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Man. Sending how peace, love, and joy to all my fawtlicious friends. Maybe I'll take a break from complaining.

Sovereign Court

weird day. witnessed a crime in the Home Depot parking lot - I wasn't sure he had punctured the car's tires, but I heard a very loud rush of air, and when I looked, this guy ducked into one of the two cars he'd been standing between. I was alone, and wasn't going to get too close, though I kept looking back to make sure he didn't go to my car, as I walked to the store. Inside I watched a bit, but other cars blocked my view of his car...and he didn't go after mine. so I grabbed the new lock I'd come to pick up.

as I was leaving, an employee was yelling about her car tire being slashed. So, I let her know what I saw, and left my name and number if she needed a witness for the police. I couldn't give a really good description of the dude, and I didn't know much about the car he hid in except it was a red sedan. Police called, I told them what I could.

I wish I'd had more to say, but the dude probably had some knife and was pretty pissed off, so I'm glad I didn't get a closer look at the same time.


It's enough. It sounds like it's somebody she knows, being douchy for revenge. The "red sedan" oughta do the trick.

Liberty's Edge

It sounds like you did the right thing Jess.

The Exchange

Yeah, as an ex-hoodlum, that kind of thing is almost never random. Grudge, revenge, tasteless prank... Not usually worth the risk on a stranger's vehicle.

My head is spinning and I'm going to work. Lovely. Have a safe night everybody.

The Exchange

Interesting day for the school my wife drives for.

for length:

WICHITA, Kansas (KSN) -- Wichita Police are releasing more details in a bizarre abduction of a Robinson Elementary Middle School student. In all, there were five separate crimes starting at the middle school at 2nd Street and Oliver around 7:30 a.m. Tuesday.

Officers say the man showed a gun to the 13-year-old boy walking to school and demanded he get in the car. The student, fearing for his life, complied and was then driven around the area for about 30 minutes. The boy was then taken to the school by the 20-year-old man, unhurt but very upset.

School officials sent an email message to parents saying the student reported the incident right away, and Wichita Police are also applauding his actions.

"I want to give the child credit due because a child certainly, a 13 year old confronted with a weapon is a very scary proposition, and I think he did what he needed to do to make it through that and immediately told the school who got in touch with law enforcement," said Lt. Doug Nolte, Wichita Police Department.

Officers say the crime spree continued to an apartment complex in the 3000 block of West Douglas where he climbed the balcony of a person he knew, broke out the sliding glass door and demanded money. The victim said he didn't have any money and the suspect told him to go to an ATM. When they left the apartment, the victim was able to run away without being hurt.

The suspect then moved to the intersection of University and South Gordon where he shot at a car several times. The person in the car wasn't hurt, but his windshield and the rear spoiler was hit by bullets.

Next, police say the suspect traveled to the 600 block of South Edwards where he followed a woman who was driving to a home, waited for her to get out of the car and confronted her, demanding money. She was also able to run away without being hurt.

"I was really scared for her," said William Toledo. Toledo lives across the street from the victim and says at first he thought the suspect was a friend of the woman.

"Pretty soon she got out of the car and started screaming and saying 'He's trying to rob me! He's trying to rob me!'. Well I was outside here so I told her to come over to me and she darn well almost got hit by two cars," said Toledo.

Police say the bizarre crime spree continued at a tire store in the 1600 block of South Meridian where the suspect tried to rob the store at gunpoint, and forced the clerk give him the surveillance video from the store before he left.

Officers had been put on alert for a black car involved in the various crimes, and by 11:30 a.m., officers had spotted the car and arrested the man at 13th & Oliver.

Police believe drugs may be involved, saying the man wasn't entirely coherent, and say the situation could have been much worse.

"I think that we're very fortunate we aren't dealing with anything more serious, partially because we don't know what his intent was," said Lt. Nolte. "The suspect was very aggressive in many different ways."

There also appears to be no pattern or connection between the crimes.

"It does appear to be random in that there is no connection as to why he picked out this boy," that was abducted, said Lt, Nolte. "There's no connection really to anything that happened yesterday."

KSN will not release the name of the suspect until he has been formally charged in court. He does have a criminal record that includes at least two arrests for drug possession.

