Magic Items taking human form

Homebrew and House Rules

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Pathfinder Pathfinder Accessories Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber

I just watched Soul Eater and Sacred Blacksmith and wanted to make a duo couple that one was a Fighter and my partner was his ACTUAL weapon A Elf that can take a weapon form and Visa verse.
Now I was looking at an Intelligent items and found that they can use (with some modification) cast Alter-self 3/day
Here's what I came up with

Aleria Songseeker
Longsword +2 Ego: 21

Chaotic Good

Ability Scores:
Int: 14
Wis: 12
Cha: 18

Common, Elven, Sylven

Senses and Communication:
Speech, Telepathy

Item Powers:
Cast a 2nd level spell 3/day* Spell (Alter Self)

Special Purpose:
Defeat/Slay Opposed Alignment (Lawful Evil)

Dedicated Power
Detect Any Lawful Evil within 60Ft

Now when She assumes her Elven Form She'll be treated as a Cohort with all the rules that apply to them I was thinking if making her a bard, a singing sword would be kinda bad@$$.

Any thought or suggestions to help make this work I know some DM work is needed but I want to try and keep this as close to the rules as possible to make the process easier

I had a concept like that after I got done watching Bleach (Yeah, I know. Don't judge me!). Only I went with a summoner. The eidolon makes a great Zanpakuto! When I sleep, or when it runs out of HP, it gets sealed into sword form.

Of course, if you aren't an anime nerd, then you probably have no idea what I'm talking about...

Sovereign Court

Why should we judge you? Bleach is awesome!

Back in the 90's, we played a game of Rifts where one of the PCs was a "sword bearer." It turned out that there was a woman living in an astral realm that was tied to the sword. Either she could be in the Earth realm, or the sword could.

It also turned out later that she dreamed up the PC to carry the sword in the Earth realm.

In the Dragonlance setting, there is an actual template that allows you to create an Eldritch Haunt (same idea you are refering to)....
I believe it's in "Towers of high Sorcery".

Came up with an idea like this back in 2E. Had a sword owned by a bard that had the mind and personality of one of the last human defenders of Myth Drannor before the Fall. It could transform back into her human form every day. She liked being able to wander around after 600 years trapped in semi-temporal stasis. As a sword, she was an intelligent weapon with various abilities from her long exposure to the mythal (detect magic, etc.). As a woman, she was a capable fighter (about level 12 IIRC). It's a fun idea, maybe I should go back and update it....

cranewings wrote:

Back in the 90's, we played a game of Rifts where one of the PCs was a "sword bearer." It turned out that there was a woman living in an astral realm that was tied to the sword. Either she could be in the Earth realm, or the sword could.

It also turned out later that she dreamed up the PC to carry the sword in the Earth realm.

I would have crushed you with m super cool goldenboy mech!

I once had a dancing sword that was intelligent and had major image as a power (random rolled magic items usually suck) so when it danced, It conjured up it's own image of a warrior wielding itself in combat, which was neat, because monsters took damage from it, and as a result would use up actions trying to attack it back.

Pendagast wrote:
I once had a dancing sword that was intelligent and had major image as a power (random rolled magic items usually suck) so when it danced, It conjured up it's own image of a warrior wielding itself in combat, which was neat, because monsters took damage from it, and as a result would use up actions trying to attack it back.

Sweet, I like it!

Sovereign Court RPG Superstar 2009 Top 32, 2010 Top 8

Alter self is a good idea, I didn't think of that (Intelligent Items are treated as constructs in a lot of ways)

Why not toss in a free 'extend spell' feat on the alter self.

Not familiar with the context of the show you reference, I could see the sword being a 'Galatea' type thing (Wizard was so enamoured with his work that something gave it sentience) or maybe a 'lost soul' of a companion that was 'saved' in the blade.

I think this is an awesome idea, but one rules issue I can see is that alter-self modifies your physical stats, and intelligent magic items only have mental stats. Actually, all transmutation spells are modifications now, so you'd have to hand-wave a bit no matter which one you chose. You could either just pick stats for the humanoid form, or use the same method you would use for generating a cohort's stats. Extending upon that thought, there's no reason an intelligent item couldn't use Beast/Elemental/Plant/Dragon Shape, subject to the same hand-waving of physical ability scores.

I once played in a 2e campaign where each member of the party got an intelligent weapon. One of them contained the soul of that player's previous character (who had been brutally murdered, and soul-trapped [or something similar] in the last campaign). None of them sprouted bodies, though that would have been awesome - all the intelligent weapons except for the one described above turned out to be working for the BBEG and betrayed us shortly before confronting him.

Pendagast wrote:
cranewings wrote:

Back in the 90's, we played a game of Rifts where one of the PCs was a "sword bearer." It turned out that there was a woman living in an astral realm that was tied to the sword. Either she could be in the Earth realm, or the sword could.

