Tark's Council of Thieves OOC discussion

Play-by-Post Discussion

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Female Human Cleric/4

Hey, you guys talking about me behind my back?

Asmodia doesn't drink when she's depressed. She just doesn't eat. There's a difference.

Rat, probably

I think Merax and Bloodless would both be transformed by meeting.

They would help each other become more spiritual, and besides I am running low on eyeballs.

VC - Sydney, Australia

Bloodless was the party good guy, but the Party managed to get that poison out of him :P

Have to say LeVash, I think part of the churn was that the party was best described as 'cold and unwelcoming' with a flavour of desperate gritty loners who hate everyone and everything. Was the first time in a game I was moments away from just 'Surprise round, kill Calla', frankly you could have knocked me down with a feather when it kind of started up all over again. I reckon in an environment where players are pretty much sticking to keeping a smackton of secrets and running very much to their own agenda and individual catharsis with little interest in drawing in 'the group' there will always be a problem retaining players and getting them to gel.

The Campaign setting is screwed up enough and nasty enough as it is without having to worry about what the individuals standing around you might be up to.

I'm really not engaging with the party to any great extent as I don't want to set off another email complaint session because people all get upset they aren't having 'fun' and somehow I am the bad guy.

I'm just here to kill stuff now.

Shifty wrote:

1) Have to say LeVash, I think part of the churn was that the party was best described as 'cold and unwelcoming' with a flavour of desperate gritty loners who hate everyone and everything. <snip>
I reckon in an environment where players are pretty much sticking to keeping a smackton of secrets and running very much to their own agenda and individual catharsis with little interest in drawing in 'the group' there will always be a problem retaining players and getting them to gel.

2) The Campaign setting is screwed up enough and nasty enough as it is without having to worry about what the individuals standing around you might be up to.

3) I'm really not engaging with the party to any great extent as I don't want to set off another email complaint session because people all get upset they aren't having 'fun' and somehow I am the bad guy.
I'm just here to kill stuff now.

Not trying to add any C4 to your group but.."wow". I havent kept up on the Rebels game at all since their initial Janiven meet waaaaaaaaaaaaay back because of time constraints on my end. I should read some of that stuff this summer since I'll be off of work starting next week until Sept. I did recall some bad stuff going on with the Rebels group awhile back though with somone who was about to drop out or somesuch.

I numbered the above points to offer an opinion or two from a neutral outsider.
1) Not sure who is to blame for this but it's kind of an excuse to me. These forums are pretty public and lots of people have probably read more than enough spoilers as to what kind of characters this AP is looking for. The secret past wolverine/deadpool types who dont care much past themselves are the total opposites of what this campaign expects of them. The GM usually explains this kind of thing before the campaign starts, I didnt search for Tark's initial post but its moot regardless as the Players Guide explains alot.
I'm not saying characters cant have secrets or shady backstories, but the players need to keep the overall theme of things in mind.
Nobles group has enough skeletons in their closet to fill 2 or 3 graveyards but we also understand the overall theme of the campaign enough to work well together. I'll be honest I though about murdering Tok and Sclivian a few times, even imagined an accident or two for our semi-new Gorumite, we have such a crazy group it would be in character, but at one point you have to think of just how secretive (and in my case just how chaotic) you want to be and still be able to work well with a group. Sounds to me as though a character's individual concept is more important than the story if what you say is true.

2) Yes and No. The setting is fine, a little limiting if you are the strong, silent, secret type but it's also great when you work with it. Seeing how characters have built relationships through all this has been the best part of my experience in this AP.

3) (Please dont take offense) This is a sad statement. It sounds like you gave up on this already and are just plodding along out of boredom now. If I was your GM or fellow player I would want everyone at the table (or virtual table in our case) to be enjoying this AP as much as possible. I would love to go through it's entirety with as many of the original characters as possible. If I couldn't enjoy it based on how the characters have developed so far, I'd probably have asked Tark if I could retire my current character and replace it with a new one more in-line with the theme of the AP and hopefully this new character would be able to bridge some personality gaps and bring the group closer together.

