GM Tanner's Carrion Crown OOC Thread

Play-by-Post Discussion

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*Character Creation*

25 point buy.

2 Traits (1 regular, 1 campaign). Those selecting the Heirloom Weapon trait do not gain proficiency in the weapon through the trait.

Any race.

Any class from Core, APG, or Ultimate playtests. (fyi, I don't like Summoners or Gunslingers)

No evil characters.

Maximum starting wealth.

All characters will also have the option of belonging to or joining various factions during the course of the campaign. Each character may only belong to a single faction. Information on the factions available may be found on GM Tanner's page by clicking on my name.

If you are not familiar with the rules for factions, just let me know.

Just checking in and dotting...

Still looking at one of two options (but not necessarily in this order)

1) Human Inquisitor of Pharasma (Hunter of the Restless Dead) - Soul subdomain, prefers to fight at range, but can go melee if need be.

2) Human (Changeling?) Witch with intent to go into Harrower. Still anxiously waiting to see what the changelings are all about.

Dark Archive

GM Tanner wrote:

*Character Creation*

25 point buy.

2 Traits (1 regular, 1 campaign). Those selecting the Heirloom Weapon trait do not gain proficiency in the weapon through the trait.

Any race.

Any class from Core, APG, or Ultimate playtests. (fyi, I don't like Summoners or Gunslingers)

No evil characters.

Maximum starting wealth.

If you aren't full, I would like to participate. I want to play a CG or NG Half-Elf Alchemist. More on the back story and such if I am excepted.

Female Human Varisian Oracle - Life - 2nd (FC)

Terok checking in Tanner, Sarrah is my life Oracle. She was based upon 20 point buy so I need to finish her up with new stats and equipment, etc. But her background is complete so feel free to read over and let me know if it is fine. Thanks!

Disinherited Knight wrote:
If you aren't full, I would like to participate. I want to play a CG or NG Half-Elf Alchemist. More on the back story and such if I am excepted.

Thank you for your interest, but players for this game have already been selected. Good luck finding a game!


I'm working on my character and have (almost) decided to scrap the wizard version, so now it's down to a rogue or bard.

What do you guys think would be the best class for a detective/scholar like character? investigator rogue or detective bard (or is it the other way around)?

I also would like my character to have some knowledge about "forensic sciencey"-stuff, to what lvl it has been developed in Golarion. Mostly i would like him to be able to rougly estimate time and cause of death. What kind of knowledge-skill would that be?

My second problem is that i might be treading into the territory of Joana's propsed roguey/bardy travelling circus character. Which class that character ends up as will also have an effect on my character since i don't want to take the same class.

Patrik Ström wrote:
I also would like my character to have some knowledge about "forensic sciencey"-stuff, to what lvl it has been developed in Golarion. Mostly i would like him to be able to rougly estimate time and cause of death. What kind of knowledge-skill would that be?

In 3.5, I think you could use the Heal skill to determine cause of death and how long someone had been dead. I notice it's not listed under Heal in the PRD, though.

Patrik Strom wrote:
My second problem is that i might be treading into the territory of Joana's propsed roguey/bardy travelling circus character. Which class that character ends up as will also have an effect on my character since i don't want to take the same class.

Don't worry about me. I'm still trying to figure out how to make the character in the first place. Just figure out your own character.

EDIT: It's in Complete Adventurer: "You can use the Heal skill to determine what killed a dead creature.

Cause of death:
Physical wounds DC 0
Environmental (fire, suffocation, etc.) DC 5
Spell w/ visible effects DC 10
Poison DC 15
Spell w/ no visible effects DC 20

Each day that passes between the time of the creature's death and teh time the examination is made increases the DC of the Heal check to determine the cause of death by 5.

Action: Making a Heal check to determine the cause of a creature's death takes 10 minutes.

Try Again: Yes, but it takes 10 more minutes for each check."

So it's not OGL, but it's out there for DM discretion.