It also turned out later that she dreamed up the PC to carry the sword in the Earth realm.

I would have crushed you with m super cool goldenboy mech!

You know, we played that game for like three years, been to many worlds and back, even excavated a robotech factory, but I don't think we ever saw a glitterboy.

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Pathfinder Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

I just watched several episodes of Sacred Blacksmith this morning. So I come on to the forums to ask how this transformation thing might be accomplished only to find that I'd been ninja'd!

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Just after the final version of Pathfinder released, I used the Zanpakuto idea from Bleach for bound weapons like this too. Leveraging the summoner/eidolon concept seems like a good idea, although in our case I simply worked out an understanding with the player that a certain amount of his wealth-by-level was going to be in his special item and he was going to have to use a feat on something like Legacy Weapon (or something similar) if he wanted to be able to release it into Shikai.

Shikai ended up transforming his dagger into a pair of bound claws that were hard as adamantine but overcame DR as silver/adamantine, were chaotically aligned, and allowed him to use each claw as a primary natural attack.

A few levels and another feat later, he was able to gain access to its second release, Bankai, which was a huge 3-headed hound that could breathe acid and form a miasma cloud like a green dragon.

Needless to say, we had some fun with it. :)

Now if I recall, there was some 3.5 book that had rules on outsiders possessing weapons. The concept was that its hit dice translated into pluses to determine what properties the weapon had. I can't recall what book contained this info (Fiendish Codex seems likely), but that's what we were using for the basis of the weapon's power level. The Zanpakuto was essentially an outsider with Hit Dice appropriate for the CR of a cohort of that level.

Pendagast wrote:
I would have crushed you with m super cool goldenboy mech!

You mean Glitterboy?

2 people marked this as a favorite.

Found it!

Fiendish Codex I: Hordes of the Abyss, pg 25 — Possessed Objects wrote:
Enhancer: In the role of enhancer, a fiend can enhance a Tiny or larger weapon or suit of armor as it if were magic simply by possessing it. The fiend can duplicate magic item powers worth 2,000 gp per Hit Die it possesses. ... A fiend possessing a suit of magic armor or a magic weapon can increase the item's powers by the same gold piece value. ...

There are some additional rules as well for what the item detects as (non-magical, but alignment detection spells pick it up), along with the note that the outsider can withhold its powers, etc.

Anyway, this might be a good place to start. Good luck and let us know what you come up with! :)

DNAngel. The forbidden art of living items has unleased monsters on the world. It's up to the decendant ofv half a statue to reseal the creatures. That being said, the girl in the painting would make an excellent mega storage device. :)
Pathfinder has Figurinees of Wonderous Power being default constructs.
The figurine is the creatures spawn point. No matter what you do to the creature, they just turn back into a rock for 24 hours.

71. Pink Stone Horse.
This figurine of wondrous power is made of pink quartz and carved to look like a pony with a curly mane and tail. You can make out some kind of mark on one flank(3 balloons), and the Hasbro trade mark on the other flank. When it's name is said, "Pinky Pie", it turns into a real pony. An M sized character can ride it, it can carry stuff, and it can talk. It can also sing, as it is a second level bard, with 14 hit points. Unaccountably, it throws pies, one a round, at whoever it wants(Must be roleplayed). It will return to stone if its name is said again. If killed it will return to stone and be un-summonable for 24 hours.
Hook: It was created to be a toy for very rich children. An aristocratic family is still looking for it. It also knows the names of the other 5 ponies in the set, and the others are more useful. The complete set can unlock great magic power.

The Pinkie Pie Figurine can only use inspire courage and the spell Cure light wounds(using the laughter method). As it could be considered an artificial Bard, I'm going to set the value at 20,000 GP(Page 117GMG).
If you want to roleplay the object, each level up would increase it's value and power.
Warning, my spelling is very bad.
Leave no pun behind.

Laithoron wrote:

Just after the final version of Pathfinder released, I used the Zanpakuto idea from Bleach for bound weapons like this too. Leveraging the summoner/eidolon concept seems like a good idea, although in our case I simply worked out an understanding with the player that a certain amount of his wealth-by-level was going to be in his special item and he was going to have to use a feat on something like Legacy Weapon (or something similar) if he wanted to be able to release it into Shikai.

Shikai ended up transforming his dagger into a pair of bound claws that were hard as adamantine but overcame DR as silver/adamantine, were chaotically aligned, and allowed him to use each claw as a primary natural attack.

A few levels and another feat later, he was able to gain access to its second release, Bankai, which was a huge 3-headed hound that could breathe acid and form a miasma cloud like a green dragon.

