Walking away from the table

Pathfinder Society

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Liberty's Edge

Here is the thing.

You built the build to exploit a loop hole.

That loop hole got closed.

That is what happened.

I applaud Paizo for closing loopholes.

That may upset people try to exploit loopholes in the game.

I prefer those people not try to play in society games, and go homebrew to their munchkin hearts content.

The Exchange 5/5 RPG Superstar 2010 Top 16

Ciretose, I can't agree.

What you call "a loophole", most people are calling "a feature". Say I build a character with Feats and items that combine to make his attacks likely to threaten and confirm criticals, and do serious damage on a critical hit. Is that a loophole?

Or my character is a summoner with an eidolon who's good at grappling. Is that a loophole?

Liberty's Edge 5/5

The difference though, is a difference of optimizing your character along a certain theme or concept so that you are the absolute best trip fighter or heal cleric or whatever and being extremely suboptimal for your particular concept or theme so you can exploit a “feature/loophole” at a later level.

There’s a line here somewhere and a ton of shades of gray. Personally, and anyone can choose any way they like, I choose to draw the line right between these two and basically say one is just optimizing, and the other is exploitation. Should it be punished? Not sure I’d go that far. I mean if it is there to be exploited, then it’s there to be exploited. But if suboptimal choices are being made front-end so that a power surge can happen later on that is beyond what typical leveling can accomplish, AND also counteracts the suboptimization.

If the 7 charisma never matters or hinders you with your animal companion because of an exploited loophole, then that is exploiting a loophole, not just optimization.

Shadow Lodge 2/5

james maissen wrote:
0gre wrote:

I have absolutely ZERO worries about my characters getting nerfed by the proverbial lines in the sand getting moved because I don't play near the lines.

I wonder: where exactly are those lines?

Care to give an example of your PCs that have ZERO worries of rule changes? If possible your higher level PCs?

Right now my highest level character is a 7th level alchemist. I also have a 5th level summoner and a 4th level alchemist.

Because it seems to me that as your PC levels that they specialize by in large. With this specialization comes the danger that changes to this specialization will dramatically effect your character.

So how could they drastically affect the ability of a middle of the field archer (Point Blank Shot, Rapid Shot, Precise Shot, Many Shot, Deadly Aim, Improved Precise, etc, etc) without picking up the goalposts and moving the whole field?

Liberty's Edge 4/5 5/55/5 **

Pathfinder Battles Case Subscriber; Pathfinder Maps, Pathfinder Accessories Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Charter Superscriber; Starfinder Charter Superscriber
Thea Peters wrote:
ThornDJL7 wrote:
Dragnmoon wrote:
Did I get into an argument with anyone in this thread? If so Can I win yet?..;)
I think you got in an "argument" with Thea earlier. I think she's already claimed victory though.
too true~!!!!!!!!

Foiled Again!!! I will get you Thea! I will get you!...

The Exchange 5/5

Dragnmoon wrote:
Thea Peters wrote:
ThornDJL7 wrote:
Dragnmoon wrote:
Did I get into an argument with anyone in this thread? If so Can I win yet?..;)
I think you got in an "argument" with Thea earlier. I think she's already claimed victory though.
too true~!!!!!!!!
Foiled Again!!! I will get you Thea! I will get you!...


Front of Scotty's

Bring your second --

*throws down a guantlet.. mainly cause it's heavy*

Liberty's Edge 4/5 5/55/5 **

Pathfinder Battles Case Subscriber; Pathfinder Maps, Pathfinder Accessories Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Charter Superscriber; Starfinder Charter Superscriber
Thea Peters wrote:


Front of Scotty's

Bring your second --

*throws down a guantlet.. mainly cause it's heavy*

That should be easy, with you chained up next to a pee bucket... MUAHAHAHAHAA...*Cough, cough, cough*

The Exchange 5/5

Dragnmoon wrote:
Thea Peters wrote:


Front of Scotty's

Bring your second --

*throws down a guantlet.. mainly cause it's heavy*

That should be easy, with you chained up next to a pee bucket... MUAHAHAHAHAA...*Cough, cough, cough*

I'll get lose .. my piddle walker will grow lax eventually and I'll get loose .. and then I'll gnaw on your ankle.