Female Human Varisian Oracle - Life - 2nd (FC)

Looks like Dan was going to be our fighter type, hopefully he is planning to do TWF type as it looks like we need an upfront fighter.
My life oracle can channell 8 times so I should be able to heal pretty effectively between that and spells. I guess if we have the inquisitor as well he is the backup fighter as well.

Female Human Varisian Oracle - Life - 2nd (FC)

Just downloaded the copy of the Carrion Crown AP. Won't be reading it since I will be adventuring in it, but looking forward to kicking this off whenever Tanner is ready!
Thanks for running this one.

Looked at the information on the Changelings, while they are kind of cool, it doesn't fit the concept for the witch I had in mind. (I also figured they would have been "slam-dunk" choices for witches, but they really don't seem to be.)

So with that, I'm still looking at
1) Human Inquisitor of Pharasma (Hunter of the Restless Dead) - Soul subdomain, prefers to fight at range, but can go melee if need be.

2) Human Witch with intent to go into Harrower.

I'm starting to lean toward the inquisitor, but I may switch him to a melee focused character if that is what the group needs. Just don't expect him to take up the role of leader like Khalid, definitely not a leader type...not really sure he's a follower either, let's hear it for single digit charismas!


So here is my plan. Next week is spring break for me, which will give me adequate time to read through the AP and get my MapTool stuff in order. I would like to kick things off on Thursday or Friday of next week.

1. I need everyone to finish their characters by Tuesday night.

2. I need you to include a brief background for your PC, incorporating your campaign trait and stating whether you are a native of Ustalav or traveling there from somewhere else.

3. Pick a faction (if you want to) and also incorporate that into your background.

So plan and discuss and do whatever you need to do to get your character sheets and party ready to go.

Ok, I'll be going with another inquisitor. The question is do I go melee focused or ranged focus? I have thoughts in mind for either one.

Female Human Varisian Oracle - Life - 2nd (FC)

Sarrah is finished up.
Copy of her background, she could use all of the meatshields she can get as she definitely won't be getting into combat, if possible....

For years as a child Sarrah often had a sixth sense about people or creatures that were about to get hurt. Early on she found that she could tend to people's wounds and by the time she was 5 even cure their wounds with a touch. Normally in Varisian culture she would have been revered by her people. But due to her badly deformed leg she was considered an outcast by her people, cursed as one who had done something to anger the gods to be unable to heal herself. One who might spread her deformity to others. It was seen as a sign of a bad omen by her people and by the time she was 6, her family had been driven out of their clan so they travelled alone, eventually settling in Ustalav.
Sarrah had kept her secret for many years, sensing that people might be injured around her but did not showing her gift. It pained her everytime she saw someone get hurt but did nothing about it. When she turned 15 she could take no more. They came upon a merchant caravan that had been attacked by bandits. She felt that one of the merchants had survived, although he was badly hurt. She ran to him and cured his wounds. Her family was fearful of what might happen but the merchant was so happy at being saved by the young girl that he invited them back to the city of Ardis and told them they would be his honored guests.
While there the merchant encouraged her to use her gift and eventually she did. She healed those in the need for no charge until she caught the eye of some Abadarian clerics who did not appreciate her growing clientel hurting their business and therefore their coffers.
Soon the merchant was pressured into asking them to leave, lest he loose his business and his livelyhood by being sanctioned by the dominant priesthood.
This time she left on her own, wanting to seek her own path but the merchant wanted to give her one final gift for saving his life, he sent her to a friend of his, a scholar named Professor Lorrimor to learn more about her abilities. Her parents were heartbroken, they had left everything for her, but they understood that she must walk her own path.
She studied for a time with Professor Lorrimor and learned that she had a gift, not a curse. She also learned to focus her spell casting and expand her healing abilities. She left him when she turned 18 to again be on the open road. She wondered for a time, helping those that she could. Sometimes met with fear, other times with kindness. Her path eventually brought her back to the town of Ravengro. She could feel fate drawing her there, but she was too late. The professor had already passed by the time she arrived.