TBH, Im still not sure why I ever signed up for CoT, it was one of my least favorite APs. But based on the group and GM, it's now one of my favorites. As a matter of fact, It's been one of my best experiences in my 30+ years in the hobby and I never expected to be in a PbP (this is my first btw).

I hope you and the rest of the Rebels stay together and work it out to maximize the groups enjoyment. I originally thought just based on the Nobles group composition that we'd implode fairly quick. It seems like we all kind of influenced/built ourselves around one another while staying true to our characters core concepts. I think your group can do the same if ours could.

Good Gaming to all. :)

VC - Sydney, Australia
Sunderstone wrote:
It sounds like you gave up on this already and are just plodding along out of boredom now.

Its not a case of boredom, I am quite curious as to how the story unfolds, I just don't find the party interaction very rewarding.

I think Bloodless as a concept was fine, he was there to save the oppressed from the horrible tyrants and to be a beacon of hope type with maxed out Diplomacy and all about Face skills. It just seemed he was holding the banner by himself in the early stages.

The next problem was I picked an Aasimar Urbanised Ranger as it was thematically good keeping with being a Demon Hunter/Tiefling catcher (you know, the great passion of the Hellknights) yet that seems to have been a great misstep as all the face skills are wasted because whilst only some people hate Tielfings it seems EVERYONE hates an Aasimar, and Bloodless may as well be stabled with the horses and only come out when its time to kill something.

Its a bit unrewarding to spend ages on posting long IC posts and making good rolls when the best you really get is a 'meh' or the party complaining.

So now I just watch the story unfold and stab stuff.

Thinking further on the group dynamic...
Not sure why we lost Tok or Sclivian, but IMHO I think Tok never really gelled with the group because I dont think he saw himself running with such a chaotic bunch or to the extremes we were taking ourselves.

Sclivian on the other hand was almost a polar opposite of the rest of us in concept. The lawful, adhere to the rules, logical diabolist type compared to a chaotic, murderous Cleric of Rovagug, an evil insane witch, and a violent inquisitor following a god of rebellion. He really shined though, I loved his roleplaying and concept. Shame we lost him.

Tal has been a fantastic replacement to Tok, and I see him as a fine silk tether preventing the rest of us from falling into crazyness. I love the Lily supporting role too.

Petronicus is our newest and Sclivian's replacement. Watching his tightrope walk between us has been fun. He's hiccupped a time or two but Im liking his character so far. Some good potential.

Cal and Pollux are a joy to be grouped with as well. This group wouldnt be the same without them. Pollux is the craziest concept I have ever seen, unbelievably well played, and watching Caldazar develop and grow more violent and bloodthirsty is a high point too.

Love this group in it's entirety. :)

Shifty wrote:

I think Bloodless as a concept was fine, he was there to save the oppressed from the horrible tyrants and to be a beacon of hope type with maxed out Diplomacy and all about Face skills. It just seemed he was holding the banner by himself in the early stages.

The next problem was I picked an Aasimar Urbanised Ranger as it was thematically good keeping with being a Demon Hunter/Tiefling catcher (you know, the great passion of the Hellknights) yet that seems to have been a great misstep as all the face skills are wasted because whilst only some people hate Tielfings it seems EVERYONE hates an Aasimar, and Bloodless may as well be stabled with the horses and only come out when its time to kill something.

Its a bit unrewarding to spend ages on posting long IC posts and making good rolls when the best you really get is a 'meh' or the party complaining.

So now I just watch the story unfold and stab stuff.

Face skills are always great, but action will always rule the game overall. Holding the banner is great IMHO, it makes you a cornerstone of the party. :) Aasimar's wouldn't go well anywhere in Cheliax but holy heck that would be a fun character to play in this AP. Im intrigued, and Im definately going to start reading more Rebels stuff.

Not sure what the party complained about, but I really like the concept. Kudos for staying and wanting to see the story unfold. I hope things get better rp-wise for the group.

VC - Sydney, Australia
Sunderstone wrote:
Aasimar's wouldn't go well anywhere in Cheliax but holy heck that would be a fun character to play in this AP.

Not really.

As I say, it's ok from the perspective of just killing stuff, but it is horrible when it comes to interaction time as the best result you ever get is a lukewarm response. That's pretty unrewarding.

