Broken Moon (GM Reference)

Carrion Crown

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After last session and several rather disappointing combats. I've redesigned the NPCs. I'm using the exact same class levels as before (with the exception of the demon wolf maurauders). Instead I'm simply changing stats, archetypes and feats.

Below are two of the stat blocks (still working on them)


Female human dread wight flowing monk 6
LE Medium undead (augmented humanoid)
Init: +3; Senses: blindsense 60 ft., darkvision 60 ft., Perception: +12

AC: 25, touch 18, flat-footed 21 (+3 Dex, +4 natural armour, +3 enhancement, +3 Wis, + 1 monk, +1 dodge)
hp: 51 (6d8+18)
Fort +8, Ref +8, Will +8; +2 vs enchantment
Defensive Abilities channel resistance +4, evasion, flowing dodge, elusive target; Immune undead traits

Speed 30 ft.
Melee: unarmed strike +9 (1d8+10 plus energy drain) or flurry of blows +9/+9/+4 (1d8+10 plus energy drain)
Special Attacks: Ki strike +9 (1d8+10 plus energy drain), vicious stomp +9 (1d8+10 plus energy drain), redirection +13 trip, command wights, create spawn, energy drain (1 level, DC 16), flurry of blows

Before Combat: cast barkskin by spending 1 ki point (already factored in)
During Combat: Try to trip foes and then use vicious stomp. Use ki strike when full attacking, otherwise use the AC bonus. Always full power attack (already factored in)
Morale: Fight to the death.

Str: 22 (+6), Dex: 16 (+3), Con: -, Int: 10 (0), Wis: 16 (+3), Cha: 17 (+3)
Base Atk: +4; CMB: +11 (+13 trip) CMD: 28 (30 vs trip)
Feats: Combat Reflexes, Dodge, Improved Unarmed Strike, Improved Trip, Vicious Stomp, Power Attack, Weapon Focus (unarmed strike)
Skills: Acrobatics +8, Intimidate +12, Knowledge (history) +4, Knowledge (religion) +5, Linguistics +1, Perception +12, Stealth +12
Languages: Varisian, Necril, Taldane
SQ: Ki pool 6/day swift actions: +4 AC for 1 round, ki strike, barkskin for 1 hour
Attack of Opportunity 4/round: flat-footed until end of monk’s next turn (reflex DC 16 negates)
Redirection 6/day
Maneuver training
Gear: Belt of Giant Strength +2

Redirection: Once per round I can attempt a trip attempt on someone within reach that attacks me or an ally as an immediate action. Target is sickened for 2 rounds (reflex DC 16 to lessen to 1 round). +2 on the attack and DC if the target is power attacking.

Flowing Dodge: +1 dodge bonus to AC for every adjacent enemy (maximum of +3 dodge bonus)

Command Wights (Su): A dread wight can automatical-ly command all normal wights within 30 feet as a free action. Normal wights never attack a dread wight un-less compelled.

Create Spawn (Su) Any creature killed by a dread wight’s energy drain ability rises as a dread wight in 1d4 rounds. A dread wight created in this manner is under the command of its creator and remains so until either it or the creator is destroyed.

Whispering Way Cultist:

Male Human Rogue (spy) 3, Necromancer 3
CE Medium humanoid (human)
Init: +2; Senses: Perception: +0, low-light vision

AC: 17, touch 13, flat-footed 15 (+4 armor, +1 Dex, +1 deflection)
hp: 31 (3d8+3d6+6)
Fort +4, Ref +6, Will +4

Speed 30 ft.
Melee: mwk heavy mace +8 (1d8+9)
Ranged: mwk light crossbow +5 (1d8)
Special Attacks: +2d6 sneak attack;
touch of the grave +7 (shaken 1 round)
Spell-Like Abilities (CL Caster Level):
2nd - Bull's Strength, False Life
1st - Mage Armour, Shield, Vanish
At-will - Bleed, Mage Hand, Detect Magic

Banned Schools: Divination, Evocation

Before Combat: Start patrols with mage armour and false life. Just before combat cast bull’s strength (+2 attack, +3 damage) and shield (+4 AC)
During Combat: In the first round of combat cast vanish and then cast buffs while moving into a flank.
Morale: Full power attack to the death

Str: 18 (+4), Dex: 13 (+1), Con: 12 (+1), Int: 14 (+2), Wis: 8 (-1), Cha: 10 (0)
Base Atk: +3; CMB: +7; CMD: 20
Feats: combat casting, command undead, dodge, power attack, scribe scroll, weapon focus (heavy mace)
Skills: Acrobatics +7, Bluff +6, Escape Artist +7, Perception +8, Stealth +10, Sense Motive +5 , Knowledge (arcana) +11, Spellcraft +11
Languages: Varisian, Taldane, Necril, Thassilonian
SQ: arcane bond (amulet), poison use, rogue talents (swift poison), skilled liar

Combat Gear: wand of command undead (6 charges), bloodroot poison (4 doses);

Other Gear: mwk heavy mace, mwk light crossbow with 20 bolts, backpack, cloak of resistance +1, ring of protection +1. spellbook (all prepared spells as well as blur, command undead, 1 random spell of level 1), spell component pouch, backup spell component pouch, thieves’ tools, whispering way amulet, 43gp

Are these guys amazing? Not really. It's a CR -1 for the monk and a CR -3 for the cultist. However they at least have a fighting chance at challenging the party now.

