Gruumash . wrote: I believe stress is starting to overwhelm my fiance becasue the wedding is 11 days away. Thus I am starting to get stressed. I believe you need a beer. Or several.
Aberzombie wrote: Gruumash . wrote: I believe stress is starting to overwhelm my fiance becasue the wedding is 11 days away. Thus I am starting to get stressed. I believe you need a beer. Or several. Indeed though I think I will go for either a Mount Gay Rum and tonic or a single malt at this point. I have a nice Edradour at home, there is a sale on the stuff at my local liquoir store 20$ less than normally priced.
I believe the PIE is baked.
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I believe that after reading these past several posts, I should be drinking mass quantities of Jägermeister. On the other hand, I don't believe I would make my Fortitude save or a Bluff check to convince the missus that I did no such thing.
The planking on the floor would be damning.
Also, I believe there is nothing Gary cannot fix, given enough RAGE!
I believe that I'm compelled to post to this thread for some strange reason.
Urizen wrote: I believe that after reading these past several posts, I should be drinking mass quantities of Jägermeister. Ah Jagermeister the Ambrose of the gods. I used to drink that stuff in large quantities can't do that so much anymore though.
Gruumash . wrote: Urizen wrote: I believe that after reading these past several posts, I should be drinking mass quantities of Jägermeister. Ah Jagermeister the Ambrose of the gods. I used to drink that stuff in large quantities can't do that so much anymore though. My body chemistry doesn't allow me to tackle such herculean tasks, either. Actually, it wasn't that which did me in. It was the faceplant I did after doing two shots that was mixed with its Teutonic friends Goldschlager and Rumpelmintz and topped off with Bacardi 151.
I almost woke up with a horse's head in my bed the next morning.
I believe that rigorous physical exercise is good for the grars
I believe that nothing enhances the experience of being on the Internet than uncorking a fresh bottle of whine.
{sips through a straw} Ah, Two-Buck Upchuck... tasty!
I believe that my left-overs were very delicious.
I believe it is time to go to work. Laterz all
I believe Miami Hurricane football is in some really deep doodoo.
I believe I now have a four-day weekend.
I believe I feel like I work for the government again.
Oh wait, I believe it doesn't feel the same because I'm not getting paid =/
I believe I will enjoy it anyhoo, loss of cash or no.
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I believe my Patriots are kicking butt. And I like Sessions beer.
Also....I believe it's FRIDAY!!!
I believe Conan is finally in the theater.
I believe that despite the 2 star rating I will still go see Conan in the Theaters ....alone if need be.
I believe I have gone 24 hours without posting into that darn political thread ... though I am tempted to peek I know that will only bring me to ruin.
Gruumash . wrote: I believe I have gone 24 hours without posting into that darn political thread ... though I am tempted to peek I know that will only bring me to ruin. I believe you are right my friend.
Patrick Curtin wrote: Gruumash . wrote: I believe I have gone 24 hours without posting into that darn political thread ... though I am tempted to peek I know that will only bring me to ruin. I believe you are right my friend. I believe you need an Aid another.
I am continuing to hold out I think the first 24 hours are the worst ;) At least now I can't see it on the most recent posts like earlier today.
Arghhh spoke too soon. 35 posts already honestly what could they be talking about? Nah nah nah nah nah must think of something else refrain fomr looking and responding to troll things.
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I believe you should just take a little peek, Gruumash..
I believe I was right to pick up a bottle of Three Philosophers this weekend, just in case my old room mate drops in.
I believe it's raining again.
I believe I wanna see Conan again.
2 people marked this as a favorite.
I believe I just want to see Conan.
I believe it is a damn shame I can't have a drink after completing around 750 hours of correspondence courses in just over two weeks.
I also believe I will never want to have a job involving electrical power and circuits. Math bad.
I believe I enjoyed going through Borders and their going out of business sale.
I believe that I will one day miss book stores. They seem to be disappearing.
I believe you are correct, sir.
I also believe that it's going to be weird when I cling to my hardcopy books while all the young people go completely digital.
Aberzombie wrote: I believe you are correct, sir.
I also believe that it's going to be weird when I cling to my hardcopy books while all the young people go completely digital.
Imagine if you will a world wide zombie Apocalypse and what shall be the saving grace of humanity; why home libraries where old farts have kept BOOKS.
I believe I saw Conan .. but was disappointed it could have been much more.
Crimson Jester wrote: Aberzombie wrote: I believe you are correct, sir.
I also believe that it's going to be weird when I cling to my hardcopy books while all the young people go completely digital.
Imagine if you will a world wide zombie Apocalypse and what shall be the saving grace of humanity; why home libraries where old farts have kept BOOKS. I bleive as long as there are crumudgeons like ourselves we can ensure the continued use of books. I have thus far reisited the lure of the e-book.
I believe my wife has a kindle.
I believe I have used it in the past to download some stuff that's out of print.
I believe that it made me feel dirty. Edit: And not in a good way.
Aberzombie wrote: I believe my wife has a kindle.
I believe I have used it in the past to download some stuff that's out of print.
I believe that it made me feel dirty. Edit: And not in a good way.
It is okay we all make mistakes. I forgive you. I was looking at the Barnes and Noble e reader the Nook. So if you forgive me I will forgive you.
I believe lunch was delicious.
I believe it's going to be a long day.
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I believe there are more things in the Outer Planes and Prime Material, than are dreamt of in armchair designers' philosophies.
I believe that sometimes the barrier to entry on the Internet is too low.
I believe the Internet would benefit from a sign that says "You Must Be This Mature To Ride."
I believe I have a headache.
Aberzombie wrote: I believe it's going to be a long day. I believe you are correct.
I believe however long a vacation is, it is never long enough.
I believe the worst time at work are the first couple weeks after returning from vacation.
2 people marked this as a favorite.
I believe today wasn't nearly as bad as I thought it would be.
I believe I can hardly believe it's already September.
I believe it is alright for people to be wrong, and it is not my job to correct them.
I also believe that when I am free and able to post, most others are not.
I believe you are right CJ
I believe I should be working rather than typing on my iBorg, but I'm feeling lazy.
I believe necromancy is a foul discipline when used on threads, especially zombie Jesus threads
I believe certain a*!*&$%s have nothing better to do than post up crap designed solely to piss others off. I believe that these skank-ass lurktrolls will earn themselves several rounds on the karmic wheel as tapeworms
Patrick Curtin wrote: skank-ass lurktrolls will earn themselves several rounds on the karmic wheel as tapeworms
I believe I will steal this line for future use, especially the bolded bit..
I believe I'll steal the skank-ass lurktrolls bit.
1 person marked this as a favorite.
I believe that the woman who drove her truck into my car and drove away in front of witnesses this evening was terrified and probably uninsured.
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I also believe that "Thank You. Policy is Paid in Full" are the sweetest words in the english language at a time like this.
Gary Teter wrote: I believe that the woman who drove her truck into my car and drove away in front of witnesses this evening was terrified and probably uninsured. I believe that sucks to the max. I believe my own Trailblazer (being driven by my wife at the time) was also involved in an accident by someone who then kept on driving. I belive that if I were to ever find that other driver, I would be sorely tempted to go all Aberzomibe on him.