Favorite PFS Game Masters

Pathfinder Society

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Let us sing the praise of all the best Pathfinder Society GM's we've had the pleasure of playing with. For reference, you can check your reported player sessions under your account to see who the GM was.

Here's my A-List:

1. Todd Morgan** (drunk)
2. Massacre Miles*****
3. BobBob Jonquet****
4. Nani Obringer (Pratt?)**
5. Szarkel (Charles?)*
6. Roger Kernsmith**
7. Todd Morgan (not drunk)

Dark Archive 4/5

Two lists I've made in two days? Staggering!

Silver Crusade 5/5

Pathfinder Rulebook Subscriber

1. Massacre Miles
2. Thea Peters

That's all the GM's I've played under.

The Exchange 4/5

1. Mike Brock
2. Kyle Pratt
3. John Compton

The Exchange 5/5

1 person marked this as a favorite.

1. Hans House
2. Todd Morgan
3. Todd Morgan -- drunk
4. Doug and Kyle are tied for me

Dark Archive 4/5

Okay before anyone gets any crazy ideas of me being an alcoholic, I GM'd one scenario whilst inebriated for both Thea and Kyle while at WhosYerCon...

The Exchange 5/5

Todd Morgan wrote:
Okay before anyone gets any crazy ideas of me being an alcoholic, I GM'd one scenario whilst inebriated for both Thea and Kyle while at WhosYerCon...

*cough* Liar *cough*

*giggles and runs away*

Grand Lodge 5/5 Regional Venture-Coordinator, Baltic

1. Rob Silk ***
2. Dave Harrison ***
3. Dan Jewell *

I'm not a PFS member at present, so I can't name any, but if any of them happen to reside in Phoenix, AZ I'd very much like to get in touch with them. I have a friend who's working on developing an RPG-based therapeutic practice for youth on the autistic spectrum; she needs the assistence of one or (preferably) more highly skillful and experienced game masters.

The Exchange 5/5

Is this one of those 'Social Touching' threads? I'm not going to catch something from you people, am I?

The Exchange 5/5

Doug Miles wrote:
Is this one of those 'Social Touching' threads? I'm not going to catch something from you people, am I?

That depends are you the human or the primate?


Thea Peters wrote:

1. Hans House

2. Todd Morgan
3. Todd Morgan -- drunk
4. Doug and Kyle are tied for me

Remember, it was sober Todd who killed your fighter, and drunk Todd who brought her back to life.


Todd Morgan wrote:
I GM'd one scenario whilst inebriated for both Thea and Kyle while at WhosYerCon...

And it was EPIC!

Liberty's Edge 4/5 5/55/5 **

Pathfinder Battles Case Subscriber; Pathfinder Maps, Pathfinder Accessories Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Charter Superscriber; Starfinder Charter Superscriber

Here we go Here is Mine...Other then my own GMs at my home game. I am not going to order them by best to worse, because I don't want anyone getting jealous..;).

Rob Silk - Gen Con UK 08
Azmyth (Michael Azzolino) - Gen Con 10
Dane Pitchford - Gen Con 10
Adam Daigle - OwlCon 11
Jess Door - OwlCon 11
Dave Woodfin - PFS Austin


Chris Mortika

Hell I have to say all the VC's and the wild nomadic traveling GM's do a great job. Thanks for your skills.

So locally in Indy, Ben Hodgson is a really good GM.

Now to all the PFS GMS, please spell your name clearly on chronicle sheets :).

Dark Archive 4/5 5/55/55/5 Venture-Agent, Indiana—Lafayette

I'm usually a GM, but so far the memorable ones are:

Doug Miles
BobBob Jonquet
William Sinclair

Looking to add Many more.

Silver Crusade 5/5

There are allot of good GM's out there. I have had the pleasure of playing at
Nate Meyers, Steve Miller, Art Lobell, and Joe Junger's tables. Thats just off of the top of my head. There are many more good GMs

Sovereign Court 5/5

Wow...I'm blushing.

1. Venture Captain Mike Brock (You're doing what with an onyx? Alright, apply the skeleton template)
2. Venture Captain Doug Miles (Is that a toy Gorilla?)