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I decided to keep the class levels the same for the Demon Wolf Marauder. Here it is.

Demon Wolf Marauder:

Fiendish human natural werewolf fighter 4/ranger 1
CE Medium humanoid (human, shapeshifter)
Init: +2; Senses: darkvision 60ft., low-light vision, scent, Perception: +6

AC: 26, touch 12, flat-footed 24 (+10 armor, +2 Dex, +4 natural armour)
hp: 49 (5d10+18)
Fort +10, Ref +6, Will +0
Defensive Abilities DR 5/good, DR 10/silver; Resist cold 10, fire 10 SR 11
Defensive Abilities Favoured Humans (+1 AC and CMD)

Speed 30 ft.
Melee: 2xclaw +9 (1d6+11) and bite +9 (1d6+9 plus trip and curse of lycanthropy)
Special Attacks: curse of lycanthropy, favored enemy (humans +2 attack and damage), smite good 1/day (+2 attack, +5 damage), precise strike (+1d6 damage)

Before Combat: Drink a potion of bless (+1 attack)
During Combat: They try to get a flank and then claw, claw, bite. Always full power attack (already factored in)
Morale: Fight to the death.

Str: 20, Dex: 15, Con: 17, Int: 10, Wis: 6, Cha: 14
Base Atk: +5; CMB: +10; CMD: 22
Feats: Aspect of the Beast, Favored Defense, Improved Natural Attack (claws), Power Attack, Weapon Focus (bite), Weapon Focus (claws), Weapon Specialisation (claws)
Skills: Intimidate +10, Perception +6, Stealth +7, Survival +6
Languages: Varisian, Taldane
SQ: armor training 1, change shape (human, hybrid and wolf; polymorph), lycanthropic empathy (wolves and dire wolves), track +1, wild empathy -1
Combat Gear: potion of bless
Other Gear: +1 full plate, +1 cloak of resistance, wooden unholy symbol of jezelda

Curse of Lycanthropy (Su): A natural lycanthrope’s bite attack in animal or hybrid form infects a humanoid target with lycanthropy (Fortitude DC 15 negates). If the victim’s size is not within one size category of the lycanthrope’s size, this ability has no effect.

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Here's the last of them.

Whispering Way Curate:

Female human cleric of Urgathoa 7
NG Medium humanoid (human)
Init: +1; Senses: Perception: +3

AC: 24, touch 14, flat-footed 23 (+9 armor, +1 Dex, +1 enhancement +3 deflection)
hp: 52 (7d8+14)
Fort +7, Ref +3, Will +8

Speed 20 ft.
Melee: +1 scythe +8 (2d4+13/x4)
Domain Supernatural Abilities:
6/day – Ferocious Strike
6/day – Death’s Kiss (3 rounds)
Cleric Spells Prepared (Concentration +10/+13):
4th – Blessing of Fervor, EnervationD
3rd - Animate DeadD, Magic Vestment, Dispel Magic, Wind Wall
2nd – Ghoul TouchD, Bull's Strength, Hold Person, Hold Person, Silence
1st - Bless, Deathwatch, Divine Favour, Enlarge PersonD, Infernal Healing, Shield of Faith
At-Will – Bleed, Detect Magic, Guidance, Light
Domains Death (Undead), Strength (Ferocity)
Before Combat: Cast bless (+1 attack), shield of faith (+3 AC), bull’s strength (+2 attack, +3 damage), enlarge person (+2 damage, 2d4 becomes 2d6, -2 AC, -1 Reflex), blessing of fervor and divine favour (+2 attack and damage).
During Combat: Use minions as a delaying tactic before full power attacking. Use Enervation against a heavily armoured foe at the start, or ghoul touch against a heavil armoured foe when in melee.
Morale: Fight to the death.

Str: 16 (+3), Dex: 13 (+1), Con: 14 (+2), Int: 8 (-1), Wis: 16 (+3), Cha: 10 (0)
Base Atk: +5; CMB: +8; CMD: 22
Feats: Combat Casting, Command Undead, Furious Focus, Power Attack, Weapon Focus (scythe)
Skills: Heal +6, Knowledge (arcana) +3, Knowledge (religion) +9, Sense Motive +10, Spellcraft +3
Languages: Varisian, Taldane
SQ: Channel Energy (4d6, 3/day)
Combat Gear: 1 Potion of Cure Serious Wounds, 1 vial of unholy water
Other Gear: Full Plate, Pearl of Power I, 300gp of onyx, +1 Scythe, 25gp of silver, silver unholy symbol of Urgathoa, spell component pouch

Ferocious Strike (Su): Whenever you make a melee attack, you can designate that attack as a ferocious strike. If the attack hits, it deals additional damage equal to 1/2 your cleric level (minimum +1). You can use this ability a number of times per day equal to 3 + your Wisdom modifier (already factored in).

Death’s Kiss (Su): You can cause a creature to take on some of the traits of the undead with a melee touch attack. Touched creatures are treated as undead for the purposes of effects that heal or cause damage based on positive and negative energy. This effect lasts for a number of rounds equal to 1/2 your cleric level (minimum 1). It does not apply to the Turn Undead or Command Undead feats. You can use this ability a number of times per day equal to 3 + your Wisdom modifier.

