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After one Hysterectomy and three days later, my dog Cinnamon is pulling through.

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Hey cinnamon. Keep healing!

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Fantasy NPC: Goromil Yodla, The Lifetime Golem Researcher.

An ancient dwarf building weird golems.

Liberty's Edge

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I don't know if anyone else here suffers from night terrors, much less has been through therapy and taught how to recognize the telltale signs of an impending episode, it's not exactly a common ailment much less a situation where one was lucky enough to find a real specialist on it so this is probably not very relatable but...

All day I've been having the symptoms of subtle inner turmoil and subsurface anxiety that almost always precede such an episode. It's difficult to describe in any certain terms but the best way I can describe it is like feeling my "self" being compressed, not my body, but my consciousness, and along with it my sense of the flow of time is hampered, things seem to happen all around me at an accelerated pace and every single stimulus, be it sound/music, sense of touch, and visual information seems to just be unnaturally quick. It's been like this since before I was able to even get our coffee pot running my nerves are absolutely fried in anticipation of what is almost certain to come the next time I lie down for a rest.

I've not yet found any healthy way of "fighting off" the symptoms and preventing it from happening in my 30+ years of dealing with this but thankfully these episodes are quite infrequent nowadays and the last time I had a night terror was over two years ago but ... here we are, I'm sitting here at my desk trying to disassociate a bit, catch up on news and the goings-on in the TTRPG community and despite the relaxed playlist I'm using everything seems to just be flying past me way too quick.

I can't do what I used to as a teen and just slam soda/energy drinks to try and "skip" a sleep, which did work a handful of times though it absolutely left me WAY worse for wear at school the next day... my daughter is back to school after the winter break tomorrow morning and I'll be on dad duty with my son, not to mention having to, you know, WORK, during his naptime and the three hours of sitting that I arranged so I might be productive. There is ALSO another method that involves drinking way too much and passing out inebriated but again, not an option even if I were interested in getting plastered... adult life awaits.

I'm not a "thoughts and prayer"s type but, man alive, the feeling of deep dread and the knowledge that I have THAT SAME NIGHTMARE coming to visit me the next time I close my eyes for more than twenty minutes to capture me with a semi-lucid sleep paralysis nightmare is just downright crushing me mentally. Anyhow this rant is just ... something to do in hopes that getting it off my chest might do something to help, I mean, maybe others here experience something similar or have loved ones who go through who can relate.

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Themetricsystem wrote:

I don't know if anyone else here suffers from night terrors, much less has been through therapy and taught how to recognize the telltale signs of an impending episode, it's not exactly a common ailment much less a situation where one was lucky enough to find a real specialist on it so this is probably not very relatable but...

All day I've been having the symptoms of subtle inner turmoil and subsurface anxiety that almost always precede such an episode. It's difficult to describe in any certain terms but the best way I can describe it is like feeling my "self" being compressed, not my body, but my consciousness, and along with it my sense of the flow of time is hampered, things seem to happen all around me at an accelerated pace and every single stimulus, be it sound/music, sense of touch, and visual information seems to just be unnaturally quick. It's been like this since before I was able to even get our coffee pot running my nerves are absolutely fried in anticipation of what is almost certain to come the next time I lie down for a rest.

I've not yet found any healthy way of "fighting off" the symptoms and preventing it from happening in my 30+ years of dealing with this but thankfully these episodes are quite infrequent nowadays and the last time I had a night terror was over two years ago but ... here we are, I'm sitting here at my desk trying to disassociate a bit, catch up on news and the goings-on in the TTRPG community and despite the relaxed playlist I'm using everything seems to just be flying past me way too quick.

I can't do what I used to as a teen and just slam soda/energy drinks to try and "skip" a sleep, which did work a handful of times though it absolutely left me WAY worse for wear at school the next day... my daughter is back to school after the winter break tomorrow morning and I'll be on dad duty with my son, not to mention having to, you know, WORK, during his naptime and the three hours of sitting that I arranged so I might be productive. There is ALSO another method that...

Rant away. I'll listen.

I can't say I've had exactly the same experience: my anxiety attacks, when they happen, are limited to my waking hours, but back in the late 00s I was dealing with vivid recurring nightmares almost every night when I lost two immediate family members suddenly in the space of a year. Avoiding sleep brought on anxiety episodes, drinking to try to knock myself out made the dreams worse, and taking sleeping pills to try to sleep more deeply gave me the experience of being "locked in" in my dreams where I couldn't wake up from them. Eventually, the only thing I could do (on the advice of my therapist) was to confront my family members directly in my dreams and ask them to let me sleep in peace because it was hurting me too much. Which seemed to work.

So... no easy answers, but boy howdy, can I sympathize.