Male Orc Expert 5

I rather like bloodless's character. And yes Aaasimar's in Cheliax are definitely challenged but one of the themes of this AP is rising to become heroes a role in which bloodless was obviously made for. I'm not particularly worried about Bloodless's funk of going from "hero to the downtrodden masses" to "avenger from heaven don't talk to me I just kill s*+@" as I figure he'll eventually come full circle and fully embrace his role in things.

The problems with the rebels group in general I trace back allllll the way back to vizio's tavern. I had assembled what I figured would be a kick ass group. Three of the characters were already connected, one was already a very intriguing concept I really wanted to see work out and the last was looking pretty solid as well. With the nobles group I cared less about interaction and more about "how long will this go before it all goes kablooey" I figured it would happen the moment the cleric's game was finally up (seriously how many times can you go "I WILL UNMAKE YOU IN THE NAME OF THE ROUGH BEAST!" before someone with any know religion catches on?) but no somehow it managed to work out and thus far those two are best friends and turned into this terrifyingly violent duo. But monkey wrenches are already in place and ready to grind some gears for some of those characters so we'll see how that turns out.

Anyway what went wrong is that people immediately started dropping. Two of the center trio dropped before they even left the sewers forcing me to trawl around for replacements. We ended up with Bejis and Bloodless. Struggling with how to introduce them in the sewer I decided that they were already part of the children of westcrown and would be waiting for them at the sewer entrance. At the same time I decided some hellknight recruits would be there as well. This trio was pretty much like the rest; eager to capture them and get them to their masters without calling for help nor reporting back they were young, rash, and stupid. Welp! Combat ensued and Bejis did the sensible thing and captured one. Which, sadly left the group with a dilemma. The recruits were written in the ap to be zealous, fight to the death, spit in the face of torture types. These guys knew where the hideout was.

Elements within the group decided the sensible thing would be to cut her throat and be done with it she was too dangerous to allow to live and her knowledge would be put to use by her masters to hunt them and all the children of westcrown down. Others decided this was against the soul and point of the organization and that to murder her in cold blood was needlessly ruthless. Both sensible arguments and I was happy to roll either way. Shifty is right, Bloodless appealed to the young NPC's who were present to help solve the dillemma and did in fact roll very well.

The trouble was I started looking at ti from their perspective. Yes this mans words were inspiring but you had to see it from their eyes.

Imagine if you will that you have just joined a group of populist left minded hippies who live underground at washington DC hopign to make change in subtle ways by inspiring the rich to do better in their lives with good deeds. You're a college kid with bright ideas but little knowledge in the reality of the world.

Then suddenly two scary military types you barely know descend into the
sewer tunnels and emerge caked in drying blood, gore, and dragging three more complete strangers up with them who look ill tempered and equally bloody. With them is a tied up and unconscious lobbyist who supports humane sterilization of the masses.

Now one side wants to kill her , the other wants to try and convert her to your way of thinking. All you know is you didn't sign up for this, the intensity in their eyes is terrifying and your leaders are missing. You didn't expect that someone's life would be in your hands, and you especially don't want to end up in some horrid west virginian death camp. You like what the heroic guy says, but the smoking guns and sensible arguments from the other side dull his words.

Ultimately I decided that the NPC's would be very much in the sense to stay the hell out, lest they draw some seriously lethal ire from capable men not afraid to kill for their cause.

In the end it didn't really help that some of the characters saw fit to antagonize one another rather than work out their differences and I'm sad to say this theme has continued. Their are sensible characters who just try very hard to get along with one another.

Really what I would like to see now that all of the characters have shared a brutal and emotionally taxing experience to come together and realize they'll need each other for what's to come. What's to come will make the experience of getting verbally flayed alive by Robahl look like a very soothing and gentle massage.

Ultimately all the concepts are strong and have good parts I'd like to see exemplified rather than the worst aspects. I'm not going to discuss what those are as it's your character in the end and you'll play as you please regardless. Just keep in mind that it's really difficult for me to find new people simply because I go through the effort of trying to make each and every character very much a part of the setting. No one is simply dropped in and I do take backstories into account as many of you ahve already seen. Not even halfway through the second book and LeVash's errant brother has started causing trouble, both groups have already caught glimpses of the BBEG (a big complaint from those who ran before in that he doesn't even show up until the 6th book), Merax's sister who has been hinted at is makign an appearance (that will be extremely entertaining) heck even before he left I had already planned out how Sclivian's current troubles were tied to the main story. There are plans for everybody and npc's being introduced of my own design that will add to the overall narrative (and make the 4th book a lot more relevant I hope).

