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My problem is I don't play any one game enough to get on the NOT-suck at pvp level. I am almost their on Hero's Of The Storm but i'll never take it serious enough.

Edit: also just a general lack of pants.

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~whistles and waves dollar bills~ Shake it! Shake it!

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... well it is for money... *shakes it*

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Almost time for me to go home, then run errands for a bit, then take Mom to the doctor, then finally get some rest after 3 pm. I am glad that I have a three day weekend.

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Gah I miss having those. ever so often they would put my days off on back to back weeks so i'd get 4 but then I'd have to work practically 2 weeks straight after before i got another so it was a two edged sword.

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Yea, that working for that long of a stretch sucks.

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I was thinking and I do remember War of the Chosen crashing a few times. Nothing like Fallout New Vegas, but it does mean save and save often. At least once per mission is my rule, even with the battery backup on my computer, crap happens so I prefer to be careful.

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And in four weeks, I will have a whole week off. I so need that.

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Yeah I need to use some of my vacation time. Not even go anywhere just be off a week. I would feel so much better.

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That will be me. I will veg for the whole week.

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Also, play through the base game (XCOM 2) before doing the War of the Chosen expansion. You will appreciate it more.

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Have a good day Vidmaster7 and everyone else. Time to head out.

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I'll keep it in mind I kind of wonder how long I would have to wait for a bundle or a big sale on it all. If they offered it all for $40 bucks they would have me.

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Black Friday, Cyber Monday, and the standard Christmas sale are coming. So who knows.

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~Waves and slips out to the real world~

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Lok Tar Ogar

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Im so sorry sissyl... that's a true loss.

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Thank you, everyone.

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One of my friends bought a dice tower system from Wyrmwood games, he got it at Gencon and spent over $200 on it, so make poke fun at him for it. Last night, I used a <$1 piece of foamcore and some hot glue to bash together a 30" (yes, 2 1/2 foot) tall dice tower. My plan is to sneak it into the game next week (I'm almost always there 10 minutes or so before him) and hide it until I make my first attack roll against him. Then I'll pull it out, set it on the table, and make my roll. I think everyone will get a good laugh from it. I've been chuckling just thinking about it.

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Yeah that is way way way overpriced for something I can make with some cardboard and a roll of tape.

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Sissyl wrote:

I just found out that an old friend of mine was found dead yesterday. He worked far away and was very busy, so we haven't met much lately. He was one of the more inspiring people I knew, always clear on what was important, always kind and caring. He was a christian, and while I as an atheist often have a hard time with that, he was one of the few people I had no such reservations about. He believed, saw no conflict in his belief and science (which he worked in), and his belief made him a better man in my eyes.

And now I sit here and wonder if I missed anything. I still don't know anything more.

*Offers consolation, hugs or whatever you prefer*

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Sharoth wrote:
Oh well, I GUESS I will just have to make do with playing Skyrim this weekend. Poor, poor me. ~grins~

I shall remember to leave one or two treasure chests unlooted for you.

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I really like the new militant crossing guard they have for Old Middleton this year.

"I have no problem with putting this stop sign through her windshield" she said.

NobodysHome wrote:

Aaaaand.... now somebody invited the fever!

Darn it people! It's too crowded in here already! Shoo, fever! Shoo! Shoo!

I found a warm or hot bath or shower helped immensely to stabilize and even out my body temperature - sounds counterintuitive, but with the same temperature everywhere, my body just kind of went, "Oh! That's my target temperature!" and settled into it for a little while. I mean, I got worse again after I got out, but I thought I'd share the solution I kind of stumbled onto this week when I was almost unable to love or act due to the shakes with my fever. Get better, my friend!

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After awhile I have to just sweat it out. It's why I shovelled snow for 19 hours with a 102 temperature after having the swine flu for nearly a week.

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(1) I'm sorry to hear that, Sissyl. My group of high school friends has had a remarkable number of deaths (6, I think?), so I know what it's like when someone you were close to but then just kind of moved away from passes on. Never fun.