I am fine with a frontline paladin but I'm going to struggle to have much more than a shell up by tuesday and as per previous may not have email at all next week. The rest of you seem to have skills covered so I'm thinking a hard hitting two hander with the life oracle.

I think either a bard or a rouge (or a wizard) makes a fine detective. Maybe depends on whether you want them to be mundane or arcane? Would be good to have one of the later I guess. Bonus cool points for a German accent.

Tempted to say ranged for the inquisitor but dunno. Think its always good to have at least two melee for flanking but a rogue or melee focused bard could always do that or even summons.

I don't anticipate throwing you guys into combat right off the bat (unless you go around picking fights with random citizens), so just work on getting your background, traits, and faction affiliation up and going.

Would someone mind posting the trait benefits. I've read the pg but currently don't have access to it.

I take it we are flexible on factions if none suit?

I don't plan on the factions playing a significant role in the AP. Just think of it like a professional affiliation and a way to give a little boost to the party.

We will also use the Harrow point system, but that can wait for a bit.

Campaign Traits:

Chance Savior: Fate smiled on you and Professor
Lorrimor one day in the not so distant past. Through a
matter of pure chance, you were in a position to save the
late scholar’s life and did so. His gratitude was effusive,
and he promised that he would never forget you. You are
unsure of the nature of the summons in his will, but
believe he may have listed you as a possible heir in thanks
for saving him from an untimely demise.
Your ability to think quickly on your feet has stayed
with you, and you quite often feel that you’re in the right
place at the right time. You gain a +2 trait bonus on
Initiative checks.

Subject of Study: Professor Lorrimor approached you as
part of his studies, as he had heard that you had survived a
recent encounter with a strange monster or had another
fateful encounter. Interested in the conditions of the runin
and the means by which you avoided death or injury, he
met with you and maintained frequent correspondence
until several months ago. The scars of your experience
and his continual reminders of the encounter prompted
you to hone your skills lest you someday face the same
type of creature again. The professor assisted you in this
endeavor, providing you with insight into the anatomy
and defenses of the creature that attacked you.
Years of study have improved your combat effectiveness
against your chosen foe. Choose a non-humanoid creature
type (and subtype if outsider). You gain a +1 bonus on
damage rolls against creatures of this type. See the
ranger favored enemy suggestions for a list of creature
types most likely to appear in this campaign.

Inspired by Greatness: Whether you knew Professor
Lorrimor well or only in passing, as a colleague or
competitor, his career and lifetime of discovery inspired
you to be better at what you do. As you honed your craft,
you and the professor corresponded, and he was delighted
to hear that he had directly or indirectly motivated you
to strive for your full potential. Saddened by the news of
his death, you feel that you should honor his memory by
fulfilling his final wishes and attending his funeral, and
by ever striving to attain greater heights and someday
match the inf luence and impact of your idol.
Choose one spell you can cast. From now on, you always
cast this spell at +1 caster level.

Making Good on Promises: At some point in the past,
Professor Lorrimor did you a favor under the condition
that he would someday call on you to repay it. After he came
to your aid, however, you never saw nor heard from him
again, leaving you with a sense of unending anticipation
that each day might be the day you were asked to return
the favor. Yet that day never came, and your fears and
anxiety about what the professor would call on you to do
abated. Assuming the old man had either forgotten about
you or died, you eventually assumed you’d never have to
follow through on your end of the bargain. When you
received word of the professor’s death, and that he had
named you specifically in his will, your dread of what he
could possibly want from you has grown throughout your
entire journey to Ravengro.
Years of living with the fear and uncertainty of the
unclaimed debt to Professor Lorrimor have inured you
to extreme anxiety. You gain a +2 trait bonus on saves
against fear effects.

