Deep 6 FaWtL

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Me: *spits mouthful of blood on floor* "You've clearly become more powerful since the last time we met."
Dentist: "For the last time, the sink is RIGHT THERE!!"

Doesn't everyone go to the dentist nekkid?

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You ever want to go up to one of your friends and say "Girl, are you tuba? Because you're being played by a really weird dude."?

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gran rey de los mono wrote:

You ever want to go up to one of your friends and say "Girl, are you tuba? Because you're being played by a really weird dude."?

literal audible chuckle. i played tuba for seven years. still weird.

gran rey de los mono wrote:
Dumb? You want dumb? Last night, while making dinner, I lost focus and cut my finger. Went through the nail and into the nail bed. Deep, but not terribly. I wrapped it in gauze and bandaids, and went to work. When changing the bandages, I saw it was deeper than I thought. So I went to the hospital this morning and got 1 stitch, some glue, a tetanus shot, and some antibiotics.

Oh man.

I promise, no room parties while you are healing.

captain yesterday wrote:
As a patio builder I loved the part of the D&D movie where the barbarian lady pries up the brick and uses it to beat the s%@% out of the execution squad.

Linseed oil. Good for the handle and..meh. Good enough for the head.

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Utterly awesome!!!!


So what IS the new role?

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I am an Education and Training Coordinator now. Instead of just running my group I am to memorize and be responsible for the running of seven groups, and try to find people for those groups and supervise the staff running them.

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Freehold DM wrote:
gran rey de los mono wrote:
Dumb? You want dumb? Last night, while making dinner, I lost focus and cut my finger. Went through the nail and into the nail bed. Deep, but not terribly. I wrapped it in gauze and bandaids, and went to work. When changing the bandages, I saw it was deeper than I thought. So I went to the hospital this morning and got 1 stitch, some glue, a tetanus shot, and some antibiotics.

Oh man.

I promise, no room parties while you are healing.

No room parties ever. EVER.

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I noticed that the pharmacy gave me more pills than I was supposed to get (the prescription is for 10, they gave me 11), but since they charged me for the correct amount I'm not going to say anything. However, knowing that the pharmacist can't correctly count to 10 is a little concerning.

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Grandma: "All young people think about these days is sex!"
Me: " had 13 kids starting when you were 15."

"hmm.. should i give the machete another pass with the sharpen..whoops. Snick."

"nope.. definitely sharp enough..."

Almost done with the current job.

All I'll say about it is, now I know how Dennis Hopper felt filming the Super Mario Bros movie.

Assuming that 'Hopper' used to be a job title, I suppose it was someone who grew hops, and sadly not someone who got paid to jump about on one leg.

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captain yesterday wrote:

Almost done with the current job.

All I'll say about it is, now I know how Dennis Hopper felt filming the Super Mario Bros movie.

Your kids told you they don't need new shoes that much?

Drejk wrote:
captain yesterday wrote:

Almost done with the current job.

All I'll say about it is, now I know how Dennis Hopper felt filming the Super Mario Bros movie.

Your kids told you they don't need new shoes that much?

Not telling them about this one.

It's fine, it looks okay, given what we were using to build it.

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A group of whales is a "pod". A group of ravens is a "murder". A group of people is a "no thanks". And a group of children is a "migraine".

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Having lived through this excrement as it was released and marketed to the point of nausea, this article utterly delights me.

2 people marked this as a favorite.

HILARIOUS article.

2 people marked this as a favorite.
NobodysHome wrote:

Having lived through this excrement as it was released and marketed to the point of nausea, this article utterly delights me.

G*$$@+n werewolves!

I'm more of a "The Sandlot" girl.

But, yes, good article.

What if dogs aren't actually afraid of fireworks, but just really hate America?