Adimarus Ionacu:
Male Fiendish human natural werewolf fighter 4/antipaladin of Jezelda 3
CE Medium humanoid (human, shapeshifter)
Init: +2; Senses: darkvision 60ft., low-light vision, scent, Perception: +6

AC: 27, touch 13, flat-footed 24 (+10 armor, +2 Dex, +4 natural armour, +1 dodge)
hp: 67 (7d10+25)
Fort +13, Ref +8, Will +9
Defensive Abilities DR 5/good, DR 10/silver; Resist cold 10, fire 10 SR 11
Defensive Abilities Bolstered Defense (immediate action, double DR against 1 attack)

Speed 30 ft.
Melee: Bastard Sword +14/+7 (1d10+16/19-20), bite +5 (1d6+9 plus trip and curse of lycanthropy)
touch of corruption +12 (1d6 sickened, fort DC 14)
Special Attacks: curse of lycanthropy, smite good 1/day (fiendish; +3 attack, +7 damage), smite good 1/day (antipaladin; +3 attack and AC, +3 damage), precise strike (+1d6 damage)

Before Combat: Drink potion of bless (+1 attack)
During Combat: Tries to go after casters or paladins, getting a flank whenever possible. Always full power attack (already factored in)
Morale: Fight to the death.

Str: 20, Dex: 15, Con: 15, Int: 10, Wis: 12, Cha: 17
Base Atk: +7; CMB: +10; CMD: 24
Feats: Bolstered Defense, Dodge, Furious Focus, Power Attack, Precise Strike, Toughness, Weapon Focus (bastard sword), Weapon Specialisation (bastard sword)
Skills: Bluff +7, Disguise +7, Intimidate +12, Knowledge (religion) +4, Perception +7, Sense Motive +5, Stealth +7, Survival +5
Languages: Varisian, Taldane
SQ: armor training 1, change shape (human, hybrid and wolf; polymorph), lycanthropic empathy (wolves and dire wolves), track +1, wild empathy -1
Other Gear: Potion of Bless, +1 Cloak of Resistance, +1 Bastard Sword, +1 Full Plate, Unholy symbol of Jezelda, Wand of Cure Light Wounds (32 charges)

Curse of Lycanthropy (Su): A natural lycanthrope’s bite attack in animal or hybrid form infects a humanoid target with lycanthropy (Fortitude DC 16 negates). If the victim’s size is not within one size category of the lycanthrope’s size, this ability has no effect.

I'm going to use these tomorrow. I'll post the results.


Thanks for doing these updates. I hope they can help some folks in the future!

Regarding Auren Vrood

I am considering making him a 7 sorcerer 4 agent of the grave instead to keep CL 11 but he would have negative energy affinity to get heal by his own channels which I think would present some challenge.

Also, with his ability to control so many HD of undead with the negative energy conduit aura, did anyone run him with a small number of higher HD skeletons/zombies? Does this encounter assume he just summons a bunch of 1-2 HD undead?

Perhaps the encounter is already lethal enough but my players are long time veterans and tend to be decently optimized and equipped.


John Lynch 106 wrote:

Here's the last of them.

I'm going to use these tomorrow. I'll post the results.

How did it go with the alternate stat blocks?

Dark Archive

Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

Plot question about a certain undead...:
the ghost of Ulcris; how does he know that Vrood is under the effects of the deathgag elixir? Just curious as to how he should drop the whole "seance to show the PC's the late necromancer's thoughts?" to the PC's?

Response to Plot Question:
My PCs never used "Speak with Dead" anyway so it wasn't a problem for me to have the ghost say something along the lines of "If you bring his head to me, I can find out what you need to know from him." I didn't go into details on how he would do it and my PCs never really asked the 'how'. When I tossed in a note on Vrood from the mysterious AA thanking them for killing the murderer, it drove them all the more to find out what was going on from the ghost.

Silver Crusade

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I'm going over Feldgrau for my session tonight, and when I come to Vrood's spellbook, I see that (as usual) I have to add up the value of it myself. A time-consuming task, to say the least. (I wish Paizo had time to add this up so we DMs don't have to.) Now I'm all done, and a little alarmed at the value of the thing. Please tell me I did this wrong... or right... maybe it won't matter.

I had to split it into two books, as the page count went well over the 100 pages a Spellbook holds. In the rulebook it says a spellbook has a value of 1/2 the cost to buy and scribe all the spells in the book.

Book 1: Level 0-3. A total cost of 5612gp for a sell value of 2806gp
Book 2: Level 4-6. A total cost of... 25115gp... for a sell value of 12557gp.
That's 15363gp for JUST THE SPELLBOOKS. This value will change depending on what you roll on the +1d6 spells of random levels 1-5... wait, is that 1d6 spells total, or 1d6 spells per level? I calculated this with the latter.

Now this is about three times the expected wealth gain for an encounter of its CR, not counting his other gear. I haven't added up what the rest of Feldgrau gives, so it may be intentional to make up for deficiencies in other areas. We don't have a Wizard or Alchemist in our party either, so it will not get scribed. Of course, where are they going to sell it? Caliphas seems like the only place, so maybe it won't matter until book 5, if ever - finding a Wizard who will pay 15000gp for two spellbooks is probably unlikely.

Aaaaaaaanyway... wacky.

Dark Archive

Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber
wxcougar wrote:
** spoiler omitted **

Speak with dead is unlikely with my group, I guess it felt too meta to me to have the ghost say that he can specifically do that to Vrood.

We're not at that point yet, but I wouldn't be surprised if one of my PC's ask why he'd just drop that info (assuming they hit the inn at all).