On the Payroll: Whether he needed a bodyguard in a
rough neighborhood, a guide to an isolated archeological
dig, or information on a specialized topic, Professor
Lorrimor was never shy about hiring professionals to
help him attain his goals. Over the course of his long
career, thousands of people throughout the world served
his needs and benefited from his generous wages (usually
covered by his academic benefactor at the time). He had
contacts in most areas of expertise in every corner of the
known world, a knack for recognizing talent, and a desire
to be surrounded by the best and brightest at all times.
Whatever job the professor originally hired you for, your
performance captured his attention, and he hired you
many times throughout your career, sometimes even for
jobs away from your home, always paying your expenses
and compensating you well for your time. In your area of
expertise, you are among the best.
Your years of hard work have paid off, granting you an
additional 150 gp in starting wealth.

Teacher’s Pet: Professor Lorrimor traveled the Inner
Sea region lecturing and teaching at universities in
locations as far-f lung as Manaket and Magnimar, and as
different in scope as the bardic colleges of Taldor and the
battle colleges of the River Kingdoms. Speaking before
standing-room-only lecture halls on topics as widely
ranging as military strategy, planar anomalies, theology,
and agriculture, Lorrimor’s time was highly valued
among those ambitious to benefit from his expertise.
Despite this, he still managed to provide one-on-one
assistance to the most promising of his acolytes. When
he saw the potential for greatness in one of his charges,
he took it upon himself to nurture their spark. You were
such a student. Over the course of several months, you
and the late professor spent hours debating the finer
points of your topic of interest, and the
intellectual doors he opened
for you continue to f lavor
your outlook on the world.
You gain a +2 trait bonus
to one Knowledge skill of
your choosing and consider
it a class skill.

Sovereign Court

Hi guys, Tanner invited me to the game and uni's cleared up enough for me to fit it in now I think. I don't want to step any toes so can someone quickly breakdown current classes? I was going to go with a Paladin, dex based and probably a halfling. Ex-circus performer.

Edit: Scratch that, probably not going Paladin... What does the group need? It looks like we're short on arcane so I can play the squishy for once?

Good progress, everyone. Alex is going to play a spellcaster so we have some arcane presence in the party.

BTW, under the faction list in my profile, "Church of X" is a generic template for any religion you would like.

HP- 7/13 (+1 Rage), AC- 15, CMD 13, Fort +8, Ref +3, Will +3, Perception +3, Init +1 Half-Orc Skald (Dragon, Totemic)

Introducing Morven Greigor. He is an enhancer (transmutation specialist) wizard that i'm eventually going to turn into a Gish. Even when hes a gish he'll still be buffing others though. I'm trying to make him fairly versatile.

Morven is a rather ugly half-orc- the result of continual raids on the his small home village of Ashendar, west of Tamrivena (in Ustalav). Ashendar is directly on the border to the Hold of Belkzen and thus is subject to a great deal of Orc raids. The children of the unpleasant unions that result from the raids are usually killed on birth, or before in some cases. Morven's mother refused to give up her child, and was ostracised by the village for her decision. As Morven grew up, he found himself continually belittled, mocked and beaten by the other children- despite his size and strength they would beat him down in gangs. He became more and more introverted, spending all of his time indoors reading and wishing he had been born a human child.

When the Ustalav Arcanamirium came to the village on its annual recruiting day, it seemed natural for Morven to apply. Desperate to get away from the village, he passed his joining after it was found he had magical potential and never looked back. A few years into his apprenticeship, it became clear he had a talent for transmutation. He looked on in longing as the journeymen of the Academy demonstrated the ability to transmute themselves into another race- Morven saw a chance to finally shake off the judgement of others in this, and studied the school of magic with fervour.

Professor Lorrimor occasionally visited the academy to debate and converse with experts of magic. The professor had made many enemies and rivals over the years, and Morven found himself thrust into a position where he saw a hooded figure aiming a crossbow at the professor's back. Reacting instinctively, he used the newest spell in his reportoire to shatter the firing mechanism of the crossbow just as the bolt was fired. It was enough for the bolt to miss the professor, and although Morven was left for dead by the assassin as he made his escape, the Professor waited until he had made a recovery in order to thank him. He was kind to Morven, discussing transmutation with him for much of the day, and he didn't seem to judge him on his orc heritage. Although they had little correspondence in the years since, Morven had not forgotten him. When the letter arrived, he requested a leave of abscence from the academy in Ardis and made his way to the funeral serving as a caravan guard.

