Deep 6 FaWtL

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Drejk wrote:
Snow devils. Because snow is here again. Might or might not be related to Freehold.


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I mean I REALLY love these guys....

Yeah, we noticed...

Try to not freeze off your... Devil.

We recommend rubbing it to keep it warm.

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The rest of us recommend getting someone else to rub it for you.

Just a Mort wrote:
Tentative plans: ...

Wow! You are being AMAZINGLY hospitable to him!

Now you have to come to the States some time so we can return the favor!

Just avoid Florida...

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And Texas.
West Virginia.
And Wisconsin.

... Wait a minute...

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NobodysHome wrote:
Just a Mort wrote:
Tentative plans: ...

Wow! You are being AMAZINGLY hospitable to him!

Now you have to come to the States some time so we can return the favor!

Just avoid Florida...

No, come to Florida, especially if you are hungry for Burmese pythons. Or macaques. Or iguanas. Or applesnails. Or caiman. Or rock pythons. Or walking catfish. Or king cobras. Or cane toads. Or snow birds. Or Florida crackers. A visiting big cat is welcome to eat any and all of these invasive species; you'd be doing the ecosystem a huge service.

Plus, for dessert, we have key lime pie and mimosas made with fresh OJ.

The Exchange

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I'll be open that I do not know how many days I will be able to spend on leave. 30 March is good friday, my weekends are good to go, and I will take at least one day off(Probably 29th). Though how many days after that I'm not sure - so I tried to put those...more easily accessible places at the end of the whole thing.

Cane toads are poisonous. King Cobras are a little dangerous to tackle because of poison. Applesnails may be poisonous too. The rest are all fair game =)

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The colour of my lightsaber eh?
Orange or purple maybe?...
A vivid burgundy?
Couldn't you get a kind of mood crystal? You know one of those that would change colour according to your strongest prevailing emotion ^^

*Looks at an empty wallet*

As much as I would like to see the world, its just not financially feasible for me to get outside of northern Europe right now.

*Dreams of seeing exotic lands*

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Okay folks, I finally got my results.

You may find this hard to believe, but I am 99% black.

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*Places hands on cheeks* No! I'm shocked! Shocked, I say! :D Good afternoon, Freehold. Did you see my Tekko photos on the previous page?

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Freehold DM wrote:

Okay folks, I finally got my results.

You may find this hard to believe, but I am 99% black.

For the other 1%, I'm guessing gnome or dragon.

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I'd have guessed Frost Giant, what with how much he loves cold weather.

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Or some kind of Winter fey, thanks to all that chaos.

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Ice kami is my guess.

My lightsabre would be nothing more than a sabre that was less heavy than normal.

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Tacticslion wrote:



This is even worse than normal because we had to cancel our first "real" table-top game with actual friends in approximately forever.

So I don’t know how many pages or posts since this, but we rescheduled for the following day and ACED it! Then the next day, too (wherein 3/4 of the group ended up shopping, incompetently enough to semi-accidentally be simultaneously targeted by, paying off, and being hired by both what they believe to be an assassins guild and the imperial government - two groups they know are fundamentally opposed to each other).

And then I and 3/4 of my family was took stupendously ill. All-in-all, not a bad spring break.

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You had your spring break already.

But, it isn't spring...

cyzzane wrote:
TriOmegaZero wrote:
Drejk wrote:
Am I weird in being not remotely interested in Disneyland? Those all entertainment parks hold little interest for me - too many too loud people around for not enough fun for me.
I mostly go to make my wife happy. And for the soft pretzels.

+1000% for accuracy. He really does just go to make me happy.

Our friends joke that he puts up with Disney and I put up with his copious amounts of pathfindering.

Maybe, perhaps, someday, we can meet when we bothhappen to be there atthe same time and I too being a blithering moron. Wait. That last one probably makes it impossible. Still I’d love to see you both someday!

(Disney World in Florida)

captain yesterday wrote:

You had your spring break already.

But, it isn't spring...

That’s what I said, but no one listend.

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On the toilet paper convo nobody remembers (and started, amusingly enough) from a couple places back: Scott Ultra (NOT THE REGULAR ONE HEAVEN HELP ANYONE WHO BUYS NORMAL SCOTT) for us, that red one with the bears for guests.

On the temperature convo: man, the Moonsea is, like, cold, man. (Running a short solo game for wife while we are all sick).