1/5 **

Hyrum Savage wrote:

And like we posted a few days ago, anything you read on the boards from us is either a clarification or a hint at the direction things are moving rules-wise. No ruling is official until it's either in the Guide to PFS or a FAQ.


Not sure when this changed, but...BRAVO. Welcome back from the dark side. ;)

hogarth wrote:

james maissen wrote:
I wonder: where exactly are those lines?
Well, some lines are pretty clear to me. For instance, it was clear to me that the 3,000 gp metamagic rod of Persistent Spell was mispriced in the APG. I steered well away from that one, no matter how tempting!

You miss my point.

Not that you can't realize a few places where changes may occur, but rather being assured that you are away from ALL such things as was claimed.

Would you be leery of a metamagic rod of lesser silence for 3,000gp? It's been that way since Tome & Blood. Yet that could get changed in a sweep of metamagic rod pricing 'fixes' or the like... perhaps instigated by the other metamagic rod you mention even.

I've seen people develop this duck and cover mentality when it came to their character design. They never seemed all that quite happy with their results.. more based upon what not to lose than upon what they could do.


james maissen wrote:
Would you be leery of a metamagic rod of lesser silence for 3,000gp?

Not at all, because the metamagic rods for all +1 metamagics cost 3,000 gp (aside from the typo in the APG that switched the price of Bouncing Spell and Persistent Spell).

hogarth wrote:
james maissen wrote:
Would you be leery of a metamagic rod of lesser silence for 3,000gp?
Not at all, because the metamagic rods for all +1 metamagics cost 3,000 gp (aside from the typo in the APG that switched the price of Bouncing Spell and Persistent Spell).

So because something is consistent in the rules it feels 'safe' and in all honesty that's a reasonable position to take.

But it can happen that these 'safe' areas of the rules get changed, like the case that brought this thread up.

Prior to Jason's blog any animal who had their INT increased beyond 1-2 became magical beasts. It was done this way since 3e.

It was even reaffirmed in the society guide at the time as pathfinder increased the ways in which this occurred.

So it seems safe, just like that metamagic rod of silence... it was consistent with the rules, it had been that way for multiple editions of the game, it was safe.

So why do people say that others 'should have known better', 'they got what they deserved' and that they 'should have been leery' of rules that were in place for the entirety of 3rd edition? I don't understand it.

It seems like it heads down a bad path,


0gre wrote:

So how could they drastically affect the ability of a middle of the field archer (Point Blank Shot, Rapid Shot, Precise Shot, Many Shot, Deadly Aim, Improved Precise, etc, etc) without picking up the goalposts and moving the whole field?

How about a ruling that non-magical arrows fired from magical bows don't penetrate DR/magic and the like? How would that change an archer's life?

Suddenly the price and effectiveness of an archer plummets when you encounter creatures with DR. You might be far better off buying a pearl 3 (for more greater magic weapon spells) than upgrading your bow to holy (if it wouldn't, say bypass DR/good).

You get reasonably upset, but are told 'well archers had it too good to begin with so you should have expected this *loophole* to get closed'. After all who bothered to buy magical arrows before this? Obviously this was abuse and it's good that it was finally fixed..


Shadow Lodge 2/5

You are talking about a rules change which is quite clearly and in plain english spelled out in the core book. This isn't anywhere near what I suggested. You could equally suggest that GMs can now use D24s to roll monster saving throws nerfing casters. Neither change is going to happen.

Now, how about something that is remotely possible? Something near the edges like I said.

Andrew Christian wrote:

If the 7 charisma never matters or hinders you with your animal companion because of an exploited loophole, then that is exploiting a loophole, not just optimization.

Circular reasoning here. You claim that its a loophole which proves that it is a loophole?

To me a loophole is something that was unintended, not noticed and is circumventing the spirit of things. Something that is just the later can be bad design, simply the RAW or the like rather than 'abuse'.

Intelligent animal companions was a deliberate pathfinder change. They were not permitted in 3rd ed, but were expressly allowed in PF. They detail out restrictions on feats while the animal companion is at animal intelligence. This was not unintended.