Worst DM Ever*:

"Evil Kyle" Kyle Baird (So...you skip straight to the end boss, and 20 rounds later she's out of spells)

*Just Kidding


Nani Z. Obringer wrote:

Worst DM Ever*: "Evil Kyle" Kyle Baird (So...you skip straight to the end boss, and 20 rounds later she's out of spells)

*Just Kidding

Love you too Nani ;-)

Grand Lodge 4/5

2 people marked this as a favorite.

Easiest DM I have ever encountered is Kyle Baird. My dwarf didn't take one point of damage at his table. PFFTTTT.....I don't know what all the fuss is about him.

Silver Crusade 5/5

Pathfinder Rulebook Subscriber
Michael Brock wrote:
Easiest DM I have ever encountered is Kyle Baird. My dwarf didn't take one point of damage at his table. PFFTTTT.....I don't know what all the fuss is about him.

I would avoid his tables from now on if I were you. I personally don't think my paladin will survive the upcoming session with him. That and I hear he hates paladins.

Grand Lodge 4/5 *

Kavren Stark wrote:
I'm not a PFS member at present, so I can't name any, but if any of them happen to reside in Phoenix, AZ I'd very much like to get in touch with them. I have a friend who's working on developing an RPG-based therapeutic practice for youth on the autistic spectrum; she needs the assistence of one or (preferably) more highly skillful and experienced game masters.

Kavren, you can find our games at www.warhorn.net/gathering. Before our game I can give you the floor to see if anyone is interested. My email address is on the Web page.

Grand Lodge 4/5 *

I didn't make anyone's lists. :( I didn't make any of these con's people are referencing. But regardless I'm writing down everyone's name and targeting your PCs at PaizoCon and GenCon.

My name is Venture Captain, Rene. You killed my ego. Prepare to die.



Rene Ayala wrote:

I didn't make anyone's lists. :( I didn't make any of these con's people are referencing. But regardless I'm writing down everyone's name and targeting your PCs at PaizoCon and GenCon.

My name is Venture Captain, Rene. You killed my ego. Prepare to die.



Edit: I'll be at both. I'll even be playing a bit at both. I'd love the chance to sit at your table! Maybe we can get Hyrum to pull some strings.

Grand Lodge 4/5 *

Kyle Baird wrote:


Edit: I'll be at both. I'll even be playing a bit at both. I'd love the chance to sit at your table! Maybe we can get Hyrum to pull some strings.

My name is Venture Captain, Rene. You killed my ego. Prepare to die.

Silver Crusade 5/5

Pathfinder Rulebook Subscriber
Rene Ayala wrote:
Kyle Baird wrote:


Edit: I'll be at both. I'll even be playing a bit at both. I'd love the chance to sit at your table! Maybe we can get Hyrum to pull some strings.

My name is Venture Captain, Rene. You killed my ego. Prepare to die.

Maybe your quickness to kill people is why you have no fans...

Just saying.



Rene Ayala wrote:
My name is Venture Captain, Rene. You killed my ego. Prepare to die.



After Origins I'm going to have to update my list:

1. Todd Morgan*** (drunk)
2. Massacre Miles*****
3. The King***
4. Allen Taliesin**
5. BobBob Jonquet****
6. Nani Obringer (Pratt)**
7. Todd Morgan (not drunk)
8. Szarkel (Charles)*
9. Roger Kernsmith**

Grand Lodge 3/5

Wow, I vaulted on to the list with one session :) Now I just have to GM for you after a few beverages to match Todd.

Seriously, anyone could have fun with We Be Goblins! with that table.

But thanks :)


I haven't played too many PFS modules...mostly GM'ing.

1. Dale Friesen
2. Crystal Frasier


The Exchange 5/5

Ha! I read your screen name the first time around as "teleslut" and almost fell off the couch.

Sovereign Court 4/5

It'd be rather pointless for me to list three GMs no other than the GMs themselves have heard about. :)

I do count myself as one of my favorite GMs though. Loving yourself is important!

The Exchange 5/5

Deussu wrote:

It'd be rather pointless for me to list three GMs no other than the GMs themselves have heard about. :)

I do count myself as one of my favorite GMs though. Loving yourself is important!

I am just happy to see Deussu back playing PFS!

Sovereign Court 4/5

Doug Miles wrote:
Deussu wrote:

It'd be rather pointless for me to list three GMs no other than the GMs themselves have heard about. :)

I do count myself as one of my favorite GMs though. Loving yourself is important!

I am just happy to see Deussu back playing PFS!

