Shielded Magus

Round 3: Revised Magus Discussion

This may have been discussed before, and I'm not certain it's worth the feat, but....

With the quick draw feat and a quick draw shield, switching back and forth between free hand and wielding the shield is a free action, so, assuming your GM will let you take two free actions, one at the beginning and one at the end of your round, a Magus could un-equip the shield, use spell combat, then re-equip the shield.

The usefulness might be marginal, but it would allow for a little extra AC when using a shield spell is overkill, or when out of spells.

Just a thought.

Dark Archive

I wish I'd thought about it before. It's actually not a bad idea. Doing so would make a Str-based build a bit more appealing. Of course, you're going to need a few levels to get a mithril shield to deal with the spell failure and armor check penalties. So your AC will certainly suffer for a bit.

Dark Archive

If you are going to try to go the shield route you might as well have the shield function as you primary weapon TBH. You get enough arcanas that should help make up the difference. With the way quick draw works on the shield it also would allow you to functionally pull out a nice 2-handed weapon to supplement situationally. Keep in mind once you hit level 10 you get fighter training which allows you to pick up shield specialization too.

Depending on the final wording, spell combat MAY allow you to qualify for shield slam (TWF pre req) like how your arcane pool is equivalent to arcane strike. Free bull rushes with your spell combat would be mighty nice IMO.

Sure you need to pick up the proficiency and quick draw but with the investment of imp shield bash you retain that shield bonus, and get a VERY nice weapon. I see is as being equivalent to taking an exotic weapon proficiency for an improved crit range or larger damage dice.

A Magus with a nice +N Bashing Spiked Quickdraw Mithral Light Steel and shield bash you can get a nice 1d8+strength, enhancement, enchantment, etc. for cheaper than the cost of a weapon.

YuenglingDragon wrote:
I wish I'd thought about it before. It's actually not a bad idea. Doing so would make a Str-based build a bit more appealing. Of course, you're going to need a few levels to get a mithril shield to deal with the spell failure and armor check penalties. So your AC will certainly suffer for a bit.

Actually, I don't think ASF would be a problem since the shield would be "slung" while casting. You could even use it with a Dervish Dance build, altho AoO's would suffer considerably.

Dark Archive

Mynameisjake wrote:
Actually, I don't think ASF would be a problem since the shield would be "slung" while casting. You could even use it with a Dervish Dance build, altho AoO's would suffer considerably.

Yeah but you'd still need to get rid of the Armor Check Penalty unless you want to burn yet another feat on proficiency or dip into another class.

YuenglingDragon wrote:
Mynameisjake wrote:
Actually, I don't think ASF would be a problem since the shield would be "slung" while casting. You could even use it with a Dervish Dance build, altho AoO's would suffer considerably.
Yeah but you'd still need to get rid of the Armor Check Penalty unless you want to burn yet another feat on proficiency or dip into another class.

Oh yeah, that's right. I forgot about the no shields proficiency.

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