
Boris the Bosmer's page

13 posts. Alias of Limeylongears.


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Boris the Bosmer is now Derek the Dunmer, and he and Mrs Derek are off to join the Imperial Army very shortly. Balls to the Stormcloaks!

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After becoming the Nectarine and Potato of all three houses in Morrowind, I am presently running around in Oblivion, having disposed of the pesky main quest, merrily collecting swords and books, which is what I like to do best in video games as well as IRL.

By the way, I've got my hands on a Steel Halberd, so all you n'wahs better watch out.

And speaking of retro gaming, I'm replaying 'Morrowind' at present.

Still the best of the Elder Scrolls games atmosphere-wise.

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Vanykrye wrote:

*sad face*

I thought you were giving out lycanthropy. As a vaccine.

If the Elder Scrolls have taught me anything, it's that both lycanthropy and vampirism, once contracted, will cure any other diseases you have...

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Speaking of cold, Boris has just entered the Glacial Crevice.

Serana, what?

No, Serana, I didn't -

Serana, I said I didn't!

Serana, will you please listen?!

Serana, that's what it's called! Look, it's there on the map!

{Sigh} Ohhh, why must vampire women always take things so personally?

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Boris and Serana are in the Forgotten Vale, which Gelebor remembered, luckily, and it is really frigging cold. You can tell vampires are immune to Frost damage - why else would she be able to swan about in little more than a corset and stylish cape without constantly complaining?

Boris wants Thalmor heads on his wall but doubts that this is possible, even if 'Hearthfire' is installed.

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Boris has accompanied the sexey vampire lady into the afterlife. We are searching for her mommy, and everything around us is a lovely shade of blue.

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Don't know about you lot, but Boris gets all tingly at the sight of Maven Black-Briar lounging on her throne.

Is that so very wrong?

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Sharoth wrote:
Oh well, I GUESS I will just have to make do with playing Skyrim this weekend. Poor, poor me. ~grins~

I shall remember to leave one or two treasure chests unlooted for you.

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You know what I'm going to do to Daylight Saving Time?

Sneak into its shop and steal its Jewelled Decanter, that's what.

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Who's that sneaking up behind,
Theft and murder on his mind?
Gracious! You've been sliced and spayed,
By his Nightingale Blade!


doop doop doop doop doop doop doop doop