Needless to say, we had some fun with it. :)

Now if I recall, there was some 3.5 book that had rules on outsiders possessing weapons. The concept was that its hit dice translated into pluses to determine what properties the weapon had. I can't recall what book contained this info (Fiendish Codex seems likely), but that's what we were using for the basis of the weapon's power level. The Zanpakuto was essentially an outsider with Hit Dice appropriate for the CR of a cohort of that level.

That is awesome! Initially, I wanted to figure a shikai/bankai mechanic, but I didn't want too many anime references for the character; the DM has a fondness of killing characters based off of anime if it's to obvious. So I decided that my shikai would be represented by my summon monster sla and spells known, and the bankai was the eidolon; clearly, my character had a kido based zanpakuto. :D

cranewings wrote:
Pendagast wrote:
cranewings wrote:

Back in the 90's, we played a game of Rifts where one of the PCs was a "sword bearer." It turned out that there was a woman living in an astral realm that was tied to the sword. Either she could be in the Earth realm, or the sword could.

It also turned out later that she dreamed up the PC to carry the sword in the Earth realm.

I would have crushed you with m super cool goldenboy mech!
You know, we played that game for like three years, been to many worlds and back, even excavated a robotech factory, but I don't think we ever saw a glitterboy.

glitterboy! thats what it was!

Giltterboy would have beaten a vertiech fighter with a stick. They had more MD and did more damage. Problem was they were soooo slow. Just walking speed. thats why you never saw one, they were stuck where every they were.

Pendagast wrote:
cranewings wrote:
Pendagast wrote:
cranewings wrote:

Back in the 90's, we played a game of Rifts where one of the PCs was a "sword bearer." It turned out that there was a woman living in an astral realm that was tied to the sword. Either she could be in the Earth realm, or the sword could.

It also turned out later that she dreamed up the PC to carry the sword in the Earth realm.

I would have crushed you with m super cool goldenboy mech!
You know, we played that game for like three years, been to many worlds and back, even excavated a robotech factory, but I don't think we ever saw a glitterboy.

glitterboy! thats what it was!

Giltterboy would have beaten a vertiech fighter with a stick. They had more MD and did more damage. Problem was they were soooo slow. Just walking speed. thats why you never saw one, they were stuck where every they were.

We had VF-4s for a while. We bombed it from orbit (;

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Pathfinder Pathfinder Accessories Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber

Thanks Laithoron For that Fiendish Codex That really gave me some Idea's on this Here's what I cam up with so far. It's in the really ruff stage and this is a first draft and I want any Ideas/ Criticism to help balance this out for Pathfinder

Here's what I got so far

Demon Sword NPC

Feats needed: Demon Sword Wielder

Demon Sword Wielder

Prerequisites: The player must make a pact with the Demon sword or Bend to his Will See Special Below

Benefit: Upon Taking this feat The demon sword's will start to attune to its wielder Gaining abilities and levels along with its new master (See Chart)

Special :The player has two options to wield a Demon sword they can make a pact with it or the Player can try to Redeem/Corrupt the sword

Pact: To Form a pact the Player must be the same Alignment as the Player or share in its goals
Redeem/Corrupt: If the player does not meet the above Prerequisites the sword will fight him using It's ego DC Against the player to either Foil or get away from the Player. The player must overcome the Ego of the weapon as Detailed in Pg.535 to wield it or use any ability's.

To make a Demon sword the player uses the NPC Ability Scores chart (PFPG 453) for Stats

after picking race and weapon the player is then free to use the said chart below to make up the npc weapon properties

Char Level /Demon sword HD /GP Value /Special Abilities
........1.............1..............2000..........Speech, Alter Self
........2.............1 .............3000..........-
........3.............2 .............4000..........-
........4.............2 .............5000..........Channel Class Ability 1/day
........5.............3.............6000..........Alignment change*
........6.............3..............7000..........Random Item Power
........9.............5..............10,000........Channel Class Ability 2/Day
........10.............5..............11,000.......Alignment change* , Random Item Purpose
........14.............7..............15,000.......Channel Class Ability 2/day
........15.............8..............16,000.......Alignment Change*
........16.............8..............17,000.......Random Item Power
........20.............10..............21,000......Random Item Purpose
------------------------------------------------------------------------ *assuming that the player meets the requirements to use this ability

Char Level: Level of the Player

Demon sword HD: the amount of HD the Demon Sword has. It can take any class that is available to it. It's HP also reflect onto it when it weapon form for Hit points for sundering purposes.

GP Value: this is a free pool of gold that the Demon Sword can use to enhance itself. to use the pool it must meditate for a number of days equal to every 1000GP the sword becomes inert becoming just a masterwork sword until it is finished with its mediation. if the sword takes any damage that overcomes its harness it must make a concentration check DC=New caster level of item or lose all of its progress and must gain a HD before it can try again.

