Your top 5 magic items?


The Exchange

Pathfinder Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber

Heya folks.

I'm curious what your group's current top 5 magic items are?

The reason why I ask is that I'm curious about the utility items and how things are different from Pathfinder.

My groups tend to have Standard Operating Procedures when it comes to items and I'm reevaluating things since itemization in Pathfinder changes up: both because of new creation rules and secondly a lot of class features that replace the need for them in places.

Here is an example of our 3.5 favorites:

* Rod of Prestigitation - Too useful. The utilmate multitool. A personal bic, can of endless spray paint, flavorizor, etc. The way cantrips work now it's not needed in PF, but back in 3.5 these were too useful not to have one.

* Boots of Leaping and Striding - Fixes some movement issues with slower players, upgrades existing classes like the Monk and Barbarian to insane levels of combat movement.

* Cloak of Elvenkind - Early on this is near auto-stealth. Mitigates bad roles on stealth (especially since my groups are usually stealth based)

* Glove of Storage - Optional Weapon insto swap FTW. We've had Fighters keeping special bane weapons on hand, clerics with holy water vials, you name it. Usually with a cute X potion though.

* Handy Haversack - Lowest priced extradimension storeage and great again for hotswapping gear on the fly.

So advise me, what is your top 5 gear picks? I'm less focused on weapons unless you have "Must haves" in mind.

For casters Boots of levitation.

Expensive, but a cloak of etherealness and/or a robe of stars lets you skip out of the prime material plane easily. Very handy!

Girdle of giant strength
Bronze griffon
Cloak of resistance
Portable hole
Hat of disguise

honorable mention: Golembane scarab

Cube of force
Rod of immoveable
Robe of useful Items
portable hole
boots of teleport,

always had a lot of fun with those items, not necessarily the very best but fun

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Rings of Revelation, a.k.a. the greatest boon to sorcerers in the APG.

With an investment in UMD and forge ring, you can gain access CHA-based mysteries like sidestep secret/nature's whispers (use your CHA instead of DEX for AC and Reflex saves), lore keeper and natural divination.

TheLoneCleric wrote:

* Boots of Leaping and Striding - Fixes some movement issues with slower players, upgrades existing classes like the Monk and Barbarian to insane levels of combat movement.

While I always house ruled it as stacking boots of leaping and striding provided an enancement bonus to speed and thus did not stack with the monk enhancement bonus to speed.

I would have to say that boots of speed ranked high in my games. 10 rounds of haste a day may not seem like much but it could be situationally important when your caster was too busy to put haste on the party. Also made a withdraw action a powerful way to escape.

I also liked tanglefoot bags in 3.5 since they could knock most flyers out of the sky(since they halve your speed and non perfect flying creatures needed to move more than half their speed to stay up).

I personally really have a thing for the items that raise effective level for certain class abilities:
-Monk's Robe
-Robes of Arcane Heritage
-Dueling Gloves
-Silver Smite Bracelet

I also love the items that render certain basics unnecessary:
-Sustaining Spoon
-Decanter of Endless Water
-Bottle of Air

Eyes of The Eagle is also awesome.

The only correct answer is Qual's Token: Feather.

The Exchange

Pathfinder Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber

Hmmm. That's an interesting question. Is there a FAQ about the boots bonus vs a Monk's bonus? They are both enchantement right?

Grand Lodge RPG Superstar 2015 Top 32, RPG Superstar 2012 Top 32

Feather Token: Tree

The city is surrounded by a 50-foot-high wall, too smooth to climb.

Okay, I climb the tree and hop over.

What tree?

POOF! That tree.

Any magic item that isn't one of the big six.

But more specifically:

~ Folding Boat- I LOVE this item! We've had so much fun in past sessions with this thing. You never know when a boat can come in handy.

~ Decanter of Endless Water

~ Daern's Instant Fortress- Having a fortified base camp with you at all times is too cool.

