John Kretzer |
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A couple of questions.
1) Can a hedge witch nave a patron other than healing?
2) Can a Beast-bonded witch while sharing her body with her familiar though Twin Soul ability commune with her familiar to memorize spells? Teach her familiar new spells etc?
3)Would the Accursed Hex feat work with the Healing Hex and the Major Healing Hex?

Karjak Rustscale |

A couple of questions.
1) Can a hedge witch nave a patron other than healing?
yes, they just tend to have a healing themed patron.
2) Can a Beast-bonded witch while sharing her body with her familiar though Twin Soul ability commune with her familiar to memorize spells? Teach her familiar new spells etc?
I'm guessing the answer is yes, because otherwise you'd be fubarred pretty hardcore, yes you can escape death, and your familiar dying is less dangerous because you don't need to reteach a new familiar and then go buy all those scrolls again, but not being able to prepare new spells while you're keeping your familiar safe sounds a tad radiculous.
3)Would the Accursed Hex feat work with the Healing Hex and the Major Healing Hex?
I think it's only supposed to be for things like Misfortune, where it's an all or nothing deal. Healing Hex will still do half damage against undead if they pass their save, otherwise they willingingly failed their save, making the ability to use it twice if they pass their save moot.

Karjak Rustscale |

Thanks for the reply.
I think the second one is trickier though...as when you get to that level why not just kill the familiar?
loss of skill checks and action economy, if you die, you're both dead,
though killing it would be a cheap way to get access to a significantly more powerful familiar.As to the third one...would the undead even know it though...that is kinda of cheesy and metagamey.
well, depending on the Undead they'd know.
zombies and skeles don't know anything at all, with a - for intelligence.that lich though would know you had a reduced effect.
though then you'd also get into situations where you healing hex a friend and they'll try to make the save so they can get more healing out of it.

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I'm guessing the answer is yes, because otherwise you'd be fubarred pretty hardcore, yes you can escape death, and your familiar dying is less dangerous because you don't need to reteach a new familiar and then go buy all those scrolls again, but not being able to prepare new spells while you're keeping your familiar safe sounds a tad radiculous.
Preparing spells is the least of your problems. You're stuck in a form where you can't cast them anyway.

John Kretzer |

Karjak Rustscale wrote:Preparing spells is the least of your problems. You're stuck in a form where you can't cast them anyway.
I'm guessing the answer is yes, because otherwise you'd be fubarred pretty hardcore, yes you can escape death, and your familiar dying is less dangerous because you don't need to reteach a new familiar and then go buy all those scrolls again, but not being able to prepare new spells while you're keeping your familiar safe sounds a tad radiculous.
Noty if the familiar is in the witches body.

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And if the Familiar is dead and riding you it can still assist you on things you try to do (aid another) and give you a +2 to pretty much everything you try.
Add to that anytime you want just have the familiar try to possess whatever you're fighting (Magic Jar at will). At worst you lose a +2 aid another for a round best case auto-win any fight. And if the familiar dies while possessing something it comes right back to you and does it again the next round.
Yes the 10th level ability is broken and BADLY needs an errata on it.

Algodor |

And if the Familiar is dead and riding you it can still assist you on things you try to do (aid another) and give you a +2 to pretty much everything you try.
Add to that anytime you want just have the familiar try to possess whatever you're fighting (Magic Jar at will). At worst you lose a +2 aid another for a round best case auto-win any fight. And if the familiar dies while possessing something it comes right back to you and does it again the next round.Yes the 10th level ability is broken and BADLY needs an errata on it.
First off, the errata isn't really needed, but a more advanced understanding of many rules are. First off, your familiar cannot be communed with while 'riding' your body. The familiar cannot aid another when its in your body because aid another is a standard action that assumes that the person being helped is receiving aid in tasks, which the familiar obviously can't do in you body. As for the Magic Jar ability... while not broken, it gives a large benefit to a Witch's survival. Magic Jar at will functions a lot like other Witch Hexes actually, where the ability can only be cast once on a target per 24 hours. If the target fails its save, you gain control of the creature for a period of time. The only part that needs errata is the following sentence that states "you may exist in this state indefinitely." This makes me assume you may permanently possess a creature or person. However, you possess none of the body's special attacks or supernatural abilities, you only use its body's attributes (strength, dexterity, and constitution). All of this is automatically blocked by protection from evil, a low-level spell, and similar effects such as areas of anti magic. Lastly, you can be 'exorcised' by any dispel magic, should it beat your caster level.
As a witch cannot get spells prepared daily without communing with her familiar, its rather debilitating for either the witch or familiar to die, but with twin soul it isn't over. If the familiar gets a body (and really any body) it can be communed with and the witch can get spells back. However, a fox familiar in the body of a bandit can't even speak, retaining its poor intelligence. I like to baleful polymorph those who kill my familiar into its shape, then capture them until my familiar succeeds in taking its body over. Any more questions?

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I have a quick question regarding Hedge Witch. The Spontaneous Healing ability and Empathic Healing ability does not have a level it is acquired, but does take up a Hex, does this mean I get it at 1st level, or the level I would lose the Hex. The only reason I'm looking for more input, is because other abilities (like a lot of the ones in the beast bonded archetype) state what level you get them AND that they take up a Hex. Any input?

Analysis |

Is there any way as the ability is worded to actually get a new permanent body, though? Familiar dies, goes into you. You let it magic jar into a bandit. Depending on whether "this state" refers to familiar existing as a disembodied force living inside you or if it means that magic jar possession from this state can be done indefinitely, the bandit either needs to fail their save once or once per day (and what happens to their soul? Is it in the master as well, or inactive within the bandit body?).
I assume that if the bandit body dies, the bandit soul goes to be judged, and the familiar back into the master. But what happens if the master dies? Does the master's soul then go into the bandit as well (along with the bandit soul and the familiar)? Can it then magic jar out from the magic jar-possessed body? Or do you finally both die when no original body is left?
EDIT: Even weirder, you can use a Figurine of Wondrous Power as a familiar. I assume you can die as a beast-bonded witch and enter the figurine, but it's only active when having been activated by command word. Maybe there are "cursed" figurines of this type containing souls of dead witches, who can then possess unsuspecting new owners?

Grick |
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The Spontaneous Healing ability and Empathic Healing ability does not have a level it is acquired, but does take up a Hex, does this mean I get it at 1st level, or the level I would lose the Hex.
Spontaneous Healing (Su): This replaces the witch's hex gained at 4th level.
Empathic Healing (Su): This replaces the witch's hex gained at 8th level.
You get them at 4th and 8th level, respectively. When an archetype ability replaces a standard ability, you get it at the level you would have gotten the replaced ability, unless it specifies otherwise.