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I was thinking of the Grey Paladin from the new Intrigue book. Where he did a small evil act (not enough for a full fall)before he lost his memories, but doesn't remember what he did or how to make it right again.
Pathfinder Pathfinder Accessories Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber
Hey everyone I was looking into getting into a gaming session here on the forms and was looking for a "Starting Guide" That can help me will how to post, what to post, and what eddicits should I follow to help keep the game flowing clearly. any adivce would be appreciated thanks
Pathfinder Pathfinder Accessories Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber
A player of mine wanted to play a Brawler that had a kind of fighting style similar
So here’s what I came up with. ---------- Blasting Gauntlets
You are considered armed when fighting with Blasting Gauntlets and deal regular Gauntlet damage when
You may use the Blasting gauntlets to deal additional damage to your enemies. You use a swift action to
Reloading the Blasting Gauntlets takes 2 Full-Round actions to reload both Gauntlets. With the Rapid reload
Due to the Complexity of Blasting Gauntlets they can only use Alchemical Cartridges in a Magazine Clip These
----------- Well that’s it for the weapon now for the Style feats
-- Recoil attack Style (Style Feat)
-- Recoil Bash Style
-- Recoil Bash Efficiency (Style Feat)
Now these are nowhere near done and will require some twinking but I think I hit some of the baseline for what the player wanted. So what do you guys think any input will be much appreciated.
Pathfinder Pathfinder Accessories Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber
I'm currently running the Skull & Shackles AP, and one of my PC wishes to play a Charm/Domination type Sorcerer and I was wondering what I should lookout for and what experences you all had in keeping them in check. As well as what limits such spells have
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Hello everyone my group loves to optimize there characters and with their experience they breeze thru every AP that we come across. So I was wondering if there's a Piazo And/or Third party that creates Modules/AP that are basically meant for a party of optimizes characters
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If I remember correctly. The only “Gods” whose power can be taken thru combat are the Four Horsemen in the Apocalypse in the Book of the Damned Vol3. Plus most of the current Deities got the power thru the trials of the Starstone. But there are always fun ways for GM to make players to become gods. I was running an Epic 3.5 Campaign were a player wanted to betray his Deity and take his place. Mostly because he feels that he can do a better job. I set it up so that he found a way to Syphon the deities portfolio one power at a time. Thus making the God weaker while he became stronger. This of course angered the God and he tried to find out who was stealing his power but the character played it smart enough to stay hidden and put the blame on others. To be honest he would have succeeded but one of the players found out and was using that knowledge to blackmail him and in one adventure he let it slip to an archbishop of that church what was going on and the character had to shift to a different plane in order to survive and was never seen again.
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Normal Vital strike allows you to RE-Roll your weapon damage more than once so vital strike would change it to 4d12 but because you can't crit with it you would apply it afterwards if you did crit (2d12 x 4 ) + 2d12 The same would be for the vital strike mythic so lets say we add deadly aim to it it would be as below (2d12+2 x 4) + 2d12+2 Even thou you can add critible bonuses to you vital strike roll it's still considered a vital strike attack so you won't apply it to and critical confirmation
Pathfinder Pathfinder Accessories Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber
Ok the math seems really hard to understand so let's break it down so we can understand and make our opinions easier to show
Weapon Double Hackbut - 2d12 X4 critical
So for my example the order will be (Weapon + Deadly Aim + Smiting shot + Devastating Strike) ok now we see where are damage is going to we can calculate the damage better so lets say were attack a demon and were using Everything above lets start with the main attack Base damage (2d12+18+40+6)=66-88 Critical X4 = 246-352 ok simple enough now we add Vital strike (Mythic) Vital (2d12+18+40) = 60-82
now we add base damage with greater vital strike
now you want to add Litany of Righteousness Base Damage + Greater vital strike + Litany of Righteousness = 492-668
there we go that should make it more simple to understand I might have gotten it wrong but that's why we are here.