Jesus. I am so sorry for you both. That sounds horrific.

Liberty's Edge

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Well, by way of a heavy dose of Zzz-quil to force an early rest and alarms set every two hours to force me awake I managed to avoid the worst of it overnight and only had one episode in the very early AM that I was luckily able to shake off with the help of my wife genty trying to coax me out of the paniced half-awake state and a hot shower. It still sucks though... anymore I don't know if I'd prefer the NTs to at least vary in theme, as-is they are always exactly the same, something about having my head removed from my body (I don't die) and transported across the planet and also this somehow causing the extinction of all of humanity by way of infection(?) of 3, then 9, then 27 and so on plus all the guilt I'm able to imagine my brain chemistry is able to cope with.

Feeling much better this morning, thankfully my awesome wife ran out to grab some actual GOOD coffee instead of the store-brand grounds so I'm not too exhausted from being up and down so much.

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In my time, I've seen a lot of guest complaints, but this is a new one. A lady is mad because her room has a minifridge, not a full-size fridge. And she is demanding that we put a full-size fridge in there. We don't have full-size fridges for guest rooms, and we're not going to buy one just for her. So...tough luck, lady!

2 people marked this as a favorite.

Did you know, that an Italian man once recorded a song that was intended to sound like it was in English (sung with an American accent), but-apart from "all right"-is in fact complete nonsense?

Here it is, if you are interested.

I'm not sure you should do what he's doing in front of children, real or pretend. Auntie Barbara's harmonica solo was quite good, though.

8 people marked this as a favorite.

Hurray! Finally signed in and it worked again!

WHAT?! No, I haven't been gone for a year, and to say otherwise is outrageous!

... it's really more like seven or eight months.

ANYWAY, I came here to ask WHAT THE BIZNESS IZZZ, by which, of course, I mean, "Hi, I missed you all and hope you're doing well!" and "Feel free to catch me up on stuff!"

2 people marked this as a favorite.

It's funny how when you watch a guide on how to get to the mountaintop of the giants and every single one of them forgets to mention you have to defeat Godrick, The Elden Lord to get there.

Anyway, it looks like I gotta grind some more to level up because he is f~*!ing me up!

2 people marked this as a favorite.

Also, this the time of year where my brain combines what I'm watching with what I'm playing in a weird dream collage. Which is fine when you're playing The Outer Worlds and watching The Orville.

Not so much when you're playing Elden Ring and watching Fargo.

4 people marked this as a favorite.
Tacticslion wrote:

Hurray! Finally signed in and it worked again!

WHAT?! No, I haven't been gone for a year, and to say otherwise is outrageous!

... it's really more like seven or eight months.

ANYWAY, I came here to ask WHAT THE BIZNESS IZZZ, by which, of course, I mean, "Hi, I missed you all and hope you're doing well!" and "Feel free to catch me up on stuff!"

So good to hear from you! How is Lady Firedove doing? Has she completely recovered from the accident? Y'all have been in my prayers.

5 people marked this as a favorite.

So, I get to help Tiny T-Rex create a replica of Mount Olympus.

Of course the hardest part will be making it small and light enough for him to carry it to school.

The important thing is I work for a company that imports marble from Greece and I don't throw anything away.

3 people marked this as a favorite.
captain yesterday wrote:

So, I get to help Tiny T-Rex create a replica of Mount Olympus.

Of course the hardest part will be making it small and light enough for him to carry it to school.

The important thing is I work for a company that imports marble from Greece and I don't throw anything away.

If you don't include a tiny model of the eagle tearing out prometheus's liver, you've wasted the opportunity.

3 people marked this as a favorite.

You could put falling Hephaestus on the side.

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And some thunder strike. Don't forget the thunder!

3 people marked this as a favorite.
lisamarlene wrote:
captain yesterday wrote:

So, I get to help Tiny T-Rex create a replica of Mount Olympus.

Of course the hardest part will be making it small and light enough for him to carry it to school.

The important thing is I work for a company that imports marble from Greece and I don't throw anything away.

If you don't include a tiny model of the eagle tearing out prometheus's liver, you've wasted the opportunity.

Is there a way to turn it into a diorama of all the times Zeus seduced human women while transformed into an animal of some kind?

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For some reason, the managers posted a complaint for our sister hotel over here for us to read. And, wow is it a show of entitlement. Basically it boils to down to the guy gave them a 1/10 because when he showed up to check in, there were other people in line ahead of him, a new person was being trained, and he had to wait 10 WHOLE MINUTES!!!! How dare they make him, a high-level member of the rewards program, wait in line like some kind of pleb!!! Worst hotel ever, will not stay again, blah blah blah.

