>>Ask Merisiel Sillvari ALL your questions here<<

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Merisiel Sillvari wrote:
Platinius Nemoralis wrote:

Dear Merisiel,

has Alain ever come through as a person? (not as a warrior, but as a person, we all now he can fight)


Not even when his horse was concerned? Well that is too bad. Sucks to be him I guess.

I have another question. Do elves grow new teeth every few decades or do the existing teeth constantly repair themselves?

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Platinius Nemoralis wrote:
Merisiel Sillvari wrote:
Platinius Nemoralis wrote:

Dear Merisiel,

has Alain ever come through as a person? (not as a warrior, but as a person, we all now he can fight)


Not even when his horse was concerned? Well that is too bad. Sucks to be him I guess.

I have another question. Do elves grow new teeth every few decades or do the existing teeth constantly repair themselves?

Sucks more to have to be near him or around him.

Why would we need new teeth? It's not like we're dwarves and eat gravel...

What are you going to do to Meligaster after he forced Valeros and Kyra to kiss right in front of you?

Grand Lodge

Ever been charmed or dominated before?

3 people marked this as a favorite.
The Doomkitten wrote:
What are you going to do to Meligaster after he forced Valeros and Kyra to kiss right in front of you?


Not gonna reveal my plans here. He can read words as well as read minds.

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IDTheftVictim wrote:
Ever been charmed or dominated before?

Nope. Never. Not ever.

How about a more broad question that is going to terrify the little halfling SOB in a vaguely menacing way: how many knives will you need?

The Doomkitten wrote:
How about a more broad question that is going to terrify the little halfling SOB in a vaguely menacing way: how many knives will you need?

As Ms. Sillvari is a highly-skilled professional, I imagine the answer is: only one.

Which then makes me ask: It may only take one, but how many will she use?

Merisiel Sillvari wrote:
Platinius Nemoralis wrote:
Merisiel Sillvari wrote:
Platinius Nemoralis wrote:

Dear Merisiel,

has Alain ever come through as a person? (not as a warrior, but as a person, we all now he can fight)


Not even when his horse was concerned? Well that is too bad. Sucks to be him I guess.

I have another question. Do elves grow new teeth every few decades or do the existing teeth constantly repair themselves?

Sucks more to have to be near him or around him.

Why would we need new teeth? It's not like we're dwarves and eat gravel...

Nor presumably do you have the sugar and acid-laden highly processed diet of the average American. :)

1 person marked this as a favorite.
The Doomkitten wrote:
How about a more broad question that is going to terrify the little halfling SOB in a vaguely menacing way: how many knives will you need?

Only one.

Drahliana Moonrunner wrote:
Merisiel Sillvari wrote:
Platinius Nemoralis wrote:
Merisiel Sillvari wrote:
Platinius Nemoralis wrote:

Dear Merisiel,

has Alain ever come through as a person? (not as a warrior, but as a person, we all now he can fight)


Not even when his horse was concerned? Well that is too bad. Sucks to be him I guess.

I have another question. Do elves grow new teeth every few decades or do the existing teeth constantly repair themselves?

Sucks more to have to be near him or around him.

Why would we need new teeth? It's not like we're dwarves and eat gravel...

Nor presumably do you have the sugar and acid-laden highly processed diet of the average American. :)

Well, they do have coffee, sweets, vinegar and alcoholic drinks, none of which are good for their teeth and they don't have all a wonderful cleric of Sarenrae to fix them. Which begs the question, do they have toothbrushes and toothpaste?

Platinius Nemoralis wrote:
Which begs the question, do they have toothbrushes and toothpaste?

Yes and no.

Dark Archive

What do you use instead of toothpaste?

ulgulanoth wrote:
What do you use instead of toothpaste?

Me? Mint or sage or something refreshing if it's available.

There is an image titled "Merisiel...In Space!" I would love to hear the story behind this one.

Merisiel Sillvari wrote:
Andrew Crossett wrote:
Have you ever met a vendenopterix?
What is that. Some sort of alphabet monster?

It's like a Calistrian succubus.

GreenDragon1133 wrote:
There is an image titled "Merisiel...In Space!" I would love to hear the story behind this one.

I did something fun and maybe a little dangerous and ended up in space!

2 people marked this as a favorite.
Andrew Crossett wrote:
Merisiel Sillvari wrote:
Andrew Crossett wrote:
Have you ever met a vendenopterix?
What is that. Some sort of alphabet monster?
It's like a Calistrian succubus.


Dark Archive

Meri where do you think its hotter, the sun or the elemental plain of fire?

Silver Crusade

ulgulanoth wrote:
Meri where do you think its hotter, the sun or the elemental plain of fire?

