Deep 6 FaWtL

Off-Topic Discussions

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2 people marked this as a favorite.

I just can't imagine what my parents did to combat boredom before the internet. My 17 brothers and sisters don't know either.

Well, this is fitting.

2 people marked this as a favorite.

What's the easiest way to become a millionaire? Start as a billionaire.

1 person marked this as a favorite.

I asked an Army recruiter if I had what it takes to become a sniper. He said "Not by a long shot."

2 people marked this as a favorite.

I think I'm emotionally constipated. I haven't given a s&*# in weeks.

1 person marked this as a favorite.

When I die, I hope I'm coherent enough to point to a random stranger and whisper "You. You did this to me."

1 person marked this as a favorite.

How the Earth moves - Vsauce

1 person marked this as a favorite.
gran rey de los nekkid wrote:

I just can't imagine what my parents did to combat boredom before the internet. My 17 brothers and sisters don't know either.

Well, this is fitting.

On the nose.

6 people marked this as a favorite.

My youngest has a birthday today!

... he is now three. Yes, you may all quake in fear. That's fine (and probably wise).

2 people marked this as a favorite.
Tacticslion wrote:

My youngest has a birthday today!

... he is now three. Yes, you may all quake in fear. That's fine (and probably wise).

Unfortunately, he has but one birthday wish remaining (after receiving Chick-fil-A breakfast with his brother, my Eldest*, and a family dinner at Moe's**) and that is to watch Sing.

Standing in the way of this, is a lack of an Internet connection***. Dang it.

Maybe I can convince him that his new Daniel Tiger is a suitable temporary replacement. Maybe. Of course, he is now determined to fix the Internet, so maybe he can do that - or at least contemplate it - while watching Daniel Tiger.

* Technically, he wanted to play on the playground, there, too, but my Eldest had school, and my Youngest quickly forgot about whatever it is this asterisk is taking too much time on.

** This was fulfilled yesterday. So much loving family. Such a good time.

*** Man, cellphones are amazing. Otto core wrecked sucks, sometimes, and talk-type can be amazingly bad, but they are all still (along with the infrastructure that makes them work) amazing.

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Tacticslion wrote:

My youngest has a birthday today!

... he is now three. Yes, you may all quake in fear. That's fine (and probably wise).

Happy birthday to Tacticslion Jnr Jnr!

2 people marked this as a favorite.

Ah, the follies of the morning!

  • Happy birthday to TL jr!
  • Our property manager finally got in touch with us, indicating that no one is willing to pay the original $4750/month, and recommending trying again at $4275/month. That puts our "recoup time" at 18 months, assuming the house rents in November.
    Cannot stop the winning!
    (Keep in mind that my tenants and I were quite happy at $2700/month, which seems like a reasonable rent for a 2300-square-foot house, and I was fired and my tenants kicked out because my family thought they could get twice as much for the place. Apparently not.)
  • I'm really beginning to feel bad writing so many obituaries for Trevor, but I figure that if he gets perma-disabled and needs a Breath of Life or Stone to Flesh, he really deserves an obit.

  • Tacticslion wrote:
    Tacticslion wrote:

    My youngest has a birthday today!

    ... he is now three. Yes, you may all quake in fear. That's fine (and probably wise).

    Unfortunately, he has but one birthday wish remaining (after receiving Chick-fil-A breakfast with his brother, my Eldest*, and a family dinner at Moe's**) and that is to watch Sing.

    Standing in the way of this, is a lack of an Internet connection***. Dang it.

    Maybe I can convince him that his new Daniel Tiger is a suitable temporary replacement. Maybe. Of course, he is now determined to fix the Internet, so maybe he can do that - or at least contemplate it - while watching Daniel Tiger.

    * Technically, he wanted to play on the playground, there, too, but my Eldest had school, and my Youngest quickly forgot about whatever it is this asterisk is taking too much time on.

    ** This was fulfilled yesterday. So much loving family. Such a good time.

    *** Man, cellphones are amazing. Otto core wrecked sucks, sometimes, and talk-type can be amazingly bad, but they are all still (along with the infrastructure that makes them work) amazing.

    Suck on two-three-year-old-will (and a tech phone call), Lack of Internet~!

    (We achieved internet, once again. Let's see how long it takes.)

    7 people marked this as a favorite.

    I understand what everyone is trying to tell me. I can't let the pain of a past tragedy stop me from living. To not go when all my friends say go means that I don't value your opinions. So, I'll go. In between the Society game sessions, I'll have a brief memorial involving the pouring out of a can of beer in his memory. I'll probably cry a little. Afterwards, I'll try to have closure. Try to move on. Try to heal.

