Deep 6 FaWtL

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The Exchange

Yeah, I think I'll pass on the whole nekkid thing with that one guys.

Grand Lodge

Pathfinder Adventure, Rulebook, Starfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

Allow me.

*nakie dance*

The Exchange

Aberzombie wrote:
Patrick Curtin wrote:


Afternoon all!

On the subject of moving, it seems clan Curtin will be relocating within a year or two when my wife gets promoted. I always thought I would miss living in Massachusetts , but more and more I am beginning to loathe this state. I'll miss the beach, but I'll settle for somewhere not so buck ass insane


I keep hearing good things about Houston.

I think we may have the highest concentration of FAWTLs. If not now, we soon will. :D

Very sorry, Moorluck, Solnes, and family.

Scarab Sages


The Exchange

Thanks for the sympathies guys. It's been a rough day at the Moore house, and it does help having friends like y'all to turn to.

Freehold DM wrote:
Aberzombie wrote:
Freehold DM wrote:
Moorluck wrote:

Go to a strip club and you'll see a bunch of men sitting drooling over some nekkid women wishing they could touch.

Go to a "male revue" and you'll see a bunch of screaming horny gals flashing their stuff, grabbing men's junk and even performing sexual favors on them.

Yeah... we're the nasty ones.

While I have yet to see something as extreme as girls flashing strippers(unless they were relatively young and really, really, REALLY drunk) and certainly no performance of sexual acts outside of a mark for a dancing bear vid, I will say that I've seen women act far worse than men at strip clubs.
I've seen women do some really crazy and kinky stuff at Mardi Gras of years past.
Maybe the problem is that I've never been to Mardi Gras. I doubt I'll ever get the chance to go now. I admit that despite my zeal for first hand knowledge(although not necessarily experience) of all things sexual, I've lead a rather sheltered life, which is amazing considering I spent most of my youth in NY. I've only recently started going to clubs regularly, and even that was for work. I sometimes shudder to think what would have become of me without the internet.

Hate to disappoint you but most of Mardi Gras is family friendly. I went when I was young and in my youth saw Mardi Gras celebrations in Baton Rouge, New Orleans, Lafayette and Abbeyville. All of which were very different experiences. Some of them very fun, but not the type you hear about from certain areas in New Orleans.

Man Moorluck, so sorry to hear about the bunny... that sucks.

4 people marked this as a favorite.

Condolences Moorluck and family.

Well, my con cherry is gone. I got to meet both the Lord of all Orcs and the Communist goblin in the flesh. I also met The jade, and Lou Agresta and played a mean round of Iron GM at the TotalCon very cool.

But now me sleepy..



The Exchange

Sounds like the Monkey had a big day. ;)

Liberty's Edge

Sorry to hear about the rabbit Moorluck.

Liberty's Edge

Glad to hear the Con went well Pat.

The Exchange

2 people marked this as a favorite.

Well Arden finally went to sleep. It really took it's toll on her, I think I did alright solo-ing the parental shoulder duties.

Yeah; sounds like you had a hard day.

The Exchange

Spanky the Leprechaun wrote:

Yeah; sounds like you had a hard day.

It ain't been fun, and the other half of the parental duo won't be home for another 2 hours. I'm no good at comfort, that's her bag. Mine is more aggressive. Unfortunately... yeah, what am I supposed to do? :(

Sounds to me like you did just fine.

The Exchange

Thanks buddy.

I think I'm going to take a long hot shower. Night.

Dark Archive


Silver Crusade

Hi, Chris!


Howdy all.

As Michael Corleone said, "I was out, and they pulled me back in..."

Re: overnight shifts...they suck.

heh heh. you never really sleep working nights.


No, no you don't.

Came in for 1400-0200, noone filled a 2300-0700 slot so I went home, tried to sleep, failed, and now I'm back til after sunrise.


Patrick Curtin wrote:



First convention evar Saturday



The Adventures of the Crimson Masque (human bard) and his trusty sidekick, Fingers Took (halfling rogue)

First we helped some odd clerics of Pelor and their hired thug transport a lantern archon to an abbey in the middle of nowhere. All of the peasants were covered in dung and there were no attractive women. When we got to abbey, not only was the abbott brusque and rude, and not only did he offer us no monetary recompense for our efforts, and not only did he feed us tasteless gruel, but he also locked us into the guest chambers! It turns out we delivered the archon right into the hands of an evil cult!

Well, I won't bore you with all the details, BUT we were the worst party ever. We got our butts decisively handed to us so we ran back to the inn in town (where, I might add, The Crimson Masque cock-blocked both Fingers AND Sister Kyra...and then passed out drunk at the bar!). We returned to the abbey the next morning and decided to climb down the well. We spent the next two hours fighting a gibbering mouther. It kicked our butts. Only half of the party lived long enough to get captured by the remaining cultists.

It was awesome!! Also, I got to pull a total Leeroy Jenkins.

If The Jade ever comes through here: you guys put on an awesome show. To everybody else: If the Iron GM comes through town, check it out!

Oh, btw, later, in the car, after we [bubbled bubbled bubbled] some, Comrade Curtin told me he loved me and said I could pop on by here and talk about socialism anytime I liked.

