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I also got some good laughs when one of the guys said "A grappler, eh? Can you show me some moves?" and I replied with [voice] "Of course I can! This here is the Half Nelson! This is the Full Nelson! This one is called the Ricky Nelson! And of course you can't forget The Full Monty!!" [/voice]

Well this seems appropriate.

The Exchange

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I've always speculated draconic bloodragers came as a result between a grappling tetori and a female dragon...

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NobodysHome wrote:


** spoiler omitted **

Friend long complained that in Neverwinter Nights his wizard successfully cast finger of death (3rd edition, instant kill on failed save) on a dragon ending the fight immediately.

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Storm Lady Harpy. For when you really need to shock your players.

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Got another meeting for Tekko, today. It's the last one before the show, which is the first weekend in April. The 5th through the 8th.

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I will be at c2e2 unfortunately...

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I will be doing something springy I'm sure.

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Drejk wrote:
NobodysHome wrote:


** spoiler omitted **
Friend long complained that in Neverwinter Nights his wizard successfully cast finger of death (3rd edition, instant kill on failed save) on a dragon ending the fight immediately.

Well, the saddest part was that we'd set the time limit on Whingey Wizard and he took that to heart, so he rushed and stopped trying to hide every single fricking round.

The moment his wizard stopped being a spineless coward and was willing to take some damage for the sake of the party, she was incredibly effective.

Best quote of the night from him, though:
Evil GM NobodysHome: So it's important to know whether or not you were injured in the previous dungeon.
Whingey Wizard, very proudly: Oh, this is the first time I've taken damage in a LONG time.

That's NOT something to be proud of, WW. Not at all.

The Exchange

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But...I'm a scardey cat that likes to bravely bravely run away...

Nice harpies =)

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NobodysHome wrote:
Drejk wrote:
NobodysHome wrote:


** spoiler omitted **
Friend long complained that in Neverwinter Nights his wizard successfully cast finger of death (3rd edition, instant kill on failed save) on a dragon ending the fight immediately.

Well, the saddest part was that we'd set the time limit on Whingey Wizard and he took that to heart, so he rushed and stopped trying to hide every single fricking round.

The moment his wizard stopped being a spineless coward and was willing to take some damage for the sake of the party, she was incredibly effective.

Best quote of the night from him, though:
Evil GM NobodysHome: So it's important to know whether or not you were injured in the previous dungeon.
Whingey Wizard, very proudly: Oh, this is the first time I've taken damage in a LONG time.

That's NOT something to be proud of, WW. Not at all.

He had a bit of a sulk in the car on the way home over the fact that no one rushed to offer to heal the wizard's hit points.

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When we started Iron Gods there's a part right at the beginning where you find a malfunctioning robot trashing a place. So Crookshanks, and her 64 point equivalent Android fighter goes first, sees the robot across the room and steps to the side, so Tiny T-Rex and his 20 point equivalent Android Diviner could take it on.

Drejk wrote:
Storm Lady Harpy. For when you really need to shock your players.

Awesome! I want some of these in my games! (I’m quoting this so I have it, later.)

Good luck with Tekko, John!

Maybe WW was just proud that he’d finally taken damage?
(As an aside, there is a bit of pride to be found in not taking damage over a long period of time, but only if done properly. Hiding while your teammastes do everything isn’t usually that thing.)
Either way, the battle sounds awesome!

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Some people really think the game is over when your character dies, and damage is a step in that direction.

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Tekko isn't unti; April, Tac. :P

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If the character dies early, I can understand why some people would be frustrated. Going through all of that time and effort just to have to do it again is not something I'd look forward to.

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It's why I tend to pull my punches just a little until the part gets raise dead or reincarnate.

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Meh. Characters die. New ones rise to take their place. One of the most interesting games I was in had that happen more than once, and it has lead to some amazing new characters, development, and general good times.

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I'm pretty much with Freehold on this one.

Though I must confess that I have *one* character that I'm trying to move all the way to 16th+ via a succession of PbPs, and I REALLY don't want him to die.

Only 3rd level right now, and a 'reach cleric' variant (translation: non-optimized), but the real kicker is this: new GM requires HP rolls, and you can only reroll a 1 ONCE. I rolled my two HD and got a 1 and a 2. Rerolled the 1 . . . .

Got another 1.


Howza a 3rd-level cleric supposed to Acrobatics for AoOs responsibly with 17 HP?? lol

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My issue with rerolling a character quickly is the amount of time it takes.

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The General died after failing a DC 10 climb check, and then she failed 5 more.

But then she also solved Clue in one turn once.

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I've never been overly concerned with my PC's dying.
Animal companions, mounts, yes.
I'm aiming to have my current PC get as many resurrections as The Doctor.
So far, she's only up to Buffy.

The Exchange

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I try not to kill characters before they have the dosh for raise dead and are in a place where raise dead is available. After that, all bets are off. I will also tell players at which point it is not feasible to reroll a new character(say stuck in the jungle 60 days from civilization etc).