Sovereign Court

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Tacticslion wrote:

Hurray! Finally signed in and it worked again!

WHAT?! No, I haven't been gone for a year, and to say otherwise is outrageous!

... it's really more like seven or eight months.

ANYWAY, I came here to ask WHAT THE BIZNESS IZZZ, by which, of course, I mean, "Hi, I missed you all and hope you're doing well!" and "Feel free to catch me up on stuff!"

Me smash you into the ground to say "welcome back!"

3 people marked this as a favorite.

"My dog sure sighs a lot for someone who doesn't have a job or know what a government is."

1 person marked this as a favorite.
gran rey de los mono wrote:
lisamarlene wrote:
captain yesterday wrote:

So, I get to help Tiny T-Rex create a replica of Mount Olympus.

Of course the hardest part will be making it small and light enough for him to carry it to school.

The important thing is I work for a company that imports marble from Greece and I don't throw anything away.

If you don't include a tiny model of the eagle tearing out prometheus's liver, you've wasted the opportunity.
Is there a way to turn it into a diorama of all the times Zeus seduced human women while transformed into an animal of some kind?

it was awesome when he turned into golden rain.

5 people marked this as a favorite.

Crap. I have just learned that one of my old players lost battle against cancer last Friday. She was diagnosed some four and a half year ago. Someone got idea to make a fund rising group among Polish rpg fandom to help her with the non-refundable medicine and it snowballed into a permanent crowdfunding group helping roleplayers (and not only) in need.

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Drejk wrote:
Crap. I have just learned that one of my old players lost battle against cancer last Friday. She was diagnosed some four and a half year ago. Someone got idea to make a fund rising group among Polish rpg fandom to help her with the non-refundable medicine and it snowballed into a permanent crowdfunding group helping roleplayers (and not only) in need.

I am so sorry. My deepest condolences.

1 person marked this as a favorite.
lisamarlene wrote:
So good to hear from you! How is Lady Firedove doing? Has she completely recovered from the accident? Y'all have been in my prayers.

About as fully recovered as one gets!

I still have head problems, but what else is new? :V

(I, unfortunately, cannot read like I used to. Headaches just kind of crumple me, now. But fortunately most anime is dubbed, so!) XD

Orange Hulk wrote:
Me smash you into the ground to say "welcome back!"


Thanks, guy!

Drejk wrote:
Crap. I have just learned that one of my old players lost battle against cancer last Friday. She was diagnosed some four and a half year ago. Someone got idea to make a fund rising group among Polish rpg fandom to help her with the non-refundable medicine and it snowballed into a permanent crowdfunding group helping roleplayers (and not only) in need.

Oh, my friend, I'm so sorry.

e-Hugs and prayers for her family and friends.

1 person marked this as a favorite.
gran rey de los mono wrote:

Did you know, that an Italian man once recorded a song that was intended to sound like it was in English (sung with an American accent), but-apart from "all right"-is in fact complete nonsense?

Here it is, if you are interested.

It's like Skwerl, but '70s-flavored.

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Drejk wrote:
Crap. I have just learned that one of my old players lost battle against cancer last Friday. She was diagnosed some four and a half year ago. Someone got idea to make a fund rising group among Polish rpg fandom to help her with the non-refundable medicine and it snowballed into a permanent crowdfunding group helping roleplayers (and not only) in need.

Sorry to hear that, Drejk.

1 person marked this as a favorite.

*discussing AI integration in Windows*

"Will it be used to improve Windows Search?"
"I doubt it. At this point, Search has to be bad on purpose."

2 people marked this as a favorite.

"You could be in a room with Stephan Hawking and Albert Einstein, and single-handedly lower the average IQ in the room to 9."


3 people marked this as a favorite.

I'll tell you what, Fallout severely underplayed quite how hard it is to pick a lock with a screwdriver and bobby pin (or maybe I just need more ranks in Lockpicking)

2 people marked this as a favorite.
Post Apocolimey wrote:
I'll tell you what, Fallout severely underplayed quite how hard it is to pick a lock with a screwdriver and bobby pin (or maybe I just need more ranks in Lockpicking)

Or stop drinking the screwdriver.

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Drejk wrote:
Crap. I have just learned that one of my old players lost battle against cancer last Friday. She was diagnosed some four and a half year ago. Someone got idea to make a fund rising group among Polish rpg fandom to help her with the non-refundable medicine and it snowballed into a permanent crowdfunding group helping roleplayers (and not only) in need.

I'm so sorry, Drejk.

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Tacticslion wrote:
lisamarlene wrote:
So good to hear from you! How is Lady Firedove doing? Has she completely recovered from the accident? Y'all have been in my prayers.

About as fully recovered as one gets!

