Gauging Interest: Shadowborn's Wounded Earth PbP(Pathfinder, Homebrew World)

Gamer Connection

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TarkXT wrote:

Well I supposed I can toss my coppers in to the hole since it looks damn interesting.


Concept: A half insane CG Ifrit oracle of battle(or Flame?) bent on winning a final battle that may have already passed.

** spoiler omitted **...

Not only is this scary good, I think you were picking some of my stray campaign thoughts out of the ether when writing this.

Keep an eye on this thread. If I'm tackling two threads in one campaign, my plate will be pretty full and I'll want to stick with the ten players already signed up. However, if I get less than ten, I like this concept and would like your character in the game.

A more focused concept.

Enter Caelius True:
. Born under the wrong star.

His mother died of a fever on the ship that brought him to the Iron marches. She took her name and the name of his family with her.

"Caelius" was the name of the ships cook and "True" was taken from the name of the good ship 'Annabelle true'.

He would have likely died after the ship arrived. A human orphan on a quarantined ship was not a matter of great importance to the harbor-master. However the ships cook had a sister in port. Her husband knew someone, who was a friend of a member of the Hand. Word got out, some money changed hands, and one of the baskets that were used to take food to the crew during the quarantine came back a heavier than the others.

Caelius was raised in the Hand. Groomed to take his place in the service of Ball. But there was always something wrong about him. He would show how teachings meant to help could bring harm, and how things to be feared could be used to help. By his teens there were whispers of 'half-elf' and 'revolutionary'.

The sitution finally became untrenable. He would never be a paladin and he was disrupting the training of others. He had to go.

It was a tearful parting. Caelius had many friends among the novices and teachers. Gaius the ancient dwarven weapon-master gave Caelius a handaxe from the novice armory. Caelius later learned that Gaius had forged this axe himself long ago.

Caelius stands now outside the chapterhouse gates. Rainwashed sunlight aking the city seem new. As he walks away from the only life he has ever known he remembers Gaius's parting words: "Remember boy the Hand will always be your friend, even if it will never be your home."

Note: Class, Fighter. Either two-weapon or archer or base-book fighter as you request. Alignment CG. A tad resentful of his treatment but not angry. I hope that he will be seen as a possible recruit for the "other" hand but in any case he needs to make himself a life in this world.

Poor Wandering One wrote:

A more focused concept.

** spoiler omitted **

Sorry, I thought I had replied to your previous post. I was multi-tasking last night and apparently I neglected to do so. This concept is good, but some details would need to be changed to match the local geography, as the Iron Marches are landlocked.

In any event, what I meant to say earlier is that I'd be interested in seeing the stormborn sorcerer concept.

Shadowborn wrote:
TarkXT wrote:

Well I supposed I can toss my coppers in to the hole since it looks damn interesting.


Concept: A half insane CG Ifrit oracle of battle(or Flame?) bent on winning a final battle that may have already passed.

** spoiler omitted **...

Not only is this scary good, I think you were picking some of my stray campaign thoughts out of the ether when writing this.

Keep an eye on this thread. If I'm tackling two threads in one campaign, my plate will be pretty full and I'll want to stick with the ten players already signed up. However, if I get less than ten, I like this concept and would like your character in the game.

Better than what I was expecting. I'll go ahead and toss her together just in case.

Shadowborn wrote:
Poor Wandering One wrote:

A more focused concept.

** spoiler omitted **

Sorry, I thought I had replied to your previous post. I was multi-tasking last night and apparently I neglected to do so. This concept is good, but some details would need to be changed to match the local geography, as the Iron Marches are landlocked.

In any event, what I meant to say earlier is that I'd be interested in seeing the stormborn sorcerer concept.

Your wish is my command

Enter Gaius Gracci, half-elf.:

Race half-elf, may take ancestral arms or arcane training traits
Class Stormborn Sorcerer. May multi into rouge or fighter/archer if the group needs.

Gaius cannot legally claim the name Gracci, as half elves are forbidden family names but nonetheless he is a member of the vast and disorganized Gracci clan that straddles the southern border of the marches.

Gaius has always been a wanderer. Tromping through forest and moor, always seeking the high open places. He was training, more or less, as a hunter when it happened.

