Rising Phoenix |

Greetings, one and all!
I am now receiving applications to play in a Kingmaker campaign, here on the pbp boards. This game will not be first come first served, but rather I will select 5 or 6 players based on the quality and detail of a written character concept. Character interaction and role-playing is a very important part of a successful pbp game, in my opinion. Therefore, an interesting personality and detailed physical description will go a long way toward helping you get into the game. Daily availablity for posting is preferred, but it is not a firm requirement.
Some ground rules: Core rules, APG, PF supplements are all available resources for use. Characters start at 1st level, to be created using a 15 or 20 point buy (depending on the number of PCs selected). No evil aligned characters. Please do read the free Kingmaker player's guide to help inform your decision making, as this will help you develop a concept which is suitable for the campaign. Also, as this is a very open ('sandboxy') campaign, players will need to be self-starters to keep things moving along.
I'll leave this thread open until Friday for applications, and then I'll take my time over the weekend to choose my players. Thanks for your time, I look forward to reading your character submissions!

Arazni |

May I present Adam Burlevogne, CN male halfling Court Bard, Servant to the Noble House of Surtova. (Is there a description of their Coat of Arms in the adventure book?) More driven by greed and political ambition then any sense of loyalty to House Surtova, Adam is grateful at least for his freedom, granted by an aristocrat of that House in the recent past. He was originally intended as an amusing jester for the House, but his owners recognized his political astuteness almost immediately and began sharing more information with him about the family's political rights and powers. He consumed this information readily, and considers himself an expert on most political affairs in Brevoy, and specifically in House Surtova. He has spent most of his life in an affluent apartment in Port Ice, but now feels he has the connections and knowledge he needs to craft a kingdom of his own.
I'm assuming two traits. Noble Born: Surtova, Well-Informed (APG)

Sorvahr |

This is something I am highly interested in. I'm still reasonably new to the PBP style, but am growing to enjoy it. Here's my submission.
Vangaar (NG Human Barbarian) was born to the Kellid tribes of Numeria, the son of a tanner however as he grew he proven himself a natural hunter for his people. Yet as the years passed, a wanderlust grew in the young barbarian who began asking questions regarding his people's way of life, and even the idea that there may be more beyond it. Driven by an ever-increasing restlessness and beginning to feel stifled by his culture's unwillingness to look at it's own customs with a critical eye, one day Vagnaar spoke to his family that he would be leaving. Not an unusual act in itself, it was assumed that once his youthful recklessness wore off, he'd return to the tribe, but as Vagnaar strode off to the horizon, he never looked back.
Arriving in Brevoy was a great cultural shock, but Vagnaar attempted to prove himself capable of adapting to it. His brawn made him the notice of more than one minor criminal whose silver tongue were able to persuade the naive barbarian into less-than-noble jobs (such as roughing up payments out of people) until the day came that a man of his impressive stature caught the attention of the law. Yet rather than imprisonment, some seemingly decided that it would be even better to take such a possible asset and point him in the direction of the Stolen Lands. Given the choice between imprisonment, and exploration into a lawless land... Vagnaar accepted.
If there's anything you feel doesn't fit or needs to be changed, I've no problems with that. Keeping fingers crossed on making it into the accepted 5-6.

Havrin Stahl |

I'd like to throw my hat into the ring and submit Havrin Stahl (NG Human Ranger [Skirmisher]) for your consideration.
Background: Havrin Stahl is a VERY distant (but legitimate!) relation to the Medvyed noble family of eastern Brevoy (his mother is a Medvyed, and his father is a forester and trader). Growing up far removed from the House seat of Stoneclimb, Havrin spent nearly his entire life under the sheltering boughs of the Gronzi Forest, which led to his deep respect for the wilderness and the creatures that dwell within.
Six months ago, Havrin’s father, Harther Stahl, disappeared while leading a trade caravan from Restov through the Stolen Lands to the River Kingdoms. Only last month, word filtered back to Havrin that a lone, grievously-wounded survivor from the caravan was found by a wandering priest of Erastil. Before the man died of his wounds, he stated that the caravan had been waylaid by bandits in the Stolen Lands, and that the caravan leader had been captured by the bandits, wounded but alive.
Havrin traveled to Restov in hopes of tracking down more information about his father’s disappearance in the Stolen Lands. He views the offer of a charter from the Swordlords granting the right to explore the southern wilderness as a fortunate coincidence. He hopes to discover leads that will allow him to rescue his father if he is still alive, or to extract vengeance on the bandits of the region if his father is dead.
Appearance: Havrin Stahl stands approximately 6 feet 2 inches tall and weighs 190 pounds. He has black hair, dark piercing eyes, and tan weathered skin. He speaks softly with a deep, bass voice. He is typically dressed in worn travel leathers with a broad-brimmed hat.
Thanks for your consideration!