The only issues are inter party ones and I'm sincerely hoping they work themselves out.

Male Human (Chelaxian) Inquisitor of Milani (Preacher archetype) 4
TarkXT wrote:
With the nobles group I cared less about interaction and more about "how long will this go before it all goes kablooey" I figured it would happen the moment the cleric's game was finally up (seriously how many times can you go "I WILL UNMAKE YOU IN THE NAME OF THE ROUGH BEAST!" before someone with any know religion catches on?) but no somehow it managed to work out and thus far those two are best friends and turned into this terrifyingly violent duo. But monkey wrenches are already in place and ready to grind some gears for some of those characters so we'll see how that turns out.

Part of the reason that Caldazar feels so comfortable around Merax is that he thinks that he understands him. Rovagug is hardly a subtle god, and knowing that Merax is a devotee of the Rough Beast gives him a shared secret with Caldazar. Either of them would be parted from their entrails if their devotion was made public - but they both know that of the other, so there is a shared knowledge that they are both pariahs and outlaws.

At present their goals aren't that different either - destroy the nobility and bring down the House of Thrune. Caldazar is hardly in a position to be picky with his allies and Merax has proven himself more than capable at their shared task. Also helps that Caldazar has grown into the darker aspect of Milani. Best example was when he confronted the Abadarian priest.

I'm fully expecting that at some point there will be a flash point between them that may rift things apart somewhat... as Cal said when he confronted Merax "I will put faith in your actions Unmaker. You have yet to give me cause to think you anything but colleague... yet..."

Female Human Cleric/4

Asmodia's ready to move on and do her job. Which despite the drinking, whoring and bickering she has been doing admirably. She protected the civilians in the show, and aside from not liking two of them, didn't give robhal s$#& or gum up the production any. Can argue that her b~&%!*$@ before the show, which was also a conscious move on her part, boosted the fame what with her making out with the lead actress and then stalking and doing a rap battle with Thesing at his crib.

And when she tells folk that it was planned, stated her reason why, she got another argument with bloodless she was not looking for when she was trying to have a conversation about what they should expect at this after party that was supposed to be the real goal.

As I said, I'm ready to move passed the thing with whatever happened between Bloodless and Asmodia not working out and trying to focus on what does matter, which is gettin' the damn shadow beasts out the damn town so a drunken whore can have a night out and dotter around in the gutter without worrying about monsters eating her guts.

m Human Ftr 9 HP:110/110 AC*:33,23,30 Saves:10/8*/9* CMB: +19 CMD: 38 Init: +3 Perc: +14 Link to the spreadsheet

Leaving the rebels alone I find it fun in the nobles trying to figure out Tal's place in the group. Twice now there has almost been blows between himself and others in the group from some slight towards Lily. Speaking of which, I am fully expecting Tark to take control of her at some point and really throw me a curve ball. Until then it looks like I get to be a split personality. Not quite the Mae personality quirks that Pollux has. Tal seems to have come to an understanding with Cal and Meraxilar. How that understanding will end up is still unclear but will be exciting to find out. I am sure that Tal would not be as understanding if he had any know religion or knew either's true agenda.

Been fun so far. Keep it up nobles.

Human? Witch 2
HP 14/7. Perception +5. AC/Touch11* CMD11* saves f3 r1* w5

Me, I'm happy. I was told there would be cake!

Seriously though I am actually amazed things are going as well as they are. This is a dark AP. In my view it is the darkest Pazio has created. At the lightest it is a robin hood story and we all know that did not end well for Mr. Hood. So the fact that there are interpersonal conflicts and ethical struggles makes sense. Pollux has the avenue of madness to escape to. I have no idea how the rest of you function as well as you do.