Hi, Dorkmash!

psionichamster wrote:

No, no you don't.

Came in for 1400-0200, noone filled a 2300-0700 slot so I went home, tried to sleep, failed, and now I'm back til after sunrise.


That sucks, man.


@ comrade anklebiter; sweet, sounds like a great time was had.

@spanky, thanks, man.

Kinda sounds petty with what everyone else is going through.

I hope fawtl keeps active tonight & it'll keep me up.

The Exchange

Dontcha hate when the water turns insta-cold without warning.

But anyway, 'sup 'Bug and PH.

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Moorluck wrote:
Spanky the Leprechaun wrote:

Yeah; sounds like you had a hard day.

It ain't been fun, and the other half of the parental duo won't be home for another 2 hours. I'm no good at comfort, that's her bag. Mine is more aggressive. Unfortunately... yeah, what am I supposed to do? :(

Yeah, I'm sure you did fine. Listening and hugs cover a multitude of sufferings.

Liberty's Edge


Good evening.

I attended my first con today, obviously.

After the other Paizonians left I played a game called Spookybeans. I got to be a conspiracy theorist with a jetpack whose nerd friends bore a hole through time and space to the Negative Zone from which was released a giant spider robot made of buzzing chainsaws. Yikes!

Anyway, the con was fun enough that I might consider using personal days to attend the full run next year. It also makes me terribly envious of those attending Paizocon and seethe with yet more rage at the Left Coast.

Anyway, all this driving and monster-fighting has wiped me out. Sorry to leave you hanging, Psionichamster, but I've got to bail. 'Night.

Sure DA, hang all ya want. But still, no politics in here. I'd love to hear about the Con, though.

Psionichamster: Damn. I thought you were dead or something.


Far from dead...merely operating on a different time frame.

Kinda like a certain timelord, or somesuch.

Anyways, DA speaks truth; Spookybeans is the rules-lite awesomesauce rpg whose entire ruleset is contained in 2 8.5"x11" sheets of paper.

And one of em is the character sheet.

Best of all, its free

Sympathies on the bunny demise, LPM. Our old dog got ahold of one in our yard a few years back. It wasn't even a pet but my daughter cried about it.

good morning FawtLy,

I am sorry for what happend Moorluck,

best of luk to everyone with job/no job problems

me, I did the first bit of gardening in 4 month with trimming the box-tree-balls into a somewhat bally form again

Sabine has toothache which sucks on a sunday, she already has a doc-appointment tomorrow but she'll has to get through today and tomorrows work

Moorluck wrote:
Spanky the Leprechaun wrote:

Yeah; sounds like you had a hard day.

It ain't been fun, and the other half of the parental duo won't be home for another 2 hours. I'm no good at comfort, that's her bag. Mine is more aggressive. Unfortunately... yeah, what am I supposed to do? :(

Way too late to be useful, but...

First off - my sympathies, that's rough. As for the rest - give any upset kids a big hug - once they're somewhat calmed down, explain that the dog can't really help doing that sort of thing (getting rid of small, furry creatures is sort of what it was bred to do), and that's why you can't have it in the same room as the bunny.

In a few weeks or so, ask them if they want a new bunny - and remember that to a kid, losing a pet can be just as bad as losing a family member - let them grieve.

Morgen Aeglos. *flutters sails*


1 person marked this as a favorite.
Doodlebug Anklebiter wrote:

The Adventures of the Crimson Masque (human bard) and his trusty sidekick, Fingers Took (halfling rogue)

Shakes head

That drunken bard didn't remember to buy rope, but he made sure he had condoms on his equipment list..


1 person marked this as a favorite.

The Crimson Masque cares not for your attitude, trusty sidekick. With ready availability to feather fall, The CM has little need for rope. Prophylactics, on the other hand...

Scarab Sages

Mrgh. Morning FAWTLY Folk. Hope everyone has a good day. Charlie had a weird cough overnight and a bit when he woke up, but now seems fine. We're (theoretically) taking him to the circus today.


I see the goblin has returned. Praise Kali!

All praise Kali!

EDIT: And now that I've read the bunny story, :(.


Kali ma.....Kali ma.......Kali ma shakthi deh!!

The Exchange


The Exchange

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Crimson Jester wrote:

Pretty much.

Oh, and Mornin' folks.


You know I find it amazing, that in an old Dragon magazine there was an article apologizing for the Fiend Folio and how it fell flat. Yet it was one of the best books to come out at the time. Boggles the mind.

~yawns ans tries to stay awake~ Good mornin--- ~Head hits the desk and you hear~ "ZZZZZZZZZZZZzzzzzzzzz"

Darth Knight wrote:
You know I find it amazing, that in an old Dragon magazine there was an article apologizing for the Fiend Folio and how it fell flat. Yet it was one of the best books to come out at the time. Boggles the mind.

The book that created the Gith? Say it ain't so!

Silver Crusade

Morning, all. What did I miss?

We're headed out to the desert today. I think it will do us some good to get out of the city.

Edit: A naked tour of the Mojave Desert seems like a recipe for serious health problems.

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