Kookey Idea


So i was looking over past issues of dragon magazine and i thought it might be cool to organize all the little generic town and settings into one giant Uber campaign world than kinda update the info for the logical conclusions of said adventures. Like from the dark tower of calibar (Dungeon magazine #1 BY MICHAEL ASHTON AND LEE SPERRY) What would happen next after retrieving the crown from Yattel-Ettes.

Some organizational ideas.

Just a basic format for any body that wants to help

<adventure>: (Name of the adventure) (Issue of dungeon) (Author)

Locations: locations in the adventure. Starting with the central point than other mentioned locations and relative direction. Un named towns are useful cause we can just say that they are another town from a different adventure.

People of Importance: Important NPC's and villain that may need mentioning when we do a Reagen stat-block.

Organizations of importance: Organizations of importance that may bare mentioning in a stat-block as well.

Basic Plot Rundown: The bones of the story just to give a basic idea of the underlining plots when organizing everything together and advancing the story lines a bit.

So organized as above The Dark Tower Of Calibar might Look like this.

The dark tower of Calibar Dungeon #1 By Michael Ashton & Lee Sperry

Locations & Direction
Southwall (central Point) Un-named Northern town (North), Calibars Tower. (presumably South)

People of Importance
Calibar, The Un named Prince, Yattel-Ettes

Orginizations of importance
None Mentioned.

Basic Plot Rundown:
A dark wizard (Calibar) has usurped the throne but the prince has survived the onslaught and now seeks to regain his grown but the symbol of authority has fallen into the hands of the vampire Yattel-Ettes.

Ok than, looks like another project I'm doing myself.

How far back are you going? I have some issues of Dungeon Magazine from the first ones they published, back for 1st Edition. (I think I might even have #1.)

Are you also considering adding adventures other than Dungeon? Like Witchfire Trilogy, the various modules that have been published, and adventures published in Dragon Magazine before Dungeon started? I have a number of the original 1st edition adventures.

Well the idea was to include and find a place for everything that wasn't already mentioned as a definite part of another already existing campaign world. So as far back as possible. I pretty much have most issues its just a matter of actually organizing 150ish issues worth of stuff. It would be pretty epic.

As for already existing adventures getting a hold of some of them might be a pain but it might still be pretty sweet to include them as well.

Another interesting idea might be to interweave the plots together where possible to make for a more integrated world.

You should look up unreason on therpgsite.com. He's been reviewing Dragon for years, archiving everything.

Hmm.... Ill keep him in mind :D

The Exchange

So the plan is to generate a Setting Gazetteer made up of all the old dragon Articles that involved some place or an actual adventure insert. I had one...It was called 'Betrayed'.

Dungeon Master’s Guide to 'dragon-realm'

History as the Gods Know it

  • Races
  • Social Standing
  • Religion
  • Societies and Organization
  • Language
  • Currency and Trade
  • Governance
  • Crime and Punishment
  • Relations with Other Nations
    Artifacts, Treasures and Hidden Places

    Player’s Guide to 'dragon-realm'
    History as the people of 'dragon-realm' know it
    Creating 'dragon-realm' Characters
    Special Rules

  • Dragon articles and dungeon adventures Plus possibly some non world specific modules. We should avoid stuff that is campaign specific that stuff already has a home in another world.

    Like we could take several towns and geographical features that seem like they make sense together. Than pepper it with dragon magazine articles that seem to make sense for the region And can fill in a blank. Or ones that even kinda make sense if the area seems a bit dull.

    For example one adventure might mention a guild or a merchant house that is otherwise unnamed. while an article might detail such a guild or house. we could just insert that in there.

    Also pondering advancing the plot of each of the adventures a bit so it brings something new to the table. If you consider people have read and played many of these adventures already, It just makes more sense to advance things. (plus it would be fun)

    Also is anybody good with photo shop a map would be sweet :)

    yellowdingo wrote:

    So the plan is to generate a Setting Gazetteer made up of all the old dragon Articles that involved some place or an actual adventure insert. I had one...It was called 'Betrayed'.

    Dungeon Master’s Guide to 'dragon-realm'

    History as the Gods Know it

  • Races
  • Social Standing
  • Religion
  • Societies and Organization
  • Language
  • Currency and Trade
  • Governance
  • Crime and Punishment
  • Relations with Other Nations
    Artifacts, Treasures and Hidden Places

    Player’s Guide to 'dragon-realm'
    History as the people of 'dragon-realm' know it
    Creating 'dragon-realm' Characters
    Special Rules

  • I do kinda like this format.

