TwoWolves |

Hello all! I need some help picking some future feats for my PFS character. First I'll summarize his stats, then explain the dilemma.
Human (ulfen) male Fighter 1/Bard 2 (no archetypes)
Feats: Weapon Focus: Battleaxe, Power Attack, Cleave, Arcane Strike
1st: Expeditious Retreat, Cause Fear, Comprehend Languages
As you can probably tell, he was meant to be a skirmisher/skald northman. His 4th level ability bump will be in Str, and his 2nd level spells will include Heroism (perpetual self-buff, along with Expeditious Retreat and Feather Step) and eventually Versatile Weapon, Gallant Inspiration and Alter Self.
I had originally designed him to be an Intimidation machine, stacking the Shaken effect with Cause Fear/Scare/Fear/Dirge of Doom (yes, I know DoD isn't supposed to stack, it was worded oddly). Now that Intimidate/Demoralize doesn't stack with anything, not just itself, my plan is derailed somewhat. I was going to pick up Dazzling Display at 5th level, but now I'm not sure it's worth it. He does have the Taldan trait that lets him instill a non-Intimidate Shaken effect for 1 round, but that takes a full round action, lasts only 1 round, and is usable only 1/day.
Right now, the short list of feats include Hamatula Strike (free Intimidate/Demoralize when Power Attacking), Vital Strike, Bloody Assault, and ?? I don't qualify for those until 7th/9th level, and those with a BAB requirement of +6 will have to be my last two options, so what do I take at 5th level? Should I just wait on Ultimate Magic/Ultimate Combat and then reevaluate my options? He's going to hit 4th level next month, but I won't play him again until GenCon in August, so waiting is a viable option.
What say you all?

Phneri |
1 infuriating option if you fight a lot of humanoids with weapons:
Improved sunder, smasher rage power. You will break pretty much every weapon you find. Rage means your CMB is pretty rad and maneuvers are good.
If you have the option I'd really consider a rebuild with the arcane duelist bard instead of the skald. Free arcane strike, lots of good irritating feats, free weapon echantment, and none of your other options are impacted.

thepuregamer |
well if you can suffer 1 lvl of rogue, then you can take the thug archetype and actually use intimidate to frighten your demoralized targets.
This ability replaces trapfinding.
That would require no rebuild.
Sadly 2 lvls of bard are likely worthless to that build unless you want to become a buffer/ debuffer. You could restart your bard lvls after that 1 rogue lvl and alternate dazzling displays(making everyone run away for a round) and bardic song when you want to.

TwoWolves |

In order to get those 4 rounds of shaken, you have to beat the DC by 15 points! While not impossible..... nah.
And the whole point of this guy is being a melee/skirmisher self-buffing bard. I'm not keen on filling out the remaining 9 levels of his career with fighter and rogue levels.
I'm not so much trying to save the Intimidate/Demoralize aspect, but trying to pick feats that will mesh well with what I already have. I appreciate the feedback however.

thepuregamer |
In order to get those 4 rounds of shaken, you have to beat the DC by 15 points! While not impossible..... nah.
And the whole point of this guy is being a melee/skirmisher self-buffing bard. I'm not keen on filling out the remaining 9 levels of his career with fighter and rogue levels.
I'm not so much trying to save the Intimidate/Demoralize aspect, but trying to pick feats that will mesh well with what I already have. I appreciate the feedback however.
Well just to correct you, you only need to beat the intimidate dc by 10 points. Frightening increases the duration of shaken by 1 automatically and then beating it by 10 increases it by 2 more(you then swap 4 rounds of shaken for 1 round frightened).
Also, the reason I mentioned it was because you already mentioned intimidation and fear stacking in your build and the need to salvage it for pathfinder society.
You would only need to take 1 lvl of rogue thug. Then you could do anything you wanted as long as you raised your ranks in intimidate. Like I said, you could go back to taking bard if you so desired. Or you could go anti-paladin and ensure your intimidates always works.
This seemed to allow you to deviate as little as possible from your original plan since you already mentioned wanting to take dazzling display at lvl 5.

