Is there anything like Heavy Armor Optimization in Pathfinder?

Rules Questions

I did search the messageboard archives, but all I could find were references to Heavy Armor Optimization and Greater Heavy Armor Optimization in D&D 3.5's Races of Stone.

I'm looking for similar feats that allow a heavy armour wearer to raise his armour class in official Pathfinder products. I am a fairly new convert to the game, and am not yet familiar with all the products available, since I have only the core books.

Is there anything like this out there, or am I out of luck?

Sovereign Court

Shield focus and greater shield focus for now. nothing more.

Medium and Heavy Armors got a boost to their AC bonuses in Pathfinder. In addition, fighters have their Armor training. These feats have kinda been folded into Pathfinder already.

There is this trait:

Defender of the Society (Fighter, Pathfinder Society)
Source: Faction Guide
Your time spent fighting and studying the greatest warriors of the Society has taught you new defensive skills while wearing armor. You gain a +1 trait bonus to Armor Class when wearing medium or heavy armor.

ArmoredSaint wrote:

I did search the messageboard archives, but all I could find were references to Heavy Armor Optimization and Greater Heavy Armor Optimization in D&D 3.5's Races of Stone.

I'm looking for similar feats that allow a heavy armour wearer to raise his armour class in official Pathfinder products. I am a fairly new convert to the game, and am not yet familiar with all the products available, since I have only the core books.

Is there anything like this out there, or am I out of luck?

Umm yeah you can take Heavy Armor Optimization and Greater Heavy Armor Optimization as is I think. After all Pathfinder is supposed to compatible with 3.5 material. I'd just check with the person running the game but I don't see a problem with it.

Green-Mage wrote:
Umm yeah you can take Heavy Armor Optimization and Greater Heavy Armor Optimization as is I think. After all Pathfinder is supposed to compatible with 3.5 material. I'd just check with the person running the game but I don't see a problem with it.

Where is that written? I haven't seen anything that allows anyone to select feats from D&D 3.5 edition. It's certainly not Pathfinder Society legal.

EDIT: I'm talking strictly RAW btw.

Grummik wrote:
Green-Mage wrote:
Umm yeah you can take Heavy Armor Optimization and Greater Heavy Armor Optimization as is I think. After all Pathfinder is supposed to compatible with 3.5 material. I'd just check with the person running the game but I don't see a problem with it.

Where is that written? I haven't seen anything that allows anyone to select feats from D&D 3.5 edition. It's certainly not Pathfinder Society legal.

EDIT: I'm talking strictly RAW btw.

He was not advocating RAW. That is why he said check with the person running the game. He was only that it works mechanic-wise by my interpretation.

Sovereign Court

Grummik wrote:
Green-Mage wrote:
Umm yeah you can take Heavy Armor Optimization and Greater Heavy Armor Optimization as is I think. After all Pathfinder is supposed to compatible with 3.5 material. I'd just check with the person running the game but I don't see a problem with it.

Where is that written? I haven't seen anything that allows anyone to select feats from D&D 3.5 edition. It's certainly not Pathfinder Society legal.

EDIT: I'm talking strictly RAW btw.

Didn't pathfinder devs say that it is 3.5 compatible? Which means that you can use any feat from 3.5 if your GM allows it/w

Hama wrote:
Grummik wrote:
Green-Mage wrote:
Umm yeah you can take Heavy Armor Optimization and Greater Heavy Armor Optimization as is I think. After all Pathfinder is supposed to compatible with 3.5 material. I'd just check with the person running the game but I don't see a problem with it.

Where is that written? I haven't seen anything that allows anyone to select feats from D&D 3.5 edition. It's certainly not Pathfinder Society legal.

EDIT: I'm talking strictly RAW btw.

Didn't pathfinder devs say that it is 3.5 compatible? Which means that you can use any feat from 3.5 if your GM allows it/w

It is compatible, but the point he was making is that by RAW only pathfinder rules can be used since 3.5 rules are not PF rules since they may require adjuration on the part of the DM if he allows them at all.

Put another way PF rules can normally be assumed to be used without having to ask for permission.

3.5 stuff is no more auto-compliant than a third party product before the GM says yes.

I love that a product that was released to 3.5 backwards compatible fanfare, who's very launch slogan was "3.5 survives/thrives!" has quickly developed a "if its not pathfinder its no good" fan base.

Glutton wrote:
I love that a product that was released to 3.5 backwards compatible fanfare, who's very launch slogan was "3.5 survives/thrives!" has quickly developed a "if its not pathfinder its no good" fan base.

I am sure that is not the popular opinion at all. Most people myself included still use our 3.5 stuff. Some of us just pick and choose carefully what gets let in to avoid powercreep. I still allow most of the stuff, but not all of it. Some still play 3.5, but cherry pick stuff from Pathfinder to put into the 3.5 games.