The suspect is expected to make his first court appearance on Thursday.


Scarab Sages

1 person marked this as a favorite.

My five-year-old son to mom -- "Mom, when you get to be as tall as daddy, you can grow a mustache too."

Silver Crusade

Moff Rimmer wrote:
My five-year-old son to mom -- "Mom, when you get to be as tall as daddy, you can grow a mustache too."

When some women get a little bit older...

Silver Crusade

Jess Door wrote:

weird day. witnessed a crime in the Home Depot parking lot - I wasn't sure he had punctured the car's tires, but I heard a very loud rush of air, and when I looked, this guy ducked into one of the two cars he'd been standing between. I was alone, and wasn't going to get too close, though I kept looking back to make sure he didn't go to my car, as I walked to the store. Inside I watched a bit, but other cars blocked my view of his car...and he didn't go after mine. so I grabbed the new lock I'd come to pick up.

as I was leaving, an employee was yelling about her car tire being slashed. So, I let her know what I saw, and left my name and number if she needed a witness for the police. I couldn't give a really good description of the dude, and I didn't know much about the car he hid in except it was a red sedan. Police called, I told them what I could.

I wish I'd had more to say, but the dude probably had some knife and was pretty pissed off, so I'm glad I didn't get a closer look at the same time.


I'm not surprised it was an employee's car. It was probably some ex or someone with a grudge who knew where that person would be that day.

A few years back, one of my mother's employees at a nursing home was actually killed by her ex-boyfriend in the parking lot at work. That was a horrible situation.

Liberty's Edge

Huh, just realised that I had a post removed last night. I didn’t think I crossed the line, or even skirted that close to it. Oh well, the thread was locked anyway so I guess it doesn’t matter.

I haven't had one removed in forever.

I've just come to the realization that there's people that aren't worth it, and you can't reach them anyway, and who cares; they're still out there being that which they are, and you can't fix it or anything.

AND,...the place is just chock full of that any more.

Sovereign Court

the woman definitely had an idea of who the perpetrator was. she asked a couple of leading questions - I couldn't remember enough about what the dude looked like to agree with her in good concience - but the red car made an impression. the other employees who talked to me also seemed to know who this person might be. It did sound like it was an ex.


Yeah; that's "jilted stalker boy" crap.

Liberty's Edge

Spanky the Leprechaun wrote:

I haven't had one removed in forever.

I've just come to the realization that there's people that aren't worth it, and you can't reach them anyway, and who cares; they're still out there being that which they are, and you can't fix it or anything.

AND,...the place is just chock full of that any more.

Yeah, it probably wasn’t worth me posting in a thread that was started by and dominated by people who seemed to have created accounts here just to complain about something that is nowhere near as bad as they seem to think.

And I guess my post was fairly sarcastic ...

Liberty's Edge

Spanky the Leprechaun wrote:

Yeah; that's "jilted stalker boy" crap.

Sure is. S$++ thing to happen, but at least it was nothing like in CH's spoiler.

5 people marked this as a favorite.

I can't figure out why she dumped him.

Mothman wrote:
Spanky the Leprechaun wrote:

I haven't had one removed in forever.

I've just come to the realization that there's people that aren't worth it, and you can't reach them anyway, and who cares; they're still out there being that which they are, and you can't fix it or anything.

AND,...the place is just chock full of that any more.

Yeah, it probably wasn’t worth me posting in a thread that was started by and dominated by people who seemed to have created accounts here just to complain about something that is nowhere near as bad as they seem to think.

And I guess my post was fairly sarcastic ...

(puts on his worst American cowyboy accent) Well, gosh dang I aint been to a good ole thread locking in donkeys years.

It could have been responder collateral.

yerr all hat n no cattle, boah.

Liberty's Edge

Get back to work 8th!

I gotta crash,.....

Grrr. Still no interwebs at home, and I forgot to bring the USB-stick. Way this is going I'll have to post my submissions sometime after midnight, sitting outside my parents' place with the laptop.

Ah well... at least there's pastries at home.

Crimson Jester wrote:

Interesting day for the school my wife drives for.

** spoiler omitted **...


The Exchange

Emperor7 wrote:
Crimson Jester wrote:

Interesting day for the school my wife drives for.