    I am reading my back issues of dragon to figure which ones have adventures in them. Might take a while LOL

    The Exchange

    #155 4 Mar 90 "Crypt of Istaris" AD&D module.
    #111 4 Jul 86 "Death of an Arch-Mage" AD&D module.
    #110 4 Jun 86 "House in the Frozen Lands" AD&D module.
    #102 5 Oct 85 "Valley of the Earth Mother" AD&D module.
    #93 5 Jan 85 "Gypsy Train" AD&D module.
    #92 5 Dec 84 "Sword of Justice" D&D adventure
    #90 5 Oct 84 "Aesirhamar" AD&D module (Norse theme).
    #84 8 Apr 84 "Twofold Talisman" AD&D module.
    #83 10 Mar 84 "Dancing Hut" high-level AD&D module
    #81 6 Jan 84 "Ruins of Andril" AD&D high-level module.
    #80 6 Dec 83 "Barnacus: City in Peril" AD&D module.
    #78 8 Oct 83 "Citadel by the Sea" AD&D module.
    #75 12 Jul 83 "Can Seapoint Be Saved?" AD&D module
    #73 8 May 83 "Forest of Doom" AD&D module.
    #70 8 Feb 83 "Mechica" AD&D module (Aztec theme).
    #63 10 Jul 82 "Chagmat" AD&D module.
    #61 10 May 82 "Quest for the Midas Orb" AD&D module.
    #57 12 Jan 82 "The Wandering Trees" AD&D module.
    #55 12 Nov 81 "Creature of Rhyl" AD&D module.
    #54 12 Oct 81 "Cavern Quest" AD&D module.
    #50 20 Jun 81 "Chapel of Silence" 1st place AD&D module from contest.
    #46 15 Feb 81 "Temple of Poseidon" AD&D module.
    #42 15 Oct 80 "Mansion of Mad Professor Ludlow" AD&D module.
    #41 15 Sep 80 "Halls of Beoll-Dur" module.
    #37 20 May 80 "Pit of the Oracle" module
    #32 20 Dec 79 "The Fell Pass" D&D module.

    The list from the Aeceum...it doesnt have the Betrayed! Adventure though so it may not be complete.

    O.o wow that was fast :D thanks i so far have only read to 48.

    But lets not forget the Hall of mystery from dragon 21.

    Anybody good with cartography? it might be fun to have a map.

    Updated list
    Issues with adventures.

    #155 "Crypt of Istaris" AD&D module.
    #111 "Death of an Arch-Mage" AD&D module.
    #110 "House in the Frozen Lands" AD&D module.
    #102 "Valley of the Earth Mother" AD&D module.
    #93 "Gypsy Train" AD&D module.
    #92 "Sword of Justice" D&D adventure
    #90 "Aesirhamar" AD&D module (Norse theme).
    #84 "Twofold Talisman" AD&D module.
    #83 "Dancing Hut" high-level AD&D module
    #81 "Ruins of Andril" AD&D high-level module.
    #80 "Barnacus: City in Peril" AD&D module.
    #78 "Citadel by the Sea" AD&D module.
    #75 "Can Seapoint Be Saved?" AD&D module
    #73 "Forest of Doom" AD&D module.
    #70 "Mechica" AD&D module (Aztec theme).
    #63 "Chagmat" AD&D module.
    #61 "Quest for the Midas Orb" AD&D module.
    #57 "The Wandering Trees" AD&D module.
    #55 "Creature of Rhyl" AD&D module.
    #54 "Cavern Quest" AD&D module.
    #50 "Chapel of Silence" 1st place AD&D module from contest.
    #46 "Temple of Poseidon" AD&D module.
    #42 "Mansion of Mad Professor Ludlow" AD&D module.
    #41 "Halls of Beoll-Dur" module.
    #37 "Pit of the Oracle" module
    #32 "The Fell Pass" D&D module.
    #21 "The Hall Of Mystery" Module

    Non setting specific old school modules.
    HHQ1-HHQ8 The Challenge series (Fighters I&II, Wizards I&II, Theifs I&II, Clerics I&II
    C-3 Lost island of castanamere