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A player wanted to know if there was a way to Shield bash with a tower shield the rules say that you can't but I think if he burns a feat and treats the Tower shield as a two handed weapon I don't see why not what do you all think Points 1. Taking a new feat "Tower shield bash" allowing to use a tower shield to bash with 2. Treating a tower Shield as a two handed weapon to use
Pathfinder Pathfinder Accessories Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber
My group had this same issue with this spell thou it was more of a Role play restriction than anything. The bard tried to use the spell "Without" removing the skin component and just allowing the map to form on the Bandits body and he just copied the map. The solution seemed like a fair enough compromise to the more LG members
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ok so Giving Ki scroll the same preqs as Ki Wand Preqs: Use magic Device ( 5 Ranks), Ki Pool and changing the Ki cost to be the same as Ki wand And will be taking out Ki scroll as a Preqs for Ki staff hows that sound Also Should I make it a Full-round action to use the feats or do ya think that a standard will do. I'm thinking Full-Round because your spending the time focusing your own energy to activate the item
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Big Lemon wrote: Not sure why Ki Scroll needs to have Ki Wand as a prereq, though. I don't see a balance need for it, and a wand requires more igold nvestment than scrolls, so it feels knd of backward. I figured because Scrolls seem more powerful because they can hold higher levels spells. But if need be it can be changed
Pathfinder Pathfinder Accessories Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber
Thanks VRMH I'll edit that part out Arkady Zelenka wrote: These look pretty cool, I might have to pilfer some of these ideas. Run a few playtests on them and let me know how they work for you, I will do the same. Cool let me know how it goes Big Lemon - Yea this is going to be a part of an Archetype that these feats are going to be part of in the future
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Hey everyone I created some custom feats that I want you guys to look at please give any input Ki Wand You have found a way to use your own Inner power to activate wands Preqs: Use magic Device ( 5 Ranks), Ki Pool Benefit: you gain a +2 bonus on use magic device when activating a wand. In addition when activating a wand you can spend a number of Ki points equal to the spell level of the wand instead of expending a charge ----------------- KI Scroll You can use the power of Ki to activate a scroll Preqs: Use magic device (10 Ranks), Ki Wand, Ki pool Benefit: You gain a +2 bonus on Use magic device when activation a scroll. In addition you can spend a number of Ki points equal to the Spell level +5 to use a scroll instead of using up the spell on scroll ---------------- Ki Staff You can now use Ki to power mighty staffs Preqs: Use magic Device (15 Ranks), Ki wand, Ki Scroll, Ki pool Benefit: You gain a +2 bonus on Use magic device when activating a Staff. In addition when activating a staff you can spend 10 Ki points to activate a staff without spending a charge, or add a Ki charge to the staff. The charge added by Ki disappears after one hour Special: any charges added by Ki can only be used by the monk or a class with the Ki pool class feature Well what do ya think any suggestion would be nice
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Hello after Finally opening up my Minis from my February shipment
Pathfinder Pathfinder Accessories Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber
Hello just got my February order (#2433971), and after checking the invoice 2 of the individual mini's that I order were missing the Items are Pathfinder Battles - Rise of the Runelords: Runelord Karzoug - WZK70740-52
I also left a message to your customer service line any question please let me know
Pathfinder Pathfinder Accessories Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber
I'm going to be starting this AP in the next few months or so and some of my Players have been asking to Play some of the races beyond the Core ones, and was wondering about how some of your experiences in that has gone 1) I am at least going to ban any Aquatic subtypes for the AP because of the way the start is setup up ( they could just swim away). Any others you recommend that should not be playable? 2) been trying to look-up any of the Level Adjustments did they just due away with that in PF?
Infinite time stop! Infinite shapechange! Infinite true strike! Infinite blink! Infinite everything!