Speciffically to Bloodless's issue, I have some small familiarity with being the banner holder though nothing to compare with this. (I play an NG, heavy on the G in a party of neutrals, heavy on the self interest.) I must admit there were times when I strongly considered dropping or switching characters. I am glad I stuck with it though. Things got better, to coin a phrase. If I have any advice I can only recommend that Bloodless try something on his own. Of the top of my head perhaps adopting a mask/hat of disguise? If they don't know your race they can't hold it against you and the face skills become usefull again. You will of course dispise them for falling for so simple a ruse but you don't have to like tham to save them.

Anyway that's my view. Please take heavily salted as I am wrong more often that not.
And remembre, there's cake. ~P

Male Human (Chelaxian) Wizard(Enhancement)/4
Sunderstone wrote:

Petronicus is our newest and Sclivian's replacement. Watching his tightrope walk between us has been fun. He's hiccupped a time or two but Im liking his character so far. Some good potential.

Thanks for that!

I am enjoying the group, but I am still trying to find my stride. I think a part of the problem is that I am not sure what my characters is supposed to know (or not know) about the group/players and the other is learning everyone's personality. I also have to admit that Pet's personality needs to develop more layers.

All in all though I am having fun with everyone.

Rat, probably

Well the children know most if not all of what happened with the nobles group. I imagine some off screen discussions with the NPC's would give you everything in the thread.
I mean Pollux's life is an open book. Okay it's The King in Yellow and you really don't want to read the second act, but still an open book.

Human? Witch 2
HP 14/7. Perception +5. AC/Touch11* CMD11* saves f3 r1* w5

I see a problem coming with Pollux. I can't see a way for him to stay motivated. He is not actively evil like Merax nor that interested in saving folks like Cal. In Pollux's view we are all dead and dust so it is hard to really get behind a goal. He is quite the nihilist. Hmmm maybe Castor/patron could be called on for some motivation. Or maybe just go with the flow as his friends seen interested.

Hmmmmm more pondering required...

Not a major issue though.

VC - Sydney, Australia
Castor the rat wrote:
Okay it's The King in Yellow and you really don't want to read the second act, but still an open book.

Lulz :p

Male Human (Chelaxian) Inquisitor of Milani (Preacher archetype) 4

Pollux - I know that time and playing has likely mellowed the angst and anger of a written background, but reading back your motivation initially was revenging upon the Hellknights?

m Human Ftr 9 HP:110/110 AC*:33,23,30 Saves:10/8*/9* CMB: +19 CMD: 38 Init: +3 Perc: +14 Link to the spreadsheet

Of the nobles, I think everyone has a better backstory that Tal's. The only rain he is even a part of this group is Lily wants kids but not in the current regime.

Male Orc Expert 5

Gee that's a bummer.

"Sorry Tal but we can't have sex until you topple the corrupt government and lift the shadow curse from the city."

"But honey!"

"No buts! Get out there right now and start causing the masses to rise!"

Female Elf Rogue 2/Wizard(Air Elementalist) 3 (HP 33/33; AC 14(18 w/Mage Armor), FF 14, T 18)

This is Cheliax, I am sure that polygamy is legal.

Male Orc Expert 5

If you fill out the necessary paperwork in triplicate, file it with the proper authorities and have it approved by a committee than yes forty years into your marriage you could probably have a second wife.

Unless you're filthy rich and have the right connections.

Female Human Cleric/4

Ha! Was just having a conversation with my Kingmaker group about state licensed brothels and filling out the forms to get some poon in triplicate in black pen only.

Hinky. Very hinky.

Human? Witch 2
HP 14/7. Perception +5. AC/Touch11* CMD11* saves f3 r1* w5
Caldazar wrote:
Pollux - I know that time and playing has likely mellowed the angst and anger of a written background, but reading back your motivation initially was revenging upon the Hellknights?

Well less the knights and more the nobility as a whole but that motivation is not conducive to saving westcrown. Sigh guess I will just have to keep playing the fool and keep my eye on

the prize:
"Natural Disaster (Su): A witch using this hex calls down the forces of nature to wreak havoc on an area. This functions as a storm of vengeance combined with an earthquake that occurs on the second round of the effect (while acid is raining from the sky). A witch must concentrate for the duration of this effect. If disrupted, the effect immediately ends. A witch can only use this ability once per day." .
Sigh, pity the AP will likely never reach 18th level. Witches can't have nice things.