~ Helm of Underwater Action- Once had a dwarf that was paranoid about teleporting; he was afraid it would misfire and we would all end up 3 miles under water in some ocean. So, when he found this helm, he always kept it with him for such an eventuality. Funny thing is that we did eventually misfire and end up at the bottom of a lake.

~ Ring of Feather Fall- When you need it, you NEED it. Never leave home without it.

- Hat of Disguise (also known to my GM as "Hat of Palette Swap")
- Feather token: Tree (Throw it at someone and activate, attach to an arrow and activate on hit...)
- Manacles of Cooperation (NEVER tries to escape)
- Sniper Goggles (What it says on the tin)
- Belt of Masculinity/ Femininity (Yes, I know it's cursed, but it's just too fun!)

Also, from 3.5's Complete Scoundrel- Rust Cube. Thrown weapon deals 1d6 damage/ round to metal, ignoring hardness.

While the following are not combat oriented they are incredibly uses full.

Handy Haversack (Required)
Efficient Quiver (Stores a lot more than arrows, Quarter Staffs, Spears)
Ring of Sustenance (Don't need to eat, and only needs 2 hours sleep)
Wand of Cure Light wounds (Let the cleric buff instead of heal)
Ion Torch (Anyone without darkvision needs this)

Decanter of endless water.

I have a dwarf trap-smith heading into the Tomb of Horrors who would gladly give up a party member or two to get one of those. Best damn trapfinders in the world.

Ioun stone, +2 bonus to primary ability score
Same as above
And many more

Yes, I know I'm covered in flying rocks, but...

My top 5 differ from my players' collective top 5. Theirs I shall list below, but mine I can simply say "It depends," about.

In no particular order:
Figurine of Wondrous Power Ivory Goats
Hat of Disguise
Potion of Cure Light Wounds

Two of my most favourite items have long been Necklace of Adaptation and Robe of Eyes.

The Exchange

ignoring "staples" like cloak of resist, and stat items

Eyes of the Eagle
Cracked Green Ioun stone (+1 competence all saves, 4000gp)
Jingasa of the fortunate soldier
Gloves of Recon
Dusty Rose Prism, Cracked (+1 init, 500gp)

Some of my favorites:
1) Pearl of the Sirines - what's not to like about 60 ft swim speed, freedom of movement with respect to being underwater plus water breathing all in one unslotted item.
1a) Honorable mention to Plate Armor of the Deep.
2) Hat of Disguise
2a) Honorable mention to any item possessing Called and or Glamered abilities.
3) Pale Green Ioun Stone + Stone of Good Luck = +2 to all saves, skills and ability checks and +1 to attack rolls (from Ioun Stone)
4) Any of various extra dimensional storage items - (Efficient Quiver, Handy Haversack, Bags of Holding, Girdle of Many Pouches, Portable Holes).
5) Apparatus of the Crab - A just plain weird and wonderfully odd item.

Well its D&D 4e sadly but #1 for me is Blade of the Eldritch Knight
2 ring of sustenance
3 Ioun stones all of them
4 Handy Haversack
5 The Deck of Many Things

Metamagic Rods
Ring of Revelation
Phylactery of Positive Energy
Celestial Armor
Wayfinder w/ Clear Spindle

Some of my favourites:
1) Rod of Lordly Might (I loved this multipurpose tool and was gutted when it was stolen by a vrock in RttToEE)

2) Pearls of Power (just having some spells back is so juicy)

3) Sword of Sharpness/Vorpal (immensely powerful but having one of these made for some very intense combats back when we played in a very harsh and unforgiving Forgotten Realms)

4) Wayfinders and Ioun Stones (love some of these combinations and the wayfinders are so full of flavour)

5) Helm of Brilliance (another old favourite. Loved it on the same character that had the Rod of Lordly Might and actually died when I failed my save against a fire dragon's breath. KABOOM. AGain.. gutted when it was gone lol)

>doesnt understand why interdimensional bag is not on everyone's list. Portable hole/haversack/bag of holding is a must for loot whores

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