Ghosts can do weird, supernatural things. If I were a player, I would have no problem believing that a ghosts can extract memories from someone who was just recently killed.

Also, this is the GM Reference thread, so there's really no need for spoiler tags.

Dark Archive

Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

It's not so much of whether the ghost "can" do that or not, I'm just thinking about how to present that without the ghost knowing that a certain person can't be contacted (who he hasn't met, according to the background).

Like example, they walk in, make friendly contact with Ulcris. Does he just throw it out, "Oh hey, if you kill that guy mucking about, I can read his thoughts for you."

I guess what I'm asking, how would he present that information, without the PC's mentioning that they'd specifically need to have that happen? (sorry if I'm coming off as confusing u.u)

I didn't mention how he would, just that he would offer his aid after finding out about their mission. My PCs didn't question. But they had known that Vrood killed the professor and his jaw was gone (with the zombie attack before they concecrated every inch of Ravengro). So there was at least that potential connection for them. Its also possible for the ghost to overhear from WW cultists that it is custom in their group to use an elixir to gag them in death.


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Maybe he'd say something suitably cryptic and ghostlike, such as, "The man Vrood man steals our dead for some dread purpose. Weary we are from our restless torment, but he would further enslave us. But for what secret purpose? I cannot read within his warm, living mind. Perhaps if you brought his stilled corpse here to me, I could pry the secrets from his cold gray brain..."

Liberty's Edge Contributor

DeciusNero wrote:

It's not so much of whether the ghost "can" do that or not, I'm just thinking about how to present that without the ghost knowing that a certain person can't be contacted (who he hasn't met, according to the background).

Like example, they walk in, make friendly contact with Ulcris. Does he just throw it out, "Oh hey, if you kill that guy mucking about, I can read his thoughts for you."

I guess what I'm asking, how would he present that information, without the PC's mentioning that they'd specifically need to have that happen? (sorry if I'm coming off as confusing u.u)

Ulcris shouldn't just throw anything out.

The way I played it is simply this (note: this isn't really in the rules, its just kind of the way I ran it).
Ghosts are in a state of torment unknown to them, which is why they hang around the material plane.
After convincing Ulcris he was dead, they helped his soul achieve some sort of peace allowing him to "pass over" as a reward, he offered them one last favor before departing. Naturally, the PCs asked them to get information about Vrood.

Dark Archive

Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

@Tim Hitchcock, Trinite, wxcougar

I think I can make that work; I was mainly looking for a way to in-game relay the info to my players.


I have a which there seems to be no agreement....

are Paladins immune to lycanthropy once they have Divine Health....

because the curse Mummy Rot is also a disease to which Paladins are immune to....

and lycanthropy is cured by Remove Disease/ Heal spell by a 12th level cleric.....which is a high level indeed!


Obviously this takes the edge off the paladin worrying about such a problem!

In 3.5 ed D&D I believe Paladins were immune too....

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I think I may have found the answer - from the Paizo boards - apologies

The Classic horrors adds extra stuff with

Magic provides the best cure for lycanthropy. A remove disease or heal spell from a powerful cleric has the best chance of success, but such remedies must be sought within 3 days of infection. Remove curse and break enchantment magics can also be used, but they are only effective during the time of the full moon, when the werewolf is at its strongest. A dose of wolfsbane (Pathfinder RPG Core Rulebook 560), also known as monkshood, can also cure the affliction, giving the target another saving throw against the affliction. Fresh wolfsbane works best, but the plant is poisonous and has a chance of killing the recipient rather than curing him. Of course, natural werewolves cannot be cured of their condition.

No time limit for wolfsbane is put in there..... oh well

Tomorrow will be the last session of Broken Moon. My players(wildshaping druid, fire inquisitor, summoning wizard, ranged bard, fire monk) will be going up against Vrood. They took out the demon wolf boss and will handle the inn and the courtyard, then move on to the tower.

As my players just hit level 9 (fast xp progression), I decided to boost Vrood up a level. It keeps his caster level and spell list the same as the incorrectly printed listing. However, I decided to swap the now useless circle of death for tar pit.

I'm thinking of combining tar pit with cloud kill an using the giant hands to bull rush players back into the pit. I'll also have him flying around with greater invisibility. I suspect the skeleton archers will be fireballed early on, but they should be able to do a little something.

I plan to have Vrood fight to the death and actively work on taking down players one by one. I figure that he may not think he can complete the task, but that A) death is no big deal for him and B) every adventurer he kills is one less to get in the way of the Whispering Way's great work. Plus I'm a little miffed at how easily my players took down the Promethean from book 2, heh.

Any suggestions for running the fight? Trouble you or your players ran into? Tricks you used or wish you used? Quality lines he could shout while mocking the players? Curses to scream at his inevitable demise?

Casting invisibility will definitely help him. I should have done something similar as my PCs wiped out the skeletons I had substituted quickly(instead of the hands as I knew I needed more than two 'cannon fodder creatures' due to a blasty sorc).

My PCs were also Level 9, and I bumped Auren Vrood accordingly so his spell list was accurate. I went ahead and kept Circle of Death and modified it such that only one creature who failed their save would die (particularly the one closest to him that failed). I had him cast it as his "swan song" because he was nearly dead. The sorcerer and the witch both failed, and subsequently the witch (who was a constant NPC and the girlfriend of the sorcerer) died. While Auren Vrood died on the subsequent round after the Paladin and the sorcerer were done with their turns, it was a rather satisfying highly charged emotional roller coaster for them. Added on to the fact I put in a note in Auren Vrood's pocket by Adivion (thanks to another poster's idea) that thanked them for avenging the professor and warning them to stop their hunt before "another regrettable death occurs". This was all the more powerful considering I hadn't thought anyone would die in this battle.

