Freehold DM |

Celestial Healer wrote:I'm always happy to see you guys. *waggles eyebrows*TriOmegaZero wrote:Is that a longship in your pocket, or are you just happy to see FAWTL?Kajehase wrote:Ouch, splinters.Urinsane wrote:Trust me, you do not want a longship to give you a lapdance.Kajehase wrote:I have internets again. Yay! *does the lap-dance of joy*FIFY
You're naked. What pocket?

Freehold DM |

Had a good day yesterday. Went to renn for the last weekend of the season. Picked up a dagger we'd put a deposit on earlier. It's really awesome. And got yet another print of a dragon from Bill Stolpin. And I bought some dragon earrings I'd had my eye on since the first weekend. I skipped lunch a few days to make sure I'd have the money to buy them. Bryce got to be the audience volunteer during a juggling show which he thought was the coolest thing ever since they were throwing the pins right past his head. A good time was had by all in spite of the cold. :)
And then I discovered a new favorite restaurant as we tried Tomokum noodle bar for dinner. Steamed pork buns and ramen ftw. :)
Although I also discovered that sake is sneaky. I'd never had it before and by the time I realized how drunk I was, well it was well past too late. Feeling a bit hungover today. Ugh.
That's what I love the most about sake. After years of decrying the "one sip of sake makes you drunk" trope in a lot of anime, I have discovered that it is quite true, especially when warm. Last time I was a touch away from showtunes drunk.

Treppa |

Happy Sunday, everyone. I have the door open and a mom and three kids in the store right now, woot! It's blue and sunny and cool and crisp here today. I adore autumn.
EDIT: Interestingly, the mom had to use our bathroom and took all three kids in there with her. It's one room. I appreciate parents keeping their kids under control, but this seems like above and beyond.

lynora |

lynora wrote:That's what I love the most about sake. After years of decrying the "one sip of sake makes you drunk" trope in a lot of anime, I have discovered that it is quite true, especially when warm. Last time I was a touch away from showtunes drunk.And then I discovered a new favorite restaurant as we tried Tomokum noodle bar for dinner. Steamed pork buns and ramen ftw. :)
Although I also discovered that sake is sneaky. I'd never had it before and by the time I realized how drunk I was, well it was well past too late. Feeling a bit hungover today. Ugh.
lol. I don't think I've ever been drunk enough to sing showtunes. :P
But yeah, I now have a much better understanding of that particular trope now.:)
lynora |

Sake is the beverage of the gods, but I've never been tempted to drink enough of it to get more than a little tipsy. It's the one drink I enjoy enough to savor rather than guzzle.
See for me it turns out to be the one alcoholic beverage that I drink faster than I become aware of it's effects. Cause it really is that good. :)

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Sake is the beverage of the gods, but I've never been tempted to drink enough of it to get more than a little tipsy. It's the one drink I enjoy enough to savor rather than guzzle.
I just picked up a cool little sake set - four cups and a larger container for the sake itself, here at one of the stores here in Yokosuka. Ceramic, painted black with white lettering. I liked the look of it. And only $14. It's my gift to myself.
Edit: Of course, before I leave I'm determined to try some habu sake. My contractors already tried some during one of their sojourns about town, while I was busy with emails and phone calls to Philly. Very interesting stuff.

aeglos |

good morning Tordek,
*hands Tordek a Mug of Coffee*
are fully awake jet? Let me help with some music:
From the new Anthrax album

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good morning Tordek,
*hands Tordek a Mug of Coffee*are fully awake jet? Let me help with some music:
From the new Anthrax album
Mmmmm that hits the spot - both the coffee and the music. I think I saw some of AZ's cousins in that video.
Enjoy your long weekend Mothman. Now it's off to work I go.

aeglos |

aeglos wrote:good morning Tordek,
*hands Tordek a Mug of Coffee*are fully awake jet? Let me help with some music:
From the new Anthrax albumMmmmm that hits the spot - both the coffee and the music. I think I saw some of AZ's cousins in that video.
Enjoy your long weekend Mothman. Now it's off to work I go.
Australia has a long weekend, too?
I have "Day of German Unity" Today
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Crimson Jester wrote:How is everybody this morning?hi CJ,
slow day in here.
I am relaxing on the couch after the (hopefully) last grass-mowing-session of this years grass-growing-season
how are you?
Ah yes, I knew that there was something I had forgotten. Must get the kids on that while the weather is good.

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1 person marked this as a favorite. |

Crimson Jester wrote:best of luck for your dayDoodlebug Anklebiter wrote:I am well, how are you?Heavy duty headache and a long work day ahead of me, but the weather is great and I will go outside as often as I can today to enjoy it.
Why thank you good sir. I have found as I get older, while I still feel young, my body disagrees most vehemently.

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I don't think I've ever done sake and showtunes, but I have done sake and karaoke a time or two. Good times.
Sake and karaoke works well. A big ol' box o' sake being passed around at the Tokushima Dance Festival while pretty much the entire city dances through the night in the streets is pretty awesome too...
I really need to go back sometime.

Freehold DM |

Mothman wrote:I don't think I've ever done sake and showtunes, but I have done sake and karaoke a time or two. Good times.Sake and karaoke works well. A big ol' box o' sake being passed around at the Tokushima Dance Festival while pretty much the entire city dances through the night in the streets is pretty awesome too...
I really need to go back sometime.
explodes with envy in jess doors new garage, away from her clean clothes

Urinsane |

Jess Door wrote:explodes with envy in jess doors new garage, away from her clean clothesMothman wrote:I don't think I've ever done sake and showtunes, but I have done sake and karaoke a time or two. Good times.Sake and karaoke works well. A big ol' box o' sake being passed around at the Tokushima Dance Festival while pretty much the entire city dances through the night in the streets is pretty awesome too...
I really need to go back sometime.