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6 people marked this as a favorite.
Orthos wrote:
NobodysHome wrote:
The sheer chutzpah of my family knows no bounds. <snip>
Sweet unmerciful Tharizdun. What in the everloving hells. Are your parents related to Ayn Rand?

Does it surprise you that my father was a fan?

EDIT: D'oh! Somebody hand me a fan! Me dangly bits is oot agin!

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...given that Stephenie Meyer is more capable of crafting a worthwhile narrative than Rand is, it surprises me that a literate soul would admit to such.

Especially while naked. How embarrassing is that?

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Speaking of keeping on the winning, I just finished 3 hours of paperwork parsing the management company's pathetic excuses for spreadsheets into a workable document I could hand my accountant.

So, other than hiring questionable workers at exorbitant prices, I learned that my personal benefit from my family's greed is that I have to cut my mother a check for $800 for last year's fiasco with the house. This is improving on bringing in a reliable $2000/year for my brothers and I, and $14,000 for my mother?

Can't stop the winning.

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NobodysHome wrote:
Orthos wrote:
NobodysHome wrote:
The sheer chutzpah of my family knows no bounds. <snip>
Sweet unmerciful Tharizdun. What in the everloving hells. Are your parents related to Ayn Rand?
Does it surprise you that my father was a fan?

All is explained.

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NobodysHome wrote:

Speaking of keeping on the winning, I just finished 3 hours of paperwork parsing the management company's pathetic excuses for spreadsheets into a workable document I could hand my accountant.

So, other than hiring questionable workers at exorbitant prices, I learned that my personal benefit from my family's greed is that I have to cut my mother a check for $800 for last year's fiasco with the house. This is improving on bringing in a reliable $2000/year for my brothers and I, and $14,000 for my mother?

Can't stop the winning.

Sounds about right.

Shadow Lodge

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STAP update get!

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I'm at the age where I am legally required to groan anytime I have to bend over.

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The witty baker was known for his rye humor.

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Wise man say: Man who eat crackers in bed wakes up feeling crumby.

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Should a weekly internet talk show be called a Pawed Cast?

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If a fight breaks out at Starbucks, would that be a brewhaha?

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I recently adopted a new dog. He used to be part of a trapeze act. He can fly through the air with the greatest of fleas.

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I spent some time last night reading through the rulebook for Brigands & Browncoats. It looks like it should be fun. I'll have to read it through a couple more times, and then try it out solo before I try to get a couple of other people together to play it.

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I beat the Hearthstone Dungeon Run with Priest. The final boss was Toggwaggle, and I basically managed to delay for a long time, and then he played a card that filled his hand with coins, but since that was all he had, the AI didn't use them. He milled 6 or 7 good cards while I took out his minions in play, and then I was able to kill him through a combo of fatigue and a couple of burn spells.

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Yeah some of those bosses you have to beat with RNG sometimes. they can be rough. I've only beaten it with 3 so far. Just beat the shadow boss with the druid I literally just stalled and killed his minions until he drew himself out. had no cards left and still playing card draw cards.

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So my co-worker told me before she left that we have a potential mob boss staying with us tonight. he's apparently in the concrete business and burrowing the front desk phone. I think I will be giving excellent customer service just in case.

The way hes talking to this guy I can believe it.

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Just remember: If he makes you an offer you can't refuse, refuse it anyways.

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Hes actually being aggressively nice to me.

6 people marked this as a favorite.

How is he being aggressively nice to you? Is he shouting "YOU HAVE BEAUTIFUL EYES!!" or "HOW DO YOU KEEP YOUR BEARD SO LUSCIOUS?"?

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Well, he can't have you. Doesn't he know you can't steal someone else's eidolon? :)

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The beard is quite luscious...

You ever have a salesman talk to you trying to butter you up before he sells you something. Lots of thank yous and compliments. It was like that. I would call it aggressively nice.

Apparently me being Sissyl's eidolon is Canon now.

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Well there's your answer. He was trying to sell you some "Personal Protection Insurance".

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The world's a dangerous place, see. You never know when some whack-a-doo is gonna jump out of a dark alley and steal your wallet, see. And accidents happen all the time. Be a real shame if something happened to your car, wouldn't it? Now, I can help keep you safe all for a low monthly fee.

Otherwise, you might sleep with the ghoties.

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Be a shame if something happened to your army base, Colonel.

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At least he knew. I was waiting for a punch line in that one for far to long.

The Exchange

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Even if that person is a mob boss, what does he gain from being nasty to you? Nothing.