(2) There's a remote possibility I'm a little bit improved this morning, but I won't know until later in the day. Unfortunately, I'm still in no shape to run a session, or even get the house ready for implets, so I had to cancel Crimson Throne tomorrow. It's a bummer, because not only are they back in Korvosa, but we're doing the new Deathhead Vaults content that NobodysWife has never seen before, so she was looking forward to it almost as much as I was looking forward to revealing a lot of lisamarlene's PC's back story. Unfortunately, a "can barely talk or sit up for an hour" GM does not make for good storytelling, so given the choice of toughing it out and risking running a crap session on some fairly cool stuff, or suffering through a cancellation, I'm choosing the cancellation.

(3) I don't play PvP because I hate losing; I don't play PvP because PvP players are universally toxic. I play games to relax and enjoy myself, not to remind myself of just how bad the lowest dregs of humanity are.

(4) My favorite-ever crossing guard was the one who, when a Lexus SUV tried to swerve around her to get through the intersection while the kids were crossing, marched up to the front bumper, planter her Stop sign firmly on the hood, and stood there for the entire light, daring the Lexus to hit her. It took guts, and if I'd been a cop I would have hauled in the Lexus driver right then and there.

EDIT: Yeah, carp. Just got up to make Impus Major's lunch for the day and got all dizzy. It's one of those really irritating illnesses where you know you're sick, but you don't feel all that bad until you try to, y'know, actually DO anything. So yeah, I've got the mild sore throat, the slight headache, and the chills that say, "You're sick, dude", but it's all perfectly tolerable. Then I stand up and move around and my body says, "Oh, and by the way, it's time to fall over now." Not nearly so pleasant.
Ah, well, finish the deadline and go to bed. I was really looking forward to seeing Thor tonight, but looks like that ain't gonna happen, either.

Sissyl wrote:

I just found out that an old friend of mine was found dead yesterday. He worked far away and was very busy, so we haven't met much lately. He was one of the more inspiring people I knew, always clear on what was important, always kind and caring. He was a christian, and while I as an atheist often have a hard time with that, he was one of the few people I had no such reservations about. He believed, saw no conflict in his belief and science (which he worked in), and his belief made him a better man in my eyes.

And now I sit here and wonder if I missed anything. I still don't know anything more.

Sissyl - I am so very sorry. That is a horrible thing, and I am sorry that any of us have to go through it. But know this: though he is gone from this world, he (and I) believe he still lives, and this time in a glory that cannot be adequately described by this world's language. While we mourn for the loss of our friends for ourselves - and this is not wrong - we can also find joy and peace in this: he now knows peace and joy.

I am sorry. I have no answers, but my PM box is open to hear you and discuss anything you feel the need to. I'm sorry my friend.

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Vidmaster7 wrote:
Anyone else ever feel like their playing a different game then some of these people on this forum?


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NobodysHome wrote:
(3) I don't play PvP because I hate losing; I don't play PvP because PvP players are universally toxic. I play games to relax and enjoy myself, not to remind myself of just how bad the lowest dregs of humanity are.

Amen to that.

(4) My favorite-ever crossing guard was the one who, when a Lexus SUV tried to swerve around her to get through the intersection while the kids were crossing, marched up to the front bumper, planter her Stop sign firmly on the hood, and stood there for the entire light, daring the Lexus to hit her. It took guts, and if I'd been a cop I would have hauled in the Lexus driver right then and there.

What is it about Lexus vehicles that makes a large majority of them only owned and driven by douchebags? I guess there must be considerate, polite Lexus owners out there, theoretically, but I've never seen one.

4 people marked this as a favorite.

Our crossing guards are allowed to ticket people, and she's very good at remembering license plate numbers.

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Orthos wrote:
(4) My favorite-ever crossing guard was the one who, when a Lexus SUV tried to swerve around her to get through the intersection while the kids were crossing, marched up to the front bumper, planter her Stop sign firmly on the hood, and stood there for the entire light, daring the Lexus to hit her. It took guts, and if I'd been a cop I would have hauled in the Lexus driver right then and there.
What is it about Lexus vehicles that makes a large majority of them only owned and driven by douchebags? I guess there must be considerate, polite Lexus owners out there, theoretically, but I've never seen one.