Grand Lodge

Pathfinder Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber
Glutton wrote:
I love that a product that was released to 3.5 backwards compatible fanfare, who's very launch slogan was "3.5 survives/thrives!" has quickly developed a "if its not pathfinder its no good" fan base.

When they were talking about 3.5 thrives.... they were talking about the core game, not all of the unbalanced baggage that WOTC added to it.

Grand Lodge

Pathfinder Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber
ArmoredSaint wrote:

I did search the messageboard archives, but all I could find were references to Heavy Armor Optimization and Greater Heavy Armor Optimization in D&D 3.5's Races of Stone.

I'm looking for similar feats that allow a heavy armour wearer to raise his armour class in official Pathfinder products. I am a fairly new convert to the game, and am not yet familiar with all the products available, since I have only the core books.

Is there anything like this out there, or am I out of luck?

Yes it' called... leveling a Fighter. They get Armor Training as a class feature now and it rocks.

Grand Lodge

LazarX wrote:
they were talking about the core game, not all of the unbalanced baggage that WOTC added to it.

Tread softly...

Liberty's Edge

Glutton wrote:
I love that a product that was released to 3.5 backwards compatible fanfare, who's very launch slogan was "3.5 survives/thrives!" has quickly developed a "if its not pathfinder its no good" fan base.

Hah! What are we talking about armor for then? Armor is for pansies!

<bring Pouncing Shock-Trooping Wood-Elf Frenzied Berserker Wildrunner to your next session; use Pathfinder Power Attack rules>

Mike Schneider wrote:
Glutton wrote:
I love that a product that was released to 3.5 backwards compatible fanfare, who's very launch slogan was "3.5 survives/thrives!" has quickly developed a "if its not pathfinder its no good" fan base.

Hah! What are we talking about armor for then? Armor is for pansies!

<bring Pouncing Shock-Trooping Frenzied Berserker Wildrunner to your next session; use Pathfinder Power Attack rules>

You forgot about leap attack. :)

Liberty's Edge

And Rhino Rush and Slashing Fury combined with Pathfinder's Deadly Stroke!

"Whaddya mean you did 400pts???"

"Well, I rolled really lousy...."

Silver Crusade

Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber
TriOmegaZero wrote:
LazarX wrote:
they were talking about the core game, not all of the unbalanced baggage that WOTC added to it.
Tread softly...

That was likely about Truenamer, Swashbuckler and Samurai :)

Dark Archive

Mike Schneider wrote:

And Rhino Rush and Slashing Fury combined with Pathfinder's Deadly Stroke!

"Whaddya mean you did 400pts???"

"Well, I rolled really lousy...."

I did that with a kobold with the feral template.

Grand Lodge

Gorbacz wrote:
That was likely about Truenamer, Swashbuckler and Samurai :)

I wish it was, my friend, I wish it was.

Although there is a great thread over on the GitP forums about someone who actually made the Truenamer function.

Dark Archive

Gorbacz wrote:
TriOmegaZero wrote:
LazarX wrote:
they were talking about the core game, not all of the unbalanced baggage that WOTC added to it.
Tread softly...
That was likely about Truenamer, Swashbuckler and Samurai :)

I found a use for CW's samurai. Take 4 levels, then a level of cleric with the plant and animal domains, then prestige ranger. Made the only TWF character in full plate with an 8 dex. Lot more interesting than fighter//druid

Grand Lodge

Now we just need a use for the Swashbuckler...

Silver Crusade

Name Violation wrote:
Gorbacz wrote:
TriOmegaZero wrote:
LazarX wrote:
they were talking about the core game, not all of the unbalanced baggage that WOTC added to it.
Tread softly...
That was likely about Truenamer, Swashbuckler and Samurai :)
I found a use for CW's samurai. Take 4 levels, then a level of cleric with the plant and animal domains, then prestige ranger. Made the only TWF character in full plate with an 8 dex. Lot more interesting than fighter//druid

Or you could just be the intimidate master the Samurai was and beat everything.. ;)

Silver Crusade

TriOmegaZero wrote:
Now we just need a use for the Swashbuckler...

The question here is with or without magic

Liberty's Edge

Glutton wrote:
I love that a product that was released to 3.5 backwards compatible fanfare, who's very launch slogan was "3.5 survives/thrives!" has quickly developed a "if its not pathfinder its no good" fan base.

A lot of stuff has been integrated or changed in a way that make backward compatible a bit of a stretch if you aren't careful.

Then there is the problem of all the stuff that isn't OPL so that it can't be adapted by Paizo to the changes they have made.

So backward compatible require the GM authorization for what you are using.

Beside that Grummik point was that "backward compatible" don't work for Pathfinder society play.
As that is organized play around the world it is not possible to have different rules applied by different GM. As the OGL licence limits don't allow Paizo to give an official update for some stuff it can't be used for society play as every GM would have a different version.

Very little about being a fan or not, a lot about coherent play when you are playing or mastering with unknown people at a convention.

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