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Retsiji (LG human diviner) has not had good luck in picking sides, and so far has not managed to keep the same name for more than twelve years. He was born in Galt to moderately well-off parents; the family escaped their likely executions when his uncle invited them to the River Kingdoms. The uncle in question had, through dynastic mischance too complex to detail here, come to rule a small kingdom, and wanted family to help him. They took on the uncle's name, both to further the notion that they were a noble house and to break ties with Galt. So the boy who would eventually be called Retsiji became the son of a duke. Because of his obvious intellect, he was tutored in wizardry; the plan was that he would eventually become his uncle's court wizard. As a noble (however newly-minted he may have been) he was also taught history and the art of governance. He soon realized that his uncle had ambitions greater than being the ruler of a petty kingdom...that his uncle wanted his descendants to unify the River Kingdoms and rule them. Retsiji was clever enough to realize that if he could see that, others probably could as well. His warnings were taken seriously, but by then it was too late: the rulers of Daggermark were already acting. He escaped his uncle's castle with an assassin's dagger in his shoulder--fortunately, the dagger had already been used on his father, so the poison that should have killed him had worn off the blade. He fled into Brevoy, changed his name, and has since been eking out a living as a tutor and saving money to flee even farther from the River Kingdoms. The prospect of possibly becoming what he was trained to be--court wizard and advisor--has fired his blood. It is worth going towards the River Kingdoms to help create a kingdom, he thinks.
In appearance, Retsiji is not at all impressive. He is short and round, with somewhat froglike features made bearable by a ready (albeit somewhat haunted) smile that lights up his whole face.

lovelydwarf |

I'd like to be considered for this game. Here's my character:
Tomas Aranov (CG Human Rogue, Guide Archetype)
Tomas enjoyed the life of the bandit, plaguing the less civilized areas of Brevoy. He relished taking treasure from the cowards who would quickly yield up their goods at the sight of the blade, and he savored the quick, brutal combat the followed if his prey didn't quickly yield. And, after a successful raid, Tomas loved nothing more than blowing his loot on drink, women, and song.
Then came the boy and the stag.
Leto, curse him, was always a loose cannon. And that day, he was leering at the woman, threatening her obscenely. Tomas never understood that: when you had money, there were always women available so why take risks? But there was Leto threatening the woman and her son, just a child, leapt up to defend her. Tomas cut him down in an instant.
Was it the boy's youth? The way he crumpled into a pool of his own blood? The cries of his mother, pleading to Erastil to save her child? Or was it the boy's warm blood splattered on Tomas' face, blood that he still feels to this day.
Whatever it was, the zeal went out of Tomas. He grabbed some goods, some money and fled with his compatriots. He tried to forget the sight in drink. But that night, he relived the scene in his dreams. In those dreams he cut down the boy again and again, and in those dreams there was always the stag, watching Tomas, the animal's eyes flashing with anger.
Tomas never went on another raid again. But he was still haunted by the stag, by the boy. He drifted from place to place, job to job, but he was still haunted, still saw the stag and the boy, still felt the boy's blood on his cheeks.
And so, Tomas has come to the Stolen Lands, not seeking glory or fame or power, but seeking to protect others from bandits like his former self. He has come to the Stolen Lands seeking redemption and forgiveness.
Thin and dark, with black hair, brown eyes, and a few days worth of beard, Tomas strive to go unnoticed. Those that do see him, note his haunted eyes and his tendency to rub his cheek, absent-mindedly, as if trying to wipe off some bit of dirt. He dresses in travelers clothes, with a prominent holy symbol of Erastil.

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Is this only going to follow the one module and end or will the game continue past it?
If it actually lasts to the end of Kingmaker it'll be one of the longest running game on this board. Kingmaker is an adventure path, not a short module.

Animaezing |

Okay, sounds good. I don't have a subscription so I can't download the PDF but I will give you a concept based on the blurbs it gave me:
Name: Aran Yorith
Class: Spellblade (Tome of Secrets)
Alignment: Chaotic Good
Race: Human
Age: 23
Ethnicity: Caucasian
Height: 5'10''
Weight: 180 lbs.
Aran grew up the son of a middle class merchant. From early on he was drawn to the mystical as well as martial arts and told his parents at an early age that he wished to study both. Not ones to limit their son's education, his father and mother made sure that he was enrolled into one of the kingond's magical academies before reaching puberty.
Thus at the age of 9 Aran entered training to become a wizard. It was found he ahd natrual aptitiude and quickly rose to the head of his class. This created a certain arrogance in the young man - a sense of self worth that reached beyond normal confidence. In aynone else it would have been considered almost delusion but in Aran it only pushed him to reach his full potential.
By the age of 14 Aran was no longer satisifed to simply study magic. A sound mind and sound body went together, or so proverbs told, and if this was true he would see to it that he had the most sound mind and body of anyone.
So, at 16, Aran enrolled in junior military training and picked up a sword for the first time. His body, which had grown soft during his time sequestered with the mages, was slow to adapt but he would not give up udner any circumstance, driven by his own desire to succeed at any cost and become the best.
By 18 Aran was considered a capable sword master, quite able to defend himself in martial combat. This is when his true test started.
Aran was sure that he could combine the two skills - he could become something more than either, a man capable of using equally his mind and body, his magic and his sword. Through trial and error and after much training Aran, after 3 years of attempting the feat, succeeded at 21 in becoming what he dubbed a Spellblade, a warrior of both arms and magic, able to cast spells and cut down enemies.
But what now? He needed to test his mettle and desired adventure - that he might not succeed never crossed his mind. He wanted more than tournament play and training, Aran wanted to put his life on the line to prove that he was the best. And he wanted position - he felt that he deserved better.
But he also hated the idea of being beholden to others. There was no room within Brevoy for him. if he stayed he would always be a small fish in a big ocean, always have someone telling him what to do. And he would never get his chance to grow into the power he knew he could become.
This why Aran kept a look out for opportunities. Thanks to some small connections his father held within the realm Aran heard of the talk winding around the country about the need for someone to "civilize" the Stolen Lands. When that expedition was arranged he made sure he was on it.
Now he has opportunity. If he plays his cards right he can have his own city, or even small country. A place that was his to command, where no one could tell him what should or should not be done. And he would grow as a warrior and mage. He would prove his power through wit, guile, intelligence, muscle, and steel.
It his destiny to rule and he will do anything to fulfill that promise to himself.