Or Kyra?

1 person marked this as a favorite.
ulgulanoth wrote:
Meri where do you think its hotter, the sun or the elemental plain of fire?

Burnt to ash is burnt to ash. How hot it was is irrelevant.

6 people marked this as a favorite.
Rysky wrote:
ulgulanoth wrote:
Meri where do you think its hotter, the sun or the elemental plain of fire?
Or Kyra?

Kyra is hotter than the sun, but that's kinda blasphemous, which makes it even hotter.

Silver Crusade

2 people marked this as a favorite.
Merisiel Sillvari wrote:
Rysky wrote:
ulgulanoth wrote:
Meri where do you think its hotter, the sun or the elemental plain of fire?
Or Kyra?
Kyra is hotter than the sun, but that's kinda blasphemous, which makes it even hotter.


1 person marked this as a favorite.
Merisiel Sillvari wrote:
Rysky wrote:
ulgulanoth wrote:
Meri where do you think its hotter, the sun or the elemental plain of fire?
Or Kyra?
Kyra is hotter than the sun, but that's kinda blasphemous, which makes it even hotter.

Is it true that Kyra is so hot that Sarenrae remade herself in her image?

5 people marked this as a favorite.
Drahliana Moonrunner wrote:
Merisiel Sillvari wrote:
Rysky wrote:
ulgulanoth wrote:
Meri where do you think its hotter, the sun or the elemental plain of fire?
Or Kyra?
Kyra is hotter than the sun, but that's kinda blasphemous, which makes it even hotter.
Is it true that Kyra is so hot that Sarenrae remade herself in her image?

I like to think so.

Dear Merisiel,

who is the female alchemist on page 25 of Ultimate Combat?

1. Do you think you could ever get along with a worshipper of Urgathoa? I mean, yeah, they got weird hangups when it comes to dead things, but they seem to like having a good time.

2. Do you think Damiel's a jerk?

3. What's your favorite aspect of Calistria? Trickery? Lust? Revenge? Or do you admire all three equally?

4. Ever thought about converting to Cayden Cailean's faith?

Platinius Nemoralis wrote:

Dear Merisiel,

who is the female alchemist on page 25 of Ultimate Combat?

I have no idea who you're talking about. She might just be a painting though.

Delightful wrote:

1. Do you think you could ever get along with a worshipper of Urgathoa? I mean, yeah, they got weird hangups when it comes to dead things, but they seem to like having a good time.

2. Do you think Damiel's a jerk?

3. What's your favorite aspect of Calistria? Trickery? Lust? Revenge? Or do you admire all three equally?

4. Ever thought about converting to Cayden Cailean's faith?

1) Eeew. Probably not. They're mean.

2) He can be, but that's mostly because he's got no self control.

3) They've all got their places.

4) Nope.

Dark Archive

Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

So, obviously, Calistria's the best deity out there, but who's your second favorite? Like, if Calistria stopped being a deity, or never existed, or whatever, then which deity would you agree the most with?

Misroi wrote:
So, obviously, Calistria's the best deity out there, but who's your second favorite? Like, if Calistria stopped being a deity, or never existed, or whatever, then which deity would you agree the most with?

Probably Sarenrae, but you're gonna be wanting to get some eyes in the back of your head for talking about Calistria going away. Just sayin'. Goddess of revenge and all. KINDA EASY to annoy. Or so they say.

Dark Archive

Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

Eeek, hadn't thought of that. I'm not even sure that living on this side of the barrier between realities even protects against her divine vengeance. What do I need to do to make sure I can get her inquisitors off my back?

Misroi wrote:
Eeek, hadn't thought of that. I'm not even sure that living on this side of the barrier between realities even protects against her divine vengeance. What do I need to do to make sure I can get her inquisitors off my back?

For starters, talking about worrying about her inquisitors is a no-no.

Merisiel Sillvari wrote:
Misroi wrote:
Eeek, hadn't thought of that. I'm not even sure that living on this side of the barrier between realities even protects against her divine vengeance. What do I need to do to make sure I can get her inquisitors off my back?
For starters, talking about worrying about her inquisitors is a no-no.

First rule about Callistrian Back Rooms... No talking about Callistrian Back Rooms.

Dear Merisiel,

have you adventured with Enora the Iconic Arcanist?

Grand Lodge

Dear Merisiel,

When do you find the time to maintain your knives? My own have become quite worn and chipped.

Also have you gotten to hang out with Honaire, Leryn, Padrig, Donahan, Droogami, Feiya's Fox, and Harsk's Badger? Which ones are ok to pet?

