Deep 6 FaWtL

Off-Topic Discussions

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Liberty's Edge RPG Superstar 2012

Drejk wrote:
Can I play with madness?

Not available in this country...

taig wrote:
Drejk wrote:
Can I play with madness?

Not available in this country...

Maybe emimusic forbids watching their videos naked?

RPG Superstar 2012

But how did they know?!?!??!

taig wrote:
But how did they know?!?!??!

Have you run your fingers down the wall

And have you felt your neck skin crawl
When you're searching for the light?
Sometimes when you're scared to take a look
At the corner of the room
You've sensed that something's watching you

I am certainly in mood for Iron Maiden.

Meh. Going to sleep. Not browsing internet. Definitely not browsing internet... Sleep. Yes.

Liberty's Edge RPG Superstar 2012

Good night, Drejk!

Now that the madman is gone, is it safe to come back?

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Back home. Wiped out. Time lag, stress, etc. Of course, the stoopid, simple things at work have to get mucked up while I was gone. So aggravating, that you can't count on routine things to be done properly.

1 person marked this as a favorite.

oh my god why is my kingmaker party allowed to run a kingdom

5 people marked this as a favorite.

I honestly don't know why I bother with diplomacy sometimes. Everything is on fire. Again.

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Everything including the spymaster who is afraid of fire.

2 people marked this as a favorite.

I need to start carving notches in the desk for every time the DM says "I have no words."

1 person marked this as a favorite.

You won't have a desk left.

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Small notches!

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Better than notches for "notches" =)

Scintillae wrote:
I honestly don't know why I bother with diplomacy sometimes. Everything is on fire. Again.

Are you playing goblins?

2 people marked this as a favorite.
Drejk wrote:
I am certainly in mood for Iron Maiden.


Some of the customers are so cute today when they get angry :3

My grandfather passed away last night

I'm very sorry to hear of that...

Solnes wrote:
My grandfather passed away last night

I am so sorry.


Cheapy wrote:
Now that the madman is gone, is it safe to come back?

Yes, yes. The madman! Is he gone? Is it safe here? He must have been following me...

Woah, I've managed to reach nearly double the intended goal at work today.

And there's still two and a half hours of work left to do. I'll need to do even better!!

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Kajehase wrote:
Scintillae wrote:
I honestly don't know why I bother with diplomacy sometimes. Everything is on fire. Again.
Are you playing goblins?

Two humans, a dhampir, a centaur, and a half-elf. It was the half-elf's fault.

Solnes wrote:
My grandfather passed away last night


Condolences guys.

Solnes wrote:
My grandfather passed away last night


Solnes wrote:
My grandfather passed away last night

*hugs as well*

Solnes wrote:
My grandfather passed away last night

You have my condolences too. I am so sorry for your loss.

Liberty's Edge RPG Superstar 2012

My condolences, Solnes. :(

Thanks guys, Hubby is taking the day off with me.

And just now, a customer yelled out profanities and threw a tantrum because she forgot to cancel her own magazine order.

I was going to ask her to calm down, but she hung up on me. Now I'll definitely not remove that bill off her register, that's for sure :/

Solnes wrote:
My grandfather passed away last night

You have my condolences.

my condolences ro you and your family, solnes

lynora wrote:
Solnes wrote:
My grandfather passed away last night

I am so sorry.



Scintillae wrote:
I honestly don't know why I bother with diplomacy sometimes. Everything is on fire. Again.

This sounds like one kickass game.

Solnes wrote:
My grandfather passed away last night

Condolences Solnes. Positive thoughts and vibrations your way during this dark time.

Solnes wrote:
My grandfather passed away last night

Solnes, my deepest condolences. The loss of a grandparent is a great one.

Freehold DM wrote:
Scintillae wrote:
I honestly don't know why I bother with diplomacy sometimes. Everything is on fire. Again.
This sounds like one kickass game.

It's immensely fun, and we spent as much time last night laughing our heads off as we did actually playing.

They only really got one encounter done yesterday, the first bit was wrapping up the end of the encounter from last week, but it was hilarious the entire time. Elegy does terrible, wonderful things using the crit deck.

Suggesting a Will-o-Wisp to go fight a Shambling Mound
Setting the Stag Lord on fire
Summoning a Fire Elemental on the Stag Lord by shoving a keg onto him while he's on fire
Teleporting the same Wisp and the party's barbarian 2 rounds into the future
Turning another Wisp to stone
Charming the Mad Hermit with a ray of enfeeblement

And I'm sure there's some I've forgotten.

How exactly is she able to make those random effects again? Oh, wait. The Crit Deck.

Solnes wrote:
My grandfather passed away last night

So sorry for you Solnes. *hugs*

You and the LPM take care.

Orthos wrote:
Freehold DM wrote:
Scintillae wrote:
I honestly don't know why I bother with diplomacy sometimes. Everything is on fire. Again.
This sounds like one kickass game.

It's immensely fun, and we spent as much time last night laughing our heads off as we did actually playing.

They only really got one encounter done yesterday, the first bit was wrapping up the end of the encounter from last week, but it was hilarious the entire time. Elegy does terrible, wonderful things using the crit deck.

** spoiler omitted **

And I'm sure there's some I've forgotten.


So tired. I really need to start going to bed earlier...

...much, much earlier.

It doesn't help that Scint has sitcom dice that roll the most appropriate thing for hilarity at the moment.

Perfect example: She was angry at Errol, the party Magus, last night for setting everything on fire and causing Ebon's character Lilith to have a panic attack (I have characters fill out a questionnaire pre-game and part of it is a list of five major phobias; fire is 2nd on Lilith's list) so when he came for healing she only expended one of her CLWs on him rather than attempting to heal him to full... and rolled a 1 on the heal die. It was perfect.

Silver Crusade

I am sorry to hear about your loss, Solnes.

Sharoth wrote:

So tired. I really need to start going to bed earlier...

...much, much earlier.

Go to sleep, dragon. I'll be here, watching over your hoard while you rest.

I'm sorry to hear the sad news, Solnes. Keep him in your heart. *hugs* to you all.

Now I want to make a Chaos Mage class that instead of spells know would have a table for random offensive effects, a table for random defensive effects and a table for random utility effects. And each table would have a chance of producing not exactly desired effect...

Huh, the forum's various topics have suddenly increased their levels of snark, stealth insults and propaganda.

I thought Friday was the day when everyone's happy about the weekend and partying instead of being passive-aggressive.

Condolences Solnes. Prayers for you and yours.

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