If there had been anyone around to ask him he would have told them he was climbing Otto's spike An isolated rock formation not to far from his village.No one remember why it's named that. to get a better view. Maybe get a chance to see the strayed sheep he was supposed to be looking for. But there was nowone to ask so Gaius did not have to lie.

If there had been anyone around they might have also pointed out that rock climbing is not advised when that kind of thunderhead is approaching on a dry summer day. But there was no one around so Gaius climbed.

Strangely enough he remembers the lightning stroke. He remembers how hot his bones felt at the sky grounded itself through him. He remembers gathering that heat, that life into the center of his chest and trying to hold it there, to contain it. He remembers laughing when it burst through him.

He awoke at the bottom of Otto's peak. A bit banged up and with strange burns on his chest and back. He walked home through the worst thunderstorm in living memory.

Since then Gaius's wanderlust has only increased. When people ask him why he has to leave he can only say "There is something in the air. A strange taste, a sound. Something new. I need to find it."

So that is why Gaius is in Three Oaks. The caravan he was working on arrived a week ago. Giaus is spending his wages on a garret room and spending more and more time in high places, feeling the wind, listening for something.

Gaius Gracci wrote:
Shadowborn wrote:
Poor Wandering One wrote:

A more focused concept.

** spoiler omitted **

Sorry, I thought I had replied to your previous post. I was multi-tasking last night and apparently I neglected to do so. This concept is good, but some details would need to be changed to match the local geography, as the Iron Marches are landlocked.

In any event, what I meant to say earlier is that I'd be interested in seeing the stormborn sorcerer concept.

Your wish is my command

** spoiler omitted **...

Looks good. I'm liking it. Ok, now I need to ask you to hang tight for a bit while I work out some details. I like the dynamic this character would bring to the campaign, and its got some gears turning in my head. If you want to stat Gaius out and have him on stand-by, that'd be great. In the meantime, if another game catches your fancy, no hard feelings here. I should have my final line-up ready by Monday.

Just a note I'm changing the bit in her backstory about the injury she recieved since I wanted to use that as a justification for her curse. Unfortunately itd have like zero benefit to her. Instead she's going to be haunted. You can guess by what very easily I imagine.

Zeb here. Got a bit of a backstory writeup here in the profile, but haven't quite got the time to get it completely fleshed out. The basic idea is after some time of observing things as they were and being torn between the thought that maybe this was wrong and his dwarven upbringing, he finally snaps and simultaneously assaults a superior and spouts heresy. Given his nature this seems very sudden to the outside observer.

I'll get the rest up when I can, though I figure exactly where he's starting out as of the present in game time depends on exactly what it means to have his sentence commuted to exile (e.g. is it just being stripped of his position and exiled from the Jarl's lands? Exiled from the Marches themselves? Branded as a heretic and generally unable to show his face in public?)

Brodgar Gilthelm wrote:

Zeb here. Got a bit of a backstory writeup here in the profile, but haven't quite got the time to get it completely fleshed out. The basic idea is after some time of observing things as they were and being torn between the thought that maybe this was wrong and his dwarven upbringing, he finally snaps and simultaneously assaults a superior and spouts heresy. Given his nature this seems very sudden to the outside observer.

I'll get the rest up when I can, though I figure exactly where he's starting out as of the present in game time depends on exactly what it means to have his sentence commuted to exile (e.g. is it just being stripped of his position and exiled from the Jarl's lands? Exiled from the Marches themselves? Branded as a heretic and generally unable to show his face in public?)

Being an outcast is pretty serious stuff for a dwarf. Your face is tattooed to allow any dwarf who sees you identify that you are an outcast and the crime for which you were exiled. You are still able to live in the Marches, but may never again enter a dwarven fortress or settlement, under pain of death. Outcast dwarves sometimes congregate in surface settlements. Otherwise they usually join an already established settlement. Gnomes will readily take in outcasts, humans and halflings as well, though they are often more reluctant to do so. Some become bandits, either joining exclusively dwarven bands or mixed groups of outcast dwarves and human outlaws.

TarkXT wrote:
Question would you allow elemental affinity to affect the Flame path of the oracle? It makes sense but I want your thoughts. I might stick ot battle either way.

Forgot about this the first time around. Yes, I can work with that. Seems to stick with the spirit of the racial ability.