Which fits, Pollux is more a parasite feeding on the system than a cleansing fire. Just have to keep on keeping on. I suspect they will be opportunity for some urban renewal along the way.

Male Orc Expert 5

Yes, but sadly the PC's are not the perpetrators. Though I imagine the cleric and the witch will happily revel in the carnage nonetheless.

Human? Witch 2
HP 14/7. Perception +5. AC/Touch11* CMD11* saves f3 r1* w5
TarkXT wrote:
Yes, but sadly the PC's are not the perpetrators. Though I imagine the cleric and the witch will happily revel in the carnage nonetheless.

Well we will just have to lend a hand where we can.

Male Orc Expert 5
Pollux wrote:
TarkXT wrote:
Yes, but sadly the PC's are not the perpetrators. Though I imagine the cleric and the witch will happily revel in the carnage nonetheless.
Well we will just have to lend a hand where we can.


Human? Witch 2
HP 14/7. Perception +5. AC/Touch11* CMD11* saves f3 r1* w5
TarkXT wrote:
Pollux wrote:
TarkXT wrote:
Yes, but sadly the PC's are not the perpetrators. Though I imagine the cleric and the witch will happily revel in the carnage nonetheless.
Well we will just have to lend a hand where we can.


Seriously though I am worried that the nobles game will bog down if we are expected to become heroes. Caldazar, Petronious, and Tal can do it no problem but Merax and I?

Needs pondering.

Male Gnome Sorcerer/9 - (HP: 49/49 - AC20;FF17;T18 - F+5;R+6;W+7 - Init+9 - Per+11)

Hey Pollux, need you to whack some zombies in the Carrion Crown campaign. - Then you can bring them back here and dress them up like Thesing and see if anyone notices the difference.

Male Human (Chelish) Cleric 4 AC: 17/10/17 HP: 30
Pollux wrote:

Seriously though I am worried that the nobles game will bog down if we are expected to become heroes. Caldazar, Petronious, and Tal can do it no problem but Merax and I?

Needs pondering.

Myself, a hero? I think not. :)

I say we bring down diabolist rule in Westcrown and let Caldazar deal with the anarchy afterwards. Tal and Lily can take a Varisian holiday and make babies, and Petronicus can do......... whatever Petronicus does. ;)

Tbh, I'm also toying with the idea that this journey (AP) might just lead me back to humanity when it's completed. Most likely not due to the fact that if I survive until then I'm likely to have a caravan's worth of blood on my hands. Who knows.

I think our personalities are strengthening as we play on. I don't think we will big down, quite the opposie in fact. The typical happenings in campaigns will be more fun to experience with our particular company of character. It's refreshing.

Male Orc Expert 5
Pollux wrote:
TarkXT wrote:
Pollux wrote:
TarkXT wrote:
Yes, but sadly the PC's are not the perpetrators. Though I imagine the cleric and the witch will happily revel in the carnage nonetheless.
Well we will just have to lend a hand where we can.


Seriously though I am worried that the nobles game will bog down if we are expected to become heroes. Caldazar, Petronious, and Tal can do it no problem but Merax and I?

Needs pondering.

Would it bother you to learn that I'm worried less about that than I am about the Rebels intermittent conflicts?

Pollux and Meraxilar are both characters with layers upon layers of details on them. It's too early to say whether or not Caldazar and Meraxilar will find themselves face to face on a burning rooftop while epic music plays (though the imagery and dialogue playing in my head is quite frankly awesome).

Both characters currently sit on a crux where they could go either way. Pollux may decide to laser focus his vengeance to his tormentors rather than spreading the misery in general considering his relationship with what is a noble (even if she is more or less disowned). Speaking of which if you could PM me the details of that relationship as I'm trying to figure out how exactly she should treat you. I'm not asking for some freaky fanfiction mind. Just some brief notes to help determine how things should proceed.

Rat, probably

Pollux slash sent.

Male Orc Expert 5
Castor the rat wrote:
Pollux slash sent.