Arazni |

While that's a good character, the DM is only allowing Pathfinder core, APG, or official Pathfinder resources for rules. :) Maybe you can play as a multiclass fighter/wizard or fighter/sorcerer. I think there's even rules from Unearthed Arcana (which you can ask the DM if you can use) which allow you to start as a 1st level multiclasser.

Bea |

Beatrix was raised in the south of Brevoy, a Rostlander daughter of farmers. Her brothers handled most of the work, and as she would be passed for any sizable inheritance, she left home to earn a living. At first it was simple guard jobs or escorting caravans, but she quickly found a place in the city guard before finally becoming a soldier.
Her platoon was sent to deal with a revolt in a small village, and upon arriving was ordered to burn the buildings and kill all inhabitants. Following orders, Bea and her companions slaughtered women and children as well as men who put up no resistance.
The guilt tore her apart. Rivers of blood tormented her dreams nightly, and she would be found furiously washing invisible blood from her hands. Unable to continue, she slipped out of camp one night and fled her company towards the anonymity of the Stolen Lands and safety from the army, who would surely put her to death for desertion if found.
Taking shelter from a torrential storm in a lodge of Erastil, in desperation she pledged her service to the god of families to atone for her crimes against him, and for the first time found some solace and peace in her wounded soul. Still she wanders, hoping one day to forget the horrors of what she has done and finally face a new day with a clear conscience.

Animaezing |

While that's a good character, the DM is only allowing Pathfinder core, APG, or official Pathfinder resources for rules. :) Maybe you can play as a multiclass fighter/wizard or fighter/sorcerer. I think there's even rules from Unearthed Arcana (which you can ask the DM if you can use) which allow you to start as a 1st level multiclasser.
Tome of Secrets was designed specifically for the game wasn't it?
Oh well, then I'll change my class to a Summoner, but I'd like to hear a ruling by the GM first.

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Arazni wrote:While that's a good character, the DM is only allowing Pathfinder core, APG, or official Pathfinder resources for rules. :) Maybe you can play as a multiclass fighter/wizard or fighter/sorcerer. I think there's even rules from Unearthed Arcana (which you can ask the DM if you can use) which allow you to start as a 1st level multiclasser.Tome of Secrets was designed specifically for the game wasn't it?
Oh well, then I'll change my class to a Summoner, but I'd like to hear a ruling by the GM first.
Tome of Secrets was 3.5 - looks like he's limiting this to Pathfinder RPG material only.

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Animaezing wrote:Tome of Secrets was 3.5 - looks like he's limiting this to Pathfinder RPG material only.Arazni wrote:While that's a good character, the DM is only allowing Pathfinder core, APG, or official Pathfinder resources for rules. :) Maybe you can play as a multiclass fighter/wizard or fighter/sorcerer. I think there's even rules from Unearthed Arcana (which you can ask the DM if you can use) which allow you to start as a 1st level multiclasser.Tome of Secrets was designed specifically for the game wasn't it?
Oh well, then I'll change my class to a Summoner, but I'd like to hear a ruling by the GM first.
Adamant/Cubicle 7 came out with a PFRPG version in mid-2009.

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If your interested in the concept, I'll complete the character ;)
Half-Elf Cavalier (Order of the Lion, I think)
Jacyn Frestarn was a young boy not going much of anywhere. Alone in the world with naught but his steed, Smoke, Jacyn set off to make his fortune. Unfortunately for him, the fortune he tried to make was at the expense of a powerful man. A powerful man with connections.
The trial was short, and the Justice gave him two choices; the noose, or a life spent clearing out the dangers of the Greenbelt to aid in its settlement.
Though the choice might have been obvious for some, Jacyn hadn't much to live for, and contemplated letting the the gallows take him. On the last day he was given to decide, he learned that if he chose the noose over servitude, Smoke would be slaughtered, and fed to the dogs of the man who he had tried to rob. While his life might be forfeit, there was no just cause for Smoke to suffer for his fallacies as well, so he decided to serve. Better to have Smoke die alongside him in battle, instead of having him killed for dog-slop.
Mere days later, he was given a charter to explore the Greenbelt by the Lord Mayor and sent on his way.
Jacyn stands just under 6ft tall, with long dark brown hair and piercing green eyes. He is well muscled, though not bulky. His face still shows his youth, and a hunger for learning of he world around him can be seen in his eyes. A shallow scar mars his left cheeck, a wound earned while attempting to ride Smoke before he was fully broken.
Jacyn is incredibly dedicated to those he favors, which currently, is limited to his horse, Smoke. Though he isnt neccessarily pleased at being forced into life far from civilization, he realizes his alternative, and is determined to make the most of it.
He is not one to shy away from danger, willing to risk life or limb to help those he deems worthy of protecting.
I play in a couple other PbPs on the boards here, if you want to check out my posting history.
Curse of the Crimson Throne as Copper Fratello.
Sunshadow's Kaer Maga Adventures as Solomon Wise-axe.