I still have head problems, but what else is new? :V

(I, unfortunately, cannot read like I used to. Headaches just kind of crumple me, now. But fortunately most anime is dubbed, so!) XD

This cannot stand. We cannot lose you to dubbing in this way.

5 people marked this as a favorite.
Tacticslion wrote:

Hurray! Finally signed in and it worked again!

WHAT?! No, I haven't been gone for a year, and to say otherwise is outrageous!

... it's really more like seven or eight months.

ANYWAY, I came here to ask WHAT THE BIZNESS IZZZ, by which, of course, I mean, "Hi, I missed you all and hope you're doing well!" and "Feel free to catch me up on stuff!"

One year?


Sup y'all.

2 people marked this as a favorite.

I'm working on my top secret project for work.

Tacticslion wrote:

Hurray! Finally signed in and it worked again!

WHAT?! No, I haven't been gone for a year, and to say otherwise is outrageous!

... it's really more like seven or eight months.

ANYWAY, I came here to ask WHAT THE BIZNESS IZZZ, by which, of course, I mean, "Hi, I missed you all and hope you're doing well!" and "Feel free to catch me up on stuff!"

The Vagrant Erudite wrote:

One year?


Sup y'all.

Hey! I know you! :D

(Nice to see you here, too!)

Sovereign Court

1 person marked this as a favorite.
The Vagrant Erudite wrote:
Tacticslion wrote:

Hurray! Finally signed in and it worked again!

WHAT?! No, I haven't been gone for a year, and to say otherwise is outrageous!

... it's really more like seven or eight months.

ANYWAY, I came here to ask WHAT THE BIZNESS IZZZ, by which, of course, I mean, "Hi, I missed you all and hope you're doing well!" and "Feel free to catch me up on stuff!"

One year?


Sup y'all.

Me smash vagrant dragon thing, it look tough, make great opponent!

1 person marked this as a favorite.
The Vagrant Erudite wrote:
Tacticslion wrote:

Hurray! Finally signed in and it worked again!

WHAT?! No, I haven't been gone for a year, and to say otherwise is outrageous!

... it's really more like seven or eight months.

ANYWAY, I came here to ask WHAT THE BIZNESS IZZZ, by which, of course, I mean, "Hi, I missed you all and hope you're doing well!" and "Feel free to catch me up on stuff!"

One year?


Sup y'all.

Hey! How's the little one?

3 people marked this as a favorite.

Old woman at greengrocer's, to me: Here, you look like Leon Trotsky

Me: Oh, right.

Old woman: Yes, it's the beard, though his was more trimmed. Tell me, do people ever come up to you and call you 'Comrade'?

Me: Actually, yes. They do.

Old woman {triumphantly}: There you go! {Starts speaking in Russian, or what sounded like it, to her}

4 people marked this as a favorite.


I still exist, apparently.

Sovereign Court

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Hello, sorry, Orange Hulk can't fight pretty lady, lady too pretty!

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New landscape designer (to the college kid I trained when he was in high school about helping me with the top secret project): Can't you just go over there and, you know, nudge him along!

College kid: Yesterday doesn't work that way! Besides, you don't want to nudge someone that can shave a bear!

3 people marked this as a favorite.
lisamarlene wrote:
The Vagrant Erudite wrote:
Tacticslion wrote:

Hurray! Finally signed in and it worked again!

WHAT?! No, I haven't been gone for a year, and to say otherwise is outrageous!

... it's really more like seven or eight months.

ANYWAY, I came here to ask WHAT THE BIZNESS IZZZ, by which, of course, I mean, "Hi, I missed you all and hope you're doing well!" and "Feel free to catch me up on stuff!"

One year?


Sup y'all.

Hey! How's the little one?

Too adorable to get mad at, and she knows it. I always said "better a smartass than a dumbass" but didn't figure I would get it in a two and a half year old. Like I will say "stay out of the kitchen" and she, barely able to talk, will walk up to the edge of the kitchen and hang her toes off the living room carpet into the kitchen linoleum and look at me with a huge grin. I have a toddler who can throw a technicality in my face that she can't even articulate.

1 person marked this as a favorite.
captain yesterday wrote:
I'm working on my top secret project for work.

Isn't your work outside, and very publicly displayed?

2 people marked this as a favorite.
Umbral Reaver wrote:


I still exist, apparently.

Aaaaaaahhhhhhhh! Existence! Aaaaaahhhhhhh!

6 people marked this as a favorite.

After I week, My dog is making a full recovery. She is however extremely hungry and I think I lost my right foot and ankle.

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Thanks to Lizards on my Toast and the OGL debacle, My Twitter feed is on fire. I mean my old PC is melting hot! Anyone have a fire extinguisher?

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