Can you attack while pinning?

Rules Questions

Ater initiating a pin by maintaining the grapple, on the following turns can you continue to attack after maintaining the now pin or must you continue to use the pin action.

I was pinned by a monster today and since it had a pretty decent CMD I couldn't break it for the longest time and even when I did he just redid it. To be specific it was a cloaker using engulf to pin.

The monk also does a lot of pinning and punching people while they can't do anything about it.

Scarab Sages

There is a grammatical debate about it, but the elegance of the grapple rules fall apart if you do not require the character to maintain the grapple from round to round, chossing "pin" each time. Since maintaining the grapple requires a standard action, most creatures won't be able to maintain a grapple and attack in a single round.

The cloaker is an exception, and its ability is unfortunately written when viewed in the context of the larger grapple rules. It should contain wording similar to the gibbering mouther to make clear how its bite and tail relate when engulfing. Essentially, the cloaker must still spend a standard action to maintain the hold, but it can also attack with its tail while doing so. (The +4 bite attack reference is for the initial engulf attempt only.)

I thought once they had the pinned condition they kept it. so..

round 1 monk grapples

round 2 monk maintains and uses pin

round 3 monk maintains, victim is still pinned. monk chooses to do damage.

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