Guns, Armor, and Women

Gunslinger Discussion: Round 2

ok maybe not the last one but it got your attention
soo been reading the stuff on guns and the whole ignoreing armor within so many feet. soo heres my idea how to work them.
Have armor hardness apply as DR for bullets instead of adding to ac. only problem i see here is fullplate (and reinforced steel armoers) will kill gun damage. still it should fit if you think about it steel plates would slow down the little lead ball as its trying to shred your soft humany skin. leather would do next to nothing but still shave off a point or 2.

hmm alternativly you could have the AC bonus work as DR aginst guns instead then dragons nat armor would be a b*#!& to penetrate. then give the gun figther the feats to help (penetrating shot or something) or maybe Armor peirceing ammo cut hardness in half or reduce it by a certain amount. so it would be like thouch attack then the heavy armor softens the blow like how bullet proof vests work. seems realistic at least. you could also add an ability to hit regular AC and call it something like "shoot at the squishy part". for when you aim at the dragons eye or soft underbelly where that one scale is missing.

alternativly you could bump up weapon damage for guns so theyd be able to peirce armor better course that means unarmored folks gonna get tore up so better hope that ac is up there^^

Forum monster ate my post. This is the annoyed second draft.

vidmaster wrote:

ok maybe not the last one but it got your attention

soo been reading the stuff on guns and the whole ignoreing armor within so many feet. soo heres my idea how to work them.
Have armor hardness apply as DR for bullets instead of adding to ac. only problem i see here is fullplate (and reinforced steel armoers) will kill gun damage. still it should fit if you think about it steel plates would slow down the little lead ball as its trying to shred your soft humany skin. leather would do next to nothing but still shave off a point or 2.

Using that reasoning, Armor is DR against essentially all attacks. The whole point with giving guns the touch attack was to make them suck less than crossbows.

I am going to assume that you mean give the Armor's AC bonus as DR against firearms. If you indeed mean its hardness, then fullplate would be a DR 10 armor, as it is steel.

vidmaster wrote:

hmm alternativly you could have the AC bonus work as DR aginst guns instead then dragons nat armor would be a b#!!+ to penetrate. then give the gun figther the feats to help (penetrating shot or something) or maybe Armor peirceing ammo cut hardness in half or reduce it by a certain amount. so it would be like thouch attack then the heavy armor softens the blow like how bullet proof vests work. seems realistic at least. you could also add an ability to hit regular AC and call it something like "shoot at the squishy part". for when you aim at the dragons eye or soft underbelly where that one scale is missing.

Well, that dragon natural armor number goes up a little stronger than the gunslinger's damage. Sure the gunslinger has some tricks, but at a certain point dragons will just be immune to the gunslinger as they will be unable to deal any kind of real damage. Think instead "Does a bow using fighter have this problem?"

Making the gunslinger take a feat to attack normal AC is actually pointing to crossbows being better than guns against high armor foes.

vidmaster wrote:

alternativly you could bump up weapon damage for guns so theyd be able to peirce armor better course that means unarmored folks gonna get tore up so better hope that ac is up there^^

Armor is a function of AC. Damage has nothing to do with armor directly in the rules. Higher damage, by how much?

well then why have the thouch AC at all? obviously if your going to shoot at someone your going to have to go through their fullplate
and let me expalin it a bit better

instead of having guns go for thouch attack (which as you suggested doesn't work since ac is armor and implying thouch means your just trying to hit the armor.) your trying to hit the perosn in it calling it a thouch attack implys its ignoreing armor of all types dragon plate etc. at least if it gives some type of DR its counting for something after all THICK plates did stop bullets you just couldn't really move that well in them. and thats why i was suggesting armor peiceing feats and ammo to help with the bigger armored drs or allow (assuming its gonna be a thouch attack) to choose to make a regular roll aginst ac to do it the old fashioned way if you want to have bullets be thouch.

The_Normal_Anomaly wrote:
Everything important

Anomaly is right. This is a game design decision built to make the gun a feasible choice in combat. Every ranged weapon at its core is in competition as a viable option. The strongest competitor is the composite bows which have excellent range and strength to damage. To allow crossbows to compete, the APG allows crossbows to use intelligence and dexterity to damage. It is still sometimes seen as an inferior weapon because of feat tax, the inability to use manyshot, and the high level of specialization to achieve optimization.

If you want to make a class built around a new weapon that weapon has to be a desirable choice. Now, unless a gun starts scaling damage like an alchemists bombs, the compound bows will always be better. The touch attack mechanic makes a gun a very attractive weapon without breaking the game. Sure a bullet is no disintegrate, but at some level they will be compared, and the gun is not gonna come up looking like the best option.

Concerning historical and physical accuracy:
Stop! This is a game. Things aren't going to be perfectly accurate. As long as the mechanic is fun and attractive, then be happy with it. Stop comparing things to history. Historically, the firearm was a worse weapon than the bow until the 1800s when the process of boring created the most primitive form of what we now call snipers. Firearms overcame bows in terms of use because they were cheap and easy to use. Bullets are made of cheaper metal and are quicker to manufacture then arrows, that is real history. Also, gun wounds required surgery to extract making more grievous injuries. Finally, bows were useless in wet setting since water would damage a bow and string where a rusty barrel still fired a bullet.