I also state my preferences that they take the hit to WBL to raise instead of reroll. After all the trouble I took to kill them...

Also not good for Roleplaying if you get constantly changing characters.

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Syrus Terrigan wrote:

Only 3rd level right now, and a 'reach cleric' variant (translation: non-optimized), but the real kicker is this: new GM requires HP rolls, and you can only reroll a 1 ONCE. I rolled my two HD and got a 1 and a 2. Rerolled the 1 . . . .

Got another 1.


Howza a 3rd-level cleric supposed to Acrobatics for AoOs responsibly with 17 HP?? lol

There's a reason my group uses the d4 method of HP rolling.

(d4 method: Roll a d4, plus an amount based on your class's HD - 2 for d6, 4 for d8, 6 for d10, 8 for d12. Then add con mod.)

We got tired of mages having more HP than fighters.

The Exchange

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Hey LM! Since you're not bothered about your character dying horribly, would you be interested in the next PBP AP I run? =P

I get people complaining I run games that are too lethal. Well I dumped wis and cha to put more points into int...

The Exchange

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I don't do rolling for hp for that reason - it's not a fair system and fairness ranks very high on my priorities, being a kitty of law and order.

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Terrinam wrote:
My issue with rerolling a character quickly is the amount of time it takes.

Yeah, the more involved chargen is the less tolerable frail characters are. Like if I were playing some rpg where chargen is 'pick a race, pick a class, go,' then sure characters die, no biggie. And don't expect me to treat my character as anything more than a disposable toon, 'cause if life is cheap I'm not getting attached to any particular goldfish.

But with D&D -- particularly WotC D&D, where chargen always involves at least a few widgets -- no, I don't want my character dying just from a lucky goblin spear. I'm not exactly Arty McCharacterActor, but I put some thought into my character's past and goals, and random anticlimactic death is a big FU to that.

All that aside, it sounds like the WW situation is quite different.

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What happens when TS eats to clear out the freezer: Three veggie burgers, and a 1/4 pounder of beef.

Both Ron Swanson and Chris Traeger are gnashing their teeth, somewhere.

8 people marked this as a favorite.
Tequila Sunrise wrote:
Terrinam wrote:
My issue with rerolling a character quickly is the amount of time it takes.

Yeah, the more involved chargen is the less tolerable frail characters are. Like if I were playing some rpg where chargen is 'pick a race, pick a class, go,' then sure characters die, no biggie. And don't expect me to treat my character as anything more than a disposable toon, 'cause if life is cheap I'm not getting attached to any particular goldfish.

But with D&D -- particularly WotC D&D, where chargen always involves at least a few widgets -- no, I don't want my character dying just from a lucky goblin spear. I'm not exactly Arty McCharacterActor, but I put some thought into my character's past and goals, and random anticlimactic death is a big FU to that.

All that aside, it sounds like the WW situation is quite different.

For me it's a bit different; part of my character's backstory ex-grey maiden with ptsd, trying hard to be, if not exactly good, at least balancing out her ledger, so she tends to view dying as occasionally necessary means to an end. Similar to Vlad Taltos.

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Just a Mort wrote:

Hey LM! Since you're not bothered about your character dying horribly, would you be interested in the next PBP AP I run? =P

I get people complaining I run games that are too lethal. Well I dumped wis and cha to put more points into int...

Aargh. I would, but I so do not have the time to commit!

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The General made popcorn cupcakes by steeping the milk in the popcorn.

It's pretty f!*$ing good.

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lisamarlene wrote:

I've never been overly concerned with my PC's dying.

Animal companions, mounts, yes.
I'm aiming to have my current PC get as many resurrections as The Doctor.
So far, she's only up to Buffy.

This cannot stand.

calls Ms.McRib, arranges for a plane ticket to NobodysHome Land

orders the fish for in flight meal, not the steak

lands at LAX, takes regular uber for the sheer novelty of it

crashes next NobodysHome game

interrupts whingey wizard's diatribe, delivers spumoni gardens pizza to the game to distract everyone

takes over the game while nobodyshome has a mouthful of pizza, declares lisamarlenes character dead as a large flawless diamond worth exactly 5000 gp falls out of the sky and crushes her

offers nearest priestly PC another diamond just like it if they bring her back

gladly pushes lisamarlenes character into doctor who territory

has extra diamond fall on top of whingey wizard, killing him

leaves room quietly as people pause to discuss the positives and negatives of bringing his character back

calls Ms. McRib, arranges flight back home

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I, too, am a strong advocate of the 'd4 rule', as I found it in the 3.x book Unearthed Arcana. Too bad I can't use it in this case . . . .

John Napier 698 wrote:
Tekko isn't unti; April, Tac. :P

Yes, but didn't you note that this was your last meeting? :D

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Syrus Terrigan wrote:
I, too, am a strong advocate of the 'd4 rule', as I found it in the 3.x book Unearthed Arcana. Too bad I can't use it in this case . . . .

for Freehold, characters start with their con score + max hit die at first level, then roll and add con mod as normal going forward.