Since 3rd edition started animals had a restriction in only having INT scores of 1 or 2. Things that altered this had them transform into magical beasts. This too is addressed in the animal companion section where it directly specifies that animal companions, regardless of type, get treated as type animal for spells. It was not unforeseen.

Pathfinder Society play addressed issues of intelligent companions wielding weapons. It did not go unnoticed.

Druids are not required to take ranks in knowledge nature, or any other skill. You might argue what a fellow player's character 'should' take, but frankly I say that one should not try to impose such upon others.

Now the handle animal skill is no different. A druid eschewing this skill would suffer in this in regards to unintelligent animals. This is a hit for a class that spontaneously summons such creatures and likely has at least one companion (prior to investing in a 3 INT vs increased physical stats) to which this applies.

If a player made a choice based on something Paizo obviously was aware of both at the designer and society coordinator level, then in my mind they did so in good faith. They made a tradeoff. Not having a full extra skill in something they had little interest for their character curtailed their utility of summon nature ally spells. Tradeoffs are the nature of building characters and specializing. That's their call, not ours.

It's one thing to say to them that the game changed. Its another to say shame on them for following the game rules and changes that the designers intentionally made. Again I'd say that they did so in good faith rather than calling any of this a 'loop hole'.


0gre wrote:

You are talking about a rules change which is quite clearly and in plain english spelled out in the core book. This isn't anywhere near what I suggested. You could equally suggest that GMs can now use D24s to roll monster saving throws nerfing casters. Neither change is going to happen.

Now, how about something that is remotely possible? Something near the edges like I said.

The problem is that I don't know where your 'edges' are. So I'm not sure what you 'suggested' in the first place.

As to the likelihood of such a rules change, such was something that was bandied about in regards to whether or not incorporeals could be hit by non-magical projectiles fired by magical bows back in 3rd edition. Not as drastic as the DR/magic that I mention above, but an actual case that was disputed for awhile in 3rd edition.

Perhaps there are just more edges than you are willing to see? Or perhaps what you mean by 'edges' is different than I understand it.

The case in point, as I said in the prior post, is dealing with an intentional Pathfinder change that was noted and remarked upon by the prior society coordinator in official capacity. I don't see that as an 'edge' or 'fringe' but rather an established paizo pathfinder rule.


Shadow Lodge 2/5

Elias lobbied for Josh to adopt a specific interpretation of the core rules as PFS 'house rules' and Josh went with it.

Problem: PFS house rules get trumped by the core developers.

Solution: Don't lean too hard on PFS house rules.

Generalizing this and suggesting that Nerfs can come from any direction at any time is patently ridiculous (which is the statement my above comments were replying to).

0gre wrote:

Generalizing this and suggesting that Nerfs can come from any direction at any time is patently ridiculous (which is the statement my above comments were replying to).

Except they have. Witness the FAQ for LG, or this recent blog on intelligent animals.


Shadow Lodge 2/5

james maissen wrote:
0gre wrote:

Generalizing this and suggesting that Nerfs can come from any direction at any time is patently ridiculous (which is the statement my above comments were replying to).

Except they have. Witness the FAQ for LG, or this recent blog on intelligent animals.


The whole purpose of that blog being... to add some clarity to the animal companion rules which are not super clear in the core book. Bringing us right back around to my original reply on this topic. If you stick to the clear stuff in the center you don't have problems.

I've never played PFS but this guys argument sounds bogus to me. Any gripes with posting rules changes aside. You should know when your building a cheeseball character. I don't even have to see his sheet to know that dumb primate had a two handed weapon, power attack etc. In the end that companion alone probaly dwarfed the fighter or rogues damage output for that level. Not even factoring what his actual character the druid could do to make it game breaking.

In my own home group we have multiple DM's. Last session a couple of us stayed after the game to talk shop after the munchkin players had left. My fellow DM's expressed thier aggravation with scaling encounters for the game breaking characters who are indeed by the book for the most part. But those same player's don't try to exploit the rules under the guise of their "build" in my campaign.

When asked by my fellows why this was I told them the truth. When I see a game breaking character entering the game or heading in the direction of munchkinism I look them in the eye and tell them "to stop it". "Or else what" they ask. "Or I'll kill your character with optimal monsters" I said. When asked if that was fair I admitted I've never had to do it. The threat alone stops the problem in it's tracks. Becuase nobody wants to take the time to build a character they know the DM will hate.

