Bullette Point |
Since today is the last day of the 2nd round of the Gunslinger playtest, I present my take on the class.
Hit Dice: D10
Class Skills: Same
Skill Ranks per level: 4 + Int Modifier (I feel as thought the class should be able to perform as many 'deeds' and antics off the combat grid as on it. The original 2 + Int Modifier just did not seem to give that flexibility)
Weapons and Armor Proficiency: Same
BAB: as Rogue, Bard, etc.
Saves: Good (Fort, Reflex); Bad (Will)
1 / Gunsmith, Grit, Deeds
2 / Deed
3 / Utility Shots
4 / Deed
5 / Gun Focus
6 / Deed
7 / Determination
8 / Deed
9 / Gun Focus 2
10 / Advanced Deeds, Deed
11 / Determination
12 / Deed
13 / Gun Focus 3
14 / Deed
15 / Determination
16 / Deed
17 / Alternative Gun Focus
18 / Deed
19 / Determination
20 / True Grit, Deed
Gunsmith: Same
Grit: 3 + Wis Modifier at first level but no Extra Grit feat. At 10th level and 20th level, the Gunslinger gains an extra 1 + wis modifier to her grit. Recovering grit is the same as in the pdf and with an emphasis on daring acts restoring grit.
Deeds: I believe that deeds should be based on a system similar to rogue feats. The reason is to allow as much flexibility to someone making a gunslinger as possible. Pathfinder is a great system because of the flexibility it offers to players when playing any class and opening up deeds can really help the class for players looking to craft that musketeer, line infantry, grenadier, buccaneer, etc.
At first level, a gunslinger gains the following deeds: Deadeye, Gunslinger's Dodge, Quick Clear, and Hardiness. The first three as the same as in the pdf. Hardiness functions as Endure Elements with a caster level equal to the Gunslinger's and with a grit cost of 1.
Deft Shootist: as pdf
Leaping Shot: as pdf but only requires lvl6
No Name: as pdf but only requires lvl4
Secret Stash: as pdf
Ricochet Shot: as pdf but does not require Bling Fight
Pistol Whip: as pdf
Dead Shot: as pdf and only requires lvl8
Trick Shot: as the Archer's ability from the APG and requires 1 grit point
Evasion: requires a grit point in the pool
Uncanny Dodge: requires a grit point in the pool
Explosive Stash: As a full round action, the gunslinger may ready and throw a splash weapon. This requires 1 grit point.
Bounty: as a Ranger's favored enemy. Requires 1 grit point and lasts 24 hours.
Combat Deed: When a gunslinger chooses this deed, she chooses a number of combat feats up to her Int modifier (minimum 1). As a swift action, the gunslinger may pay 1 grit point and recieve the benefit of one of the feats for 1 minute per Gunslinger level. The gunslinger must meet all requires for the feat. This deed can be chosen multiple times and cannot be chosen for Signature Deed or True Grit.
Charmer: as the rogue talent from APG
Keen Senses: As long as the gunslinger has a grit point, she gains the benefit of the spell.
Close Quarters: As long as the gunslinger has a grit point, she may use this ability. As a full-round action, the gunslinger may attack with a one handed melee weapon using her BAB and then can make a ranged attacked with a one handed firearm. This ranged attack does provoke an attack of opportunity unless the gunslinger possess other deeds or spends 1 grit point.
Alternative Use: The gunslinger can use her pistol, blunderbuss, or musket as a martial weapon. The pistol and blunderbuss count as Light maces and the musket counts as a great club.
Bayonet Training: Allows the addition of a bayonet to a musket, changing the weapon to spear with all the usual benefits (set defense, etc.). The gunslinger, as an immediate action, can spend 1 grit point to attached or detach the bayonet.
Gunslinger's Skill: When a gunslinger chooses this deed, she chooses 2 skills. As long as the gunslinger has a grit point, she can make a skill check untrained and adds her Wis modifier to the roll.
Natural Cunning: When a gunslinger chooses this deed, she chooses a number of class skills equal to her Wis Modifier. When the gunslinger 'takes 10' on one of the choosen skills, she may spend 1 grit point to take a number equal to her Wis Score instead of the 10.
Utility Shots: as pdf.
Gun Focus: When the gunslinger reaches level 5, the gunslinger begins to develop an aptitude for one type of firearm (pistol, musket, or blunderbuss). This aptitude provides a bonus when using the associated type of firearm as the gunslinger grows in level.
First, the gunslinger adds her Dex Modifier to the damage rolls with the associated firearm type. Secondly, the type of firearm will add an additional bonus, based on the type and level of the gunslinger:
At level 9, the gunslinger may add one of the qualities to one of her pistols: keen, lucky, or reliable. This quality does not stack with other qualities of the gun. In addition, the gunslinger may spend 1 grit point to act in the surprise round, even if she failed to notice foes. The gunslinger counts as flat-footed during this round.
At level 13, the gunslinger may add one of the following qualities to one of her pistols: greater luck, steadfast, or wounding.
Dragon's Breath
When a gunslinger fires a Dragon's Breath round from a firearm with the Scatter quality, she adds an additional 1d4 fire damage to every target hit by the cone. Regardless of the result, the firearm is considered broken. Cost: 30g
At lvl 9, the gunslinger can create more larger calibur bullets and more explosive powder for use with the dragon pistol or blunderbuss. This allows the gunslinger to add her Str modifier to the damage roll with the blunderbuss.
At level 13, I do not know just yet. I have not had enough encounters with the weapon to go this far.
At level 9, the gunslinger adds 10 feet to the range of the musket. In addition, as long as the gunslinger has a grit point, increase the damage of the musket by one step.
At level 13, the gunslinger may spend 1 grit point, as a swift action, to ignore up to five points of damage reduction on a creature hit by a ranged attack with a musket. This effect lasts a number of rounds equal to the gunslinger's Wis modifier.
Alternative Gun Focus: At lvl 17, the gunslinger gains the level 5 Gun Focus of a different type of firearm.
Determination: At level 7, the gunslinger chooses one of the following conditions: blinded, cowering, entangled, fascinated, frighened, shaken, sickened, or stunned. The gunslinger reduces all negative modifiers of the condition by 1 (minimum 1). At level 11, 15, and 19, the gunslinger chooses a different condition.
In addition, the gunslinger may spend 1 grit point to negate the effects of fear, exhaustion, or fatigue for 1 round. This grit is spent at the beginning of the round.
Advanced Deeds: The gunslinger adds more deeds to the list of available deeds.
Signature Deed: as pdf
Stunning Shot: as pdf
Expert Loading: as pdf
Menacing Shot: as pdf
Slinger's Luck: as pdf but only 1 grit point for both costs
Improved uncanny Dodge: requires Uncanny Dodge
Improved Evasion: requires Evasion
Targeting: as pdf but head shot causes blinded for 1 round instead of confusion
Cheat Dead: as pdf
Death's shot: as pdf but requires level 18
Gunslinger's Mobility: as long as the gunslinger has a grit point, she may make a second 5 foot step every turn. The gunslinger has use this extra 5 foot step a number of times a day equal to her Wis Modifier.
Withdrawing Surprise: Once per day, the gunslinger may spend a grit point when she uses a withdrawl action. After the movement, the gunslinger may fire one of her firearms with a -2 penalty.
True Grit: as pdf.
New Feat: Extra Deed.
Why 'she'? I'm just going by the awsome picture that's availible in the pdf. Well, and the gunslinger I've been testing with is a Changling (the one from Carrion Crown). :D