Gaius Gracci wrote:

Your wish is my command

** spoiler omitted **... Looks good. I'm liking it. Ok, now I need to ask you to hang tight for a bit while I work out some details. I like the dynamic this character would bring to the campaign, and its got some gears turning in my head. If you want to stat Gaius out and have him on stand-by, that'd be great. In the meantime, if another game catches your fancy, no hard feelings here. I should have my final line-up ready by Monday.

Sure. It may be after Monday as I have a full weekend of work I am trying to avoid.. Hmmm a thought, this background would work just as well for a haunted (playful minor air spirits) Oracle of winds. I am leaning Stormborn but if oracle works better for the background/plot I'm game.

In any case I'll get him statted asap. Look forward to hearing from

I'm still interested. I got caught up with real life here the last couple of days before the holiday weekend. I'll give you a right up tomorrow, if that's ok. If not, and you've alreayd got things finalized, I'll hold the character for another opportunity.

Gaius Gracci wrote:
Your wish is my command
shadowborn wrote:
Looks good. I'm liking it. Ok, now I need to ask you to hang tight for a bit while I work out some details. I like the dynamic this character would bring to the campaign, and its got some gears turning in my head. If you want to stat Gaius out and have him on stand-by, that'd be great. In the meantime, if another game catches your fancy, no hard feelings here. I should have my final line-up ready by Monday.

Sure. It may be after Monday as I have a full weekend of work I am trying to avoid.. Hmmm a thought, this background would work just as well for a haunted (playful minor air spirits) Oracle of winds. I am leaning Stormborn but if oracle works better for the background/plot I'm game.

In any case I'll get him statted asap. Look forward to hearing from you.

Edit: Wow postmonster did a number on this. Reposted to make attribution clear.

Mahorfeus here; I have Stilgar's stats all ready in this profile, only changes I think are needed are the details to his back story.

Daniel Gunther 346 wrote:
I'm still interested. I got caught up with real life here the last couple of days before the holiday weekend. I'll give you a right up tomorrow, if that's ok. If not, and you've alreayd got things finalized, I'll hold the character for another opportunity.

Go ahead and get me that write-up when you can. In the meantime, what alignment were you thinking of? I've already got an angle to get you introduced, but having that info will help.

Poor Wandering One wrote:

Sure. It may be after Monday as I have a full weekend of work I am trying to avoid.. Hmmm a thought, this background would work just as well for a haunted (playful minor air spirits) Oracle of winds. I am leaning Stormborn but if oracle works better for the background/plot I'm game.

In any case I'll get him statted asap. Look forward to hearing from you.

Edit: Wow postmonster did a number on this. Reposted to make attribution clear.

Stick with the stormborn sorcerer. I really like the flavor of that one, and we've already got one oracle, with a possibility of a second.

Don't worry about time. I'm going to have some pre-adventure roleplaying going on to get everyone into the groove of the environs and allow for characters to get to know one another. If people trickle in that won't be a problem. I'll try to keep any major excitement from happening until all PCs are aboard.

Stilgar Fulgrum wrote:
Mahorfeus here; I have Stilgar's stats all ready in this profile, only changes I think are needed are the details to his back story.

Looks good. I'll get some background information set up to fine-tune your background and provide it to you when it's done...probably in the discussion thread.

Shadowborn wrote:
Poor Wandering One wrote:

Sure. It may be after Monday as I have a full weekend of work I am trying to avoid.. Hmmm a thought, this background would work just as well for a haunted (playful minor air spirits) Oracle of winds. I am leaning Stormborn but if oracle works better for the background/plot I'm game.

In any case I'll get him statted asap. Look forward to hearing from you.

Edit: Wow postmonster did a number on this. Reposted to make attribution clear.

Stick with the stormborn sorcerer. I really like the flavor of that one, and we've already got one oracle, with a possibility of a second.

Don't worry about time. I'm going to have some pre-adventure roleplaying going on to get everyone into the groove of the environs and allow for characters to get to know one another. If people trickle in that won't be a problem. I'll try to keep any major excitement from happening until all PCs are aboard.

Cool, thanks. And thanks for reinforcing the Stormborn choice. I like that better as well.

So I've decided to produce two sheets for the character since I have little to no clue what the party will need. One Battle and one Flame. One whose fire is manifested in her passion and fury in battle and the other whose flames are quire literal.

I am sad to see however that my beloved longspear is missing from the simple weapons list for humans. :(

While im thinking about it i'm operating under the assumption that the elemental affinity functions for Tarrana as it does for sorcerers since that seems to be the closest equivalent. Tell me if you think differently.