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It's really odd when someone's been working with the public for so long that they sabotage their own conversations because they're expecting you to be an idiotic jerk:

(GothBard's phone rings at 4:05 pm on Thursday)
Caller: This is so-and-so at the Applegate River Lodge. Are you still planning on staying here this evening?
GothBard: Yes. We're on our way right now. We just left the Oregon Caves and we should be there within an hour.
Caller: Well, I'm off shift now so there isn't going to be anyone at the front desk to greet you, so you'll have to call this number to get someone to let you in.
GothBard: OK. Got it.
Caller: No, see. I'm off shift and I have to pick up my kids so I'm not going to be there, so there won't be anyone at the front desk.
GothBard: I understand. And I call this number to have someone let me in.
Caller: No. I'm going to leave. The key and a note will be there, but you have to call this number to have someone greet you.
GothBard: (Seeing that she's in a doom circle of a conversation) OK. Well, you'd better go pick up your kids. I wouldn't want you to be late on our behalf.
Caller: Yes. I have to pick up my kids, so there will be nobody there to greet you...

I shudder to think of the type of clientele she's had to deal with to feel the need to repeat herself that many times. We were biting our tongues trying to be polite just to make sure she felt she got her point across.

I think she was trying to tell us there would be nobody there to greet us...

It could be that she's just one of those people that has to go around in circles.

There are a lot of those in the small lodge, hotel, and B&B owner community.

1 person marked this as a favorite.
captain yesterday wrote:

It could be that she's just one of those people that has to go around in circles.

There are a lot of those in the small lodge, hotel, and B&B owner community.

Interesting. Yeah, it was odd to us that she seemed irritated with us for arriving after 4:00 pm, and then even more upset that we were perfectly nonchalant about there being nobody there to greet us.

She had Chaotic guests in her Lawful world.

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Fantasy Monster: Wolfraith

That was a bad person, now it is a bad wolf.

2 people marked this as a favorite.
Drejk wrote:

Fantasy Monster: Wolfraith

That was a bad person, now it is a bad wolf.

please excuse this wolf he was raised by humans and doesn't know how to behave?

captain yesterday wrote:
NobodysHome wrote:

Having lived through this excrement as it was released and marketed to the point of nausea, this article utterly delights me.

G@%~&+n werewolves!

Ain't no rule against it.

4 people marked this as a favorite.

I am tired. But it's a happy tired.
This morning, Teensy Valeros and I woke up early to go run the annual Kennebunk Beach 5k.
We got home, changed clothes, and we all drove up to Old Orchard Beach (an amusement park on the pier just south of Portland) for the afternoon, stayed until the kids were falling down from exhaustion, drove home, had dinner, and put the kids to bed.
I am too tired to even read a book right now.

1 person marked this as a favorite.
BigNorseWolf wrote:
Drejk wrote:

Fantasy Monster: Wolfraith

That was a bad person, now it is a bad wolf.

please excuse this wolf he was raised by humans and doesn't know how to behave?

Raised is the keyword here.

Drejk wrote:

Fantasy Monster: Wolfraith

That was a bad person, now it is a bad wolf.

Some wolves are loving and responsible parents I'll have you know.

lisamarlene wrote:
I am too tired to even read a book right now.

That's unpossible.

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Kid: "Dad, what's HD?"
Me: "It means 'High Definition' for televisions."
Kid: "Oh. Some guy on YouTube said he has 80 of them."
Me: "What? Do you mean 'ADHD'?"
Kid: "Yeah. He has 80 of them HDs."

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I asked my son if he wanted to go grocery shopping with me. He said "No, I'm practically an adult now. I don't need to go shopping with you." Before I even pulled out of the driveway, he texted me "Make sure you get chicken nuggies. But only if they have the dinosaur ones, I don't like the regular kind."

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What's worse than there being a kid with a karaoke machine in your house? Two kids, with two karaoke machines, in your house.

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My 5 year old said he wanted to change his first name to "Godzilla", and honestly, looking at his class roster, there are far worse options.

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I'm in the middle of noahs ark: east coast edition. Fortunately I don't have to clean out and fix those drains/roads anymore. Getting two pumps running in the basement with less than certain home wiring was more than enough fun for me.