I seriously doubt all those details about buttercream and meraxilar are true. Besides Caldazar cannot afford black velvet gloves.

m Human Ftr 9 HP:110/110 AC*:33,23,30 Saves:10/8*/9* CMB: +19 CMD: 38 Init: +3 Perc: +14 Link to the spreadsheet
TarkXT wrote:
Castor the rat wrote:
Pollux slash sent.
I seriously doubt all those details about buttercream and meraxilar are true. Besides Caldazar cannot afford black velvet gloves.

Ummm...never mind... I don't want to know what is said about Tal either.

TarkXT wrote:
Castor the rat wrote:
Pollux slash sent.
I seriously doubt all those details about buttercream and meraxilar are true. Besides Caldazar cannot afford black velvet gloves.

If that is true then they ate not coming over for supper anymore. Out now. Tal you are no longer allowed to associate with those people. Pollux dear you are still welcome of course.

Male Human (Chelaxian) Inquisitor of Milani (Preacher archetype) 4

Are you pondering what I'm pondering Pollux?

I think so Castor, but where are we going to find a duck and a hose at this hour?:
  • I think so, but where will we find an open tattoo parlor at this time of night?
  • Wuh, I think so, Castor, but if we didn't have ears, we'd look like weasels.
  • Uh... yeah, Castor, but where are we going to find rubber pants our size?
  • Uh, I think so, Castor, but balancing a family and a career ... ooh, it's all too much for me.
  • Wuh, I think so, Castor, but isn't Regis Philbin already married?
  • Wuh, I think so, Castor, but burlap chafes me so.
  • Sure, Castor, but how are we going to find chaps our size?
  • Uh, I think so, Castor, but we'll never get a monkey to use dental floss.
  • Are you pondering cheesesticks?
  • Uh, I think so Castor, but this time, you wear the tutu.
  • I think so, Castor, but culottes have a tendency to ride up so.
  • I think so, Castor, but if we covered the world in salad dressing wouldn't the asparagus feel left out?
  • I think so, Castor, but if they called them 'Sad Meals', kids wouldn't buy them!
  • I think so, Castor, but me and Pippi Longstocking -- I mean, what would the children look like?
  • I think so, Castor, but what would Pippi Longstocking look like with her hair straight?
  • I think so, Castor, but this time you put the trousers on the chimp.
  • Well, I think so, Castor, but I can't memorize a whole opera in Yiddish.
  • I think so, Castor, but there's still a bug stuck in here from last time.
  • Uh, I think so, Castor, but I get all clammy inside the tent.
  • I think so, Castor, but I don't think Kaye Ballard's in the union.
  • I think so, Castor, but, the Rockettes? I mean, it's mostly girls, isn't it?
  • I think so, Castor, but pants with horizontal stripes make me look chubby.
  • Well, I think so -POIT- but where do you stick the feather and call it macaroni?
  • Well, I think so, Castor, but pantyhose are so uncomfortable in the summertime.
  • Well, I think so, Castor, but it's a miracle that this one grew back.
  • Well, I think so, Castor, but first you'd have to take that whole bridge apart, wouldn't you?
  • Well, I think so, Castor, but 'apply North Pole' to what?
  • I think so, Castor, but 'Snowball for Windows'?
  • Well, I think so, Castor, but snort no, no, it's too stupid!
  • Umm, I think so, Don Castor, but, umm, why would Sophia Loren do a musical?
  • Umm, I think so, Castor, but what if the chicken won't wear the nylons?
  • I think so, Castor, but isn't that why they invented tube socks?
  • Well, I think so Castor, but what if we stick to the seat covers?
  • Oooh, I think so Castor, but I think I'd rather eat the Macarena.
  • Well, I think so hiccup, but Kevin Costner with an English accent?
  • I think so, Castor, but don't you need a swimming pool to play Marco Polo?
  • Well, I think so, Castor, but do I really need two tongues?
  • I think so, Castor, but we're already naked.
  • Well, I think so, Castor, but if Jimmy cracks corn, and no one cares, why does he keep doing it?
  • I think so, Castor NARF, but don't camels spit a lot?

Male Human (Chelaxian) Wizard(Enhancement)/4

Petronicus casts blindness and deafness on himself before his mind snapps.