This time 'the return' might be a little more permanent than a year ago. At that time I got frustrated with the mindbogglingly unimaginative con-players and just quit.

This week I've played 2 scenarios and ran 2 more, so future seems bright. Getting GMs will be tough though; in the capital area there are to my knowledge only 4 GMs, two of which are not here anymore when autumn comes.

Oh and Doug, I tried to find your email somewhere, but it's apparently carefully hidden. Since the selection of scenarios is now a lot more broader, I need some opinions which would be the most .. exquisite. I can't entirely trust the reviews people give, as some are giving 5 stars to everything too eagerly and some people have a range of 2 to 4.

Oh and to not divert this so much to off-topic, what are considered to be the favorite qualities in a GM? I'm beginning to become seriously self-critical and need to know all kinds of small points that might annoy or distract the player. Stuttering and all those phrases tend to catch attention more than they should, that I know...

Scarab Sages 1/5

As I happen to GM a lot more then I play in PFS, the list of Favorite GM happens to be limited to ones I've played but here is my short and in no particular order with the most memorable scenario I played in that they ran.

Venture Captain Theocrat Issak - Las Vegas Game Day - Devil We Know #1
Venture Captain Robyn Nixon - Neoncon 2010 - Mist of Mwangi
Ed DeAngelis - Las Vegas Game Day - Murder on the Throaty Mermaid

Grand Lodge 4/5 5/55/5 ***

I don't know how I missed this thread when it debuted. Must have been out of town with no access.

I'm honored to be on Kyle's list. Although, he might just be feeling guilty about killing my pally so many times.
Wait what...I'm dead again?!? *sigh*

I've had a number of good GM's at conventions, but I do not recall many of their names. :-(

Some of the memorable ones (in no particular order)...

-Care Baird...no matter how many times you kill my pally, he'll just keep going and going and going...

-Neal Shackleton...special honorary spot for running me thru Drunken Heroes.

-Thea Peters...no-nonsense GM...can't wait for another round at Scotty's Brewhouse (pun intended)

-Brandon Wolak...local guy, but damn good GM

-Doug Miles...so calm and in control of his game. what's going on in that devious mind of massacre miles?

-Todd Morgan...how can you not enjoy drunk Todd? A classic table that I will never forget. Killing a PC named Willow with a tree-spirit?!? epic!

-Mark Moreland...having the author of a scenario GM you thru it is always a cool thing.

I'm sure there are others but I don't recall at the moment. Hope to get to sit at a few tables this GenCon.

Deussu wrote:
Oh and to not divert this so much to off-topic, what are considered to be the favorite qualities in a GM?

Don't take the game too seriously. Meaning, let people have fun. If they want to do something that doesn't have a mechanic or rule, let them. Improvisation is one of the best parts of this form of gaming. Reward thinking out of the box. And punish cheesiness ;-)

OTOH, prep prep prep. Know the mod, have your maps ready, make notes so you don't have to look everything up. The smoother the session can be run, the more immersion the players will have and that equates to more fun.

GM as much as you can. IT's not something you can learn from a book. The more games you run, the better your skilz develop. Watch other GM's. Play at their tables. Makes notes on what they do/did to make the table enjoyable. Steal every idea.

Don't think of it as a job. Take some time off if you feel burned out. It happens to everyone from time to time. You can't be a good GM if you feel forced to run games. If you don't love it, then just be a player. The point is to have fun!!

Liberty's Edge 5/5

Kavren Stark wrote:
I'm not a PFS member at present, so I can't name any, but if any of them happen to reside in Phoenix, AZ I'd very much like to get in touch with them. I have a friend who's working on developing an RPG-based therapeutic practice for youth on the autistic spectrum; she needs the assistence of one or (preferably) more highly skillful and experienced game masters.

Hi I am one of the assistants for the PFS in Phoenix area, we have a gameday which meets the 1st and 3rd saturday each month at Gamer's Inn in Mesa it is easy to find. You can sign up on warhorn.net under A gathering of Players gameday. We have a pleathora of very good GM's who have years of experience come out and see us and we may be able to help.

Liberty's Edge 5/5

Good God Rene quit whinning. While we in the 602 aren't making the list we are regularlly asked to run at conventions in the southwest, and will continue to do so. I think the measure of a good GM is do you keep em coming back for more punishment. Look forward to seeing you all at NeonCon.

