Evil Campaign Help


I just started a game with evil PC's and i need some help. They started in a prison and a voice in their minds (spoiler: totally a Unique Devil) offered to help them escape as long as they 1) prove they're worthy, and 2) sacrifice the soul of the Warden. They completed all this and they were transported to meet with the devil (which they don't quite know is a devil yet).

Here is where i need the help. The devil wants the party to gather the Seven Swords of Sin (lol, i know - im so creative) and bring them to him. Now, I've already stated up the swords as artifacts, but what I need is some flavorful Boss themes for each sin.

For those playing at home, the swords are as follows:
-- Garvok -- Wrath -- Greatsword
-- Shin-tari -- Sloth -- Short Sword
-- Tannaris -- Envy -- Bastard Sword
-- Chellan -- Greed -- Scimitar
-- Baraket -- Pride -- Rapier
-- Ungarato -- Gluttony -- Falchion
-- Asheia -- Lust -- Longsword

Any ideas would be helpful. While the PC's are evil and working for a LE devil, the Bosses can be any alignment, but keeping in theme with the "Swords of Sin" concept.

Would it make sense that the guardians for each sword are actually of the opposing philosophy/alignment? They could be guardians appointed by the forces of good to prevent them from becomming tools of the evil...

-- Garvok -- Wrath -- Greatsword I would go for some barbarian
-- Shin-tari -- Sloth -- Short Sword Necromancer or Enchanter
-- Tannaris -- Envy -- Bastard Sword Paladin
-- Chellan -- Greed -- Scimitar Dwarf ftw
-- Baraket -- Pride -- Rapier Elven Sorcerer
-- Ungarato -- Gluttony -- Falchion Ogre Mage
-- Asheia -- Lust -- Longsword Succubus or Nymph

Well since team evil isnt one big happy family, what if the bosses were all demons? You could have a succubus for lust,etc leading up to a Balor for wrath?

-- Garvok -- Wrath -- Greatsword Frost or Fire Giant with Fighter levels
-- Shin-tari -- Sloth -- Short Sword Serpentfolk lich caster type
-- Tannaris -- Envy -- Bastard Sword Human antipaladin
-- Chellan -- Greed -- Scimitar Dwarven rogue/assassin
-- Baraket -- Pride -- Rapier Elven wizard/diviner
-- Ungarato -- Gluttony -- Falchion Ogre or troll witch (female)
-- Asheia -- Lust -- Longsword Succubus enchanter

Kryzbyn wrote:
Would it make sense that the guardians for each sword are ... appointed by the forces of good to prevent them from becomming tools of the evil...

I would say that there should definitely be a Good Order standing in opposition to the PCs, trying to claim, safe-guard and even destroy the Seven Swords. However, having the Order in control of all Swords will get as tiring as just a repetition of Evil Boss fights.

Rather, the Order should hold perhaps 2 of the Seven, and be seeking out the other 5, as well as lore about how to destroy them. This gives the PCs the opportunity to have opponents and competition in their quest for the swords, but also nemeses who will then come after them once they begin taking possession of the artifacts.

The Party now has several different types of quests available to them, rather than just "Kill the Boss, Get the Sword". They can, of course, claim Swords, but they can also seek out and destroy knowledge of how to destroy the Swords so that Good can't get their hands on the info.

Perhaps there is some unique Key for the destruction of each Sword that, if they can find and destroy the key they render some Swords permanently protected (this could already have happened for the Swords controlled by the Good Order, hence the reason they are safe-guarded, rather than previously destroyed). Look at it this way ... it's hard to destroy the Ring of Power if the Fires of Mount Doom have been quenched.

Another type of adventure that becomes a possibility in this "dueling quest for the Swords" set-up is one in which the PCs actually masquerade as Good characters, help the Order claim a Sword and defeat a powerful Wielder, then double-cross their "allies" and slay them to claim the Sword. Alternately, they could "ally" with an excessively powerful Wielder to supposedly "draw in and ambush the forces of Good", wait out the ensuing battle, then finish off the weakened victor.

Some Sword should be in the possession of powerful, evil beings who use their powers to augment and enhance their own. Others might be held by beings who do not know what they possess. If the Swords operate like Legacy Weapons then it is entirely possible one or more are in the possession of low-level individuals, and no one realizes what they have in their hands.

Alternately, the Scimitar of Greed might be lying unused at the bottom of some dragon's hoard, or even in a closed vault within its lair perhaps even unknown to the occupant. It would require some degree of digging or other research and effort to extract even when the "guardian" is vanquished.

Of course, the Forces of Good need not be the only ones questing for the Swords. Rival demons and devils could have agents looking for them as well. Perhaps there was an Evil Order of Demon Princes who originally forged the Swords dozens of millennia ago, but some of their members have been banished or slain and they offer the PCs the opportunity (i.e. capstone adventure) to take the place of the missing member and "descend" to the status of Demon Lord of XYZ Sin if they betray the Devil and bring all other swords to the Evil Demon Order.