    L2 Tomb of the lizard King
    L3-5 Desert Of desolation Series.
    L7 Baltron's Beacon.
    L8 Ravager Of time
    L9 Day Of Al'Akbar
    L11 Needle
    L12 Egg Of the Phoenix.
    L13 Adventure Pack 1
    L14 Swords of the legion

    UK4 When a star falls
    UK5 Eye of the serpent
    UK6 All that glitters
    UK7 Dark Clouds gather

    11614 The Apocalypse Stone
    9350 Assault on Raven's Ruin
    11347 Axe of the Dwarvish Lords
    11442 Bastion of Faith
    9471 Dancing Hut of Baba Yaga
    2019S Dark and Hidden Ways
    11377 Destiny of Kings
    11444 Dungeon of Despair
    9533 The Gates of Firestorm Peak
    9534 A Hero's Tale
    9259 Jade Hare
    9503 Labyrinth of Madness

    9586 A Paladin in Hell

    11392 Reverse Dungeon
    11376 Road to Danger
    11325 The Shattered Circle
    9508 The Silver Key
    11621 Slavers
    9448 Temple, Tower, and Tomb
    11326 The Vortex of Madness
    B00778 Wand of Archeal

    Palace of the Vampire Queen not a TSR/wizards publication but seing as how it's the first published adventure... cant really find a copy of it but there is a background page available that we could use to form something of a gazetteer.

    The Exchange

    I may have a crude map we can lay these down on. What version of MS word can you handle? we can build a map by selecting hexes, formating autoshape, fill effect-picture, and pasting a terrain symbol to that hex. You will understand when you see it.

    Email me at: reddeerrun(at)hotmail(dot)com

    I don't have work i just have word pad and works. Only thing i have handy to make a map with is photo shop 7.

    The Exchange

    clff rice wrote:
    I don't have work i just have word pad and works. Only thing i have handy to make a map with is photo shop 7.

    I can convert to .png images and you can manipulate in photoshop (or paint in accessories). So email me. I dont have the adventures so I dont know where they would be located on the map.

    All you would have to do is mark down sites of each adventure an email me the altered maps (with forest labels, mountain names, community names). I'll turn it into a PDF map.

    yellowdingo wrote:
    clff rice wrote:
    I don't have work i just have word pad and works. Only thing i have handy to make a map with is photo shop 7.

    I can convert to .png images and you can manipulate in photoshop (or paint in accessories). So email me. I dont have the adventures so I dont know where they would be located on the map.

    All you would have to do is mark down sites of each adventure an email me the altered maps (with forest labels, mountain names, community names). I'll turn it into a PDF map.

    Open Office might be able to handle the type of file you're thinking of in its native format. If it's a Word document, Open Office should be able to open it. And Open Office is free. Just a thought.

    Pathfinder Starfinder Society Subscriber
    clff rice wrote:

    Anybody good with cartography? it might be fun to have a map.

    No, but if you use Inkscape, you don't have to be.

    This should help in your search as well. Type in "Dungeon magazine index" in Google and you may find others.

    Pathfinder Starfinder Society Subscriber

    Previous link was for "Dragon", not "Dungeon". So, this is a better resource.

    kinda looks like photoshop.

    Anyway i think a gazetteer should be in order before a map happens.

    Or maybe a gazetteer would be easier with a map. Any ideas folks?

    The Exchange

    I have a map...it just needs you to locate the best sites for the adventures. Just send me your email and i will email it to you as an image.

    Mrsowrong at yahoo dot com.

    Also can i get a shout out on anyboddy willing to do some write ups? there are around 400+ adventures to pine through not to mention the Bajillions of dragon articles and i was also thinking old WOTC web adventures as well.

    Im still working on this its just allot to organize myself. have several of the dragon magazine adventures organized in the above format.

    Here is a cover for dragon realm i cooked up with photoshop.



    Liberty's Edge

    Intriguing idea, but wow. Such an undertaking.

    Yeah considering there is basicaly only one person helping me as well. it should take about a zillion years to lol.

    I tried something like this a while ago on my own. I saw all these dungeon magazines laying around here not being used because most adventures didn’t fit my campaign (and we play only once every week).

    So I decided to create the biggest sandbox campaign ever – yes if you see it big, think huge. The first two things I checked were the world largest dungeon and the world largest city. But both seem to be a bad way of creating a big world. The world largest dungeon is nothing more than a serie of dungeons with a different theme, while the world largest city only offers adventure hooks.