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John Napier 698 wrote:
*Places hands on cheeks* No! I'm shocked! Shocked, I say! :D Good afternoon, Freehold. Did you see my Tekko photos on the previous page?

please sit down and drink some water. I know this is a shock.

They were awesome!

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NobodysHome wrote:
Freehold DM wrote:

Okay folks, I finally got my results.

You may find this hard to believe, but I am 99% black.

For the other 1%, I'm guessing gnome or dragon.

given my carnal appetite, can't it be both?

5 people marked this as a favorite.
John Napier 698 wrote:
I'd have guessed Frost Giant, what with how much he loves cold weather.

given my accoutrements, this is also possible.

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lisamarlene wrote:

Teensy Valeros is 5 today!

After school, we're going out for hot dogs and then to the pinball museum in Alameda for an evening of fun, and then home for cake. (The museum is expensive, but we got two free passes through the county library system.)

Happy belated!

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Glad you're feeling a bit better, Tac. You had me worried, there.

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About to go to Best Buy to see about getting a new transformer power supply for my laptop, or the functional equivalent. Wish me luck.

Vanykrye wrote:

I credit the writing, acting, overarching management by Kevin Feige, and the group vision of the Marvel team.

I discredit the studio heads at Warner Bros that keep interfering in the DC movies and demanding edits and re-shoots that make their movies disappointing. I want the DC movies to be good. I keep going to them. Wonder Woman was good. The rest of them...just aren't.


Sharoth wrote:

I enjoyed these a lot so I figured you might too.

Amy Turk - J.S. Bach - Toccata and Fugue in D Minor BWV 565

Ana Vidovic plays Asturias by Isaac Albéniz

Sharoth wrote:

And this one too.

Estas Tonne - The Song of the Golden Dragon

Could be good music or a rickroll, but a legitimate favorite either way and saving them for later when I can listen to them without burning cell data.

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Orthos wrote:
Freehold DM wrote:
NobodysHome wrote:

A GFCI breaker should be twitchier than a halfling at a NAMBLA convention


Prior to this post I did not know this organization existed much less its name or acronym.


This... is a real thing? It is.

the world has just gone over the edge and doom is upon us all

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I’m just saying that maybe the 80s were wrong and a nuclear apocalypse wasn’t so bad a fate for humanity?


Sharoth wrote:
Of course, I enjoy the Pretty Reckless (very, very NSFW), Yanni, and a few other things better left unspoken, so my tastes are suspect.

Since when is Yanni NSFW?

Sharoth wrote:
Syrus Terrigan wrote:
Sharoth wrote:
Syrus Terrigan wrote:
I showed up for the TFnDm, and stayed for the Golden Dragon. Awesome stuff, Sharoth!!!
Thanks, but I just posted the link. This is pretty damn good too.
And I wouldn't have had those three pieces of cheer in my day if you hadn't posted them. So: Thanks!! :)
Fine! Be that way! ~grins~

More saving for later...

captain yesterday wrote:
I've already gotten one call from a former colleague about working with him when he saw the news this morning.

Awesome! I’ve been praying for you and all the employees since the news that TRU was shutting down for good came out. May well be past time, but I have fond memories of the place from being a kid. Good luck!

Freehold DM wrote:
NobodysHome wrote:

My "favorite" is NobodysWife's grandmother. She lived a hour or two outside of Boise, Idaho, so we're talking major boondocks. It was big news when a Chinese restaurant opened in their town. And it was NOT a good Chinese restaurant. So she and her husband were living stereotypes. She was diagnosed with Alzheimer's, and NobodysWife's father watched her rapid decline into dementia. Within a year of the initial diagnosis, he was worried she wasn't going to be able to take care of herself so he went up to help her prepare to move into a facility. While cleaning up, he found TEN SEPARATE PRESCRIPTIONS she was taking for mental health! She had gone to FOUR different doctors, NONE of them had asked about her current prescriptions, and all of them had prescribed DIFFERENT medications.

Dad threw them all out. She completely recovered from her dementia within 2 weeks, and lived the last decade of her life as quick-witted and self-reliant as she always had been.

But yeah, a lot of the blame lies on her for going to four different doctors and not telling any of them about her existing prescriptions. But my doctors always ask, "What are you taking right now?", and lying about that would just be... bizarre...