Then again, the Swords might be intelligent items inhabited by Demon (or Devil) Lords, whereas the Devil collecting them is simply doing so to destroy the weapons (and thereby his rivals) rather than use them. Perhaps they are not functional weapons, but merely ornamental and ceremonial items that serve as prisons for the Demon/Devil Lords they contain, and the prisoners want out (and are willing to make all kinds of offers to achieve this goal).

It's certainly an intriguing campaign idea with a lot of potential for great RP and Storytelling. I hope your Group has fun with it and you exploit the many options available to you.



Darken has a pretty similar plot. Evil warrior is saved by a demon and tasked with the collection of evil artifacts (with the help of his party). Some ideas from that comic:

The demon has worldly allies who help the PCs or request PC help
The demon has other parties chasing the same stuff
other demons have parties chasing the PCs/same stuff
A good church/organization protects some items/hunts PCs
items are held by individual powerful creatures (eg. dragon)
Certain PCs have loyalties to other factions who want the items
The PCs have unfinished business from before they went to prison
the PCs need to finance their expedition
items are held by random evil cult
a long-forgotten item had been abandoned to constructs/undead
Oops, an item was cursed!

I'll throw down some ideas. It's your game so do whatever you want. I suggest you have each sword in its own unique situation. That way your PCs aren't just moving to kill "another pit fiend lord" etc.

-- Garvok -- Wrath -- Greatsword

2 powerful nations are warring over some land/magic/power or whatever. One of the nations is holding this sword as their "secret" weapon. The PC's might be brought in as secret weapons themselves or they might recover the sword when/after it is used. Or there is the good ole under cover noble court backstabbing route.

-- Shin-tari -- Sloth -- Short Sword

This sword was lost long ago. It is now being dug up by some archeologists who have no idea what the sword is. The PCs will need to do some leg work and puzzle solving to connect the dots.

-- Tannaris -- Envy -- Bastard Sword

Angels/good aligned outsiders have it and are looking for a way to destroy it.

-- Chellan -- Greed -- Scimitar

An ancient mage put their sword in his demi plane laboratory before dying or turning into a lich. The location is somewhat well known by treasure hunters/adventurers etc, but no one is suicidal enough to claim the treasure for themselves.

-- Baraket -- Pride -- Rapier

In possession of a wandering duelist. He has a suitable anti hero backstory and would like nothing more than to die honorably in combat.

-- Ungarato -- Gluttony -- Falchion

A devil lord has it. Your devil commander wants you to get the sword without causing a huge ruckus. Your PCs are told not to use force to get the sword. Better that they don't know it was the PCs either.

-- Asheia -- Lust -- Longsword

Some sufficiently powerful entity has it in their horde/person. Something like a big dragon, demon lord, etc should be good.

Another issue to think about is the possibility that the players may very well use the swords themselves. How many players do you have in the party? Each may want to use the swords, which also brings up more questions. Do they cooperate and take turns with the swords? How many swords do each get to use?

I suggest that the Devil be near by or otherwise able to collect the swords almost as soon as the players get them early in the game, at least until theirs enough swords so each player gets one. This also opens more plot lines. There are far too many suggestions on how to run the game. Ultimately, You should consider how the players will react to these weapons and the use or lose of each one. These can also be used to plot out the encounters in which they will be found.

Robert Petty wrote:

Another issue to think about is the possibility that the players may very well use the swords themselves. How many players do you have in the party? Each may want to use the swords, which also brings up more questions. Do they cooperate and take turns with the swords? How many swords do each get to use?

I suggest that the Devil be near by or otherwise able to collect the swords almost as soon as the players get them early in the game, at least until theirs enough swords so each player gets one. This also opens more plot lines. There are far too many suggestions on how to run the game. Ultimately, You should consider how the players will react to these weapons and the use or lose of each one. These can also be used to plot out the encounters in which they will be found.

One good thing for that: be sure that the sword's full power have been "locked" for some reason (you must be attuned, certain restriction...) so that they can use it if they want, but its either gonna be just fine for the level they are, or less so they got no interest in using it....thats of course if you really want to block them from using the swords ;)

Banizal wrote:

Now, I've already stated up the swords as artifacts, but what I need is some flavorful Boss themes for each sin.

For those playing at home, the swords are as follows:
-- Garvok -- Wrath -- Greatsword
-- Shin-tari -- Sloth -- Short Sword
-- Tannaris -- Envy -- Bastard Sword
-- Chellan -- Greed -- Scimitar
-- Baraket -- Pride -- Rapier
-- Ungarato -- Gluttony -- Falchion
-- Asheia -- Lust -- Longsword

Any ideas would be helpful. While the PC's are evil and working for a LE devil, the Bosses can be any alignment, but keeping in theme with the "Swords of Sin" concept.

Don't box yourself in to the concept that all the weapons must be wielded by NPCs. There could be creatures that covet the weapons in order to draw power from them.

For instance, the gluttony weapon might be stuck inside of some horrible ooze rampaging deep under the earth. The falchion keeps making it bigger and bigger -- and granting it spell-like abilities (like suggestion or other spells to make creatures approach it).

Thank you everyone, youve all given me a good bit of help. This campaign should be quite interesting. :)

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