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Count Buggula wrote:Animaezing wrote:Tome of Secrets was 3.5 - looks like he's limiting this to Pathfinder RPG material only.Arazni wrote:While that's a good character, the DM is only allowing Pathfinder core, APG, or official Pathfinder resources for rules. :) Maybe you can play as a multiclass fighter/wizard or fighter/sorcerer. I think there's even rules from Unearthed Arcana (which you can ask the DM if you can use) which allow you to start as a 1st level multiclasser.Tome of Secrets was designed specifically for the game wasn't it?
Oh well, then I'll change my class to a Summoner, but I'd like to hear a ruling by the GM first.
Adamant/Cubicle 7 came out with a PFRPG version in mid-2009.
Ah, cool, I didn't know that! I'll have to look for it, sounds interesting.
So I guess it's whether by "PF Supplements" he meant Paizo only or 3pp included.

Animaezing |

John Woodford wrote:Count Buggula wrote:Animaezing wrote:Tome of Secrets was 3.5 - looks like he's limiting this to Pathfinder RPG material only.Arazni wrote:While that's a good character, the DM is only allowing Pathfinder core, APG, or official Pathfinder resources for rules. :) Maybe you can play as a multiclass fighter/wizard or fighter/sorcerer. I think there's even rules from Unearthed Arcana (which you can ask the DM if you can use) which allow you to start as a 1st level multiclasser.Tome of Secrets was designed specifically for the game wasn't it?
Oh well, then I'll change my class to a Summoner, but I'd like to hear a ruling by the GM first.
Adamant/Cubicle 7 came out with a PFRPG version in mid-2009.
Ah, cool, I didn't know that! I'll have to look for it, sounds interesting.
So I guess it's whether by "PF Supplements" he meant Paizo only or 3pp included.
That's the ruling I'm waiting for.

Nikolae Shandor |

Nikolae Shandor is a lanky long-haired Varisian man, clad in traditional garb, and blessed (some say cursed) with the powers of the Witch. He is fond of animals, and takes excellent care of his horse (as well as any other party companion animals), treating it affectionately and showering it with little treats from time to time, while the surly raven that sits on its saddlehorn looks on disapprovingly.
He has travelled to the southern borders of Brevoy, drawn by the whisperings of his Patron, whom he regards as the echoes of vanished Curchannos, long-dead companion to Desna herself, as he seeks to shape the formation of these new lands to be welcoming to his wandering people, and open up trade and travel to these currently inhospitable bandit-ridden lands.
[If it's an option, I'd like to take advantage of some of the faction rules in the Faction Guide, and have Nikolae actually be a member of the Varisian Wanderers faction, attempting to make a welcoming place for his sometimes unwelcome people in these new territories.
If you don't want to deal with the mechanical concepts of the rules, he'll still RP that sort of mindset, just because I like the idea of someone coming to the area hoping to establish a new home / safe area for their people.
The basic idea would also be neat if it were dwarves of the Ninth Battalion wanting to create a 'bedroom community' for dwarven settlers who are tired of living on the front lines or Prophets of the Kalistrade hoping to get in on the ground floor and corner a new market or Razmiri Cultists hoping to build a new staging point for the expansion of their faith on the other side of the River Kingdoms...]

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Animaezing wrote:Is this only going to follow the one module and end or will the game continue past it?If it actually lasts to the end of Kingmaker it'll be one of the longest running game on this board. Kingmaker is an adventure path, not a short module.
Sorry for the interruption, this caught my eye. As far as i'm aware only my kingmaker PbP on these boards has got to chapter 2 (SDF's is very close to finishing 1 though). We post frequently and we started in june last year- the group are now maybe mid way through book two and we're about 9 months in, but that is a very fast pace.
Just bear in mind that even with a fast pace, your looking at a solid investment of time to see it through to the end. Probably three years at least. So make sure your definitely comitted before applying, so you don't waste the kind DM's time.