Dark Archive

Meri have you ever used a non-pointy non-stabby weapon in combat? Like a mace or a club? And if so, what did you thought of it?

Meri, have you ever shipped any of the other Iconics with each other? I know some people are in favour of Valeros/Imrijka and Amiri/Oloch.

Platinius Nemoralis wrote:

Dear Merisiel,

have you adventured with Enora the Iconic Arcanist?


2 people marked this as a favorite.
IDTheftVictim wrote:

Dear Merisiel,

When do you find the time to maintain your knives? My own have become quite worn and chipped.

Also have you gotten to hang out with Honaire, Leryn, Padrig, Donahan, Droogami, Feiya's Fox, and Harsk's Badger? Which ones are ok to pet?

There's always time to maintain knives. No time is needed to find time, since it happens the same way as does breathing or snarking or sleeping.

Droogami's the one I've been around the most... okay to pet as long as you broadcast your intentions before hand and food isn't happening and Lini's not cranky.

1 person marked this as a favorite.
ulgulanoth wrote:
Meri have you ever used a non-pointy non-stabby weapon in combat? Like a mace or a club? And if so, what did you thought of it?

I have, but usually not because of planning ahead. Sometimes, bottles or table legs just kinda happen.

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Madokar Valortouched wrote:
Meri, have you ever shipped any of the other Iconics with each other? I know some people are in favour of Valeros/Imrijka and Amiri/Oloch.

You people use words weird over on that side.

Merisiel Sillvari wrote:
ulgulanoth wrote:
Meri have you ever used a non-pointy non-stabby weapon in combat? Like a mace or a club? And if so, what did you thought of it?
I have, but usually not because of planning ahead. Sometimes, bottles or table legs just kinda happen.

Hmmm... so what's the most unusual or most unlikely thing with which you stabbity-stabbed someone/something?

3 people marked this as a favorite.
Hunt, the PugWumpus wrote:
Merisiel Sillvari wrote:
ulgulanoth wrote:
Meri have you ever used a non-pointy non-stabby weapon in combat? Like a mace or a club? And if so, what did you thought of it?
I have, but usually not because of planning ahead. Sometimes, bottles or table legs just kinda happen.
Hmmm... so what's the most unusual or most unlikely thing with which you stabbity-stabbed someone/something?

Hmmm... lots of options, but I think it'd be a tie between a drunk stirge and a petrified carrot.

It was a long journey but I've now read through the entire thread! You Lady Merisiel have made it a fun journey!

So here's something I've been dying to know since I got to this topic but I don't think has been asked yet; if it's not too personal how did you and Kyra come to be a couple in the first place?

4 people marked this as a favorite.
Nintendogeek01 wrote:
So here's something I've been dying to know since I got to this topic but I don't think has been asked yet; if it's not too personal how did you and Kyra come to be a couple in the first place?

There's lots of legends about that, stories that have become exaggerated in some ways and became understated in others. That comic book you people have out there on your side is the most commonly accepted story about how we hooked up, but it's exaggerated in some ways and ignores other aspects. I doubt either of us will tell the whole story though. Not everything about her life or mine needs to be under public scrutiny.

Unfortunate, but understandable. Secrets cannot be enjoyed when they are not.

3 people marked this as a favorite.
Freehold DM wrote:
Unfortunate, but understandable. Secrets cannot be enjoyed when they are not.

From where I'm sitting, it's not unfortunate at all to cling to a few personal secrets.

Merisiel Sillvari wrote:
Nintendogeek01 wrote:
So here's something I've been dying to know since I got to this topic but I don't think has been asked yet; if it's not too personal how did you and Kyra come to be a couple in the first place?
There's lots of legends about that, stories that have become exaggerated in some ways and became understated in others. That comic book you people have out there on your side is the most commonly accepted story about how we hooked up, but it's exaggerated in some ways and ignores other aspects. I doubt either of us will tell the whole story though. Not everything about her life or mine needs to be under public scrutiny.

Fair enough.

So what adventure did you have that ended up being funnier in hindsight?

Nintendogeek01 wrote:
Merisiel Sillvari wrote:
Nintendogeek01 wrote:
So here's something I've been dying to know since I got to this topic but I don't think has been asked yet; if it's not too personal how did you and Kyra come to be a couple in the first place?
There's lots of legends about that, stories that have become exaggerated in some ways and became understated in others. That comic book you people have out there on your side is the most commonly accepted story about how we hooked up, but it's exaggerated in some ways and ignores other aspects. I doubt either of us will tell the whole story though. Not everything about her life or mine needs to be under public scrutiny.

Fair enough.

So what adventure did you have that ended up being funnier in hindsight?

The one with the giant skunk and the gust of wind wand.

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