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In Starfinder you get racial hit points and then hit points for your class every level.

And Stamina points.

The Exchange

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Mine is con mod + max hit dice at first, then 1/2max+1+con mod after same as PFS.

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Tacticslion wrote:
John Napier 698 wrote:
Tekko isn't unti; April, Tac. :P
Yes, but didn't you note that this was your last meeting? :D

Yes, but I'm not going to avoid the forums until the show. I'll post a reminder a day or two before the show.

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*injects John with cryosleep chems and stuffs him into a fridge*

Good luck at Tekko!

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Freehold DM wrote:
Meh. Characters die. New ones rise to take their place. One of the most interesting games I was in had that happen more than once, and it has lead to some amazing new characters, development, and general good times.

I'm with Freehold on this one, to the point that I'll usually have my PCs refuse a Raise Dead even if one is offered, unless the GM requests that I keep the same character.

It's just too fun thinking up a new character concept that:
(a) Aligns with the party's needs, and
(b) Aligns with the story.

I was sorry to see Blaarg, half-orc barboracle bite the dust in our Skull & Shackles game, but bringing in Delphinia, tiefling life oracle as an escaped slave with maxed-out ranks in Sense Motive, Diplomacy, Perform: Dance, and Profession: Courtesan and a bag full of stuff from her murdered owner that she couldn't use was just awesome to play out, and the AP ran all the better for it. Her constant bickering with the captain and her refusal to learn anything about sailing was just a joy to play.

New characters are fun, and having them have utterly useless background skills related to what they were doing before they got picked up by this particular band of adventurers leads to some really interesting situations...

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Shiro's letting us roll 1d20 and take whatever we roll, up to class max.

So of course my rogue has rolled a 5, a 5, and a 3 on her last 3 level-ups...

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NobodysHome wrote:
Freehold DM wrote:
Meh. Characters die. New ones rise to take their place. One of the most interesting games I was in had that happen more than once, and it has lead to some amazing new characters, development, and general good times.

I'm with Freehold on this one, to the point that I'll usually have my PCs refuse a Raise Dead even if one is offered, unless the GM requests that I keep the same character.

It's just too fun thinking up a new character concept that:
(a) Aligns with the party's needs, and
(b) Aligns with the story.

I was sorry to see Blaarg, half-orc barboracle bite the dust in our Skull & Shackles game, but bringing in Delphinia, tiefling life oracle as an escaped slave with maxed-out ranks in Sense Motive, Diplomacy, Perform: Dance, and Profession: Courtesan and a bag full of stuff from her murdered owner that she couldn't use was just awesome to play out, and the AP ran all the better for it. Her constant bickering with the captain and her refusal to learn anything about sailing was just a joy to play.

New characters are fun, and having them have utterly useless background skills related to what they were doing before they got picked up by this particular band of adventurers leads to some really interesting situations...

That's definitely how I felt when the stupid dwarf paladin bought it and I got Nora.

I could not get into that character. And Nora is probably my favorite PC ever.

The Exchange

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I prefer that players keep their character for the reason that the new character usually doesn't feel into the campaign world or have any reason to continue the quest etc(like why the hell are we pursuing that doofus across Golarion, it isn't as if he did anything to me). Also previous interactions with NPCs will be lost.

The Exchange

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I don't think I do the get into character thing well due to the fact I'm a cold blooded cat, despite cats being mammals.

I know how my character will act and feel per se, but I don't really feel it.

The Exchange

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Terrinam wrote:

*injects John with cryosleep chems and stuffs him into a fridge*

Good luck at Tekko!

*goes after Terriram with handcuffs*

Injecting people with sleepeons counts as assault!

Maybe I need a new alias, the kitty police, to deal with all those unlawful acts...

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So, I finally found out that Shiro has a limit after all. After the game, we were going to go see Black Panther at his local theater. They wanted $67 for THREE TICKETS!

And it's not 3d or anything. It's just reserved seating on the comfy recliners.

We didn't pay. Which is why I'm online. We're going to the Cerrito on Friday. Nachos. Nom!

The Exchange

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For $20 my BF and I could buy tickets for the show...

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My Black Panther ticket was ca. $5.
Wednesdays are cheaper in the cinema I infrequent.

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Just a Mort wrote:
Terrinam wrote:

*injects John with cryosleep chems and stuffs him into a fridge*

Good luck at Tekko!

*goes after Terriram with handcuffs*

Injecting people with sleepeons counts as assault!

Maybe I need a new alias, the kitty police, to deal with all those unlawful acts...

I think your boyfriend may object to going after other people with handcuffs ;)

The Exchange

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He's ok with it. He knows I just want to frogmarch you to jail.

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I have one beagle sleeping with his head draped over my feet, the other has planted her head on my lap.

Somehow I don't think they want me to get up just yet.

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