The Exchange 5/5

Deussu wrote:

Oh and Doug, I tried to find your email somewhere, but it's apparently carefully hidden. Since the selection of scenarios is now a lot more broader, I need some opinions which would be the most .. exquisite. I can't entirely trust the reviews people give, as some are giving 5 stars to everything too eagerly and some people have a range of 2 to 4.
Send me an e-mail and I'll share some ideas on Season 1 & 2 - pfs.rc.detroit@gmail.com

Liberty's Edge 5/5 **

Kyle was pretty good... when his puny dragons weren't fleeing from Brom's Orcish might!

No, seriously. Kyle is a good judge.

Dark Archive 4/5 5/5 ***

Pathfinder Adventure, Adventure Path Subscriber

Well, Deussu is pretty good. Not as good as Navdi was, but I don't think he's coming back. I like to think I'm not half bad myself, either. Then there's one Minna, who only ever ran a single session of Frozen Fingers of Midnight, but managed to make it quite memorable.

We've a rather limited pool of GMs over here in Finland, but we're trying to improve things.

Grand Lodge 3/5

I still have relatively few sessions as a player, but I've lucked out with a few great GMs.

Sir Wulf GMed my first PFS game (Silent Tide).

I've sat at Dougdoug's table a few times, always fun.

Kyle didn't kill my character once (tho Doug did).

And I have the good fortune to be able to call on Michael Kortes to run the occasional game. Tho I would say my favourite session with him was non-PFS: Gunked With Goop at PaizoCon 09 (at a table with Jason Nelson, and Keani & Colter Guthrie).

I also remember enjoying Majuba's running of Tide of Morning.

Liberty's Edge 4/5 5/55/5 **

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Pathfinder Battles Case Subscriber; Pathfinder Maps, Pathfinder Accessories Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Charter Superscriber; Starfinder Charter Superscriber

All GMs suck!!!!


Grand Lodge 4/5 5/55/5 ***

Dragnmoon wrote:

All GMs suck!!!!


**scratching Dragnmoon off my christmas card list**

The Exchange 5/5

Bob Jonquet wrote:

-Thea Peters...no-nonsense GM...can't wait for another round at Scotty's Brewhouse (pun intended)

Lol .. I'm studying up on the mod so you guys should have fun :D

Grand Lodge 4/5 *

AZhobbit wrote:
Good God Rene quit whinning. While we in the 602 aren't making the list we are regularlly asked to run at conventions in the southwest, and will continue to do so. I think the measure of a good GM is do you keep em coming back for more punishment. Look forward to seeing you all at NeonCon.

I wasn't whining. To change direction on this list for a sec I'd like to ask what player recently gave the GM the most memorable moment.

Mine is azhobbit doing a face-plant into a gelatinous cube (scenario not mentioned for spoiler reasons). 16 rounds of 1d6 entertainment for me. It happily burped the Taldan snootiness out of you.

4/5 *** Venture-Captain, Arizona—Tucson

2 people marked this as a favorite.
Rene Ayala wrote:
Mine is azhobbit doing a face-plant into a gelatinous cube (scenario not mentioned for spoiler reasons). 16 rounds of 1d6 entertainment for me. It happily burped the Taldan snootiness out of you.

The world's most interesting gelatinous cube...

"I don't always devour Pathfinders, but when I do, I choose Taldan.

Stay hungry, my friends!"


Any newbies out there want to chime in?

Silver Crusade 5/5 *

I've been playing/running PFS for about a year now. I have 2 favoite GMs on was already mentioned, Chris Mortika. Every game I have been in of his has been a blast, if I see he is running a game at a con I am at, I will do my damnedest to have a seat at that table.

The second is my local VC, Mike Lindner, whom I just recently started playing under frequently. He has taught me a few rules I didn't know about and has been lenient in a few areas, like flying in a chase sequence why would I need to make x check when I'm flying over it?

Grand Lodge 4/5

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Down in Victoria, Australia, there's plenty of rocking GMs. I can't rank them though, they're all awesome at different things.

Stephen - Roleplaying finesse.
Deluge - Awesome rules knowledge and game flow.
Simon Lam - Knows the scenarios he runs inside and out.
The Two Ryans - Constantly keeps your character threatened due to innate link to the Luck of Desna. Also, gnome voices.

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