Tanner, how many faction points do we start with?

Alex, we are starting out with zero faction points.

Everyone, please list your faction affiliation on your character sheet somewhere. Or put 'None' if you choose not have an affiliation.

It looks like so far we have:
Sarrah Kayden - Oracle of Life
Morven Greigor - Transmuter

May i present to you Quiddling Cane, seen here to the left after discovering some lost secret on one of his travels.

Quiddling Cane is the lastest member of the influential Cane clan, the halfling family who in one single generation made the journey from slavedom in Cheliax to a member of the high society in Absalom. It was a little more than one hundred years today that Quiddlings grandfather, Fildwick Cane, started the Cane's rise to power by escaping his devil worshiping masters and starting a new life in the city at the center of the world. With a combination of hard work, wits and a little bit of luck he became one of the more successful merchants in Absalom. After his death his two sons Billwit and Poddoc took over the trade and the family's wealth has only grown.

Quiddling is the only son of Billwit Cane and (some malign voices would say "trophy") wife Lillwillow. As a Cane few doors were closed for the young halfling and the young halfing seized the opportunity. Even though it was his father's connections that secured Quiddling's place in the university of Absalom it was his own abilities that showed that he belonged there. During his stay at the university he studies a wide array of subject but eventually it was science that captured Quidding's interest as he studied under the guiding hand of a guest professor Petros Lorrimor from the faraway lands of Ustalav. The professor was a charismatic teacher and opened the young halfing noble's mind to the mysteries and wonders of the world. The Ustalav professor sparked the lust for adventure in Quiddling and after the Lorrimors departure back to Ustalav the halfling secured a spot as an assistant on numerous expeditions by the Pathfinder society with the help of his father.

During his travels Quiddling has kept detailed journals which he hopes to someday compile into a book, or why not a few? He has during the years kept in contact with his mentor, sending transcripts of his notes and receiving comments and suggestions from the professor. As Quiddling was preparing for his initiation test for the society news reached him of his old teachers demise. He immediately packed his bags and began his journey to attend the late Petros Lorrimor's funeral.

Traits Anatomist, Teachers pet [campaign]
Fraction The Pathfinder Society

Patrik, did you decide to go bard or rogue with Quiddling? Or have you decided yet?

After much back and forth i've decided to go with a rogue with the investigator archtype.

I have added the statblock to my profile now, but i've yet to add the campaign trait since Herolab isn't updated with the Carrion Crown Player's Guide.

@Tanner: I've taken one rank in Knowledge (Other) which i named "Science". I was hoping to use it to give Quiddling a basic understanding of science knowledge, hopefully able to gain some insight to reenact events, performing an very basic autotopsy and trying to dessicate a fallen monster to try and figure out what makes them tick. Is that ok?


Male Halfling Rogue (Investigator) 1
NG Small Humanoid (Halfling)
Init +4; Senses Perception +7
AC 17, touch 15, flat-footed 13. . (+2 armor, +4 Dex, +1 size)
hp 9 (1d8+1)
Fort +2, Ref +7, Will +2
Spd 20 ft.
Melee Rapier +5 (1d4/18-20/x2) and
. . Unarmed Strike +5 (1d2/20/x2)
Special Attacks Sneak Attack +1d6
Str 10, Dex 18, Con 13, Int 14, Wis 12, Cha 15
Base Atk +0; CMB -1; CMD 13
Feats Rogue Weapon Proficiencies, Weapon Finesse
Traits Anatomist
Skills Acrobatics +6, Climb +2, Diplomacy +6, Disable Device +6, Fly +6, Heal +2, Know: Science +3, Knowledge: History +3, Knowledge: Local +6, Perception +7, Perform: Oratory +6, Profession: Cook +5, Sense Motive +5, Stealth +12 Modifiers Follow Up
Languages Chelaxian, Common, Elven, Halfling
SQ Fearless
Combat Gear Rapier, Leather;
Anatomist +1 to confirm critical hits.
Fearless +2 morale bonus vs Fear saves.
Follow Up (Ex) Make two Gather Information checks in the time normally required for one.
Sneak Attack +1d6 +1d6 damage if you flank your target or your target is flat-footed.