    So I thought of a different way to create it. This was my idea:

    Step 1: Chose a world. You do need a campaign world to setup a campaign. If you don’t and you add lots of adventures you’ll end with a lot of random history, gods, artifacts, … Your different adventures won’t glue together very well. Unless if you love to add stuff like greyhawk, next to ravenloft and athos. I chose Greyhawk, because I have the most resources of that campaign world and a lot of adventures are written for greyhawk.
    Step2: Chose a location. Starting with a map has the advantage that you can simply add the stuff you find to different locations. Because I’m lazy, I chose the Amadeo jungle in greyhawk. The advantage of this location is that it’s used in two adventure paths. So you can find a lot of information about that region.
    Step 3: read all the adventures in dungeon magazine one by one and give them one of the following codes:
    A – This adventure can be used without any story modifications by simply giving it a location where things happen.
    B – This adventure can be used but needs some modifications to the story to fit (maybe arctic needs to be changed to snow covered mountain)
    C – These adventures could be used with lots of modifications (climate change, backstory, encounters, …)
    D – There is no way that I’ll ever use this adventure
    Step 4: Now that we have a big map and a lot of information about adventures at certain locations, we need to create a feeling that these belong to one world. NPC’s that are used in one adventure could be the same used in another. To many NPC’s, NPC-groups, … lead to a random feeling in a gameworld. For example the Dark Tower of Calibar would be good as a base of operation for the alleybashers used in the Shackled City campaign. Instead of adding yet another thieves guild to the world.
    Step 5: now that we have a lot of adventures, locations, NPC’s and groups, … we need to create rumours, random encounters, … foreshadowing the adventures we will want to add to the world.
    Step 6: If all the above is done, all that needs to be done is rewrite every adventure made in one game-system.

    I got myself up top step 3 :)

    Wow, this is a HUGE undertaking, and I wish you the best of luck. One thing that you might want to keep an eye out for is the tendency for Paizo-era adventures to call back to earlier adventures. Some of these call-backs are pretty subtle. Two come immediately to mind... In the first or second episode of the Age of Worms, there is a reference to the Mud Sorcerers, and one of early (first or second) instalments of the Savage Tide has a ton of easter eggs that call back as far as issue #4 (there was a thread at the time cataloguing some of them... ah, here it is).

    You might also consider that some things that started out as Dungeon adventures were expanded in other places. Notably, Kingdom of the Ghouls spawned Empire of the Ghouls (which became part of Open Design's Midgard setting), and it's pretty clear to me that the Pathfinder Carrion Crown module was meant to be a continuation of the Styes adventures.

    Now, most of the stuff I've cited has already been placed in Greyhawk (my first and true love), but I suspect that there may be other links that I'm not familiar with in more generic adventures. That said, I think that Faazazel may have a point. Trying to create something from scratch is probably going to be a LOT more work than trying to fit/shoe-horn the generic stuff into a pre-existing setting. And clearly I'm biased towards Greyhawk, but it would have some advantages. First, the magazines early and latter days have a fairly heavy bias towards Greyhawk. Second, Greyhawk has a history of many small, independent pieces making up a whole. Third, Greyhawk has plenty of extra space where stuff could be added (particularly at the edges of the map).

    I realize that this isn't the direction that you intend for your project, but I thought I'd mention it in case you were even slightly suggestible. At any rate, I wish you and your project the best of luck. At the very least, it seems like a good excuse to crack open those old issues and enjoy them again.

    Interesting suggestions. I really want to see this through but It probably not going to happen as i was trying to drum up some help around here but it seems like everybody is busy. SO this projest is on hold for the time being. so far i have all of the info from the earlier dragon magazines organized in my above format, as well as the first two issues of dungeon.

    clff rice wrote:

    Interesting suggestions. I really want to see this through but It probably not going to happen as i was trying to drum up some help around here but it seems like everybody is busy. SO this projest is on hold for the time being. so far i have all of the info from the earlier dragon magazines organized in my above format, as well as the first two issues of dungeon.

    I would love to help, but the problem is the fact that it's so big. I've started with a conversion of the first adventure in the first dungeon. I think it will take me two weeks to convert (typing over the text does take some time). You may use my conversions in the end if you want to.

    Cool i hope my stuff i posted on your thread helps with your conversion.

    Im still working on this albeit slowly. My other huger mega projects are spreading me thin :P

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