Male Human (Chelaxian) Inquisitor of Milani (Preacher archetype) 4
TarkXT wrote:
It's too early to say whether or not Caldazar and Meraxilar will find themselves face to face on a burning rooftop while epic music plays (though the imagery and dialogue playing in my head is quite frankly awesome).

This is what I see as the end-game... and I like it :)

Also, people are overestimating Caldazar's heroic nature... he's definitely big C little g

Rat, probably
Petronicus Crispin wrote:
Petronicus casts blindness and deafness on himself before his mind snapps.

Too late.

Far, far too late. <rubs paws together in gleeful expectation>

Male Human (Chelaxian) Wizard(Enhancement)/4

Indignant resignation cross Petronicus' face and he just holds out the half eaten hot dog to his four legged guide.

Just hope I make it through the rabbit hole OK

Female Elf Rogue 2/Wizard(Air Elementalist) 3 (HP 33/33; AC 14(18 w/Mage Armor), FF 14, T 18)
Petronicus Crispin wrote:

Indignant resignation cross Petronicus' face and he just holds out the half eaten hot dog to his four legged guide.

Just hope I make it through the rabbit hole OK

It is only a rabbit's hole if the rabbit is suicidal.

m Human Ftr 9 HP:110/110 AC*:33,23,30 Saves:10/8*/9* CMB: +19 CMD: 38 Init: +3 Perc: +14 Link to the spreadsheet

Tal must be the worst torturer this AP has ever seen I mean if the hex goes through than I don't even hit a flat-footed, naked, unarmed man. Next round will be better.

Rat, probably

Well I think your to-hit numbers may be off:
+4 str
+3 bab
-2 hex
-4 non-proficient
+1 including the hex +3 without.

Mind you when you toss in doing non-lethal, power-attack, and using combat expertise your total drops to a lovely (+1-4-1-1)-5

Oh and the hex works for 1 round no matter the save. If you fail the dc 15 you get it fot the next 6 rounds as well.

As far as knowing about the ability i suppose it depends on how common witches are Pollux wouldnt talk about casually but would if someone asked.

EDIT: Actually Cal would know in any case so he could have told you. Inquisitor and all, helps to know what you are hunting.

Rat, probably
Tark wrote:
"Gonna call foul on the towershield here. No reason for Drovalid to have it unless he highly suspects his subjects of being made of high explosives. Having it would mean a hit to popularity.

Well it is Pollux we are talking about. He gould go off any moment.

Actually Vitti did make his special curry last night. And the monkey is near a fire...Best keep the shield.

m Human Ftr 9 HP:110/110 AC*:33,23,30 Saves:10/8*/9* CMB: +19 CMD: 38 Init: +3 Perc: +14 Link to the spreadsheet

+4 str +3 bab
-2 tower (not an option anymore)
-4 prof
-4 nonlethal (not this round)
-2 hex
-1 power attack (not being used)

Sorry Tark about tower shield. Wasn't going for cheating the system, just being a tower shield fighter and all it is natural to keep it on. Plus I thought it would more imposing. Does this mean that Drovalid won't have it for the entire play though?

Rat, probably

Combat expertise? Every little bit helps.

Male Orc Expert 5

He can have it from now on. It's an image thign here though. Fully armored in leather aprons and the garb of a torturer to look more imposing is fine. Holding a plank of wood while trying to do his court given duties is not.

m Human Ftr 9 HP:110/110 AC*:33,23,30 Saves:10/8*/9* CMB: +19 CMD: 38 Init: +3 Perc: +14 Link to the spreadsheet

Fully understand and actually agree with it. Will remember for the next couple of lashes. No more mercy on the accused.

Female Human Cleric/4
TarkXT wrote:
He can have it from now on. It's an image thign here though. Fully armored in leather aprons and the garb of a torturer to look more imposing is fine. Holding a plank of wood while trying to do his court given duties is not.

I demand to see the minutes of that committee.

Under subsection B, paragraph 8, it says Thou shalt not allow the role of Drovalid to go to a tower shield wielding maniac whose wife has not given him sex in weeks because he quote "smells of rat feces and primate urine" end quote. The role should be given to pock marked freaks who live in their mother's basement.

-this addendum was brought to you posthumously by Scavian Ruttle.


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