Alexander Kilcoyne wrote:
It looks like we're short on arcane so I can play the squishy for once?

First time I've seen a half-orc with a 16 Str described as a "squishy." ;)

@Patrik: I'm not feeling good about a "Science" skill. If you replace your ranks in [Knowledge: Science] with [Profession: Investigator], then I would be fine with you using it for those purposes. Sound good?

Male N Human (Varisian) Occultist 2 | HP: 17/17 | AC: 17 (11 Tch, 16 FF) | CMB: +3, CMD: 14 | Fort +4, Reflex +1, Will +4 | Initiative: +3 | Perception: +10, Sense Motive: +7 | Speed 20ft | Active conditions: None | Mental Focus 3/8 | 1st Level Spells 3/3 |

Class: Inquisitor
Faction: Church of Pharasma


You see before you a dark clad man with a well kept crossbow slung across his back and a well made morningstar at his hip. As he walks through the room you notice people shying away from the man, not because of any imposing size, but more for an general unpleasant demeanor, magnified by the horrific burn scars that cover the left side of face.

Theodric is very direct in his interactions with others, not really showing much in terms of social graces. This is from a combination of the reaction he general gets for his appearance and a developed lack of caring what others think about him. He is very slow to develop friendships, but those who can stand his personality long enough find they have gained an incredibly loyal friend.

Theodric grew up the son of a Priest of Pharasma, and had always assumed that one day he would follow his father's path as his own. Nothing would change that feeling as grew up, but one fateful night would change the manner in which he chose to serve the Lady of Graves.

A traveling scholar had stopped by Theodric's father's temple to learn more about the abomination known as the undead condition, this scholar was none other than Professor Petros Lorrimor. The young man silent sat as listened to the conversation between his father and the visiting scholar, as the unthinkable happened, the restless dead crashed through the doors of the temple destroying all in their path. Braziers were knocked over and the temple began to burn. Theodric's father did his best to hold off the unholy creatures while Theodric tried to hustle the professor out a rear exit.

To Theodric's horror, these undead were not alone, followers of The Pallid Princess were at the back door. The vile priests were hurling vials of liquid flame at the building and one of the vials found a landing spot across the young man's face. Theodric quickly closed the door and fell to the ground in screaming agony, but was shortly helped to his feet by an obviously frightened scholar. Clutching to the badly wounded left side of his face, Theodric hurried the professor down into the crypts below the temple. It was in the crypts that the professor and the young acolyte hide until morning.

When morning arrived there were no signs of the invaders from the night before, only bloody bits and pieces of his father's vestments remaining as a clue as to what happened after the boy and his charge sought shelter amongst the dead.

The professor left as quickly as he could that morning, and boy would soon follow suit, but not before returning to his fathers chambers and gathering a few meager belongings along with his father's morningstar. The boy left the ruins of the temple that day, headed toward the next closest temple of the Lady of Graves, with a vow of vengeance against the undead upon his lips, a vow which he now carries out at any given opportunity.

GM Tanner wrote:
@Patrik: I'm not feeling good about a "Science" skill. If you replace your ranks in [Knowledge: Science] with [Profession: Investigator], then I would be fine with you using it for those purposes. Sound good?

Sounds good to me! Statblock updated.

Sovereign Court

Joana wrote:
Alexander Kilcoyne wrote:
It looks like we're short on arcane so I can play the squishy for once?
First time I've seen a half-orc with a 16 Str described as a "squishy." ;)

Heh, his starting HP is far less than i'm used to though...