Funny thing? Those same players have recently told me they can't wait to play my game again. They like the story, the dungeons AND how well the encounters are balanced to give the group a good fight without wipeing them out. In the end they know I do what I do for play balance and for the enjoyment of the group as a whole. They even come to me for advice on building thier PC's. In closing there is a fine line between customization and min/maxing. And for the record your welcome.

0gre wrote:

The whole purpose of that blog being... to add some clarity to the animal companion rules which are not super clear in the core book. Bringing us right back around to my original reply on this topic. If you stick to the clear stuff in the center you don't have problems.

I'm sorry but I disagree with this.

First the blog introduced new rules rather than clarifications. Without the blog the line from animal traits is absolute. No animal can have an INT score of 3 or higher. Period.

Jason's blog did change this and added a loophole to this. In all honesty the blog has added the confusion and muddied the once clear waters rather than the other way around.

It was perfectly clear and established how this was handled before the blog. Prior to Jason's blog, the established handling of animals whose INT scores made them no longer qualify to be animals was well established. Pathfinder added to the situations where this could occur and accounted for it happening.

This was crystal clear until Jason's blog. The blog added an additional possibility and distinguished animals raising INT scores after creation and things that would otherwise be animals whose INT scores were higher than 2 during creation.

And you still haven't told me where these lines are. I'm not being argumentative with this, but I don't see what you are talking about here. There are indeed grey areas in rules. Case in point it's grey whether or not a paladin mount is an animal or a magical beast due to Jason's blog (while before it clearly was a magical beast). It's hard to argue absence as being definite even with inclusion happens elsewhere (i.e. wizard's familiar being an existing animal before bonding).

The situation that I laid out with bows and magic DR is not far fetched, nor is it far from a situation that actually occurred during 3rd edition organized play in LG.

Taking your advice I could have made a Druid without any handle animal relying upon advancing its INT score obviating the need for tricks and felt safe. This was a clear piece of the rules that wasn't abusing any strange wording or rules. Yet then I would have the problems faced by the OP.



0gre wrote:

Elias lobbied for Josh to adopt a specific interpretation of the core rules as PFS 'house rules' and Josh went with it.

Problem: PFS house rules get trumped by the core developers.

Solution: Don't lean too hard on PFS house rules.

Generalizing this and suggesting that Nerfs can come from any direction at any time is patently ridiculous (which is the statement my above comments were replying to).

Brother Elias (the poster, not the character) is a friend of mine. I do not wish to revisit this topic, other than to say that I have a difficult time not responding when it regards a friend of mine. Brother Elias asked a question ("can an animal companion with hands, like an ape, use a weapon?") and Josh answered in the affirmative and put it in the guide.

There was a question, not really much lobbying. He was prepared to accept whatever answer was given. He's pretty good about that, as well as asking about things before he does them and looking up rules before he comments on them or relies on them for something.


Sardonic Soul wrote:
I've never played PFS but this guys argument sounds bogus to me. Any gripes with posting rules changes aside. You should know when your building a cheeseball character. I don't even have to see his sheet to know that dumb primate had a two handed weapon, power attack etc. In the end that companion alone probaly dwarfed the fighter or rogues damage output for that level. Not even factoring what his actual character the druid could do to make it game breaking.

You may want to read very carefully what the original poster actually said in his original post, as well as some of the subsequent discussion. Not only was the character in question not a druid, but Brother Elias was actually quite aware that he could have actually made the ape into more of a combat machine had he not taken weapon proficiencies.

I respect your opinion, but I grow very tired of people ignoring facts and maligning someone that really doesn't deserve all of the vitriol directed at him.

Shadow Lodge 2/5

KnightErrantJR wrote:
Brother Elias (the poster, not the character) is a friend of mine. I do not wish to revisit this topic, other than to say that I have a difficult time not responding when it regards a friend of mine. Brother Elias asked a question ("can an animal companion with hands, like an ape, use a weapon?") and Josh answered in the affirmative and put it in the guide.

Sorry, I shouldn't have even responded when they dragged this thread out of mothballs.

Ya know, I'm going to lock this thread it's really been answered and dealt with.

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