Pathfinder Pathfinder Accessories Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber
My group Discussed this very thing and we can to the conclusion that only spells that duration is increased by caster level (Rounds,hours, ECT per level)can only be used with this ring that should keep the intended power of the ring without it being to game breaking Our reasoning is that this ring is meant to prolong spells that Could have the potential to gaining 24/hr duration IF the caster was powerful enough
Pathfinder Pathfinder Accessories Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber
Had my party fight a magus that was good at disarming he would then get up close to a fighter with the shine-yest weapon after disarm he would cast disintegrate on it and CHOOSE to fail the save on the weapon ... dust in the wind. Fighter = Sad Panda
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DragonMunchie wrote: If an individual afflicted lycanthropy suffers from an alignment shift due to his/her condition, can they regain their alignment through the Atonement spell and still retain the lycanthropy condition without an alignment shift in the future? This spell removes the burden of misdeeds from the subject. The creature seeking atonement must be truly repentant and desirous of setting right its misdeeds. This is from the first part of the Spell's description. As a GM and seeing how the Lyconthrope template works if you become CE then you really are CE and wouldn't want or even wish for this spell on you. Not saying it's possible but the proses would be really hard and long. The first setp would be to remove the problem the Lacantropy then with some Good RP they might convince the NPC of taking the Atonement Spell This is why GMs take control of the Players char when they take on and evil Aliment
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OmegaZ wrote: I've heard people knock the Duelist in 3.5, but I haven't really heard any arguments for or against it in Pathfinder. It seems like a useable, if narrowly focused, class. What's the verdict on duelist? I am currently playing a Duelist right now it really depends on your leveling pref. when I was using fighter it was harder yes you get great BaB and all the bonus feats but a high INT fighter is really gimped when leveling too the Duelist Prc What I went with was Magus with the Kensai Subsistution in the UC book you lose on the armor prof but you gain the Canny Defence skill that is the same as the Duelist. than and with Spell Blending Arcana he can cast mage armor anyway to really give him a boost to AC. And he can add his INT modifier to confirm crits and initiative Currently at Magus 9 / Duelist 4
Pathfinder Pathfinder Accessories Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber
InsaneFox wrote:
That's true unless the creature is within 5 ft of the Wolf then hes fine P. 443 of the core book under darknessA creature with the scent ability automatically pinpoints
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Is there a way to remove one item from my subscription without Cancelling my subscription. I really don't need "Pathfinder Roleplaying Game: Beginner Box" that's coming in my Mid-October Order.
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Ok so how about we treat it like the Wizard (Arcane Bond) class ability. where if you lose it you have to do a Concentration check to cast spells DC=20+SL, and your Oracle ability's are treated as 4 levels lower until to reclaim it and I figure that your Ancestors will want to help you find your item so you gain Locate Object as a spell like ability untill you find it
Pathfinder Pathfinder Accessories Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber
Hey everyone with the new Jade AP coming out in Sep I figured that some new Oracle Curse’s that fit the flavor of the Adventure path might be in order. Now these where inspired with the Oracle mystery (Ancestor) in mind. But I hope I designed them to be universal with any of them so let me know what you think. This is my first time in making a Curse like these so I really can’t tell how they stack up to the Original Curses. Any feedback is much appreciated and we still have plenty of time to fix the kinks. Aged Weapon/Armor Curse’s Your family has had this weapon’s and/or armor in their possession for generations. They have seen many battles and have been used by many great men whose blood now flows thru your veins. Now you possess these items and your Ancestors have granted you there power. Ancient Weapon Curse At first level an Oracle can choose one weapon that she is proficient with to use as the source of her Oracle curse, and once it has been chosen it cannot be changed and if the oracle loses this cursed weapon or uses any other weapon she losses the benefit of her class abilities. The weapon gains the Broken condition (-2 attack, -2 Damage, crit 20, X2). At first level due to the age of the weapon the alloy of the metal has hardened giving it +2 Hardness and +5 hit points, and the weapon counts as a divine focus. At 5th level the penalties of the broken condition get reduced by 1 (-1 attack, -1 Damage) At 10th level the weapon gives the wielder the Improved critical Feat (19-20, X2). At 15th level the weapon cannot be destroyed by physical means (Rust damage, Sunder attempts, and acid damage) Ancient Armor Curse At First level an Oracle can choose a set of armor that she has proficiency with to use as the source of her Oracle curse, and once it has been chosen it cannot be changed and if the oracle loses this cursed Armor or uses any other Armor she losses the benefit of her class abilities. The armor gains the Broken condition (½ AC rounded down, and Double Armor check Penalty on skill checks). You still pay full price for the Armor and it still keeps its full hit points like new armor. At first level due to the age of the armor the alloy of the metal has hardened giving it +2 Hardness and +5 hit points, and the armor Due to its constant wear gains a +2 to its max DEX bonus. At 5th Level the Broken condition lessens to (-1 AC, 1.5 Armor check Penalty on skill checks). At 10th Level you no longer get Fatigue from sleeping in this armor. At 15th level your Ancestors will give you Divine protection by granting you DR 3/Magic as long as you wear the armor. Now I know what you’re thinking what if the item’s get stolen or lost well I’m kind of stuck there too so any suggestion in this area will help greatly. I was thinking that you can try to reforge the items’ (If broken), or an Atonement spell ( If lost) and as long as you actively try to reclaim/restore the item’s you will still gain the benefit of your class, and still keep the Negatives from the curse from the new Items.