I watched a documentary about prison life, and drug trade in the prison - and the mob bosses were like you know, perfectly amicable to their subordinates. Like if you have a problem, he's the first person to pitch in to help.

So that you know that you owe him one, and he can call in the favour, you'll feel obligated to help him.

Its a you scratch my back, I scratch yours theory.

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Snow leopard lady has surprising amount of experience with mob bosses. interesting.

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NobodysHome wrote:

The sheer chutzpah of my family knows no bounds.

So, as I've mentioned over many posts over the pages:

  • My parents, without telling us, charged us for every single penny they ever spent on us: Birthday presents, Christmas presents, college fees, weddings, etc. There were no "gifts": Everything was totted up, and then when our inheritance came, we had to pay up to receive anything. Not fun.
  • Once my father died, my mother and sister-in-law started charging everyone for family trips down to the last penny. It was seriously at the level of, "We ordered potstickers and there were 8 on the plate and NobodysHome's family ate 5 of them, so we should charge them for 5/8 of the plate." One Sunday morning the two of them spent THREE HOURS re-creating the bill from Omar's (in Ashland) just to make sure "everybody paid their fair share".
  • When my family learned that I was undercharging the tenants of our jointly-owned home, they fired me as property manager, evicted my tenants, and brought in a more mercenary management company to "maximize their investment" (of which there was none, since the house was fully paid-off before my father died).

  • So, my mother is a firm believer in euthanasia and has a full set of Do Not Resuscitate orders, but she doesn't trust either of my brothers to pull the plug on her if anyone ever tries to keep her alive. So she wants me to have all the legal docs. Being paranoid, she has copies of them in a safe deposit box at a bank near my house.

    Well, she just sent me the bill for the safe deposit box fee.

    I responded that I'd happily burn the documents, shred the documents, or put them in my off-site storage, but there was no way in **** I was paying for her Safe Deposit Box.

    If you're going to be a mercenary a$$hat to your family for your entire life, you can't expect them to turn around and do you monetary favors.

    IMHO there might be some mental illness going on with them.

    The Exchange

    2 people marked this as a favorite.

    It's one of my loremaster quirks. I pickup odd bits of information. Besides in a certain way I share some similarities with mob bosses.

    I keep my connections with my vendors amicable and friendly so I can get what I want out of them(and sometimes at discounted rates), and both sides do business happily. Even if I am generally not a people person.

    I willingly share food recommendations with others, so that they'll share them with me in return. As I said earlier, you scratch my back, I scratch yours.

    Did I tell you I started a Milo Van lookout group in the university? I had eyes all over the campus looking out for the Milo van distributing free milo. The requisites for the group was simple. All you needed to do is to inform the other groupies by txt if you see the milo van around where you are on campus, and where you are. Then we'd form a small mob and jump the milo van for free milo =)

    1 person marked this as a favorite.

    Then of course their is all the leg breaking.

    The Exchange

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    Heh. I'm a little small for that you know.

    1 person marked this as a favorite.

    I mean all you need is a good golf club or baseball bat. Bones can be surprisingly easy to break.

    The Exchange

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    I wouldn't dream of doing such a thing. It'd be assault =)

    2 people marked this as a favorite.

    She doesn't want her mob bosses with too much assault and pepper.

    2 people marked this as a favorite.

    You sure you don't want to break his ^^^ legs?

    The Exchange

    3 people marked this as a favorite.

    I haven't eaten bear before. I'll seriously consider it.

    *eyes the bear carefully*

    2 people marked this as a favorite.

    *slowly inches towards door* I guess that would be a MORT-al mistake for me to make. *breaks into full run*

    The Exchange

    2 people marked this as a favorite.

    Yes, the temptaion is too much for me to bear.

    *pounces on the bear*

    bite: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (11) + 7 = 18
    dmg: 1d6 + 2 ⇒ (4) + 2 = 6
    claw: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (18) + 7 = 25
    dmg: 1d4 + 2 ⇒ (4) + 2 = 6
    claw: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (11) + 7 = 18
    dmg: 1d4 + 2 ⇒ (2) + 2 = 4

    That was a beary lovely meal =)

    2 people marked this as a favorite.

    O_O well their went that Alias. I would say he'll be missed but... eh.

    The Exchange

    1 person marked this as a favorite.

    The definition of murder is "The unlawful killing of a human being under the Queen's peace with malice aforethought."

    It's by Sir Edward Coke.

    I didn't kill any human being, I ate a bear!

    1 person marked this as a favorite.

    igther way I think he falls under the same clause (no im not gonna say claws) as mimes. and as we all know its ok to assault mimes.