    *Tearing up as I wrote this. Typical.*

    4 people marked this as a favorite.
    John Napier 698 wrote:
    I understand what everyone is trying to tell me. I can't let the pain of a past tragedy stop me from living.


    John Napier 698 wrote:
    To not go when all my friends say go means that I don't value your opinions.

    No. I followed your request by giving my suggestion and stopping there, but there are always possibilities that I can't see. There may well be good reason to go (which is necessary for your mental health), but there may be good reason not to. I can only tell you my understanding from my limited view.

    You have to make the ultimate decision. And we'll support you (if we can), because we're your friends.

    John Napier 698 wrote:
    So, I'll go. In between the Society game sessions, I'll have a brief memorial involving the pouring out of a can of beer in his memory. I'll probably cry a little. Afterwards, I'll try to have closure. Try to move on. Try to heal.

    This sounds very solid.

    John Napier 698 wrote:
    *Tearing up as I wrote this. Typical.*

    This sounds entirely reasonable.

    3 people marked this as a favorite.

    Thanks, TL.

    1 person marked this as a favorite.
    John Napier 698 wrote:

    I understand what everyone is trying to tell me. I can't let the pain of a past tragedy stop me from living. To not go when all my friends say go means that I don't value your opinions. So, I'll go. In between the Society game sessions, I'll have a brief memorial involving the pouring out of a can of beer in his memory. I'll probably cry a little. Afterwards, I'll try to have closure. Try to move on. Try to heal.

    *Tearing up as I wrote this. Typical.*

    I don't know what to say John.

    I'm not the most empathic or erudite person, and unfortunately, I don't really feel I know you well enough, to give anything that could be considered professional advice.
    I do know, however that we, as people, are all slightly different. So if you asked me if I would go out gaming such a day? Yea probably. Then again I would probably also go drink a bottle of whiskey and cry myself to sleep afterwards...
    But you are not me and I'm not you, so the best advice I can give you is to do what makes you feel the most comfortable, the most appreciated and the safest you can get.
    Be you John. If that means you tear up in front of anyone, so be it.

    Okay, so, just watching Clone Wars, and there was a very solemn "burial" for a guy who died near a volcano, by, you know, putting him into the volcano. His corpse (wrapped in a cover of some kind) caught on fire, and then he sank into the lava. Very touching.

    But it's not nearly explosive enough.

    I mean, come on, what's more respectful? Plopping and sinking*, or being lifted across the surface of lava by by a series of (minor) boiling explosions, akin to sprinkled water on a hot pan until combustion?

    I mean. Come on.

    * Spoilers for Return of the King, by the way.

    3 people marked this as a favorite.
    John Napier 698 wrote:

    I understand what everyone is trying to tell me. I can't let the pain of a past tragedy stop me from living. To not go when all my friends say go means that I don't value your opinions. So, I'll go. In between the Society game sessions, I'll have a brief memorial involving the pouring out of a can of beer in his memory. I'll probably cry a little. Afterwards, I'll try to have closure. Try to move on. Try to heal.

    *Tearing up as I wrote this. Typical.*

    So, I don't know that this will be helpful, and I apologize if it isn't, but here goes:

    NobodysHome's Coping Mechanisms:

    In short, I never pay attention to dates.
    I cannot tell you the date my best friend killed himself. I don't even remember the month. I know my father died in August of 2007, but I certainly don't remember the date, and I frequently have trouble remembering the year. I have lost two of the most incredible cats I think I will ever own, and I cannot even tell you what season they died. I intentionally don't make note of dates, because trying to "celebrate" such dates in "remembrance" of your loved ones is doing nothing for them, and causing you to re-live the grief of the loss, year after year after year.

    Ask yourself: "Would my brother really want me memorializing his death on its anniversary, every year, for the rest of my life?"
    I don't believe your brother was that cruel, having never even heard anything about him.

    Letting the past go is not disrespectful to those who died. It's respectful to yourself to allow yourself to heal. We lose Hi for several weeks a year because of such memorials. As you get older, more of your loved ones will die: I've lost four grandparents, two uncles, a father, a best friend, half a dozen other close friends, and two cats I will miss for the rest of my life. If I memorialized each of them, I'd be spending over two weeks a year helpless in grief.

    Instead, I remember them, I love them, but I move on and know that they would not begrudge me my healing.

    1 person marked this as a favorite.

    On a lighter note, Amazon finally failed me. I ordered new shower curtain rings because the old ones were getting rust all over everything. They were supposed to arrive Friday, so I took down and washed the shower curtains. On Friday, they were marked as "delayed".

