Damage by size charts - extended?

Rules Questions

Scarab Sages

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So I know that there is a damage chart for small/large weapons in the equipment section of the CRB, and a damage chart for natural weapons in the bestiary.

Are there any charts that extend that range? There are a lot of options these days for players to increase their damage dice through size and abilities that increase weapon damage *as though* they increased in size.

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There is a table under the "Improved Natural Attack" feat.

It goes like this:

part A: 1d2 - 1d3 - 1d4 - 1d6 - 1d8 - 2d6 - 3d6 - 4d6 - 6d6 - 8d6 - 12d6

part B: 1d10 - 2d8 - 3d8 - 4d8 - 6d8 - 8d8 - 12d8

The table doesn't say anything about damage that starts at 1d12, but I'd extrapolate from above and say:

part C: 1d12 - 2d10 - 3d10 - 4d10 - 6d10 - 8d10 - 12d10

So, just find the current damage value, and go left (size decreased) or right (size increased) in the chart.

Shadow Lodge

Psst, 1d12 just becomes 3d6.

Indeed. Disregard my part C then :)

Some times I wish all relevant information was in the same place, so one didn't have to hunt for it in different books and different sections of one book.

Scarab Sages

Yah, it's kind of a pain.

It's a shame that they don't have an extended table somewhere that goes past the table you talked about in the bestiary. Ah well :/

Heck, a formula would be GREAT! :p

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Magicdealer wrote:

Yah, it's kind of a pain.

It's a shame that they don't have an extended table somewhere that goes past the table you talked about in the bestiary. Ah well :/

Heck, a formula would be GREAT! :p

There is a formula 1.5 times the dice.

It is just 50% higher damage per size category. Of course this is constrained by the closest dice combination.

1d4, 50% higher is 1d6, 50% higher is 1d9 but since there is no d9 you round down to 1d8,

1d8 goes to 2d6, then 2d6 goes to 3d6, so on and so forth.

So there is a formula you just need to round down when the dice don't fit.

Scarab Sages


I love you.

It's not quite a perfect formula - the rounding's not always down (1d10 should become 1d15 or 2d7.5, but rounds up to 2d8 instead) - but it's pretty close and it certainly works once you hit the "increasing d6's" or "increasing d8's" progressions. And everything before that is on that chart. So it certainly works to continue sizing it up beyond 12 dice...

I'd be really scared of anything that had a weapon which did 18d6 or 27d6 per hit...

If the goal was to increase by 50%, wouldn't 6dX become 9dX instead of 8dX?

AvalonXQ wrote:
If the goal was to increase by 50%, wouldn't 6dX become 9dX instead of 8dX?

I think its the /dice/ that get the 50% im not sure about the rest.

So in each case the d6's are rounding up to d9's im not sure about the first number. but i noticed they like 6's and 4's and 8's alot for number of dice rolled.

but this may be my imagination.

Mojorat wrote:
AvalonXQ wrote:
If the goal was to increase by 50%, wouldn't 6dX become 9dX instead of 8dX?

I think its the /dice/ that get the 50% im not sure about the rest.

So in each case the d6's are rounding up to d9's im not sure about the first number. but i noticed they like 6's and 4's and 8's alot for number of dice rolled.

but this may be my imagination.

Given a sequence of: 2, 3, 4, 6, 8, 12 there are a lot of ways you can generate it. For example, it could be +1, +1, +2, +2, +4, so the next three steps could be +4, +6, +6 (for 16, 22, 28) or +4, +8, +8 (for 16, 24, 32). With a straight 50%, you'd get 2, 3, 4.5 (round to 4), 6, 9, 13.5, which isn't what we have...

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Don't forget that some spells and other abilities that increase damage dice specifically stop at "colossal"

Back to the topic, here's the list I use:

Damage -> Larger
1d2 -> 1d3 (as per table from the Equipment section)
1d3 -> 1d4
1d4 -> 1d6
1d6 -> 1d8
1d8 -> 2d6
1d10 -> 2d8
1d12 -> 3d6
2d4 -> 2d6
2d6 -> 3d6
2d8 -> 3d8
2d10 -> 4d8

3d6 -> 4d6 (as per the INA feat description)
4d6 -> 6d6
6d6 -> 8d6
8d6 -> 12d6
3d8 -> 4d8
4d8 -> 6d8
6d8 -> 8d8
8d8 -> 12d8

12d6 -> 16d6 (as per closest formula: 2x6d6 -> 2x8d6)
16d6 -> 24d6 (2x8d6 -> 2x12d6)
24d6 -> 32d6 (2x12d6 -> 2x16d6)
32d6 -> 48d6 (2x16d6 -> 2x24d6)
12d8 -> 16d8 (same)
16d8 -> 24d8
24d8 -> 32d8
32d8 -> 48d8


Improved Natural Attack: Damage dice increase as follows: 1d2, 1d3, 1d4, 1d6, 1d8, 2d6, 3d6, 4d6, 6d6, 8d6, 12d6. A weapon or attack that deals 1d10 points of damage increases as follows: 1d10, 2d8, 3d8, 4d8, 6d8, 8d8, 12d8.

Large Weapon Damage: Damage -> Larger
1d2 -> 1d3
1d3 -> 1d4
1d4 -> 1d6
1d6 -> 1d8
1d8 -> 2d6
1d10 -> 2d8
1d12 -> 3d6
2d4 -> 2d6
2d6 -> 3d6
2d8 -> 3d8
2d10 -> 4d8

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