My lessons learned would have been to make the "cannon fodder" either more in number or a bit higher in CR. If your group beat up on the Promethean then I would certainly add more than just Auren Vrood on his own.

Funny how one mistake leads to the end of the fight.

Vrood was watching with the skeletons from the tower top. When he saw the wizard cast Arcane Eye, he ran down to his tent where the hands were, sealed it up, and started buffing. When the bard knocked the door, his alarm went off and he quickly left the tent and went to hide in the tower (flying up to lay against the underside of what was left of the 2nd story floor).

The party wizard cast fly on himself, then cast haste and swooped over to the tower so he could fireball the skeletons. The druid opened the door, the monk ran just past the door to the tower (about 30' from the tent). Vrood then shot up out of the tower and hit the wizard with a spectral handed vampiric touch.

The hands broke out, one grabbed the monk and the other went after the druid. The druid gets 3 rounds of nauseated killing the hand he's fighting and the monk + druid's animal companion take out the other. The wizard panics and runs off to hide.

Vrood then swoops into the tower and hovers next to the stairs so he can drop a tar pool into the room where the monk, bard, and animal companion are. The monk is the only one to escape. Which is my undoing.

The hasted monk (80 movement speed) makes his reflex save at the start of his turn, walks out of the pool, moves up the stairs, and drops down onto Vrood. he succeeds on his Grapple check (rolled a 3 and still won). The weight drags Vrood down and that's basically game over. The bard gets out of the goop, the wizard flies over and dimension doors the companion out, the druid stops throwing up, and the archers were blown up by a single fireball (and a complete inability to pass a saving throw).

Vrood had nothing to do while grappled. He could only break out on a 20 and all of his spells had the S component (and would have had to roll around a 15 to succeed in casting anything anyway). All I could do was channel negative energy and that couldn't do nearly enough to trouble anyone.

I was sad. I should have gone invisible before the tar pool. I should have eyebite the wizard, instead of vampiric touch, because then I could have been using it on people even when grappled. I shouldn't have stopped next to the stairs in easy strolling range of the hasted monk.

Curses! Foiled again!

On the plus side, my players were all happy about exploiting the tactical mistake.


Sounds like a great fight, MP! And also goes to show that Monks really can shine in the right circumstances! :)

My players went for the grapple-win too, but it was a lot more anticlimactic since I didn't have him go invisible or start flying. If I had the fight to run over again, I'd try to run it a little more like yours. :)

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Important rule to future GMs - Eyebite is awesome and you should use it the first turn you can possibly use it. That way if Vrood is grappled, he can eyebite the grappler and not be pinned and tied up and beaten to death.

Heh. When my Vrood got grappled he got out of it with Circle of Death.

The eidolon doing the grappling exploded. Shards of jade everywhere, it was a mess.

Dark Archive

Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

Hm, in bit of a pickle.

Recently invited another player to join my CC game (paladin), for a total of six players. So, I am going to up some of the encounters (the're also more powerful than a the 15-point buy; 4d6, drop lowest).

I've made Vrood able to (legally) cast circle o' death by adding a level of necromancer, and might beef up his crawling hands.

Bit worried about the spell - I don't want to try and have a TPK. Is it too overboard, or am I over-hyping the spell?

Grand Lodge

It won't cause a TPK. It might kill a few people, but that spell cannot wipe the entire party in one shot.

It only slays 9d4 HD worth of creatures, which is 36 on a MAXIMUM roll for Vrood. If your party is all 8th level, you can potentially kill 4 people with it (equaling 32HD.) If they are 9th level, then you won't kill them at all, as it exceeds the HD limit of the spell.

My pc's were level 8 when they met Vrood (that's Mr. Vrood to you, he told them) and so i started with a nice friendly circle of Death, killing only the Witch and the Druids Mammuth, Jim. We play with hero points and so the witch didn't die completely. However during a very long and nice fight the druid was brought down to level 2 using enervation, Mr. Vrood was blinding and in the end beated. Had he had one more turn the druid would have died.

I really liked the fight since it was very close. i only had 3 players at level 8 and ran the encounter pretty much according to the book, except maxing his hp. If I had to do it again I would buff his minions as they were just there.. no real threat and boring. If our last players had been there Vrood would need a buff or more and better minions. However, my players are pretty optimised so it depends on your group. I have to keep in druid in line because he can do 70-90 dmg pr round if he is allowed to pounce.

Dark Archive

Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

Thanks Three-EyedSloth and Arano;

I'm not terrible cabable with spellcasters, and I didn't want to blow away the party (just challenge). The newer player will have a undead scourge paladin, so undead won't be a huge deal.

I'll def pump up his minions (and skeleton archers).

We make a good team Mr. Sloth.
Your paladin will have a fun time in book 6 since Allmost everything is undead.

I am not that good with casters either. It is my first time Gm'ing.
We use Hero points so I know there is a sort of buffer zone. I read the vrood encounter and saw the circle of death and thought that it might be too hard without (+ I really wanted to use it). But it really made them scared when the boss man killed a player and Jim in his first turn. it set the mood for a good fight and the witch still talks about the payback she got on him.

