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Freehold DM wrote:
gran rey de los mono wrote:
Well, f$$@ me running. Turns out the manager did work a double shift today, so I'm looking at a 7-foot mound of completely untouched laundry. And what am I going to do, complain to him that he didn't do laundry?
If you ease up on the room party policy I will do the laundry for you.

I'll do the laundry. Even nekkid.

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Pathfinder Maps, Pathfinder Accessories, Starfinder Society Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber
gran rey de los nekkid wrote:
Freehold DM wrote:
gran rey de los mono wrote:
Well, f$$@ me running. Turns out the manager did work a double shift today, so I'm looking at a 7-foot mound of completely untouched laundry. And what am I going to do, complain to him that he didn't do laundry?
If you ease up on the room party policy I will do the laundry for you.
I'll do the laundry. Even nekkid.

Actually, you can get all of your laundry done if you're nekkid. It's more efficient.

Scarab Sages

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Freehold DM wrote:
Woran wrote:
I could use a re-fuel right about now
I'm on my way.


Scarab Sages

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Mark Hoover 330 wrote:

I'm really trying to be fueled by sunshine and love, but rage is SO cheap and plentiful.


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Only half of my class showed up for online lessons this morning.
Yes, the lessons are recorded and they can always watch the video later on, and the lesson I put the most work into preparing for had full attendance, but it still irritates me.

In other news, the mom who started the Covid panic that shut down my classroom this week? Tested negative. And the whole family is feeling better, but the little girl lost her voice. Sounds like a non-Covid virus to me, but they're still waiting on official results for my student and the dad before we can go back to campus.

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Shiro ran us through the "tutorial assignment" of Blackwatch yesterday, and it's classic Shiro brutality: If you don't carefully examine everything that's going on, read the dossier thoroughly, and connect the dots, you're likely to lose at least half the party. (Blackwatch is an RPG inspired by Runequest and Call of Cthulu, so any agent who makes it through 10 missions is "legendary".)

On the one hand, it was a smooth, seamless mission for us. On the other hand, it was only that way because GothBard's PC made some brilliant deductions to figure out what was actually going on, and the rest of us had the appropriate skills to follow up on her hunches and verify that she was right.

A whole ton of fun and not one lick of combat, but holy cow, the number of ways the mission could have gone sideways was truly evil.

Shiro was cackling throughout, of course.

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Hello, everyone.

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Hello! And now back to bed to hopefully continue to sleep whatever this is off.
(It not COVID or anything like it.)

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NobodysHome wrote:

(Blackwatch is an RPG inspired by Runequest and Call of Cthulu, so any agent who makes it through 10 missions is "legendary".)

crosses Blackwatch off of list

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I went out today, again. This time I had a ride from home and back for a board game evening - Battlestar Galactica, twice. Once I was human and we won. Once I was human and we lost. Maybe I am better admiral than president. Though the rest of the group thought me cylon when I picked a 3-distance jump with loss of four fuel... we ended hovering on the last point of fuel used in final, winning stride.

We lost all food during the second game.

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About to go home. Good night, everyone.

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Sharoth wrote:
Where you moving to Vid?

Not far just closer to the city proper... but far enough where I wouldn't want to make the drive everyday for work. they don't pay well enough to warrant a 45 minute commute.

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Once upon a time, I was working night audit at a hotel where I had about an hour commute each way. The only reason it was close to workable was that I was living with my folks, so no rent/utilities. But I still hated all the driving.

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I came in tonight and there is a significant amount of laundry in the back. Nowhere near as much as yesterday, but maybe half as much. So I was pretty upset, to say the least. Then I read the pass on log. There is a note that specifically tells me not to do the laundry tonight. I don't know if this is to make up for me having to do so much yesterday, or if there is something else going on (I can easily imagine that we ran out of detergent or something, so we have to wait for the hotel next door to get a delivery in the morning so we can borrow some). But I'm always happy to not do laundry.

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Yeah it's just not worth it... unless your making a mint at the job.

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Vidmaster7 wrote:
Yeah it's just not worth it... unless your making a mint at the job.

So, if I was working at the Andes mint factory, it would be worth it?

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gran rey de los mono wrote:
I came in tonight and there is a significant amount of laundry in the back. Nowhere near as much as yesterday, but maybe half as much. So I was pretty upset, to say the least. Then I read the pass on log. There is a note that specifically tells me not to do the laundry tonight. I don't know if this is to make up for me having to do so much yesterday, or if there is something else going on (I can easily imagine that we ran out of detergent or something, so we have to wait for the hotel next door to get a delivery in the morning so we can borrow some). But I'm always happy to not do laundry.