Just enjoy the game.

oh and in your gun history i think your forgetting the LOUD BANG noice that makes people freak out and run there fore its easier to shoot to kill if its predator prey instead of predator predator.
i don't care if its historically accurate really.
just seems like a ray gun or disentegrator gun if its just trying to thouch you. i would just up the damage of the guns slightly old timer bullets where devestating when they hit what with the spinning decent size ball of lead going through you.

besides its called brainstorming i don't mind someone punching holes in my idea it kind of leaves room for improvement.

i hate when people complain about a mechanic they never playtested and then propose nerfs to it.

there is already precedence for weapons that target touch AC. only we forget that they are weapons.

spells are one of these weapons

alchemical items are another

various 3.5 abilities qualified too.

and some of these cost no resources, but others cost a bit of gold, or drained from a renewable resource.

yes but they call it thouch ac cause your just trying to thouch someone with it you just need an alchemical bomb to blow-up close enough to the target and if a lighting bolt hits you its gonna hurt no matter what armor you wearing. a gun is more comparable to a crossbow then a gernade (like alchemical bombs) or a lighting bolt. im not saying nerf it im just saying find a way for it to work i mean at some point guns replaced bows arrows and crossbows must be reasons for it. the armor thing is legit for most armor and some guns. but your also talking thouch ac for dragon scales and adamantine plate. you don't want the bullet just to thouch you want it to penetrate! i was just tinkering with other ways to represent this. SO try to be more consturcive then i hate this and i hate that i didn't say i wanted anything nerfed :P

i did more than just express dislike.

i offered words of precedence for such things. whether we accept it or not.

before you say the bullet ignores the dragons scales.

it only does so in the first range increment.

a maximum of 20-40 feet depending on weapon.

a gunslinger who is making touch attacks with his gun is also provoking attacks of oppurtunity from every monster who threatens him.

not just that, but just like arrows, bullets can be both deflected and wind walled. and any dragon can use wind wall. the pre written spell lists are not set in stone. they are merely examples.

a dragon can be over 100 feet above the gunslinger and still hit him with his breath weapon at no loss to accuracy. the gunslinger takes a major accuracy hit at this range. in between the cooldown, the dragon can drop fireballs and lightning bolts, or flyby grapple and swallow the gunslinger whole. draconic bile does a lot of damage. and guns aren't light weapons. meaning the poor gunslinger cannot use them. dragons are not meant to go toe to toe with a party of adventurers. they are meant to be played like Sun-Tzu, divide and conquer. and certain dragons may have breath weapons or spells that may cause all that powder to explode. which harms the party even worse.

dumbing down the effects of fire and downplaying monster tactics is basically coddling a gunslinger. a smart gunslinger will look for ways to fireproof his powder. any dragon can learn fireball too. and most of them do.

at first, i thought of making the game easier for the new generation, but key members of my saturday group tend to worry about the weaknesses of thier characters, because they know they will be exploited. and excuses aren't allowed. a variant of the L5R 20 questions are brought in, and your background is used for both good and ill. for example if you have a sickly younger sister whom is emotionally dependant on you, expect her, not immediately, but eventually, to mentally crack should you go too long without tucking her into bed. if you perform sufficient support to this npc, she may eventually grow to become a connection or even a free cohort.

vidmaster wrote:
yes but they call it thouch ac cause your just trying to thouch someone with it you just need an alchemical bomb to blow-up close enough to the target and if a lighting bolt hits you its gonna hurt no matter what armor you wearing. a gun is more comparable to a crossbow then a gernade (like alchemical bombs) or a lighting bolt. im not saying nerf it im just saying find a way for it to work i mean at some point guns replaced bows arrows and crossbows must be reasons for it. the armor thing is legit for most armor and some guns. but your also talking thouch ac for dragon scales and adamantine plate. you don't want the bullet just to thouch you want it to penetrate! i was just tinkering with other ways to represent this. SO try to be more consturcive then i hate this and i hate that i didn't say i wanted anything nerfed :P

The reason is called the gatling gun and revolver (actually the first gun to carry multiple shots was a rifle if I am not mistaken). From a less technologically advanced point of view, guns are cheaper and easier. If you want them to be comparable to a crossbow than make them a simple weapon. The damage of a gun is already hire than a crossbow, so it already has a viable place in the game. As for mechanics, I'm not saying you can't go for what you want, but recognize that guns are being given a unique mechanic. Whether that mechanic makes sense, well compare that to all the other weapons. Why do guns consider armor as damage reduction and not all other missile weapons? The touch AC is simply the most efficient mechanic to make a weapon feel penetrating. The are more complicated systems, but Pathfinder tries to stay away from complication and use already integrated mechanics (touch AC).

hmm how about just ignore a certain amount of Armor per bullet like shave 5-10 off armored ac (to complicated i know its unique) im not completly aginst the thouch ac thing but it just seems like its not perfect

Pathfinder Lost Omens, Rulebook, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber
Ultimate Combat Playtest Round 2 wrote:
The following is a preview of the firearm rules that appear in both The Inner Sea World Guide and Ultimate Combat, including a slight revision to the Rapid Reload feat that takes into account the firearm rules. While the gunslinger utilizes these rules, the following are only included in the playtest so that you can play the gunslinger. The rules on this page are final and not open for the playtest.

For better or worse, it is what it is. The playtest is about the gunslinger, not the guns. The Inner Sea World Guide has been out for a month, the rules are legal for society play, barring a very unlikely errata, the firearms rules are set in stone.

vidmaster wrote:
hmm how about just ignore a certain amount of Armor per bullet like shave 5-10 off armored ac (to complicated i know its unique) im not completly aginst the thouch ac thing but it just seems like its not perfect

Sure if that is what you want, but your still basically using touch attack until the highest of levels...

wasn't aware it was set in stone already

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