TarkXT wrote:

So I've decided to produce two sheets for the character since I have little to no clue what the party will need. One Battle and one Flame. One whose fire is manifested in her passion and fury in battle and the other whose flames are quire literal.

I am sad to see however that my beloved longspear is missing from the simple weapons list for humans. :(

While im thinking about it i'm operating under the assumption that the elemental affinity functions for Tarrana as it does for sorcerers since that seems to be the closest equivalent. Tell me if you think differently.

I like fire, personally.

Sorry about the longspear. The dwarves aren't keen on humans running around with weapons of war. Longspear is just another name for pike, and while dwarven cavalry is rare, there's no point in allowing their cavalrymen to be threatened by a phalanx of human rebels.

Okay people, here's me going full gonzo:

Unless something comes up to completely change my mind, I'll be running dual campaign threads. There may be some cross-over times, but I'll try not to let things get crazy or confusing. I don't expect everyone to keep up with two separate threads, so there may be times when I'll write some cut-scene vignettes of the other party's actions in your thread, just to provide some fun flavor. I'll just cut to the chase and do the rest of the recruiting now.

Here's my final character lineup:

Blue Party
Auric Ironwright, male half-elf paladin
Jon Commoner, male human druid
Oroupah, female human oracle (heavens)
Gildin Bazeft, male outcast dwarf alchemist
William Varrus, male halfling bard
[Daniel Gunther] male human monk

Red Party
Stilgar Fulgrum, male dwarf cleric of Baal
Brodgar Gilthelm, male outcast dwarf inquisitor of Baal
Jinjer Majet, female gnome ranger
Gaius Gracci, male half-elf sorcerer
Tarrana, female ifrit oracle (flame)

If martinaj drifts back into the thread with a character, I'll put him into the red party.

If anyone sees any reason to juggle the rosters around, we can always make changes.

Any further posts I make regarding your established characters I'll make over in the discussion thread. Thank you all for joining; this should be fun.

Shadowborn wrote:
Daniel Gunther 346 wrote:
I'm still interested. I got caught up with real life here the last couple of days before the holiday weekend. I'll give you a right up tomorrow, if that's ok. If not, and you've alreayd got things finalized, I'll hold the character for another opportunity.
Go ahead and get me that write-up when you can. In the meantime, what alignment were you thinking of? I've already got an angle to get you introduced, but having that info will help.

I was looking at the monk being LN and a worshipper of Mirri.

Daniel Gunther 346 wrote:
Shadowborn wrote:
Daniel Gunther 346 wrote:
I'm still interested. I got caught up with real life here the last couple of days before the holiday weekend. I'll give you a right up tomorrow, if that's ok. If not, and you've alreayd got things finalized, I'll hold the character for another opportunity.
Go ahead and get me that write-up when you can. In the meantime, what alignment were you thinking of? I've already got an angle to get you introduced, but having that info will help.

I was looking at the monk being LN and a worshipper of Mirri.

LN monk, Mimir worshipper. Got it.

Ok, I believe I'm set.

Oh, this is Daniel Gunther 346

Gendo wrote:
Ok, I believe I'm set.

Looks good mate, you might want to look at a couple things though.

I believe we are starting at 1st level rather than 2nd...

Check your point buy, I only count 18 points for your character. You should have 2 more to spend :)

Just letting you know that Oroupah is still around. It was Easter weekend and I was out of internet range for a bit. Still working on a backgound and description for her. I also haven't fully decided how to stat her up. Hopefully she will be ready for scrutiny tonight.

Some ideas brewing...

She comes from a nomadic family - like gypsies....
She travels widely outdoors. One of her parents or guardians was an accomplished stroryteller or bard.
Perhaps her people were persecuted...

Her religious beliefs are unbounded as the skies...

She does respect the old beliefs of her people, their traditional pantheon and ancient rites. She has a deep interest in cosmology and her place in time and space. Her knowledge skills reflect that.

I think she bears disdain toward Baal - and sees this deity as an insignificant and blasphemous mote of grit in the cosmic order of things - his cult a burden on the spiritual aspirations of her people.

