk...thoughts?

If their goal is another meat shield, you could go with a summoner, so you're still a full caster, but your eidelon can fulfill the meat shield role. Summoner has difficult rules to grasp, though.

Another option is the Magus, but that one is tricky to play.

The last option is just play what you like. As long as you can still contribute to the party, they won't have a good reason to gripe.

gnomewizard wrote:
So I have been playing since 7th garde, and I still really suck at mechanics. I know I need to play a pc that is all hit you or or all magic...ok so that is my ish. My party has cleric, a cavalier, a ranged inquisitor, a dragon disciple sorcerer and a rogue...what should I play,what do we need that could be fun and/or simple yet effective.

Well, as said, your party's pretty well balanced, so it's kind of a rough call - you can really be anything you'd like to be. Personally, if it was me in that party, I'd consider Bard, but you said you wanted something mechanically simple.

If the party's dropping hints toward a fighter, and you don't seem to want to try something that's a mix (based on your post) because you're worried about the mechanics, I would probably recommend something like Barbarian or Ranger -- Fighters with their umpteen feats aren't really all that simple anymore. (Having said that, however, some types of fighter can specialize enough that there's less math involved - a TWF build, for instance)

As a barbarian, you can take massive hits and deliver even bigger ones, plus you're fast on your feet, which is good. Barbarians actually get skill ranks and useful class skills, so that's also a nice touch, and the whole rage thing is usually excellent.

A ranger can be pretty nasty in combat, also, and you can take archetypes that get you away from the spellcasting if you don't want to keep track of that. Plus, a ranger is an excellent "backup" when it comes to scouting - you can generally sneak well enough to be there in case the rogue steps in something. :)

However, again, it's all about what you think would be fun -- and there's certainly room in there for another arcane caster (wizard or sorcerer).

gnomewizard wrote:
So I have been playing since 7th garde, and I still really suck at mechanics. I know I need to play a pc that is all hit you or or all magic...ok so that is my ish. My party has cleric, a cavalier, a ranged inquisitor, a dragon disciple sorcerer and a rogue...what should I play,what do we need that could be fun and/or simple yet effective.

Have you talked to the other players and the GM to see what they might like? Otherwise, as mentioned by the other posters, your group has all the bases covered, so you should play whatever you want, and whatever you're comfortable with.

Grand Lodge RPG Superstar 2015 Top 32, RPG Superstar 2012 Top 32

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If the other players want a meat shield and you want a caster, then perhaps you should show your friends the other kind of Dragon Disciple:

Take your first four levels in fighter, making sure to get a few skill ranks in Knowledge (Arcana) and, if necessary, a rank in Linguistics to learn Draconic. Make sure you have a CHA of at least 11 (no need to go higher), and try to get mithril armor somewhere along the line if possible. At level 5, take a level in Sorcerer (dragon bloodline) and top off your Kn(Arc) at 5 ranks. For your level 5 feat, try something like Arcane Strike for more damage on your attacks.

Level 6 you start taking levels of Dragon Disciple. You get claws. You get permanent STR increases. You get to increase your sorcerer caster level. You get a breath weapon. Oh, and your hit die is now a d12, better than the fighter's d10. Once you get to caster level 3 (if memory serves, it'll be the third level of Dragon Disciple), make sure your next feat is Arcane Armor Training - combined with mithral armor, you can keep your AC up while still having little to no spell failure chance. You can only cast 1st-level spells due to only having 11 CHA, but that's okay - you can use your higher level slots to cast level-1 spells, and you're usually just smashing things anyway with your 22 (or higher) STR. If something's out of reach, cast Magic Missile - since it doesn't grant a saving throw, its power is unaffected by your low CHA.

You'll be a nasty combat force, AND be able to spam your enemies with MM. Sounds like a win to me! ;)

Dark Archive

Jiggy wrote:

Take your first four levels in fighter, making sure to get a few skill ranks in Knowledge (Arcana) and, if necessary, a rank in Linguistics to learn Draconic. Make sure you have a CHA of at least 11 (no need to go higher), and try to get mithril armor somewhere along the line if possible. At level 5, take a level in Sorcerer (dragon bloodline) and top off your Kn(Arc) at 5 ranks. For your level 5 feat, try something like Arcane Strike for more damage on your attacks.

Level 6 you start taking levels of Dragon Disciple. You get claws. You get permanent STR increases. You get to increase your sorcerer caster level. You get a breath weapon. Oh, and your hit die is now a d12, better than the fighter's d10. Once you get to caster level 3 (if memory serves, it'll be the third level of Dragon Disciple), make sure your next feat is Arcane Armor Training - combined with mithral armor, you can keep your AC up while still having little to no spell failure chance. You can only cast 1st-level spells due to only having 11 CHA, but that's okay - you can use your higher level slots to cast level-1 spells, and you're usually just smashing things anyway with your 22 (or higher) STR. If something's out of reach, cast Magic Missile - since it doesn't grant a saving throw, its power is unaffected by your low CHA.

You'll be a nasty combat force, AND be able to spam your enemies with MM. Sounds like a win to me! ;)

I like that idea... to keep with the flavor the way its going take the Metamagic feat Toppling and use upper level spells with Magic Missile/Toppling to gains trip attacks against each person hit by your missile.