It's the "luxury sport" angle -- you have to be rich enough to afford one, and stuck up enough to buy a "status symbol" car.

BMWs, Acuras, and Lexuses (Lexii?) all fall into that category. Volvos did for about 10 years.

Amusingly enough, Mercedes has such a reputation for safety and reliability that they seem to have a 50/50 mix of complete a$$hats and perfectly-nice drivers...

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Agent Carter is now on Hulu!!

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3. PvP brings out the absolute worst in people. Not sure why.

4. There has to be a story behind that. That's far too interesting for there not to be one.

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Freehold DM wrote:
4. There has to be a story behind that. That's far too interesting for there not to be one.

I was standing right there as it occurred, and I've got to say, from the driver's behavior and reaction, she was just "in a hurry". She really didn't seem distressed or panicked; she just wanted to get where she was going, and darn it if those kids weren't in her way.

You're right; I'd love to hear her justification for her behavior. But according to my Sense Motive roll on watching her face as she tried to navigate her way around the kids, I am fairly sure the answer would be, "Well, I was in a hurry and I saw a space where there weren't any kids, so I don't understand what the harm was in just going around them."

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Very interesting. The original XBOX version of Star Wars Knights of the Old Republic I now works on the XBOX One.

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Sharoth wrote:
Very interesting. The original XBOX version of Star Wars Knights of the Old Republic I now works on the XBOX One.

2 is what people are waiting for.

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Sharoth wrote:
Very interesting. The original XBOX version of Star Wars Knights of the Old Republic I now works on the XBOX One.

Maybe I should try and find where my copy got off to.

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Overheard in Limey's Office, part 442:

Limey: "X, why do you have chicken nuggets as your wallpaper?"
X: "Because I like chicken nuggets more than people"
Y: "Limey, do you like fencing more than people"
Limey: "No, not really. You need people to fence with - it's not much fun otherwise"
X: "Yeah. It wouldn't be much fun if you just had robots to stab and no blood came out"

I am a bit worried about X.

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1) Sissyl, I am saddened to hear of your loss, especially so considering the trials you've faced in the past year. We're here for you, if we can ever be of help.

A suggestion for later:
If your reflection/introspection prompts some investigation, I recommend reading Dr. David Berlinski's The Devil's Delusion. It is a one-sided work, but the questions asked are valid, even if there are no easy answers. His scathing sense of humor is frequently made manifest, and often at the expense of members of the "atheistic vanguard", but he turns his criticism both ways out of a sense of fairness, it seems to me. The fact that he, himself, is a skeptic concerning the divine only makes his efforts seem more relevant.

It isn't exactly a persuasive work, but it is challenging.

2) KotOR II is always the best!! . . . . I need to track down new copies of both, though -- mine are so scarred they can't run on my Xbox anymore; had to make do with the old Battlefront II. Urgh.

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*SIGH*. I just got a text from a friend asking, "Did you get my eVite? Why haven't you responded?"

My feelings about eVite can be summarized here.

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I've never heard of it.

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I hope to get his autograph, I will keep it next to tominos autograph.

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Hey, Freehold. You sound about as excited as you did when you got that Y-Wing keychain fob I sent you.

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John Napier 698 wrote:
Hey, Freehold. You sound about as excited as you did when you got that Y-Wing keychain fob I sent you.



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Sharoth wrote:
Well, I did not realize that I would turn into the crazy cat lady after getting married.

You say that like it's a bad thing!

Sovereign Court

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It was nice to see Sailormoon Crystal. I got out all my original manga and went over them. :)

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NobodysHome wrote:

*SIGH*. I just got a text from a friend asking, "Did you get my eVite? Why haven't you responded?"

My feelings about eVite can be summarized here.

This video is wonderful.


Evite is shrewd. If there are no details in the emails or multiple email reminders, it ensures that each invitee clicks on the site multiple times to remind themselves of necessary information, maximizing pay-per-click as revenue.

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Sissyl, very sorry for your loss :(

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I am almost at the halfway point of my NaNo project

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~grumbles~ So much for my nice, relaxing weekend.

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