    5 people marked this as a favorite.
    Sharoth wrote:
    NobodysHome wrote:

    The sheer chutzpah of my family knows no bounds.

    So, as I've mentioned over many posts over the pages:

  • My parents, without telling us, charged us for every single penny they ever spent on us: Birthday presents, Christmas presents, college fees, weddings, etc. There were no "gifts": Everything was totted up, and then when our inheritance came, we had to pay up to receive anything. Not fun.
  • Once my father died, my mother and sister-in-law started charging everyone for family trips down to the last penny. It was seriously at the level of, "We ordered potstickers and there were 8 on the plate and NobodysHome's family ate 5 of them, so we should charge them for 5/8 of the plate." One Sunday morning the two of them spent THREE HOURS re-creating the bill from Omar's (in Ashland) just to make sure "everybody paid their fair share".
  • When my family learned that I was undercharging the tenants of our jointly-owned home, they fired me as property manager, evicted my tenants, and brought in a more mercenary management company to "maximize their investment" (of which there was none, since the house was fully paid-off before my father died).

  • So, my mother is a firm believer in euthanasia and has a full set of Do Not Resuscitate orders, but she doesn't trust either of my brothers to pull the plug on her if anyone ever tries to keep her alive. So she wants me to have all the legal docs. Being paranoid, she has copies of them in a safe deposit box at a bank near my house.

    Well, she just sent me the bill for the safe deposit box fee.

    I responded that I'd happily burn the documents, shred the documents, or put them in my off-site storage, but there was no way in **** I was paying for her Safe Deposit Box.

    If you're going to be a mercenary a$$hat to your family for your entire life, you can't expect them to turn around and do you monetary favors.

    IMHO there might be some mental illness going on with them.

    When one person does it, it's a "mental illness".

    When a whole group of people do it, it's a "culture".

    EDIT: More seriously, my father believed that money should always stay in the family and that giving money to charity was a sin. My mother believes that giving money to family members makes them weak and lazy, so you should give away everything to charity. Is it any wonder my brothers are screwed up?

    As for my sister-in-law, I have no explanation.

    The Exchange

    2 people marked this as a favorite.

    Lol. Actually assaulting a mime would be to assault a human being. So that wouldn't be allowed by the law. Eating bear...well I suppose it depends on which part of the world you are. Singapore, it wouldn't fly. Other countries...depending on which one, possibly no one cares.

    The Exchange

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    When one man dies it's a tragedy. When thousands die it's statistics. - Joseph Stalin.

    1 person marked this as a favorite.
    gran rey de los mono wrote:
    I'm at the age where I am legally required to groan anytime I have to bend over.

    So much this. Owie.

    2 people marked this as a favorite.
    NobodysHome wrote:

    When one person does it, it's a "mental illness".

    When a whole group of people do it, it's a "culture".

    EDIT: More seriously, my father believed that money should always stay in the family and that giving money to charity was a sin. My mother believes that giving money to family members makes them weak and lazy, so you should give away everything to charity. Is it any wonder my brothers are screwed up?

    Seriously screwed ideas (that are to a degree contradicted by psychological and social studies) about how education and development works, glorification of erroneously understood self-sufficiency, but nothing that would qualify as mental illness.

    As for my sister-in-law, I have no explanation.

    Cultural adaptation? Assuming your brother inherited more of your parents' culture than you.

    3 people marked this as a favorite.

    I hope things get saner for you, NH. Dealing with that does not sound good for mental health.

    6 people marked this as a favorite.

    My favorite quote I had while dying from the stomach flu Crookshanks and I came down with yesterday.

    "So, this is what it's like to be on a cruise ship"

    5 people marked this as a favorite.
    Scintillae wrote:
    I hope things get saner for you, NH. Dealing with that does not sound good for mental health.

    Well, that's kind of the point. I've given up on anyone in my family other than my younger brother showing any signs of sanity, so I cheerfully ignore their requests.

    Just call me Captain Yesterday!

    1 person marked this as a favorite.

    Back to Polish animal-insults. I can't believe I forgot about those two:

    Baran (ram): stupid and stubborn. Wait, wasn't that osioł. Well, yes, they both mean more or less the same, though baran implies more aggressive stubbornness while osioł is more passive in its unyielding resolve for stupidity.

    Another one I missed is małpa (monkey, ape, Polish discern, we add adjectives to differentiate between the two) which implies more or less active malice, or at least thoughtlessness that lead to someone's loss or unpleasant experience, but like many of the animal-insults can be used to anyone who did something that you find unpleasant.

    Bonus points for adding uparty (stubborn) or głupi (stupid) in front of any of baran, małpa, or osioł.

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