Animaezing |

LazarX wrote:Animaezing wrote:Is this only going to follow the one module and end or will the game continue past it?If it actually lasts to the end of Kingmaker it'll be one of the longest running game on this board. Kingmaker is an adventure path, not a short module.Sorry for the interruption, this caught my eye. As far as i'm aware only my kingmaker PbP on these boards has got to chapter 2 (SDF's is very close to finishing 1 though). We post frequently and we started in june last year- the group are now maybe mid way through book two and we're about 9 months in, but that is a very fast pace.
Just bear in mind that even with a fast pace, your looking at a solid investment of time to see it through to the end. Probably three years at least. So make sure your definitely comitted before applying, so you don't waste the kind DM's time.
There's a game I'm personally GMing that has gone on for 4 years, and another one I'm in as a player that has gone for 4 or 5.
Which is why I asked in the first place if it would go on. I don't commit to any game that has an actual ending. Or if it does, that ending is some year far off from now.
And that's at a pace of playing about 3 to 4 times a month for about 8 to 12 hours at a time.

Rising Phoenix |

Is this only going to follow the one module and end or will the game continue past it?
Certainly, I'd love for this to be a long-running campaign, and one which is able to extend well past just the first adventure module. Obviously, this would be a tremendous feat, and I can't guarantee what will happen in the future. But, the short answer is, I'll keep running this campaign past 'Stolen Land' for as long as we have the interest to keep it moving forward.

Rising Phoenix |

Arazni wrote:While that's a good character, the DM is only allowing Pathfinder core, APG, or official Pathfinder resources for rules. :) Maybe you can play as a multiclass fighter/wizard or fighter/sorcerer. I think there's even rules from Unearthed Arcana (which you can ask the DM if you can use) which allow you to start as a 1st level multiclasser.Tome of Secrets was designed specifically for the game wasn't it?
Oh well, then I'll change my class to a Summoner, but I'd like to hear a ruling by the GM first.
Arazni has it right, I apologize for the ambiguity of my wording. I guess I should have stated explicitly 'official' supplements (meaning Paizo-published, i.e. PF Companions and the like). I'm not interested in allowing 3rd party content for this game.
So, Animaezing, I'd put forth your Summoner instead.

Rising Phoenix |

Sorry for the interruption, this caught my eye. As far as i'm aware only my kingmaker PbP on these boards has got to chapter 2 (SDF's is very close to finishing 1 though). We post frequently and we started in june last year- the group are now maybe mid way through book two and we're about 9 months in, but that is a very fast pace.
Just bear in mind that even with a fast pace, your looking at a solid investment of time to see it through to the end. Probably three years at least. So make sure your definitely comitted before applying, so you don't waste the kind DM's time.
No need to apologize, Alexander. Undoubtedly, your game will be a great resource and inspiration for mine. I appreciate your post!

Papa-DRB |

Presenting Gaenary of Erastil for consideration.
Background: Gaenary was raised in the south of Brevoy and at an early age developed an interest in Erastil's teachings. As he was the fourth son, of seven children, he parents allowed him to study with the village priest of Erastil and by the time he turned eighteen, he was a full fledged priest. At that time, criers from Restov came thru the town, announcing the formation of a group of adventurers to explore and settle the northern Greenbelt area of the Stolen Lands. Seeing this as an opportunity to spread the gospel of Erastil to the lawless areas south of Brevoy, he asked for and was given leave by his mentor to go, so he made his way to Restov to apply.
Description: Wearing simple clothes underneath leather armor, carrying a longbow, and pack, Gaenary is the image of a small farming village man. He is six feet tall, and weighs in at 180 pounds.
-- david
(Human male, Cleric 1, and assuming two traits, one will be Rostlander)

Vladimir Ducheski |

I would like to submit a character concept for this game.
Vladimir Ducheschi
Fighter - Aldori Swordlord Archetype (with a potential dip into Cavalier and/or Bard)
Feats: EWP:Aldori Dueling Sword, Combat Expertise, Weapon Focus
Traits: Bastard (campaign), Heirloom Weapon (Aldori Dueling Sword).
Vladimir was born and raised in Restov to a common woman and, as his mother alway claimed, one of the sons of the House of Rogarvia. As the young man grew older he sought to substantiate his mother's claim, but was thwarted at every turn by agents of Surtova family. The Surtovas sought to make sure how ever faint, that Vladimir's claim to be part of the Rogarvia family never be confirmed for the sake of maintaining their iron grip on Brevoy.
Haven been turned away from his “birthright”, the young man was encouraged to seek out the Swordlords to make a name for himself, no longer seeking to claim the name Rogarvia. For ten long years he trained under an Aldori master, named Nicomo, hopeful of one day becoming something more than just the “bastard son of a barmaid and gods know who else.”
All those plans changed when his mother came to him with stronger evidence of his true birthright, an Aldori Dueling Sword, bearing the markings of House Rogarvia on the blade. Vladimir now had some sort of proof of his claim, but little else. Hearing of the expedition into the Stolen Lands, Vladimir volunteered in hopes of again, bolstering his own name. The nobles of Restov were only all too happy to agree, in order to be rid of the troublesome man.
I know that as written the heirloom weapon trait provides proficiency with that weapon, but a number of DMs on the boards have opted to amend that to no longer provide proficiency. This is a change that I agree with as well in order to make it more in line with other traits.