M Human Paladin 2 (Undead Scourge)

Gah just spent an hour writing up my background on my bb only to lose it. I may or may not have access for the next week so pls assume not if I'm not posting.

Stannis is a local peasant who acquired his paladin powers from a dying elven paladin Elspeth Al'ariamia. She was a contemporary of the professor and saved the professors life rather than stannis for the chance encounter trait but he was aware that Stannis had taken up her charge.

For factions none really fit. I've made up an organization, the Raven Knights, a group dedicated to the destruction of the undead.

Sovereign Court

Surely they could be abranch of the Church of Pharasma?

Female Human Varisian Oracle - Life - 2nd (FC)

I haven't read anything about the factions so I don't really even know what they are or what purpose they serve. I don't have one at the moment but let me look it up, Sarrah is most likely a lone wolf though...

As a reminder to everyone, the factions available for this game are available on my profile, along with links to listed benefits.

Perhaps the generic 'Church of X' faction would suit you. What god are you a paladin of?

I'm having a really hard time finding a niche in this game. I keep starting characters and then abandoning them. Nothing seems to fit very well.

Liberty's Edge

I'm so jealous of everyone.... :( Awesome DM, awesome players....

Sarrah Kayden - Oracle
Morven Greigor - Transmuter
Theodric Mikalos - Inquisitor
Quiddling Cane - Rogue
Stannislav (last name?) - Paladin
Joana's Mystery Character

@Joana: Niche, niche, niche... Looking at our current line-up, it appears we are missing battlefield control, area-of-effect, and debuffing. Perhaps a druid? A conjuror? A necromancer? Something utilitarian like an elemental wizard or a witch? Or we could just use another front-line melee fighter. I realize this is probably as broad and non-specific as I could possibly be, but just pick whatever you feel like.

@Everyone: I know I kept reminding people about choosing a faction and listing it in your background, yada yada, but I'm starting to look at the adventure and since we have six players it doesn't seem that we will need any extra boosts to party resources or power. So, with a heavy heart, I'm nixing the factions from this AP. Don't worry about changing your backgrounds, we can just roll with the punches and keep it as flavor-text for your characters. I really wanted to take the faction rules for a spin, but it seems it will need to wait for another game.

@stardust: Lurk to your heart's content; we may lose someone along the way *knocks on wood* and need a replacement.

Liberty's Edge

Joana, this might be helpful.

Since Red Hand of Doom is my first gestalt game, I had no idea what to expect from the gestalt mechanics. I found out, though, that you can really create a dream character from it. You have the list of other characters, just go with what comes as your first idea naturally. If you need to, think of it as gestalt just to get the character idea in your mind (if that works for you as well as it works for me), and then do what you can to make it a reality.

Or I can probably come up with a quick personality test that will help you come up with a character concept you enjoy for this game. Up to you... lol.

I'm having slowly creeping second thoughs about statting Quiddling as a rogue. Would it be ok if i changed him to a bard with the detective archtype? I have not yet decided that i want to do the switch (that will have to wait until later this evening when i have the chance to evaluate what changes the switch will bring)

@Patrik: Until we actually start the game, everything is tentative. Go ahead and edit as much as you like.

Male N Human (Varisian) Occultist 2 | HP: 17/17 | AC: 17 (11 Tch, 16 FF) | CMB: +3, CMD: 14 | Fort +4, Reflex +1, Will +4 | Initiative: +3 | Perception: +10, Sense Motive: +7 | Speed 20ft | Active conditions: None | Mental Focus 3/8 | 1st Level Spells 3/3 |

I have a question about how you would like to handle something in game terms. I am asuming that Theodric has developed a fear of uncontrolled fire after his experience in his father's temple and the unfortunate burning of his face.

How do you want to handle this mechanically? Of couse the other option is I just RP it out myself. But I'm thinking that I might like to have some sort of mechanic for him to potentially overcome his fear for a short period of time. Could be something as simple as a Will Save vs Fear at a specified DC.

Yes, I know that I am unnecessarily hindering my character, but though it was appropriate give his background. Just curious about your thoughts on the subject. Thanks.