I realize that it may be too late at this point but my friend, who I usually alternate GM duties with, has expressed an interest in joining the campaign. Both groups are fairly full at this point but you have already said that you would be willing to have one additional member in the Red Party. At this point it doesn't look like martinaj will be coming back so I'm wondering if you might be willing to squeeze him in?
He has said that he would be interested in playing either a Druid or a Diviner.
Let me know what you think and I will send him the links and get him a messageboard account set up so he can talk to you in person.

Otm-Shank wrote:
Gendo wrote:
Ok, I believe I'm set.

Looks good mate, you might want to look at a couple things though.

I believe we are starting at 1st level rather than 2nd...

Check your point buy, I only count 18 points for your character. You should have 2 more to spend :)

Yep, 1st level.

Going over the stats, I'm counting 19 (assuming you've already put your +2 for being human on one stat.)

Also, I made some comments on your background in the discussion thread.

Otm-Shank wrote:

** spoiler omitted **

Mm. Let me sleep on it.

Shadowborn wrote:
Otm-Shank wrote:
Gendo wrote:
Ok, I believe I'm set.

Looks good mate, you might want to look at a couple things though.

I believe we are starting at 1st level rather than 2nd...

Check your point buy, I only count 18 points for your character. You should have 2 more to spend :)

Yep, 1st level.

Going over the stats, I'm counting 19 (assuming you've already put your +2 for being human on one stat.)

Also, I made some comments on your background in the discussion thread.

Nope, I still count 18 points...unless you put the racial bonus in something other than Dex or Wis?

Shadowborn wrote:

Otm-Shank wrote:

** spoiler omitted **

Mm. Let me sleep on it.

Thanks a lot, it's really not a big issue, just something to consider.

Shadowborn wrote:
Otm-Shank wrote:

** spoiler omitted **

Mm. Let me sleep on it.

Hey Shadowborn, I'm Otm-shank's friend. He was asking you about letting me join up with your group? I'd just like to know what you've decided and to introduce myself. I've already got a character build statted out for a campaign like this and I just need to draw up an appropriate backstory if you are willing to accept me. Thanks!


Magnu123 wrote:
Shadowborn wrote:
Otm-Shank wrote:

** spoiler omitted **

Mm. Let me sleep on it.

Hey Shadowborn, I'm Otm-shank's friend. He was asking you about letting me join up with your group? I'd just like to know what you've decided and to introduce myself. I've already got a character build statted out for a campaign like this and I just need to draw up an appropriate backstory if you are willing to accept me. Thanks!


Go ahead and give me the character concept. If I like it enough and can get you a good backstory put together, I'll go ahead and add you to the Red group.

Go ahead and give me the character concept. If I like it enough and can get you a good backstory put together, I'll go ahead and add you to the Red group.

I'm sorry but I'm a bit new to this site in particular, here's a couple of sources for what I have so far. I had imagined him as an apprentice merchant to a staunchy dwarf. His main goal in life is to seek out knowledge through people. He has only recently come to apply his mind to the political situation rather than simply accepting the way things are in the name of tradition. I hope this general archetype is broad enough for you to work with while still giving you an idea of where he fits in. Sources below with basic character outline (could run with it as is, but would like some tweaking time. )

I present, Magnus Thunderf00t:

Full Name
Magnus Thunderf00t


Wizard (scryer sub-school) 1




Special Abilities
Low Light vision



Common, Dwarven, Gnome, Sylvan, undercommon


Strength 9
Dexterity 14
Constitution 14
Intelligence 15
Wisdom 12
Charisma 16
About Magnus Thunderf00t

Gnome Magic (1/day dancing lights, ghost sound(DC 14), prestidigitation, speak with animals)
Eternal Hope-(+2vs fear and despair, reroll a 1 on d20 1/day)
(Feat)-Groundling- (Speak with aniamls at will, but only burrowing creatures)
Send Senses 5/day (clairaudience/clairvoyance at medium range for 1rnd/2lvls(min 1)
Forewarned (always act in the surprise round, +1 to init/2lvls(min 1)

Spells- (concentration+3)
1st-(2/day) Comprehend Languages, Color Spray (DC14)
0st- (3/day) Detect Magic, Read Magic, message
Spellbook-(arcane school-Divination "scryer" opposition schools-necromancy, conjuration)
1st-(5)-Comprehend Languages, Color Spray, Feather Fall, shield, identify