** spoiler omitted **...


Yes, they did not release any info at first. Just man picked up kid and gave him a ride to school and showed up "15" minutes later and then was arrested several hours later for trying to "get a tire changed" at a service station. This city is still getting over BTK, so a lot of people are still jumpy about stuff.

Question for those in retail/restaurant management -

My daughter is a high school senior and works in a nearby restaurant. The store usually works around her busy schedule, she likes working there, and they like her. This weekend she was scheduled for 4 hour shifts on Fri night, Saturday, and Sunday. She volunteered for a double on Saturday. The double on Saturday turned into a 13.5 hour shift and she only got a half hour break. Sunday she finds that her schedule got changed to work a double again. I stepped in a talked with a young mgr, who was very apologetic though a bit untruthful. (He blamed the schedule change on a mgr that wasn't even there Saturday, when it was the district mgr that did it.) Her school work permit limits her work hours to 20 a week, and she wracked up 22 just during 3 days before they sent her home early.

Anyhow, yesterday my daughter finds out that she is 'not allowed to work doubles' any longer. She's annoyed by it, but I'm not, but this smells of a knee-jerk retaliation. I expect it will be short-lived, and I certainly don't have high expectations of a restaurant mgr. Meh. (I think the DM is the guy that told my daughter she was getting a raise months ago, but she has yet to see it.)

The question is - What is the penalty for stores that don't conform to work permits, if any?

Emperor7 wrote:

Question for those in retail/restaurant management -

** spoiler omitted **

To the best of my somewhat limited knowledge(I have a food handler's permit), very little. She's going to have to take her complaints to the chief of chiefs at her job, whoever that is. She'll get a reputation as a "problem"/whistleblower, but if this is one of her first days on the job, it will help to keep future problems from happening.

taig wrote:
Ever have one of those days where nothing serious is going wrong, but enough stupid, little things happen to make the day really crappy?

That's been the past two weeks for me. I just hope that things turn around soon.

Jess Door wrote:

weird day. witnessed a crime in the Home Depot parking lot - I wasn't sure he had punctured the car's tires, but I heard a very loud rush of air, and when I looked, this guy ducked into one of the two cars he'd been standing between. I was alone, and wasn't going to get too close, though I kept looking back to make sure he didn't go to my car, as I walked to the store. Inside I watched a bit, but other cars blocked my view of his car...and he didn't go after mine. so I grabbed the new lock I'd come to pick up.

as I was leaving, an employee was yelling about her car tire being slashed. So, I let her know what I saw, and left my name and number if she needed a witness for the police. I couldn't give a really good description of the dude, and I didn't know much about the car he hid in except it was a red sedan. Police called, I told them what I could.

I wish I'd had more to say, but the dude probably had some knife and was pretty pissed off, so I'm glad I didn't get a closer look at the same time.


You did the right thing. Good work, Jess.

Moff Rimmer wrote:
My five-year-old son to mom -- "Mom, when you get to be as tall as daddy, you can grow a mustache too."

Heh. Kids.

Freehold DM wrote:
Emperor7 wrote:

Question for those in retail/restaurant management -

** spoiler omitted **

To the best of my somewhat limited knowledge(I have a food handler's permit), very little. She's going to have to take her complaints to the chief of chiefs at her job, whoever that is. She'll get a reputation as a "problem"/whistleblower, but if this is one of her first days on the job, it will help to keep future problems from happening.

She's been there for months, and does a good job, which is why they've been dumping on her a lot lately to cover other shifts. During summer it wasn't a problem, but I wanted to nip this in the bud since she's back in school.

This kind of stuff is probably why that store has constant turnover of employees.

Dark Archive

lynora wrote:
F@&#! I've been looking forward all day to gaming tonight, especially tonight to keep my mind off things. And now it's cancelled at the last minute. :(

Ah man nothing is worse than that. :(

Dark Archive

Roagh wrote:
Crimson Jester wrote:
Gruumash . wrote:
Moff and CJ are trying to "figure out" one another and what they have that they flaunt.
Says the Half-Orc!
That a racist comment?

Yes , yes it is. But we are used to CJ's prejudice against us half-orcs.