    This morning, they finally updated it to, "Oops. Sorry. We lost the package."

    So I guess it's time to re-hang the curtain on the old rings. Good thing I didn't throw 'em out!


    Star Trek IV was...


    Just got reminded of this.

    1 person marked this as a favorite.

    Is four the one where they free Willy, or find Spock and Kirk's Star Baby lovechild, which is (unsurprisingly) Spock.

    2 people marked this as a favorite.

    And Happy Birthday to the young tactical cub, who is probably devising the perfect plan to rob Tacticslion of his sleep.

    2 people marked this as a favorite.

    Yup. IV was Free Willy (and Wilhelmina). III was the 'star baby' (though wasn't it more Spock and McCoy?).

    1 person marked this as a favorite.

    Good catch! You are correct sir!

    1 person marked this as a favorite.
    Tacticslion wrote:

    Okay, so, just watching Clone Wars, and there was a very solemn "burial" for a guy who died near a volcano, by, you know, putting him into the volcano. His corpse (wrapped in a cover of some kind) caught on fire, and then he sank into the lava. Very touching.

    But it's not nearly explosive enough.

    I mean, come on, what's more respectful? Plopping and sinking*, or being lifted across the surface of lava by by a series of (minor) boiling explosions, akin to sprinkled water on a hot pan until combustion?

    I mean. Come on.

    * Spoilers for Return of the King, by the way.

    Is this the one? This is the only lava burial I know of.

    1 person marked this as a favorite.
    Tacticslion wrote:
    Tacticslion wrote:

    My youngest has a birthday today!

    ... he is now three. Yes, you may all quake in fear. That's fine (and probably wise).

    Unfortunately, he has but one birthday wish remaining (after receiving Chick-fil-A breakfast with his brother, my Eldest*, and a family dinner at Moe's**) and that is to watch Sing.

    Standing in the way of this, is a lack of an Internet connection***. Dang it.

    Maybe I can convince him that his new Daniel Tiger is a suitable temporary replacement. Maybe. Of course, he is now determined to fix the Internet, so maybe he can do that - or at least contemplate it - while watching Daniel Tiger.

    * Technically, he wanted to play on the playground, there, too, but my Eldest had school, and my Youngest quickly forgot about whatever it is this asterisk is taking too much time on.

    ** This was fulfilled yesterday. So much loving family. Such a good time.

    *** Man, cellphones are amazing. Otto core wrecked sucks, sometimes, and talk-type can be amazingly bad, but they are all still (along with the infrastructure that makes them work) amazing.

    What domains does your eldest offer?

    2 people marked this as a favorite.

    Every episode of Futurama is now on Hulu.

    In the spirit of restraint i shan't parade around [redacted] or twirl my [redacted] in everyone's face.

    Edit: being a robot currently I expect that to have a bit more ambiguity then it maybe does.

    1 person marked this as a favorite.
    Tacticslion wrote:

    My youngest has a birthday today!

    ... he is now three. Yes, you may all quake in fear. That's fine (and probably wise).

    Happy Birthday to Tiny Tac!

    1 person marked this as a favorite.


    1 person marked this as a favorite.

    TL, Happy Birthday to your youngest.

    2 people marked this as a favorite.
    NobodysHome wrote:
    John Napier 698 wrote:

    I understand what everyone is trying to tell me. I can't let the pain of a past tragedy stop me from living. To not go when all my friends say go means that I don't value your opinions. So, I'll go. In between the Society game sessions, I'll have a brief memorial involving the pouring out of a can of beer in his memory. I'll probably cry a little. Afterwards, I'll try to have closure. Try to move on. Try to heal.

    *Tearing up as I wrote this. Typical.*

    So, I don't know that this will be helpful, and I apologize if it isn't, but here goes:

    ** spoiler omitted **...

    I think this is related to my grief being triggered in April. Not planning on doing this every year. In November, I'll try to let go of all my unresolved grief. Then, I'll try to move on, even if it's just inches at a time.

    John Napier 698 wrote:
    Tacticslion wrote:

    Okay, so, just watching Clone Wars, and there was a very solemn "burial" for a guy who died near a volcano, by, you know, putting him into the volcano. His corpse (wrapped in a cover of some kind) caught on fire, and then he sank into the lava. Very touching.

    But it's not nearly explosive enough.

    I mean, come on, what's more respectful? Plopping and sinking*, or being lifted across the surface of lava by by a series of (minor) boiling explosions, akin to sprinkled water on a hot pan until combustion?

    I mean. Come on.

    * Spoilers for Return of the King, by the way.