Craft(scrolls)8 (1 rank, 2 INT, 3 class, 2 racial)
Diplomacy 8 (1 rank, 3 CHA, 3 class, 1 trait)
K(arcana) 6 (1 rank, 2 INT, 3 class)
Perception 4 (1 rank, 1 WIS, 2 racial)
Spellcraft 6 (1 rank, 2 INT, 3 class)

Initiative 5 (+2dex, +2 trait, +1class)
HP 8(max)
AC 14 tch 14 ff 11 (+2 dex +1 size, +1 dodge)
Armor Check penalty 0
BAB 0 CMB -3 CMD 9
heavy crossbow +3(d10)
quarterstaff -1 (d6/d6)
Fortitude 2
Reflex 2
Will 3 (+2 vs illusions, fear and despair effects)

backpack 2lbs-2gp
trail rations (2) 2 lbs 1gp
parchment sheet(5) 1gp
1oz. ink- 8gp
inkpen 1sp
heavy crossbow-lbs-35gp
crossbow bolts (10)-1lb-1gp
21gp 9sp cash

Scribe Scroll
Reactionary, Ease of Faith

Magnus Thunderf00t wrote:

I'm sorry but I'm a bit new to this site in particular, here's a couple of sources for what I have so far. I had imagined him as an apprentice merchant to a staunchy dwarf. His main goal in life is to seek out knowledge through people. He has only recently come to apply his mind to the political situation rather than simply accepting the way things are in the name of tradition. I hope this general archetype is broad enough for you to work with while still giving you an idea of where he fits in. Sources below with basic character outline (could run with it as is, but would like some tweaking time. )

Okay, I can work with this. Here's a few critiques and some background information that would work with this build:

First off, weapons: Since he's a character of small size, he'll be limited to using the light crossbow. The staff will essentially be a club for purposes of attack and damage, rather than a double weapon.

Since he's a diviner, he'd likely be apprenticed to another Seer, this could be a dwarf or perhaps the Seer of the local village, Dunshale, in which case he'll be apprenticed to an elderly human, who is training him to succeed him as the village Seer. Normally, a seer is a highly thought of member of the community, using their powers to help find lost items and people, or to forewarn the settlement of impending danger.

As far as getting him integrated into the party, he'll likely have a relationship with one or more of the dwarves, and possibly Jinjer, as she is a fellow gnome.

Shadowborn wrote:
Magnus Thunderf00t wrote:

I'm sorry but I'm a bit new to this site in particular, here's a couple of sources for what I have so far. I had imagined him as an apprentice merchant to a staunchy dwarf. His main goal in life is to seek out knowledge through people. He has only recently come to apply his mind to the political situation rather than simply accepting the way things are in the name of tradition. I hope this general archetype is broad enough for you to work with while still giving you an idea of where he fits in. Sources below with basic character outline (could run with it as is, but would like some tweaking time. )

Okay, I can work with this. Here's a few critiques and some background information that would work with this build:

** spoiler omitted **

Excellent stuff! that's exactly what I had in mind. I'll make the weapon adjustments as per your rules. I look forward to this!

Magnus' Backstory, pending approval, also my attempts to figure out technology!

Magnus Thunderf00t was born into a decent family and moved away to study as a Seer with an experienced Dwarf. He has always had a nose for business and a heart for people. So he naturally fell to a position of offering his services to those who need it, and selling scrolls was a good way to do that. After only a short time at his new location, he began to realize the situation that had always been around him. He observed a (for lack of a better word) "humanity" amongst the humans and halflings that he had been taught to ignore from an early age. Now he has made it his mission to understand how such an obvious problem of inequality has escaped the notice of those in authority over him. He does not feel particular allegiance to his instructors or to society as a whole. He believes that knowledge is his guide and his goal. He seeks out new understanding in all things that he does. Never one to act rashly, he is a planner, and perhaps just a bit paranoid. He has taken a pilgrimage of sorts and has been led to this place after spending any money he may have made in his past from selling scrolls.

Comments? Questions? Suggestions? Complete overhauls?

Magnus Thunderf00t wrote:

Magnus' Backstory, pending approval, also my attempts to figure out technology!

** spoiler omitted **

Comments? Questions? Suggestions? Complete overhauls?

That'll work. We'll say your dwarf instructor found it necessary to suspend his training of you, so you've decided to stay on with the Seer in Dunshale for a time. Since you're his second apprentice, he'll have no problem loaning you out to the party.

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