![]() |

Shisumo wrote:thepuregamer wrote:Or you could go anti-paladinNot in PFS he can't.Wow, I knew there was a reason I avoided PFS. Too many restrictions.
Is it that you can't play evil characters? What is the reason?
PFS also allows players to play in all sorts of places, 4 hours at a time. I also don't have to worry about bad DMs setting up ridiculous house rules or not knowing the rules at all, and using the DM shield as an excuse.

thepuregamer |
thepuregamer wrote:PFS also allows players to play in all sorts of places, 4 hours at a time. I also don't have to worry about bad DMs setting up ridiculous house rules or not knowing the rules at all, and using the DM shield as an excuse.Shisumo wrote:thepuregamer wrote:Or you could go anti-paladinNot in PFS he can't.Wow, I knew there was a reason I avoided PFS. Too many restrictions.
Is it that you can't play evil characters? What is the reason?
I can understand what you are saying. With PFS you do not need to worry about about whether or not a DM is going to set up ridiculous house rules because you will know ahead of time that there are already going to be ridiculous house rules and RP limitations.
Though their rulings are likely just to make it easier to have a uniform experience I still prefer the alternative(which is flexibility and homemade campaigns)

Kyle Baird |

The pros and cons of organized play notwithstanding, I play because A) it gives me something to play at conventions and B) since I DM our group's home game, it's the only time I get to play and not DM.
So, about those feats...
I do want to say that I very much enjoyed your build at Gen Con. Scaring the crap out of the heavy armor wearing, tower shield wielding half-orc NPC was priceless.
In a case like this, I would look at using an eraser and changing your bard (no archtype) to bard (arcane duelist). Final build would be fighter 2/bard 10. You're essentially an eldritch knight, but a bard instead of a sor/wiz. BAB 9, decent hp, able to wear mithral full plate with no arcane spell failure...

TwoWolves |

I do want to say that I very much enjoyed your build at Gen Con. Scaring the crap out of the heavy armor wearing, tower shield wielding half-orc NPC was priceless.
Scaring the crap out of her TWICE. =)
Thank you very much! High praise indeed. I likewise very much enjoyed your DMing skills. My only regret is getting my buddy killed with piss-poor advice. But hey, my character has an 8 Int, he should have known better than to listen to me.
In a case like this, I would look at using an eraser and changing your bard (no archtype) to bard (arcane duelist). Final build would be fighter 2/bard 10. You're essentially an eldritch knight, but a bard instead of a sor/wiz. BAB 9, decent hp, able to wear mithral full plate with no arcane spell failure...
Even if I did pick up the archtype, I'd still be stuck pondering what feats to take LoL! Eventually he'll have Herosim, Haste, Gallant Inspiration, Freedom of Movement, Good Hope, Fear, and maybe Shout (I know, it sucks, but it's thematic) or those two spells from the APG whose names I can't recall just now (Thundering Drums? and Discordant Blast?). The vast majority of his spells will be self/party buffs, with very little requiring saves from opponents (so no Spell Focus) or would be cast in combat (so no Combat Casting).
Toughness? Hamatula Smash? Vital Strike? Dazzling Display?

Kyle Baird |

Toughness? Hamatula Smash? Vital Strike? Dazzling Display?
Think Eldritch Knight for feats. Combat Casting, Disruptive, and Spellbreaker come for free from from Arcane Duelist. Step Up would work well here, since it'll keep you in a caster's face.
Intimidating Prowess would work well for mostly outside of combat when you need to extract information or complete some faction missions (and fits well with an Ulfen character)

jocundthejolly |

2 cents from one of those old dudes who thinks more about character concepts than numbers:
I would assign a high ability score to INT, if you can. The real-world analog I am thinking of is the Beowulf poet, or someone like him. He is a bad dude who has been around violence and battle, but at the same time he is a savvy scop, a compiler but also a creator (scop means maker or creator). He not only has a great memory, which he uses to absorb songs and tales for his audience in the mead-hall, but he can fashion his own great poetry (much of which goes over the heads of his listeners, but he is clever enough to create great art which is also great entertainment).

TwoWolves |

No archtype because the character predates the APG by about 6 months.
The most I am willing to take in a non-bard class is 2, and one of those already is Fighter 1, so I doubt a 1 level dip in barbarian is worth much.
The DC to Intimidate someone is pretty easy (10 + HD + Wis mod), so even without Intimidating Prowess/Skill Focus he'll have Lvl + 7 (+3 Class Skill + Chr mod (currently 2) +2 (Masterwork Intimidate mask from one scenario). Using a feat to add 3-6 more might be useful, but with Gallant Inspiration/Heroism, he shouldn't need it much. Maybe if Demoralize didn't stack and I just had to ensure a long duration for the Shaken condition.
So Kyle, you suggest more of an anti-caster role than a high mobility skirmisher role? I had thought about that, especially with Expeditious Retreat/self-targeted Silence. Thought about Lunge for the Lunge + (Great)Cleave schtick. What about Hamatula Smash/Dazzling Display? Obviously better than, say Toughness or Extra/Lingering performance?