Dark Archive

gnomewizard wrote:
So I have been playing since 7th garde, and I still really suck at mechanics. I know I need to play a pc that is all hit you or or all magic...ok so that is my ish. My party has cleric, a cavalier, a ranged inquisitor, a dragon disciple sorcerer and a rogue...what should I play,what do we need that could be fun and/or simple yet effective.

You say you have a rogue... I recently did a team up of A pair of rogues using the teamwork feats. Its alot of fun and the damage together with sneak attack was surprising.

Teamwork Feats

Outflank - Gain +4 bonus on attack rolls when flanking.(APG)
Paired Opportunist - +4 bonus on attacks of opportunity.(APG)
Precise Strike - Deal +1d6 points of precision damage with melee attacks.(APG)
Gang Up- You are considered to be flanking an opponent if at least two of your allies are threatening that opponent, regardless of your actual positioning.(APG)

Just to name a few...

Jiggy wrote:
You can only cast 1st-level spells due to only having 11 CHA, but that's okay - you can use your higher level slots to cast level-1 spells, and you're usually just smashing things anyway with your 22 (or higher) STR. If something's out of reach, cast Magic Missile - since it doesn't grant a saving throw, its power is unaffected by your low CHA.

If it's in reach, well Enlarge Person is also a fun level 1 spell. :)

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WhipShire wrote:

Gang Up- You are considered to be flanking an opponent if at least two of your allies are threatening that opponent, regardless of your actual positioning.(APG)

Gang Up isn't a teamwork feat - which makes it even snazzier -- you need Combat Expertise and what not, but you don't need anything from your allies.

Dark Archive

Tilnar wrote:
WhipShire wrote:

Gang Up- You are considered to be flanking an opponent if at least two of your allies are threatening that opponent, regardless of your actual positioning.(APG)

Gang Up isn't a teamwork feat - which makes it even snazzier -- you need Combat Expertise and what not, but you don't need anything from your allies.

Good catch forgot about that.

The Witch is surprisingly good, and can be pretty simple depending on how you build it. The witch, in my opinion, excels at being a save or die/suck character with a decent accompaniment of crucial spells (divination, battlefield control, a few buffs, druid healing, etc). Build your character to be a hexing machine gun! I love the class, personally, and it really is quite simple to play pretty effectively (your opponent ends up rolling the dice, most of the time!) Only thing is, sometimes you can feel like a one-trick pony (but oh what a trick!) and may get boring if you like rolling lots of dice.
As an aside, your party is pretty balanced looking, you won't let your party down no matter what you chose, especially if your party is at all mature.

Silver Crusade

Ill second the Witch being realy good choice. Even with a sorcerer in the party there are meny things a witch can do that a sorcerer can't.

My favort example of this is a character I made. This character is going to be in a party of mostly casters. Maily becous after the party found out what I was doing they followed the hint. Books required APG, UM, Halflings of Golarion.

Halfling Witch(Hedge Witch)Patron: Healing
Halfling Jinx (Racial Trait)
Malicious Eye(Feat) Adds your halfling jinx to the evil eye hex.
Bolster Jinx (Feat) Adds the bonus from iron will, lighing reflexes, and great fortatude. To your halfling jinx you can have one or all the bonus as long as you have the feet.
Iron Will, Lighitng Reflexes, Great Fortatude.(all 3 feats)
Hedge Witch: Spontaneous Healing (Su): A hedge witch can channel stored spell energy into healing spells that she did not prepare ahead of time. The witch can “lose” any prepared spell that is not an orison in order to cast any cure spell of the same spell level or lower, even if she doesn’t know that cure spell. This replaces the witch’s hex gained at 4th level.

Now you have a arcane caster as a back up healer, debuffer, and crowed control expert. The nice part about the evil eye + halfling jinx is the fact at level 9 after taking 5 feat you have a -7 to all saves. Even if your not targeting saves with your jinx you end up with -3 to all saves and -4 to somthing else. yes it's a one trick pony with the hex. You still have spell and can spontaneous cast cure spells for back up healing.

So I am kind of loving on the witch idea. I am looking to make a Gnome at 8th Level Patron Deception (chose this for flavor). Anyone want to help build 1-8. 20pt buy i can use any Paizo books.

gnomewizard wrote:
So I am kind of loving on the witch idea. I am looking to make a Gnome at 8th Level Patron Deception (chose this for flavor). Anyone want to help build 1-8. 20pt buy i can use any Paizo books.

Maybe you are interested in a witch guide, keep in mind that this guide doesn't include ultimate magic stuff (which has some pretty good witch stuff). So i suggest read the guide and come back here to help you make your character.

what about a 3 level ranger/ 5 witch
or 3 rogue /5 witch

Can i build cool survivable characters out of those?

gnomewizard wrote:

what about a 3 level ranger/ 5 witch

or 3 rogue /5 witch

Can i build cool survivable characters out of those?

Or maybe a ninja witch?

Silver Crusade

If your going Witch or any pure caster. The most you ever want to take is 2 levels. And it better be a class that gives you evasion. So thats Monk or Rogue all other are a wast of time. With the exception of being a Cha caster and taking 2 level of Paladin for saves. Even then the save bonus is only good if your making a battle cleric or oracle of battle.

So a 2rog/ 6witch would better, and in a ll honesty I would probably do it more for flavor and the extra skill pts

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