Alter Self (SP): the Demon sword can at will change into it's set Humanoid form once it's race is chosen It cannot be change. The sword can remain in its humanoid form for as long as it wishes. changing its form is a full round action

Speech: the Demon sword gains the Speech Item ability as detailed in Pg.533

Channel Class Ability's (Su): Upon reaching 4th level the Player can use the Demon's Class Ability's as his own. The player must pay for any Pluses and minus that the sword Gives any universal Minus will reflect on the swords power and It's human form. For Example say that the Demon Swords is a great Axe with levels of Barbarian the Player uses it's rage ability to gain the rage bonus of that class after the rage wears off the sword is Fatigue It suffers the -2 to Attacks Saves and Skill checks so when the Player attacks with the Axe he suffers a -2 to attacks saves and Skill checks thou he Himself is not Fatigue.

Alignment Change : Upon reaching 5th level and 15th level. The Player can bend the weapon to His will the Weapon must make a Will Save DC= (10 + 1/2 Players HD + Wis) A Failed means that the weapon shifts it's aliment one step towards that Player, And may be more Cooperative towards that Players way of thinking and Goals
NOTE: the Player must of had the sword in its possession for at least 3 levels in order to use the Alignment change ability

Random Item Power At 6th and 16th Level the Demon Sword can roll on the Intelligent Item Powers Table on Pg. 534. The swords gain access to the ability including the bonus to Its Ego DC

Random Item Purpose: At 10th and 20th level the sword can roll on the Intelligent Item Purpose Table on Pg. 534. The swords gain access to the ability including the bonus to Its Ego DC

cranewings wrote:
Pendagast wrote:
cranewings wrote:
Pendagast wrote:
cranewings wrote:

Back in the 90's, we played a game of Rifts where one of the PCs was a "sword bearer." It turned out that there was a woman living in an astral realm that was tied to the sword. Either she could be in the Earth realm, or the sword could.

It also turned out later that she dreamed up the PC to carry the sword in the Earth realm.

I would have crushed you with m super cool goldenboy mech!
You know, we played that game for like three years, been to many worlds and back, even excavated a robotech factory, but I don't think we ever saw a glitterboy.

glitterboy! thats what it was!

Giltterboy would have beaten a vertiech fighter with a stick. They had more MD and did more damage. Problem was they were soooo slow. Just walking speed. thats why you never saw one, they were stuck where every they were.

We had VF-4s for a while. We bombed it from orbit (;

VF-4, what sourcebook was that from?

How did you get trained in mecha combat and get vertiech piloting skills?

Sayer_of_Nay wrote:
That is awesome! Initially, I wanted to figure a shikai/bankai mechanic, but I didn't want too many anime references for the character; the DM has a fondness of killing characters based off of anime if it's to obvious. So I decided that my shikai would be represented by my summon monster sla and spells known, and the bankai was the eidolon; clearly, my character had a kido based zanpakuto. :D

That's too bad that your GM hates on animé as a source of inspiration. I have the feeling that they and I should probably never play in one another's games. Nice way of concealing your shiniga– er... player character's abilities though. :D

Pendagast wrote:

VF-4, what sourcebook was that from?
How did you get trained in mecha combat and get vertiech piloting skills?

I can't remember what book the VF-4 was from. It was one of the few transatmospheric fighters, which was sweet.

Our characters started off as Ninja's and Superspies / Heroes Unlimited characters in the Marvel vs. Capcom universe / nerd pop culture movie verse circa 1996. I think the company we worked for got ahold of some robotechnology somehow and my character became a cyclone pilot early on.

We got tied up with people that knew the X-men, ended up on Cable's space station, one thing let to another, there was a massive accident, and we were transported into the future. I could be totally misremembering this, but I think my character was already a fighter pilot, and the space station had Robotechnology on it. We probably got the VF-4s on the space station and took them to Rifts earth. I'm pretty sure that's how it went down because we already had them when we contacted the NGR.

I think we located the ruins of the Robotech factory from space and got the New German Republic to send their army into CS territory with us to secure it. One thing led to another and we were being overwhelmed by their army... at least UNTIL THE GUYVER CAME OUT OF A RIFT AND CHEST BEAMED IT FOR US!

And all this before we went to the gathering of heroes and took on the four horsemen and the gathering of villains (;

It was a pretty epic game.

Laithoron wrote:

That's too bad that your GM hates on animé as a source of inspiration. I have the feeling that they and I should probably never play in one another's games. Nice way of concealing your shiniga– er... player character's abilities though. :D

Well, to be fair, he doesn't hate anime as a source, he just hates characters that mimic anime characters; too many DBZ wannabe monks I guess. I can understand his point, so I tend to be subtle with my anime characters. I once attempted to make a Full Metal Alchemist-stle character; basically he was a transmuter focused mage with a dash of cleric whose philisophy was "Equivalent Exchange." Luckily, my DM isn't familiar with Full Metal Alchemist.

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