Animaezing |

Okay, then Summoner it is. Obviously some details concerning my background will have to change to accomadate the new class so here is a revision. Hope you like it/
Name: Aran Yorith
Class: Summoner (Advanced Players Guide)
Alignment: Chaotic Good
Race: Human
Age: 23
Ethnicity: Caucasian
Height: 5'10''
Weight: 160 lbs.
Aran grew up the son of a middle class merchant. From his earliest days he showed a certain dissatisfaction for his father's work and seemed to despise the mundanity of life. So, even at the age of 6, Aran pleaded with his father to partake in the one thing which he felt could pull him from the dregs of normalicy and into a realm beyond that of every day humanity - magic.
His father, perhaps because he himself at one point had hopes beyond the sale of furniture, paid for Aran to enter a local wziard's academy at the age of 9. The boy, thrilled, packed his bags and never looked back, rueing holidays and special occassionas that would force him to once again taste a normal life.
But by 14 Aran faced the grim fact that he was nothing truly special, confronted by the reality of countless other spellcasters of all sorts who wandered the academy and the world at large. He was determined to set himself apart and he wanted to know magic that no one else knew. The esoteric drew him. Specifically, he became infatuated with the idea of other planes of existence, vast ladnscapes entirely differant than the the world in which he lived, places that were inhabited by beings beyond the comprehension of the average person.
As he delved into his research on the things beyond his dimension he became aware that such things might not only be visited or spoke with but could also be summoned to do one's bidding. However, it seemed to Aran that one could go beyond such a simple arrangement, beyond, even, a tit for tat deal. If he could find a willing creature from one of these realms they could actually become friends, companions, could perhaps even bond in such a way that each became greater - a whole beyond the sum of its parts.
In this way Aran would become something more than your average, every day spellcaster. In fact, he would become a creaure that was almost no longer human. He would be a true power on the face of the planet, aided and aiding his loyal companion.
And so the quest began. Aran summoned and spoke to countless creatures from the Cahotic Good realm before finding the perfect one, his Eidolon, in the year when Aran was 19. A majestic ethereal being shining a bright blue and white, its torso dissapearing into a fine spray of energy. Its arms were normal enough (if you ignored the fact they were glowing), but its head sported an elongated crown growing back from behind its skull. This elongated part of its head was encircled by three rows of stars, not like stars that one might draw on paper, but actual, twinkling stars. And on its back grew three sets of wings. The Eidolon spoke with a high female voice and seemed almost to sing when it talked. It stood fully seven feet tall and the wings could stretch up to 6 feet on either side.
She and Aran both understood each other - she had the need to go beyond the mundane as much as he did, for to her her own plane was something already well explored. Together they would evolve and go beyond their own shortcomings to achieve a greatness others could only seek but never find. And thus she choose the name Dream, for life was to be from here on one, for good or ill.
Feeling full of potential and confidence and backed by a loyal friend Aran decided that it was time to leave the wizard's sanctum and become a man with standing and his own money and land. Through his father he'd here of rumors that there was a desire to "civilize" the Stolen Lands. Further, it was said that those who could do it would gain money and land of their own, perhaps even gain title and lordhsip over a town, city, or maybe even a small country. For such a reward Aran suspected there would be great challenge too. When the day finally came for the rumors to turn into fact Aran saw his chance. The mundane, dreadful dreariness of the every day life of the city was to be left behind.
And good riddance.

Rising Phoenix |

I'm gonna back out. I mostly finished up the Witch and realized that I'm not as fond of the class as I thought. I'd rather bow out now than some months into it.
Looking forward to seeing what you guys are up to, 'though, and good luck with a long and successful game!
Sorry to see you go, Set, but thanks for letting us know.

Rising Phoenix |

I would like to submit a character concept for this game...
I know that as written the heirloom weapon trait provides proficiency with that weapon, but a number of DMs on the boards have opted to amend that to no longer provide proficiency. This is a change that I agree with as well in order to make it more in line with other traits.
I thought I'd mention that, if Vladimir is selected, I will houserule such a change as well. FYI

Rising Phoenix |

Hi all, here's where we stand with submissions thus far.
Arazni - Adam Burlevogne, Halfling Court Bard
Sorvahr - Vangaar, Human (Kellid) Barbarian
Max Hellspont - Havrin Stahl, Human Ranger (Skirmisher)
John Woodford - Retsiji, Human Diviner
Animaezing - Aran Yorith, Human Summoner
lovelydwarf - Tomas Aranov, Human Rogue (Guide)
Count Buggula - Bea, Human Paladin of Erastil
godsDMit - Jacyn Frestarn, Half-Elf Cavalier (Order of the Lion)
Papa-DRB - Gaenary, Human Cleric of Erastil
Talomyr - Vladimir Ducheski, Human Fighter (Aldori Swordlord)
We'll see who else trickles in over the next couple of days. If things slow considerably, I may close the application window a bit early (like say, tomorrow night).

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Yea, I had considered it for my concept, especially since, if considered, Im thinking of possibly doing ranged combat instead of melee (if that has any bearing on the decision, let me know), and the extra level 1 feat will be nice for Precise Shot, but decided against it, if for no other reason than to be different, lol.