I deal with this a lot professionally. It is very rarely dishonesty or maliciousness on anyone's part, but poor memory and increasingly complicated names for psychotropic medications(I remember someone putting forth an idea for a limit on syllabyls for psychotropic meds- especially if it is a med that results in tardive dyskinesia as a side effect). I have gotten quite good at detangling poorly pronounced medication names, and always ask people if they are actually taking [insert name brand here] when they are having trouble prounoucing the name of the generic. Add to this HILARIOUS COINCIDENCES in naming(depakote and depakene are two different things), and there's alot of misunderstandings and errors.

Ego plays a role professionally too. Where I work has gone down to...

I rarely ever know the names of anything I’m taking. Between being dyslexic and distracted, I rarely recall such information when requested.

But I try. And usually call back with it, later. Very few doctors have been patient (Heh) with me, though they accept info later.

Sharoth wrote:
Weronika Dziadek (Poland) - Stage 1 - International H. Wieniawski Violin Competition

more keep for later.

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Tacticslion wrote:
captain yesterday wrote:
I've already gotten one call from a former colleague about working with him when he saw the news this morning.
Awesome! I’ve been praying for you and all the employees since the news that TRU was shutting down for good came out. May well be past time, but I have fond memories of the place from being a kid. Good luck!

I haven't even started looking yet, but thanks!

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My medications: None.

My allergies: Not allergic to medications but sensitive to plant toxins, but not insects.

For instance, I was stung three times in the face by bees (at an allergy clinic at least), hardly any swelling.

But I pull out an acre of poison sumac with my bare hands and suddenly I'm taking oatmeal baths for a week.

The Exchange

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Could have sworn Freehold was part snow devil since he has command over snow.

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I'm Welsh, Swedish, Irish, and Romanian.

The Exchange

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Things to do in rainy weather:

Singapore science centre
Singapore discovery centre
Marina barrage
Bugis library
Artscience museum
Asian civilizations museum
Buddah Tooth Relic Temple and Museum
Possibly even adventure cove(assuming no thunder and lightning - if you're already wet from the water theme park, wetter makes no difference)

Just making notes here since I'm on phone to compile it into a proper itinerary later.

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And I'm back. Fifty Dollars is a small price to pay for keeping my best laptop running.

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Cap'n Yesterday, FaWtL Tourism wrote:
West Virginia.

Waiiiiitttttt a minute!!! There's nothing wrong with my state. I mean I live here!

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So, I learned something important last night that shows just how hard it can be to keep up with modern technology.

Neighbor girl needed a new desktop, so I sent a parts list to her parents, and once they had the parts I assembled it for her. Got everything installed, but every 5 minutes a blue screen of death. Tried to re-install and got constant blue screens before I could even complete an installation. (And I won't even go off on Windows 10 not allowing you to reformat drives during installation. Seriously, Windows? The 1990s called!)

So I talked to Shiro and Hi, and they immediately hit my issue: Because the family was on a budget, I'd had them buy ONE memory stick. I'm well aware that interleaving vastly improves performance, but I wanted to see whether they could live with single-stick performance instead of shelling out $100 for an extra stick.

So yes, I learned what all the IT guys are already slapping their foreheads over: Almost all modern processors and motherboards require memory sticks in pairs to allow interleaving. So they ran off and got a second stick, and neighbor girl is very, very happy.

But it was a good 3-4 hours of testing every single piece of hardware I'd put in, bringing in a new OS installer disc, and wasting a lot of everybody's time because the motherboard couldn't be bothered to say, "Warning: You must install memory sticks in pairs" because it assumed if you were building a computer from scratch, you'd know that.

Well, guess what, computer industry? I haven't built a "budget" computer since 2003, so a single sentence would have saves me a LOT of annoyance.

The Exchange

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I've never built a laptop desktop from scratch, probably never will. The amount of geek required will probably eat the thoughts out of my head.

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Sadly I am with the cat. I can use computers almost intuitively but I know jack squat about the hardware, and wouldn't trust anything I put together >_>

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I put the bird bath in the garden so big fluffy Robin will stop glaring at me and s@+$ting on the bike tires.

Grand Lodge

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Pathfinder Adventure, Rulebook, Starfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

I built my own desktop about 8-9 years ago. Then rebuilt it a year or two ago after the cat snatched it off the desk while zooming around the house. That was fun.

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