Now i've looked over the bard again and though i like the higher skill results he get's i'm not sold on the rest. I'm going to keep Quiddling a rogue, but perhaps i'll try to multi class into bard abit in the future.


I don't think it is necessary to hinder your character mechanically for role-playing's sake. I've always been a fan of the disadvantage/feat system presented in Arcana Unearthed. So how about...

If Theodric takes more than 5 points of fire damage, or if facing a creature with the Fire subtype, he gains the Shaken condition until the end of combat.

His burns have their uses, however, unnerving those around him and giving him a rather menacing persona. Theodric gains the Skill Focus (Intimidate) feat.


Male N Human (Varisian) Occultist 2 | HP: 17/17 | AC: 17 (11 Tch, 16 FF) | CMB: +3, CMD: 14 | Fort +4, Reflex +1, Will +4 | Initiative: +3 | Perception: +10, Sense Motive: +7 | Speed 20ft | Active conditions: None | Mental Focus 3/8 | 1st Level Spells 3/3 |

GM Tanner:
Sounds like a fair deal. I'll take it. :)

All right, I believe I'm going with a conjuror. Tanner's suggestions reminded me of a wizard I ran back in 3.5 and had a lot of fun with.

Corinne Dunbar is a junior scholar and lecturer at one of the universities. As a student, she eagerly sought out Professor Lorrimor who was already a legend in academia and was crushed and offended when he gently suggested that, without real field experience, her hours of studying dusty tomes in the library and performing experiments in tightly-controlled situations in the laboratory would never make her great. She has spent the years since determined to prove him wrong and has achieved respectable name-recognition within the ivory tower of academia without ever becoming the widely-known figure in the greater world that the late Professor was. She shows up to the funeral with a bit of a chip on her shoulder, still subconsciously seeking his respect and approval. She's a bookish type with a lot of theoretical knowledge and no experience in the real world.

She'll be taking the Inspired by Greatness campaign trait, lame as it is. Oooh, +1 caster level on a 0- or 1st-level spell: that'll come in handy at 10th level. *looks jealously at +2 bonus to Initiative*

Great progress, people. The first post is going to go up Thursday morning (EST), so let's finalize any character creation in the next day and a half.

Female Human Varisian Oracle - Life - 2nd (FC)
Joana wrote:

All right, I believe I'm going with a conjuror. Tanner's suggestions reminded me of a wizard I ran back in 3.5 and had a lot of fun with.

Corinne Dunbar is a junior scholar and lecturer at one of the universities. As a student, she eagerly sought out Professor Lorrimor who was already a legend in academia and was crushed and offended when he gently suggested that, without real field experience, her hours of studying dusty tomes in the library and performing experiments in tightly-controlled situations in the laboratory would never make her great. She has spent the years since determined to prove him wrong and has achieved respectable name-recognition within the ivory tower of academia without ever becoming the widely-known figure in the greater world that the late Professor was. She shows up to the funeral with a bit of a chip on her shoulder, still subconsciously seeking his respect and approval. She's a bookish type with a lot of theoretical knowledge and no experience in the real world.

She'll be taking the Inspired by Greatness campaign trait, lame as it is. Oooh, +1 caster level on a 0- or 1st-level spell: that'll come in handy at 10th level. *looks jealously at +2 bonus to Initiative*

Its not so bad, take a spell that scales well through higher levels like mage armor, shield or magic fang for extra duration.

For Sarrah I am still up in the air for either bless or shield of faith...

M Human Paladin 2 (Undead Scourge)

Stannis is updated except for number crunching.

And an avatar pic ;)

btw, I won't be able to look at your name without thinking of Stannis Baratheon from Song of Ice and Fire.

GM Tanner wrote:

And an avatar pic ;)

btw, I won't be able to look at your name without thinking of Stannis Baratheon from Song of Ice and Fire.

What? And the surly burned guy that has an issue with fire isn't close enough to the Hound for you? ;)

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