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'Ello, 'ello, everyone. Hope to see we can all play together, should my application follow through!
I'm putting forth concepts before I begin fleshing out characters - generally when I forge a background, I like working with the DM to ensure they fit within their image of Golarion. This usually means I make the concept, then look for what fits and put it in place.
As such, this is what I have so far (and you'll notice I have a fondness for dwarves):
- Orim Azarr, Dwarven Druid, of which reveres the Earth domain. He seeks to turn the Stolen Lands into something to make his clan proud, after a history of 'not following the true faith.' This only inspires him further to use his natural power (no pun intended) to better the lands, and create perhaps an entire fortress made of the earth!
- Torthen Azduum, Dwarven Oracle of Stone, curse of Wasting - this is visualized by his actual body looking like it's solid rock. He has decided to leave his cozy comforts to endure the wilds, and find an end to this curse through his deity - or perhaps some other power?
- Ordin Barhak, Dwarven Fighter (. He's very simple - a mercenary for hire, after realizing his true prowess within his clanhalls was to get him nothing but 'admiration' and no true wealth, he decided that it would be far more profitable to take up adventuring.
I hope we can all start playing together soon, soon enough! I'll be sending you my e-mail if I should be accepted, Rising, so we can talk a bit about what I have in mind!

Arazni |

Yea, I had considered it for my concept, especially since, if considered, Im thinking of possibly doing ranged combat instead of melee (if that has any bearing on the decision, let me know), and the extra level 1 feat will be nice for Precise Shot, but decided against it, if for no other reason than to be different, lol.
My last four characters have been humans... The only others being two elves, one of which got reincarnated into a kobold. :(

Rising Phoenix |

Updated submission list:
Arazni - Adam Burlevogne, Halfling Court Bard
Sorvahr - Vangaar, Human (Kellid) Barbarian
Max Hellspont - Havrin Stahl, Human Ranger (Skirmisher)
John Woodford - Retsiji, Human Diviner
Animaezing - Aran Yorith, Human Summoner
lovelydwarf - Tomas Aranov, Human Rogue (Guide)
Count Buggula - Bea, Human Paladin of Erastil
godsDMit - Jacyn Frestarn, Half-Elf Cavalier (Order of the Lion)
Papa-DRB - Gaenary, Human Cleric of Erastil
Talomyr - Vladimir Ducheski, Human Fighter (Aldori Swordlord)
Rizzym Jaderenai - Orim Azarr, Dwarven Druid/Torthen Azduum, Dwarven Oracle of Stone/Ordin Barhak, Dwarven Fighter

lovelydwarf |

Yeah, I think that the prevalence of humans is a result of the imbalance between players and GMs around these parts. You want a character who will fit in with the GM's conception of the game. Most APs are set in human dominated areas and presume parties of mostly humans. When the GM says, "Be sure your character has a tie to Sandpoint or Korvosa," creating a human from the area is a safe bet. As opposed to the elven noble who is just passing through when the goblins show up to burn down the village.
Plus a party with, say, two or three halflings or gnomes or half-orcs seems a lot more unlikely than a party with one or two demihumans and several humans. If one person gets the halfling slot, that makes your halfling more unlikely. Humans are safer bets. I was considering a halfling ranger that moves into the opportunist prestige class from Halfling of Golarion, but noted that people had already submitted a halfling and a ranger and thought that Tomas would be a better fit (and then I read Bea's background . . . sigh.)

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I normally love to play halflings, and have been known to play the occasional elven druid, but Pathfinder's ruined me. I now have so many different character concepts I want to play than what I traditionally enjoyed in 3.5, and while I never would've DREAMED of playing a paladin before, with PRPG I came up with a concept that I really like, and well, she just happens to be human.

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...I was considering a halfling ranger that moves into the opportunist prestige class from Halfling of Golarion, but noted that people had already submitted a halfling and a ranger and thought that Tomas would be a better fit (and then I read Bea's background . . . sigh.)
Oops! I hadn't even read your character description yet when I posted mine - there are quite the similarities between the two!
Well, nothing says there can't be two fellows both searching for redemption!