Maybe they felt you've done enough and are irritated at others for leaveing so much for you so they are saving it for someone.

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Vidmaster7 wrote:
gran rey de los mono wrote:
I came in tonight and there is a significant amount of laundry in the back. Nowhere near as much as yesterday, but maybe half as much. So I was pretty upset, to say the least. Then I read the pass on log. There is a note that specifically tells me not to do the laundry tonight. I don't know if this is to make up for me having to do so much yesterday, or if there is something else going on (I can easily imagine that we ran out of detergent or something, so we have to wait for the hotel next door to get a delivery in the morning so we can borrow some). But I'm always happy to not do laundry.
Maybe they felt you've done enough and are irritated at others for leaveing so much for you so they are saving it for someone.

Maybe. But that seems too empathetic for them. I suspect that there is some other reason.

1 person marked this as a favorite.
gran rey de los mono wrote:
Vidmaster7 wrote:
Yeah it's just not worth it... unless your making a mint at the job.
So, if I was working at the Andes mint factory, it would be worth it?

You will definitely make a mint or multiple even.

1 person marked this as a favorite.
gran rey de los mono wrote:
Vidmaster7 wrote:
gran rey de los mono wrote:
I came in tonight and there is a significant amount of laundry in the back. Nowhere near as much as yesterday, but maybe half as much. So I was pretty upset, to say the least. Then I read the pass on log. There is a note that specifically tells me not to do the laundry tonight. I don't know if this is to make up for me having to do so much yesterday, or if there is something else going on (I can easily imagine that we ran out of detergent or something, so we have to wait for the hotel next door to get a delivery in the morning so we can borrow some). But I'm always happy to not do laundry.
Maybe they felt you've done enough and are irritated at others for leaveing so much for you so they are saving it for someone.
Maybe. But that seems too empathetic for them. I suspect that there is some other reason.

You're probably right.

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A few days ago, I posted a picture of an enormous demon in my Pathfinder group's chat, and said that I was thinking of using it for the boss of the next one-shot I run. Everyone said "Hell no! We're only third level!". So today I posted a picture of Pabu, the red ferret from Legend of Korra and asked if they would prefer if he was the boss. They suspected a trap, so I followed up with a pic of a creepy ghost girl and said "Oh, yeah. Here's his owner." They were not enthused. Although one of them said "You guys deal with the creepy girl, I will sneak around and ply the furbaby with treats to try and convince it to become our mascot." Since she had previously stated her willingness to sacrifice up to three party members to the demon if it let her go, I said I was going to change her alignment to "Psychotic Furmomma", which she seemed okay with.

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PAizo just needs to go ahead and make a pet collector class. I know many people in many groups that would be ecstatic about it.

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So, a Druid archetype who can have multiple companions? Or more like a Pokemon thing?

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I know there's a Summoner archetype that can have multiple instances of Summon Monster at a time.

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Turns out there is a Pack Lord archetype for Druid that lets you have multiple companions.

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Hmm I was just thinking about how some of my players like to collect animals they find. The pack lord may not be too far off.

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So, like this then?

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Now I sort of want to create a Crazy Cat Lady for a villain...

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Her lair smells like ammonia. There are hundreds of semi-feral cats lounging around and/or screwing. Gods help you if you have allergies.

3 people marked this as a favorite.
gran rey de los mono wrote:
Her lair smells like ammonia. There are hundreds of semi-feral cats lounging around and/or screwing. Gods help you if you have allergies.

If you take enough levels in the Cat Hoarder PrC, you can wildshape into a housecat swarm.

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gran rey de los mono wrote:
So, like this then?

Yes.. I had a party that once elected a chicken as mayor of a township. this is the same party.

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Nyan Cat wrote:
gran rey de los mono wrote:
Her lair smells like ammonia. There are hundreds of semi-feral cats lounging around and/or screwing. Gods help you if you have allergies.
If you take enough levels in the Cat Hoarder PrC, you can wildshape into a housecat swarm.

If certain players find out about this their will be some character changes.

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Nyan Cat wrote:
gran rey de los mono wrote:
Her lair smells like ammonia. There are hundreds of semi-feral cats lounging around and/or screwing. Gods help you if you have allergies.
If you take enough levels in the Cat Hoarder PrC, you can wildshape into a housecat swarm.

Sounds terrifying, but let's be honest, it's unlikely that they would be able to organize that well. And will likely go find somewhere warm to sleep in a few minutes.