Pathfinder Pathfinder Accessories Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber
I had A oracle player who wanted to use this combo when the FoP came out. After looking at it I decided that he needed something to light on fire to make the Spark Spell work. He choose a Candle after seeing that a candle lasted one Hour I told him that every time he used Spark it uses up one round from the candle and he has to use a move action to "Blow the Candle out". So now we have a Blind Oracle that lights the way in the darkness. Thou I agree that Infinite healing is kind of a role killer " for rouges failing traps and taking damage for doing stupid things" most adventures and modules in pathfinder are too fast paced if he uses 10 rounds to heal up the party then duration spell are running out "Buffs, Summons Ect"
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Thanks Laithoron For that Fiendish Codex Reference That really gave me some Idea's on this. Here's what I cam up with so far. It's in the really ruff stage and this is a first draft and I want any Ideas/ Criticism to help balance this out for Pathfinder Here's what I got so far Demon Sword NPC Feats needed: Demon Sword Wielder Demon Sword Wielder Prerequisites: The player must make a pact with the Demon sword or Bend to his Will See Special Below Benefit: Upon Taking this feat The demon sword's will start to attune to its wielder Gaining abilities and levels along with its new master (See Chart) Special :The player has two options to wield a Demon sword they can make a pact with it or the Player can try to Redeem/Corrupt the sword Pact: To Form a pact the Player must be the same Alignment as the Player or share in its goals
To make a Demon sword the player uses the NPC Ability Scores chart (PFPG 453) for Stats after picking race and weapon the player is then free to use the said chart below to make up the npc weapon properties Char Level /Demon sword HD /GP Value /Special Abilities
Char Level: Level of the Player Demon sword HD: the amount of HD the Demon Sword has. It can take any class that is available to it. It's HP also reflect onto it when it weapon form for Hit points for sundering purposes. GP Value: this is a free pool of gold that the Demon Sword can use to enhance itself. to use the pool it must meditate for a number of days equal to every 1000GP the sword becomes inert becoming just a masterwork sword until it is finished with its mediation. if the sword takes any damage that overcomes its harness it must make a concentration check DC=New caster level of item or lose all of its progress and must gain a HD before it can try again. Alter Self (SP): the Demon sword can at will change into it's set Humanoid form once it's race is chosen It cannot be change. The sword can remain in its humanoid form for as long as it wishes. changing its form is a full round action Speech: the Demon sword gains the Speech Item ability as detailed in Pg.533 Channel Class Ability's (Su): Upon reaching 4th level the Player can use the Demon's Class Ability's as his own. The player must pay for any Pluses and minus that the sword Gives any universal Minus will reflect on the swords power and It's human form. For Example say that the Demon Swords is a great Axe with levels of Barbarian the Player uses it's rage ability to gain the rage bonus of that class after the rage wears off the sword is Fatigue It suffers the -2 to Attacks Saves and Skill checks so when the Player attacks with the Axe he suffers a -2 to attacks saves and Skill checks thou he Himself is not Fatigue. Alignment Change : Upon reaching 5th level and 15th level. The Player can bend the weapon to His will the Weapon must make a Will Save DC= (10 + 1/2 Players HD + Wis) A Failed means that the weapon shifts it's aliment one step towards that Player, And may be more Cooperative towards that Players way of thinking and Goals
Random Item Power At 6th and 16th Level the Demon Sword can roll on the Intelligent Item Powers Table on Pg. 534. The swords gain access to the ability including the bonus to Its Ego DC Random Item Purpose: At 10th and 20th level the sword can roll on the Intelligent Item Purpose Table on Pg. 534. The swords gain access to the ability including the bonus to Its Ego DC