In general I don't really like save or die spells. They are very risky.
What i really like about vrood is his enervation. it is easy to use and control and the players can feel its impact without you killing a players pr. turn. My players had truble with his flying so he could stay out of range and use it. It prolonged the fight in a good way.

Grand Lodge

No problem, DeciusNero.

And thanks Arano! I agree. :P

ANebulousMistress wrote:

Heh. When my Vrood got grappled he got out of it with Circle of Death.

The eidolon doing the grappling exploded. Shards of jade everywhere, it was a mess.

Can't cast circle of death while grappled as it has a Somatic component (finger wiggling) and furthermore requires a component that you'd have to already have in hand before you were grappled. That was why Vrood couldn't do anything when the monk grabbed him.

Unless, of course, Vrood had a Still Spell rod in hand. Then he'd simply have to roll a check of 1d20 + caster level vs 10 + grappler's CMB + spell level.

Our last session ended with the PCs making it to the top of the Stairs of the Moon. I switched things up a bit due to their actions disrupting some events earlier in the story - Cybrisa and the Broken Ones aren't up there, but Estovion is, so the party will be facing off against him and Mathus at the same time. I intend to have Estovion summon the vilkacis and project the spirit into Mathus, giving him greater rage for a good chunk of the fight.

(Also, every last one of the PCs has contracted lycanthropy during the fight on the way up. So that's going to be interesting.)

Looking over Mathus' stats, I sort of feel like Iron Will and Endurance are throwaway feat choices. I was thinking of replacing at least one of those with Improved Sunder and/or Improved Disarm - the party inquisitor is mowing down werewolves like dandelions with a silver greatsword he bought back in Lepidstadt, and Mathus' Improved TWF gives him lots of opportunities to utilize combat maneuvers that can relieve the PCs of this advantage in this fight. (Can you still perform combat maneuvers when in rage, or is that too tactical to pass muster?)

Estovion combined with a possessed Mathus should come out to about a CR 11 encounter - exceptionally difficult for a party of 7th level PCs, in theory. However, their cleric has a good number of channels left even after fighting their way up the tower, and there's a fifth party member who will arrive on the scene wholly refreshed since that player missed last session (I'm having his bard show up in the company of Rhakis Szadro's pack, removing them from the fight by having them hold off what's left of the Silverfangs while the bard makes her way up the tower). Plus, four of those five PCs have silver weapons or equivalents thereof (one is a monk - yay errata!).

What do you guys think? Overkill? Or a good challenge?

Sounds like fun. The only danger I could see is that they finish off the fight and the vilkacis jumps out of Mathus, which actually makes it more of a three badguy fight.

If you're dealing with a lot of silver weapons (which do -1 damage, don't forget), then improved sunder is great fun. Even just disarm and some unseen servant moving around to 'clean up the mess' as Estovian directed it. That is to say, picking up dropped weapons and tossing them off the tower.

You can always fudge things if it turns out to be far too difficult, but the tower top is so small that things should be done rather quickly.

Grand Lodge

MurphysParadox wrote:
ANebulousMistress wrote:

Heh. When my Vrood got grappled he got out of it with Circle of Death.

The eidolon doing the grappling exploded. Shards of jade everywhere, it was a mess.

Can't cast circle of death while grappled as it has a Somatic component (finger wiggling) and furthermore requires a component that you'd have to already have in hand before you were grappled. That was why Vrood couldn't do anything when the monk grabbed him.

Unless, of course, Vrood had a Still Spell rod in hand. Then he'd simply have to roll a check of 1d20 + caster level vs 10 + grappler's CMB + spell level.

You can cast spells while grappled. You just have to make a concentration check (10 + spell level + grappler's CMB). It's not likely a caster will succeed, but it's possible.

ThreeEyedSloth wrote:
MurphysParadox wrote:
ANebulousMistress wrote:

Heh. When my Vrood got grappled he got out of it with Circle of Death.

The eidolon doing the grappling exploded. Shards of jade everywhere, it was a mess.

Can't cast circle of death while grappled as it has a Somatic component (finger wiggling) and furthermore requires a component that you'd have to already have in hand before you were grappled. That was why Vrood couldn't do anything when the monk grabbed him.

Unless, of course, Vrood had a Still Spell rod in hand. Then he'd simply have to roll a check of 1d20 + caster level vs 10 + grappler's CMB + spell level.

You can cast spells while grappled. You just have to make a concentration check (10 + spell level + grappler's CMB). It's not likely a caster will succeed, but it's possible.

Even tho it was a year ago I do remember making that check.

My dice hated my PCs that day.

MurphysParadox wrote:
Sounds like fun. The only danger I could see is that they finish off the fight and the vilkacis jumps out of Mathus, which actually makes it more of a three badguy fight.

Hmmmm, I hadn't considered that. I'm not too bothered by that possibility, though - if they're too worn down to survive, I'd just have the vilkacis flee to its home on the lower level of the temple (which they bypassed with ropes of climbing on their way in, so they'll want to clean the entire place out and raid for treasure after they've dealt with Mathus and Estovion, which gives them a chance to fight it again after they've refreshed themselves a bit).

I also plan on having Estovion break and run using Dimensional Steps if he is dropped to below 50% hp or it looks like Mathus is losing. Not sure if he'd flee the Stairs or just hide out in the secret chamber hoping no one finds him.