Hi everyone,

positive waves to the FaWtLies with troubles escpecally BP

good luck to everyone with new jobs

taig wrote:

Ever have one of those days where nothing serious is going wrong, but enough stupid, little things happen to make the day really crappy?

i had one today. I held a 4h schooling on Six Sigma methods that is structured around a practical example with a small catapult (jup, I spend my day teaching people to aim with a catapult). Each round they should discovere why they did not hit the target and transfer that to their usual work.

I spilled things before it's time, mixed the lessons up, forgot importent powerpoint slides. Urgh, The schooling worked more or less but urgh

Sovereign Court

Mothman wrote:
Huh, just realised that I had a post removed last night. I didn’t think I crossed the line, or even skirted that close to it. Oh well, the thread was locked anyway so I guess it doesn’t matter.

*swats at the air*

Darn moth-trolls, they're the worst!

The Exchange

Gruumash . wrote:
Roagh wrote:
Crimson Jester wrote:
Gruumash . wrote:
Moff and CJ are trying to "figure out" one another and what they have that they flaunt.
Says the Half-Orc!
That a racist comment?
Yes , yes it is. But we are used to CJ's prejudice against us half-orcs.

Prejudice?? Naw I just always heard that half-orcs like Texas are always bigger. I always assumed they were just talking teeth size.

RPG Superstar 2012

So, the company I interviewed with decided to "pursue other candidates who more closely match their requirements."


Sovereign Court

taig wrote:

So, the company I interviewed with decided to "pursue other candidates who more closely match their requirements."




I'm sorry, Badger.

taig wrote:

So, the company I interviewed with decided to "pursue other candidates who more closely match their requirements."


just give me the coordinates. They'll learn what happens to those who don't hire badgahs.

Sovereign Court

taig wrote:

So, the company I interviewed with decided to "pursue other candidates who more closely match their requirements."


Sorry taig. :(

RPG Superstar 2012

Hee hee, thanks everyone. Freehold, I appreciate the offer, but I actually have a friend who works there, so I'll have to pass for now.

Actually, it's not an awful thing. I like my job here, so basically it just means I'll be separated from my family a little while longer. At least the commute on the weekends isn't too bad.

Dark Archive

Crimson Jester wrote:
Gruumash . wrote:
Roagh wrote:
Crimson Jester wrote:
Gruumash . wrote:
Moff and CJ are trying to "figure out" one another and what they have that they flaunt.
Says the Half-Orc!
That a racist comment?
Yes , yes it is. But we are used to CJ's prejudice against us half-orcs.
Prejudice?? Naw I just always heard that half-orcs like Texas are always bigger. I always assumed they were just talking teeth size.

;) We are actually bigger than Texas ... this is known. But we don't need to talk about it because we are so awesome.

Dark Archive

taig wrote:

Hee hee, thanks everyone. Freehold, I appreciate the offer, but I actually have a friend who works there, so I'll have to pass for now.

Actually, it's not an awful thing. I like my job here, so basically it just means I'll be separated from my family a little while longer. At least the commute on the weekends isn't too bad.

:( Sorry Taig, well perhaps the next one. I bet that is tough being away from your family.

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Pathfinder Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game, Starfinder Society Subscriber
taig wrote:

So, the company I interviewed with decided to "pursue other candidates who more closely match their requirements."


So you are saying that they are morons, got it. ;)

Dark Archive

3 people marked this as a favorite.

Got my 30th Anniversary leatherbound edition of "Call of Cthulhu" and it's awesome.

RPG Superstar 2012

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Justin Franklin wrote:
taig wrote:

So, the company I interviewed with decided to "pursue other candidates who more closely match their requirements."


So you are saying that they are morons, got it. ;)

That's a reasonable interpretation. :P

I second that interpretation.

Sorry taig. I'm glad your job is bearable, but separation from family is tough.

The Exchange

taig wrote:
Justin Franklin wrote:
taig wrote:

So, the company I interviewed with decided to "pursue other candidates who more closely match their requirements."


So you are saying that they are morons, got it. ;)

That's a reasonable interpretation. :P

I am sure that the reason you do not so closely match the requirements is because you far exceed them and they are afraid you won't stay long enough with the company.

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