Fortunately dad was an electrician and I seem to have inherited a point or two of electricity resistance.

5 people marked this as a favorite.

Well, the hazards of road trips versus flying for vacation include having a rock hit the windshield somewhere going through Pennsylvania last weekend and it's cracked halfway across so I need to replace it instead of just preparing it which is over 400 bucks. And when mom and I came home from taking the kids to the children's museum today, I discovered that the tire on my Subaru was completely flat, and when I put the donut on and took it to the nearest tire shop, they told me that my treads were too low to replace just one and I need to replace all four.
I am not particularly joyful at the moment.

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Pathfinder Lost Omens Subscriber
gran rey de los mono wrote:
My 5 year old said he wanted to change his first name to "Godzilla", and honestly, looking at his class roster, there are far worse options.


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Ugh. I've had to replace my windshield twice in the last 4 years, and I lost count of the number of tire replacements since we moved to this town 9 years ago.

It's even worse when that stuff happens away from home.

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lisamarlene wrote:

Well, the hazards of road trips versus flying for vacation include having a rock hit the windshield somewhere going through Pennsylvania last weekend and it's cracked halfway across so I need to replace it instead of just preparing it which is over 400 bucks. And when mom and I came home from taking the kids to the children's museum today, I discovered that the tire on my Subaru was completely flat, and when I put the donut on and took it to the nearest tire shop, they told me that my treads were too low to replace just one and I need to replace all four.

I am not particularly joyful at the moment.

Every time I've driven through Butte I got a cracked windshield. I've only driven through there 5 times.

I'll just let the rest of FaWtL do with that statement as they will.

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Butte... cracks... I see no humor there.

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Every Bigfoot "documentary": "Well, me and Cleetus had been up for 3 days straight drinkin' paint thinner, but we knows what we saws."

Bigfoot 'n' Cleetus,
Are drinkin' paint thinner
They had possum fer breakfast,
And possum for dinner,
They's playin' the banjo,
And feedin' moskeeters,
And fartin' like champions,
Are Bigfoot 'n' Cleetus.

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Well, I'm off to Portland on back roads in the early morning drizzle to get my windshield and hopefully some tires as well. And I figured as long as I've got to drop all this freaking money I might as well stop along the way at the place that Bon Appetit magazine says it's supposed to have some of the best bagels in New England to get myself some breakfast. And even though today is going to completely clean out my savings account, or damn near, I am not going to be down in the dumps or stressed about it and I'm going to do my best to have a good freaking day. Because at least for once in my life I do have enough saved up to cover it. Which is a huge relief. So I suppose I really ought to be grateful. And driving on back roads because I'm still on the donut Tire means I'm going to be going through quaint little Maine small towns instead of up the turnpike. And if all goes well and the timing is right, I might even get to meet up with Eve for lunch, since she works in portland.

Perfect way to look at it.

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Well, something good happens. I couldn't get the windshield this morning because turns out that after they replace it, the car can't go up on a lift for 48 hours. So they sent me away to get the tires done first and told me to come back on thursday. But, I found a tire place that sold me a matching set of used tires in good shape for a hundred bucks installed, so the axle would be balanced, so now I have a full size spare.

lisamarlene wrote:

Well, the hazards of road trips versus flying for vacation include having a rock hit the windshield somewhere going through Pennsylvania last weekend and it's cracked halfway across so I need to replace it instead of just preparing it which is over 400 bucks. And when mom and I came home from taking the kids to the children's museum today, I discovered that the tire on my Subaru was completely flat, and when I put the donut on and took it to the nearest tire shop, they told me that my treads were too low to replace just one and I need to replace all four.

I am not particularly joyful at the moment.

I am not sure if I posted about it but I just sank an uncomfortable amount of money into my own car. Alternator, rotors and brakes. Seems to be going around.

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I drive a company truck specifically so I don't have to sink sn uncomfortable amount of money into my car right now.

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