If you're dealing with a lot of silver weapons (which do -1 damage, don't forget), then improved sunder is great fun. Even just disarm and some unseen servant moving around to 'clean up the mess' as Estovion directed it. That is to say, picking up dropped weapons and tossing them off the tower.

Oh, now that is just mean. I like it. :D

ThreeEyedSloth wrote:
MurphysParadox wrote:
ANebulousMistress wrote:

Heh. When my Vrood got grappled he got out of it with Circle of Death.

The eidolon doing the grappling exploded. Shards of jade everywhere, it was a mess.

Can't cast circle of death while grappled as it has a Somatic component (finger wiggling) and furthermore requires a component that you'd have to already have in hand before you were grappled. That was why Vrood couldn't do anything when the monk grabbed him.

Unless, of course, Vrood had a Still Spell rod in hand. Then he'd simply have to roll a check of 1d20 + caster level vs 10 + grappler's CMB + spell level.

You can cast spells while grappled. You just have to make a concentration check (10 + spell level + grappler's CMB). It's not likely a caster will succeed, but it's possible.

My point is this:

SRD wrote:
Casting Spells while Grappled/Grappling: The only spells which can be cast while grappling or pinned are those without somatic components and whose material components (if any) you have in hand. Even so, you must make a concentration check (DC 10 + the grappler's CMB + the level of the spell you're casting) or lose the spell.

Circle of Death has a Somatic component, ergo no casting the spell. The only way around this is by using Still Spell metamagic.

The takeaway is that GMs should consider if any of the players may grapple and, if so, give Vrood some way to escape it.



Watch out for the Bard (or somebody else) hitting Malthus with a nice little hold person (werewolves are humanoids). That's what happened in my group. Goodbye, boss fight.

Actually, that might still be okay for you, since you could have the Vilkacis come out in response, and still have a heck of an exciting fight.

Grand Lodge

MurphysParadox wrote:
ThreeEyedSloth wrote:
MurphysParadox wrote:
ANebulousMistress wrote:

Heh. When my Vrood got grappled he got out of it with Circle of Death.

The eidolon doing the grappling exploded. Shards of jade everywhere, it was a mess.

Can't cast circle of death while grappled as it has a Somatic component (finger wiggling) and furthermore requires a component that you'd have to already have in hand before you were grappled. That was why Vrood couldn't do anything when the monk grabbed him.

Unless, of course, Vrood had a Still Spell rod in hand. Then he'd simply have to roll a check of 1d20 + caster level vs 10 + grappler's CMB + spell level.

You can cast spells while grappled. You just have to make a concentration check (10 + spell level + grappler's CMB). It's not likely a caster will succeed, but it's possible.

My point is this:

SRD wrote:
Casting Spells while Grappled/Grappling: The only spells which can be cast while grappling or pinned are those without somatic components and whose material components (if any) you have in hand. Even so, you must make a concentration check (DC 10 + the grappler's CMB + the level of the spell you're casting) or lose the spell.

Circle of Death has a Somatic component, ergo no casting the spell. The only way around this is by using Still Spell metamagic.

The takeaway is that GMs should consider if any of the players may grapple and, if so, give Vrood some way to escape it.

Not true.

Here's proof:

Sean K Reynolds wrote:

I pointed out to Jason that the no-somatic text only appears in the rules on concentration, not on grapple, and is a legacy of when grapple was a whole-body thing instead of a just-an-arm thing. The no-somatic rule is being errata'd out of the game, it shouldn't have been left in.


Also, this.

If I cant trust the SRD, who can I trust!?

Anyway, I agree that the vilkacis popping out of Malthus after he's held would be good times. But don't forget that the target of hold person can try to escape every round; one of the curate twins got the inquisitor with it but, alas, no one could do a coup de grace before the wizard dispelled the hold and all the skeletons were eaten by the dire tiger shaped druid.

I may be raising this question too late to help me tonight, but I'm confused about something relating to the Vilkacis. The module states that if the Vilkacis is driven from Corvin, the Vilkacis will seek to possess someone else -- presumably a PC. However, the write up on the Vilkacis only suggests it can be driven from a possessed person if the possessed person is struck by silver, giving that person an extra save. But, according to the write-up, if the person makes the save, then the Vilkacis cannot use the possession ability for another day, which means no attempting to possess anyone else. What am I missing?

Voomer wrote:
I may be raising this question too late to help me tonight, but I'm confused about something relating to the Vilkacis. The module states that if the Vilkacis is driven from Corvin, the Vilkacis will seek to possess someone else -- presumably a PC. However, the write up on the Vilkacis only suggests it can be driven from a possessed person if the possessed person is struck by silver, giving that person an extra save. But, according to the write-up, if the person makes the save, then the Vilkacis cannot use the possession ability for another day, which means no attempting to possess anyone else. What am I missing?

My copy says:

"If Corvin is killed, the vilkacis immediately tries to possess the nearest creature and continue its attacks. If the vilkacis is driven out of Corvin’s body, it flees back to the Stairs of the Moon (see area E1), only to be summoned again the following night by Estovion."

I think you misread.

Yep I misread! Sorry to waste your time. Is there anyway to drive the Vilkacis out other than by hitting Corvin with a silver weapon?

Some ideas involving magic circle against evil or protection from evil were thrown about in my party (I allowed Corvin another save when hit with the Protection from Evil). It isn't a bad idea to allow the players to try a few reasonable options. Also a divine caster can probably come up with a few interesting ideas that would make sense.