    Is this the one? This is the only lava burial I know of.


    doctor_wu wrote:
    Tacticslion wrote:
    Tacticslion wrote:

    My youngest has a birthday today!

    ... he is now three. Yes, you may all quake in fear. That's fine (and probably wise).

    Unfortunately, he has but one birthday wish remaining (after receiving Chick-fil-A breakfast with his brother, my Eldest*, and a family dinner at Moe's**) and that is to watch Sing.

    Standing in the way of this, is a lack of an Internet connection***. Dang it.

    Maybe I can convince him that his new Daniel Tiger is a suitable temporary replacement. Maybe. Of course, he is now determined to fix the Internet, so maybe he can do that - or at least contemplate it - while watching Daniel Tiger.

    * Technically, he wanted to play on the playground, there, too, but my Eldest had school, and my Youngest quickly forgot about whatever it is this asterisk is taking too much time on.

    ** This was fulfilled yesterday. So much loving family. Such a good time.

    *** Man, cellphones are amazing. Otto core wrecked sucks, sometimes, and talk-type can be amazingly bad, but they are all still (along with the infrastructure that makes them work) amazing.

    What domains does your eldest offer?

    Elsewhere in the forums, it was suggested he was a weather fey of some sort with the storm domains? I can't recall which thread someone gave him vague quasi-stats. Works for me!

    1 person marked this as a favorite.

    Clone Wars Season 3, Episode 20: Citadel Rescue. I have all the DVDs, including Rebels Season 3, which was just released.

    John Napier 698 wrote:
    Clone Wars Season 3, Episode 20: Citadel Rescue. I have all the DVDs, including Rebels Season 3, which was just released.


    2 people marked this as a favorite.

    So I'm trying to make myself some lime water for the afternoon, but some so-and-so broke all the caps on all my bottles of lime juice...

    Have you all seen my most recent suggestion? Are you going to participate?


    2 people marked this as a favorite.
    NobodysHome wrote:
    So I'm trying to make myself some lime water for the afternoon, but some so-and-so broke all the caps on all my bottles of lime juice...

    To use a Yesterday-ism "Fvckin Barbarians."

    3 people marked this as a favorite.

    I've opened up Napoleon: Total War, and it would appear the British Admirality helped themselves to a generous portion of Stupid Flakes at breakfast.

    Also, I expect everyone here to make one.

    I will, however, benevolently allow you to post something here, instead. I'm so kind.


    Okay, okay. I will also permit you to, instead, ask Diego Valdez and/or Rick Kunz things. Enjoy!

    I'm totally being demanding that FaWtL participate, by-the-by.

    We've gotta spread the love, (wo)man(s)~! XD

    1 person marked this as a favorite.


    1 person marked this as a favorite.

    I thought we already did that.

    2 people marked this as a favorite.

    So, being an ex-punker and Tae Kwon Do enthusiast, I loved loved LOVED my steel-toed motorcycle boots.

    (1) They were really impractical for day-to-day wear, even though I wore them anyway, and
    (2) They really weren't built to last.

    So as part of our Halloween budget, I snuck in these. I was really worried, as I'm normally a 9.5 4E, but they only went to 2E so I got a 10.5 2E. But I have them on now, and they're sooooooooo comfy! And I want to kick things!

    Hey, Impus Major!

    5 people marked this as a favorite.
    NobodysHome wrote:

    So, being an ex-punker and Tae Kwon Do enthusiast, I loved loved LOVED my steel-toed motorcycle boots.

    (1) They were really impractical for day-to-day wear, even though I wore them anyway, and
    (2) They really weren't built to last.

    So as part of our Halloween budget, I snuck in these. I was really worried, as I'm normally a 9.5 4E, but they only went to 2E so I got a 10.5 2E. But I have them on now, and they're sooooooooo comfy! And I want to kick things!

    Hey, Impus Major!

    note: I am the same shoe size as NobodysHome.

    This will make replacing him that much easier.

    2 people marked this as a favorite.

    I wear size 12 shoes.

    I'm 5'7"

    3 people marked this as a favorite.
    Tacticslion wrote:

    My youngest has a birthday today!

    ... he is now three. Yes, you may all quake in fear. That's fine (and probably wise).

    It may cause ever-more-fear to inform you all that, as of today, my Youngest has, in fact, started Taekwondo.


    captain yesterday wrote:

    I wear size 12 shoes.

    I'm 5'7"

    Hey! We're the same height! (Or close to it!) XD

    1 person marked this as a favorite.
    captain yesterday wrote:

    I wear size 12 shoes.

    I'm 5'7"

    show off.

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