Pathfinder Pathfinder Accessories Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber
Thanks Laithoron For that Fiendish Codex That really gave me some Idea's on this Here's what I cam up with so far. It's in the really ruff stage and this is a first draft and I want any Ideas/ Criticism to help balance this out for Pathfinder Here's what I got so far Demon Sword NPC Feats needed: Demon Sword Wielder Demon Sword Wielder Prerequisites: The player must make a pact with the Demon sword or Bend to his Will See Special Below Benefit: Upon Taking this feat The demon sword's will start to attune to its wielder Gaining abilities and levels along with its new master (See Chart) Special :The player has two options to wield a Demon sword they can make a pact with it or the Player can try to Redeem/Corrupt the sword Pact: To Form a pact the Player must be the same Alignment as the Player or share in its goals
To make a Demon sword the player uses the NPC Ability Scores chart (PFPG 453) for Stats after picking race and weapon the player is then free to use the said chart below to make up the npc weapon properties Char Level /Demon sword HD /GP Value /Special Abilities
Char Level: Level of the Player Demon sword HD: the amount of HD the Demon Sword has. It can take any class that is available to it. It's HP also reflect onto it when it weapon form for Hit points for sundering purposes. GP Value: this is a free pool of gold that the Demon Sword can use to enhance itself. to use the pool it must meditate for a number of days equal to every 1000GP the sword becomes inert becoming just a masterwork sword until it is finished with its mediation. if the sword takes any damage that overcomes its harness it must make a concentration check DC=New caster level of item or lose all of its progress and must gain a HD before it can try again. Alter Self (SP): the Demon sword can at will change into it's set Humanoid form once it's race is chosen It cannot be change. The sword can remain in its humanoid form for as long as it wishes. changing its form is a full round action Speech: the Demon sword gains the Speech Item ability as detailed in Pg.533 Channel Class Ability's (Su): Upon reaching 4th level the Player can use the Demon's Class Ability's as his own. The player must pay for any Pluses and minus that the sword Gives any universal Minus will reflect on the swords power and It's human form. For Example say that the Demon Swords is a great Axe with levels of Barbarian the Player uses it's rage ability to gain the rage bonus of that class after the rage wears off the sword is Fatigue It suffers the -2 to Attacks Saves and Skill checks so when the Player attacks with the Axe he suffers a -2 to attacks saves and Skill checks thou he Himself is not Fatigue. Alignment Change : Upon reaching 5th level and 15th level. The Player can bend the weapon to His will the Weapon must make a Will Save DC= (10 + 1/2 Players HD + Wis) A Failed means that the weapon shifts it's aliment one step towards that Player, And may be more Cooperative towards that Players way of thinking and Goals
Random Item Power At 6th and 16th Level the Demon Sword can roll on the Intelligent Item Powers Table on Pg. 534. The swords gain access to the ability including the bonus to Its Ego DC Random Item Purpose: At 10th and 20th level the sword can roll on the Intelligent Item Purpose Table on Pg. 534. The swords gain access to the ability including the bonus to Its Ego DC
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I just watched Soul Eater and Sacred Blacksmith and wanted to make a duo couple that one was a Fighter and my partner was his ACTUAL weapon A Elf that can take a weapon form and Visa verse.
Aleria Songseeker
Ability Scores:
Senses and Communication:
Item Powers:
Special Purpose:
Dedicated Power
Now when She assumes her Elven Form She'll be treated as a Cohort with all the rules that apply to them I was thinking if making her a bard, a singing sword would be kinda bad@$$. Any thought or suggestions to help make this work I know some DM work is needed but I want to try and keep this as close to the rules as possible to make the process easier |