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It would be fun to have a group enter a room full of cats, then get the Paladin to Detect Evil and tell them:
"All of the cats detect as evil."
"What? All of them?"
"Of course. They're cats."

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Vidmaster7 wrote:
gran rey de los mono wrote:
So, like this then?
Yes.. I had a party that once elected a chicken as mayor of a township. this is the same party.

I wonder if I can convince my Kingmaker group to elect a chicken as head of the kingdom when we get that far.

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gran rey de los mono wrote:
Vidmaster7 wrote:
gran rey de los mono wrote:
So, like this then?
Yes.. I had a party that once elected a chicken as mayor of a township. this is the same party.
I wonder if I can convince my Kingmaker group to elect a chicken as head of the kingdom when we get that far.

You just have to egg them on and don't let your plan run a fowl.

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Un-Bear-able Puns wrote:
gran rey de los mono wrote:
Vidmaster7 wrote:
gran rey de los mono wrote:
So, like this then?
Yes.. I had a party that once elected a chicken as mayor of a township. this is the same party.
I wonder if I can convince my Kingmaker group to elect a chicken as head of the kingdom when we get that far.
You just have to egg them on and don't let your plan run a fowl.

If he makes a bad decision, we can kill and eat it. Stir fry it, and it will be the cock of the wok!

Scarab Sages

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'Cat' should probably be its own alignment

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I blame Woran. ~looks over~ Oh S$%%!!! she is here. ~rolls a dice~ I blame.... Celestial Healer! Yeah. Him! Not Woran. Totally not Woran. ~Runs~

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The boss gave me a new guy (new to me) that used to work with Skinny Jeans.

First thing he does is immediately start to snow blow the opposite side of the street that I specifically showed him and Rocko that we would be doing.

So I sent him with Rocko.

6 people marked this as a favorite.

Is it a holiday? Seems like the sort of day that should be a holiday.

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*in best Mickey Rourke impression from the movie Angelheart* Y'know what today is? Today is WEDNESDAY... it's 'anything can happen' day. Ain't 'chu ever seen the Mickey Mouse Club?"

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For over 20 years now, I've been telling everyone who would listen (and even many who wouldn't) to never, ever, ever click links in emails to sign in to web sites, especially sites that store financial or personal information. I even took to filing fraud reports with Chase every time they sent me an email that provided a link for me to sign into my account.

This morning I received what I was sure was an obvious, pathetic phising attempt from the Social Security Organization: "Sign in to see your statement", complete with a link that didn't match the direct access URL. ( vs.

I manually went to, and sure enough, my statement was ready.

Is it any wonder that internet fraud is rampant when, after 25+ years of phishing, banks and government organizations still can't figure out that providing links in emails is a horrible, horrible thing that should never be done?

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captain yesterday wrote:
Is it a holiday? Seems like the sort of day that should be a holiday.

Aside from my obvious biases about today in particular, I see a case for Inauguration Day to be a federal holiday.

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Vidmaster7 wrote:
PAizo just needs to go ahead and make a pet collector class. I know many people in many groups that would be ecstatic about it.

Sounds like Gorbacz's wife in our 2nd edition party. She's leshy bard with Beastmaster archetype feats (which caps at four companions, she has twop so far).

We are finally getting to play again on Sunday.

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One of the other crew leaders accidentally grabbed my paperwork instead and noticed a slight detail his had that mine did not.

Instructions and reminders not to forget to clear around fire hydrants, in front of garage doors, front steps, and mailboxes.

He asked the boss "Why doesn't Yesterday have these reminders?" The boss replied "Because they don't apply to him" "Why not?" "Because he never misses them".

4 people marked this as a favorite.
Vidmaster7 wrote:
PAizo just needs to go ahead and make a pet collector class. I know many people in many groups that would be ecstatic about it.

2nd edition fixed that.

3 people marked this as a favorite.
Vanykrye wrote:
captain yesterday wrote:
Is it a holiday? Seems like the sort of day that should be a holiday.
Aside from my obvious biases about today in particular, I see a case for Inauguration Day to be a federal holiday.

The one great thing about teaching from home this week is that my morning video lessons ended in time for me to watch the livestream of the ceremony.

I've been waiting for today since I was ten years old.

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Its so hard not to be political today. In other news, the next episode of Wandavision drops in a couple days. I don't know, its hard to think about much else than work, kids and inauguration today.

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Is it political to say let's give it up for our new poet laureate? Because that young woman is amazing.

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