Thanks. Turned out not to be necessary. A couple hard hits with a silver falchion knocked sense into Corvin and sent the Vilkacis running home.

I think the module is a little ambiguous as whether that sort of "defeat" would prompt Estovion to flee Ascanor. I decided it would, mostly because we had basically wrapped things up at the lodge and I didn't see the point in prolonging things for another full day and night.

It did lead to some pretty interesting roleplaying trying to convince Belik to let the PCs break into Estovion's office, supposedly to make sure Estovion was ok. Although Belik is complicit in most of Estovion's schemes, there is no indication he knows about the Vilkacis. Belik initially refused to let the PCs access the office, but he eventually relented, due to his curiosity and concern for Estovion (and, frankly, my desire to give the PCs' the information in the office before they left Ascanor). But Belik, who accompanied the PCs, caught the PCs trying to search Estovion's stuff, and now he's going to kick them out of the Lodge.

The party has moved onto the Stairs of the Moon. I'm wondering if anyone else's party just flew right up to the top of the tower and took the attack directly to Malthus. That's what my players did. It doesn't break the Stairs of the Moon encounter, although it is certainly not what the writer contemplated.

Voomer wrote:
The party has moved onto the Stairs of the Moon. I'm wondering if anyone else's party just flew right up to the top of the tower and took the attack directly to Malthus. That's what my players did. It doesn't break the Stairs of the Moon encounter, although it is certainly not what the writer contemplated.

When I ran this, the PCs brokered a truce with the remaining Vollensag lycans to help them fend off the Mordrinacht in exchange for Mathus' heart. Three party members (rogue, inquisitor, monk) used ropes of climbing to ascend the tower up to the point where the archers were posted, while the fourth (cleric) pretended to be a prisoner of the Primals being taken to Mathus for questioning. Unfortunately, the prisoner bluff didn't work so well, but a 7th level cleric and two Glabro-sized werewolves were more than enough of a match for the normal-sized Silverhides.

Only bad thing about this for the party was that the cleric didn't make it to the top until well after the other PCs had fought the minion werewolves (but she did make it up there in time to fight Mathus and Estovion, whom I swapped out for Cybrisa since they decided to raid the temple during daylight hours).

Sounds fun. Why did a daytime raid lead you to place Estovion with Mathus?

How did it work out when your PCs needed to tell Rhakis of the Prince's Wolves that they gave Mathus' heart to the Primals?

My PCs formed an alliance with the Prince's Wolves earlier than contemplated in the module, which gave them the information about Mathus' location. Basically, I said Madame Ivanja is in league with the Prince's Wolves -- which seems so obvious it is odd the module didn't include it or specifically discount it -- and the PCs convinced her to put them in contact with the Prince's Wolves. The Princes Wolves led the PCs to the Stairs, since it made no sense to me that Duristan would know where the Stairs of the Moon are.

I chose to change that combat for a number of reasons. At first, the PCs had done an excellent job of evading Estovion's suspicions - they only triggered the lowest level of paranoid responses despite finding out nearly every clue there was available. But then they went and questioned the halfling porter, Belik, when one of them used linguistics to determine who the writer of the note most likely was... and there weren't any other halflings around. They were smart about their interrogation - they posed as WW members who didn't take kindly to being left threatening notes, so Belik wasn't likely to say a word to anyone about the interrogation.

However, it was also clear to me that the PCs as a whole HATED Estovion. He'd been lying to their faces for days, and he clearly had ties to the WW and had aided them in their plot. He was an enemy they could rally against, whereas Cybrisa and her Broken Ones hadn't really played much of a role in the story thus far. [EDIT: Since the PCs went during the day, I decided that Cybrisa and her people weren't due to make it to the stairs until night fell.]

So, I decided that Belik tried to make a run for it, thinking the PCs were WW agents, and got caught in the act by Estovion. At that point, the conjurer knew the jig was up. He panicked and fled to the Stairs to seek asylum with Mathus, warning him that the PCs were likely to seek him out next - and offering to channel the vilkacis into Mathus to ensure that he would be victorious against the heroes.

I also used the Madame Ivanja-as-werewolf hook, btw. I may have misread the module on this point, but I got the impression that Rhakis knew that Mathus' heart was incidental and the true prize was the stolen heart of Kvalca Sain, so he and the PCs are now working together to reach the Furrows in time to reclaim it from the WW.

Interesting. My PCs were the opposite in the Lodge. They triggered maximum levels of suspicion in no time, so all of the events happened in quick sequence and Estovion fled the second night the PCs were there.

I think you are right that Rhakis knew the WW wanted Sain's heart for some reason, although the module indicates that Rhakis wants to eat Mathus' heart to become Packlord himself. I made him quite explicit about this. Since the PCs have figured out the Prince's Wolves are historical foes of the WW and the only technically non-evil tribe, they were willing to make the alliance.

I actually felt it was important that the PCs form some explicit alliance before going into the Stairs of the Moon. Otherwise, why would the werewolves allow the PCs to activate the Dusk Moth? In my mind, the Prince's Wolves, as Varisian wanderers, are actually pretty ok with Desna, so they will make sure the PCs get the space they need to perform the ceremony. But I'm dumping the requirement of a full day of cleaning the temple -- that doesn't jive with the importance of pursuing the WW.

By the way, I made Madame Ivanja a Szcarni ally of the Prince's Wolves, but not a werewolf herself.

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