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Hopefully, I'm in time. :)
Findecáno Oronrá is a half-elf sorcerer with the fey bloodline.
Findecáno Oronrá slouched in his chair, his long hair combed over his slightly pointed ears. Although everyone in the Council Room knew about his mixed heritage, Findecáno’s human father, Georgi, head of the Council of Merchants in New Stetven, insisted that he not flaunt his elven blood. “Another of the old man’s pointless rules,” groused Findecáno to himself. “Like insisting I attend this meeting, even though I know nothing about mercantile matters and care even less. Perhaps it’s time to liven up this gathering a little.”
For the next several minutes, Findecáno used his knowledge of petty magic to disrupt the Council - knocking things over, creating phantom sounds, dazing whichever pompous windbag was currently pontificating and watching them fumble to remember what they were saying - while keeping his hands below the edge of the table and murmuring under his breath. The half-elf, his fey heritage especially noticeable when he was bored, was quite amused by the confusion he caused.
Despite his precautions, Findecáno’s father, who was not unfamiliar with his son’s nature, soon realized what must be happening. “Findecáno!” he roared, “Stop your foolishness at once! I will not have you interrupting important business. Why can’t you be more like your brother and sister?” Georgi pointed to one side, where Ludorg and Freja sat quietly, apparently deeply engrossed by the drivel pouring forth from the assemblage. Freja stuck her tongue out at her older half-brother while Ludorg simply smiled condescendingly.
Findecáno leapt to his feet, throwing his hands in the air. “I don’t want to be more like your human children, father. I want to be like myself. I want to be outside out of this dead city, where I can smell growing things and animals. You know that, yet you keep me walled up in here. Don’t blame me if I get bored!” Findecáno exclaimed.
“This is the last straw, Findecáno. I have tried to raise you as best I could after your mother died but if that is what you wish I wash my hands of you. Go! Go where you will! I hear Restov seeks brave explorers to open the Stolen Lands. Go to the Swordlords, if they will have you," snarled Georgi.
With a look of utter joy on his face, Findecáno rushed to his father's side and gave him a fierce hug. Despite their differnces, he did love Georgi, who had treated his half-elven offspring no differently than his children by his human wife. Releasing his startled parent, Findecáno bowed, mockingly, to his half-brother and half-sister, who had not been so kind while they were growing up. He was so excited, he could not help but launch glowing balls of light from his fingertips as he skipped out of the meeting hall.

Thetis of the Azure |

My character for your consideration...
Human Rogue (Poisoner Archetype, can be reworked as a Sniper Archetype if you do not want to allow the Poison)
Lupus born Lionel Chatham, was the only child of a beautiful young woman who worked as a servant in the manor of one of the lords of Orlovsky. Shortly before Lupus was born she was dismissed and chased from the manor for reasons that were never revealed. Lupus was born into a world without a home and a father. At a young age Lupus was told by his mother that his father was someone important but would never reveal the true nature of who he was but said that she would tell him when the time was right.
One day Lupus came home to find his mother badly beaten and near death. Lupus rushed to her side as she lay dying and held her in his arms as the light passed from her eyes. It was only as he sat there sobbing at the death of his mother did he notice a ring clutched in her hand. Clearly a ring of the royal Orlovsky family Lupus was sure he had finally found his heritage. However, Lupus was so crushed by the death of his mother that he wandered alone in the streets for several weeks even unwilling to return home to where his mother had died. Eventually, he decided to take his evidence to the manor house of the Orlovsky family. Unfortunately for Lupus this act was not met with open arms.
Heartbroken, Lupus eventually ended up with a seedier crowd where he learned how to steal, and strike from the darkness. It was at this time that he changed his name to Lupus Nequam.
Lupus was eventually contacted to do secret jobs by someone who said he knew his true ancestry. He was told that if he helped complete these jobs that he would get the position he so truly deserved. Lupus did these jobs very willingly and performed several missions ranging from simple thefts to assassination. Although Lupus did not necessarily enjoy taking lives he realized very quickly that these missions were obviously aimed at maintaining order in the kingdom.
At this point he has begun to question if any number of these jobs will ever entitle him to taking his rightful place as he sees it in society. Thus, when he heard about the expedition to the stolen lands he jumped at the chance to carve out a niche for himself in this new kingdom.
Lupus is six feet tall with a slender and wiry build. He looks so average as to be almost forgettable and generally does not stand out from a crowd. He wears leathers of muted browns and his ever present dark cloak is pulled close around his form in a constant attempt to conceal his other equipment. The only item of any note on his person is a large signet ring that he wears on a chain around his neck.

Simn Thistlesworth |

Looking at repurposing this account for use as a cleric of Irori in the campaign, so there'll need to be a bit of juggling of stats and gear. With that said, on to the background.
Like all gnomes, Simn Thistlesworth is somewhat lightly tied to Golarion, full of life but ever aware on some level of the bleaching that will one day claim him should his zest for life ever fade. Despite his youth, Simn has already dedicated his life to a grand cause - to chart the rise and fall of nations. It is the kind of cause that could easily see a gnome live forever, for the tides of history never fail to bring forth new and fascinating events to study.
On the other hand, it is also a cause which could see him killed. Nations seldom rise or fall gently after all, as one can witness from the fall of Galt. Having barely escaped some rather angry ideologues who didn't take kindly to his efforts to obtain a balanced view of Galt's present situation from primary sources, Simn has rather reluctantly moved on to the River Kingdoms, a land where nations rise and fall with greater frequency than anywhere else on the globe. Actually participating in the rise of a new nation represents a fantastic opportunity for study, with valuable insights to be had.
In appearance, Simn stands at 3'1", with shimmering silvery hair and green eyes. He tends towards simple, functional clothing, as befits a devotee of Irori, though he is rather more extroverted than your typical follower, always interested in whatever information he might be able to tease out of others for his various writings.
Simn is not a detatched observer, forming firm friendships and more than willing to stick his oar into the flow of events if he feels it's warranted. It may well be that he can influence the course of history for the better, and the histories of past and present nations can only benefit those which come after.